Quick question. Does the Imperium approve of using Xeno technology to further serve the Emperor (Read: killing Xenos and Heretics)?
Quick question...
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Kind of depends on the Inquisitor's mood desu.
It depends on who you ask and there will always be people on the other end who violently disagree with that person.
taking xeno technology is probably against a multitude of regulations but i'm sure in a pinch it can be forgiven.
The Imperium does, it's the Mechanicus that doesn't. People that can tell them to shove it (i.e. Inquisitors) do pretty frequently.
For what its worth there is a Gaunt's Ghosts Novel where a guard regiment turns the tides of an impossible fight by figuring out how to operate a chache of ancient xeno weapons. The inquisition shows up and just quietly confiscates it all after the battle, no one is mentioned dying over the incident.
I suppose there might have been more trouble if anyone tried to keep a souvenir.
Also depends on the tech-priest.
TLDR of this thread so far:
>"Yes, no, maybe. I don't know."
I haven't checked their fluff in a while. Do Callidus Assassins still use those Necron Swords? The Deathwatch definitely has some cannon xeno origin weapons and Inquisitors do regularly. I can't think of any examples of rank and file getting away with it though.
I think the general rule is; If you don't have a weapon to do the job and you can get your hands on a xenos weapon that will then you should do so and it's A-OK. But you do not keep hold of the weapon for longer than need be, unless your name is Yarrick in which case there has yet to be any one in the Mechanicus to make a pair of brass balls big enough to tell him to put it down.
Only in Death, aka the most miserable and depressing Ghosts books there is.
I liked it
It was the best book because it wasn't really depressing at all, just a light horror novel.
but only if the technology in question has been given the proper runaround by the mechanicus and suitable skulls and aquilas have been attached to the weapon
assuming the mechanicus has given full approval that the xenos technology is in fact blessed and approved by the omnissiah then your great-great-grandchildren may be allowed to touch the new device
Do Ork weapons even work for humans?
Wouldn't they just fall apart because they are no longer WAAAAUG'd?
Depends on the edition but commisar Yarrick certainly can. Altough he's quite "feared" by the orks so its possibly their waagh field is why his power klaw works.
There's one short mention, in an ancient codex, of an ork weapon that works because orks. As fun as the idea is, its probably overly broad to paint all their tech relying on that principle.
>in the short term, to aid in a single battle
>In the long term, as a piece of war-gear
certainly not
Unless you're an Inquisitor or Deathwatch. Then they're treasured relics.
Orks generally do make functional weapons. The WAAAGH effect mostly just keeps them working better than they ought to for longer than they should.
There are, of course, outliers.
Ask not the Eldar a question...
think of it as more elbow grease that helps a small amount as opposed to magically making a pipe with a box of bolts welded on a gun.
Realistically their weapons are functional and serve their purpose, but are crude and prone to jamming. However, if an ork is holding it, the wash fiels may make it jam every 1/1000rds as opposed to the 1/100 it would in anything else's hands.
For example, "day red ones go fast" rule orks had for their vehicles only allowed the vehicle to move an additional inch in 5th. Yes, it was faster, but not ridiculously so, just by a small degree. That's how the waagh field works.
good lord phone what the hell are you doing. I know I didn't type that shit. This autocorrect has gotten out of control
>Imperial Guard
Get shot in the head for its extensive use. Some specialized troops utilize Ork weapons, but those are generally just crude rather than actively duplicitous tech. Yarrick, notably, wields a sanctioned Ork Power Klaw.
>Space Marines
A scant few xenos weapons found here. They generally don't associate with their use out of disgust and revulsion.
Does what it wants. Deathwatch and Ordo Xenos make extensive use of it, though a few might fall into the hands of Hereticus and Malleus Inquisitors.
>Rogue Traders
It's in the Charter than they can get away with it. Well, piss of the wrong people with it and get shot.
C'tan Phase Sword.
The Mechanicus generally relegates small arms to study rather than utilization, but they do operate or study of number of xenos artifacts and installations for research or actual use. Only the rare character will be lugging xenos tech around casually.
I'd agree.
Irks generally acknowledge that Yarrick is "well 'ard" and as such it could well spill over.
Some of them will think its tech heresy, some will think its xenophilia, some will think its acceptable corruption to stave off greater darkness, some will think incorporating it into their bodies is key to Thorian incarnation, some will accuse users of being traitors while secretly arming their assassins with it, some will attempt to reverse engineer it and pass it off as newly discovered stc, some will sell it to renegades and others on a writ of trade, etc.
To add on to OP, the WAAAGH is only effective with large numbers of orks, like hundreds of thousands or millions.
Whats the proper protocol for xeno technology that was gifted to the chapter?
I vaguely seem to recall an audio series focusing on the Doom Eagles (giving some attention to secondary chapter - noice), that had a scout sergeant and a Battle Sister pinned down by some Tau fire warriors. There's like a grenade or something at their feet, the scout taking it in a rather pragmatic fashion of "even a xenos weapon is better than no weapon" where as the sister swore it off for fear of being corrupted by its very touch, even going so far as to say a little prayer to the Emperor to look over the soul of the marine for taking it up.
Depends who's doing it.
For example, nobody's gonna tell a Rogue Trader they can't.
Space Marine are weapons of war. They're trained pragmatically to fight with every weapon available to them, and it's not out of character for them to improvise given their extensive training, knowledge of war, and engineered fearlessness.
Sisters of Battle are weapons of faith. They're trained to abhor that which is antithetical to their faith. Breaking with their ideals of purity breaks with their faith, and breaks with the source of their power. It's in character for them to not chance it.
Also given that there's a good deal of xenos and chaos weapons out there that do corrupt just by contact, it's safer to leave well enough alone unless absolutely necessary. Well, even if it's less common, the price for contact is high enough that that touching it is still far too risky. If that had been a plague grenade or shoddy Ork tech, it would have been a much worse idea.
It breaks down to results and events. Does a Xeno or Chaos threat need be ended now by yourself?
If no, use not the Xeno tech.
If yes, do you have a functioning Imperium weapon capable of damaging the target, even if the threat may survive?
If yes, probably don't use the Xeno tech.
If you don't have anything useful but the Xeno tech and a target that needs to get very dead very soon, use the Xeno tech.
Any other scenario calls on a level of independent thought, ingenuity, and intelligence that will have resulted in your heretic-related death long ago.
Usually the roundaround is to claim that the xeno tech in particular was actually scavenged from DAoT.
Although old fluff may or may not have had Tau advancing by leaps and bounds by uncovering a crashed Imperium vessel.
Generally, it seems like convergent evolution: the pattern exists that these weapons and technologies are the simplest way to achieve something in a particular environment. Birds evolved wings because that's the most efficient way for them to fly. Fish evolved into torpedo shapes because it's the most efficient way to swim. And everyone uses plasma because that's one of the best tools for the job, and it's built in similar patterns because that's probably the most effective way to work it.
Still, it actually just looks one step removed from a Skitarii Plasma Caliver than a Tau Plasma Rifle.
Wasn't there an ork weapon that literally shoves gretchen and snotlings into the warp, to teleport things physically into the targets, fusing them together as if through a horrendous teleporter accident?
Shokk attack gun?
Gaunts Ghosts is fairly light on the super disposable guardsmen shtick, partly because they're fairly elite pathfinders that aren't easily replaceable, partly because having them get killed every time they glimpse a Daemon or touch xenotech would make for a boring series.
Depends on which Inquisitor is breathing down your neck. That's how all the Imperium's regulations go. There is no consistency, everything is just about keeping whoever's responsible for checking up on it placated.
>everyone uses plasma because that's one of the best tools for the job
Just like rocks and sticks.
Gee, I wonder who's behind this post.
Aren't ork meks supposed to be genuinely surprisingly advanced in the areas of teleportation and force fields? (thanks to their genetically-encoded know-how, of course)
yeah shokk attack gun. Although occasionally it fires it's wielder at the target as well. That's just ork techno know wots though. Just like their Kustom Force Fields and teleporters. Orks actually have access to some insanely powerful technology that they can cobble together fairly consistently, you just don't hear about it much because everyone is memeing about shootas cobbled together from 2x4's and rusty nail.
If you account for what they're working with, meks are some of the most technologically gifted and skilled individuals in the universe. I highly doubt many other individuals could create half the things the orks do out of mere scrap.
Granted it's kind of cheating since it's hard coded into their Genes, but it's still impressive
Adrathic > Gauss
They did do some massive shit like full on attack moons during the Beast.
I wrote a story about this subject.
no but yes.
they strip anything they can from xeno tech, pretend they haven't until they can produce it themselves, then claim they've rediscovered an old STC that JUST SO HAPPENS to make shuriken rifles, how 'bout that?
>not using superior bolters
>not cleansing the xeno filth with holy fire
I always liked the more """"realistic"""" (lol) approach of the Gaunts Ghosts series and shiet, instead of the more over-blown 90's B-movie core stuff that 40k became.
Kinda reminded me of that Halo: Reach novel that blew all the other Halo books out of the fucking water. Just simple bread and butter; no filler.
Now that Imperial plasma weapons no longer get hot in the traditional sense, I wonder if we'll see Tau plasma rifles bumped to S7?
seems like tech-priests have a thing with necron tech because they have machine spitrit too
yah, its actually refreshing to read about guardsmen acting up on leave and bitching instead of the typical ALWAYS FAITHFUL Space Marines.
Ork weapons work just fine in the hands of humans.
Because unlike Orks, humans actually know that weapons need maintenance. Orks don't mantain their weapons, therefore they require the Waaagh field to keep their weapons functioning.
There's an entire IG regiment that paints themselves green and exclusively uses Ork weapons and vehicles in order to engage in highly successful guerilla warfare against Orks.
The main problem with using Xenos weapons is that you cannot be certain if the weapon you use is safe.
Remember, 40k is a universe where picking up the wrong gun might turn you into a psychic demonhost mindcontrolling trillions of people as the psionic power of the demon possessing you takes over the entire solar system.
Sanctioned Xenos weapons are weapons that have been declared safe - AND cannot easily be reproduced by Forge worlds.
That's why most Xenos weapons you'll see are either Eldar or Necron weapons.
No one will bother with Ork weapons* or Tau weapons because Forge worlds can easily produce weapons similar or superior to them.
*excluding custom blastas and tellyportas
>No one will bother with Tau weapons
lol guardsmen love using pulse rifles since angry flashlights are shit
The Imperium of Man builds far superior plasma weapons than even the Tau elite get.
Just costs you a fuckload of thrones.
I'm not contesting that,
I'm just saying that out on the field, guardsmen will trade their lasgun for a pulse weapon, unless they have a hotshot variant.
Also tau special weapons for infantry are better than guardsmen special weapons in some cases.
As far as uses xenos tech goes, tau shit is the least dangerous
Aren't there some older 40k setting details that refer to standard accepted xeno weapons? I dimly remember the ring guns/digital weapons being created by aliens.
The Tau dialback their plasma weaponry. However, their mastery over the plsma tech is superior to the Imperium.
Depends on the C.O., X.O., Inquisitor and the Techheads.
If one of them says "no", you can get in a sea of trouble.
Deathwatch basically do what they want. They've got a shield made out of soulstones.
Because that's how it works.
It depends in so many things, you'll see people who do that and aren't punished, then in the same circumstances you'll see people that do that and are punished with death. It all depends on the mood of the Inquisitor sent to check on you.
The FW books says that Tau technology is forbidden in the Imperium under pain of death. The admech aren't allowed to tinker with or else they get the Inquisitorial boot.
In the new Iron Hands novel, the Inquisition and Iron Hands were pissed at the admech forgeworld for having a devilfish in their storage among other Tau tech like Tau logic engines.
Lucky her, if he were a Grey Knight the pray should be for her soul
There's pretty much a consensus that the average Tau tech is far better than the average Imperium tech, but the top Tau tech is below top Imperium tech.
The Imperium has no tech. It's the equivalent of fallout barbarians with nuclear codes but no ability to produce them and limited understanding of its use.
Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post
>The Imperium has no tech. It's the equivalent of fallout barbarians with nuclear codes but no ability to produce them and limited understanding of its use.
You just had to unironically post that, while the whole 40k community is in uproar over the whole Primaris Marine technological innovation.
Justify this.
The FW book says that Tau technology was forbidden under pain of death during that conflict, and at the same time the Inquisition can make all the threats they want to the Mechanicus, the Magi themselves are liable to only accept such regulations on the surface and then ignore them later. In fact, in Mont'ka the AdMech steal some Tau tech for research.
The Mechanicus has been stealing, reverse-engineering and researching Tau technology for ages, they're just more open about it now than they were a few decades ago.
Simple, remember that the Imperium's perspective is often completely different than the AdMech's perspective, the actual technological and scientific powerhouse of the Imperium.
I remember from one of the audiobooks that a space marines uses a xenos weapon, but the sororitas nearby makes a mental note to cleanse herself later for just being in the proximity. I think it was the tranzia rebellion.
No? That's a classic Radical Inquisitors move.
That's the one where they're freaking out hearing ghosts and seeing weird funky shit isn't it?
Are we the last ones left alive?
>You just had to unironically post that, while the whole 40k community is in uproar over the whole Primaris Marine technological innovation.
Didn't that innovation come from outside the "Imperium"?
>Does the Imperium approve of using Xeno technology to further serve the Emperor
No. Oh god no. So much no. Xenotech is a huge no-no, because it's unpredictable and dangerous. Xenotech varies from grey-goo nanotech to transdimensional homing arrays that call down brain parasite from Planet X.
The only exception to this would be Radical factions of the Ordo Xenos, and specialized AdMech units whose entire job is to examine and catalogue xenotech.
Xenotech is practically as illegal and regulated as heretek.
In Saree's Defense, Tink does have habit of getting the AGP in trouble and has earned his way onto the "do not leave alone for extended periods of time without a job" list alongside Nubby and Twitch.
>So deep
No, it's all cawl. Rob's stasis literally put the project on ice.
It is important to remember the dangers of using things made for alien biologies.
Just imagine some kind of Warp cannon that shoots demons. Maybe the aliens that developed the weapon were highly resistant to Chaos, and had no problems using a cannon that would constantly try to possess the user.
Now suddenly a human picks up the cannon and goes from regular guy to Event "Where we're going, we don't need eyes" Horizon in 5 seconds.
Yes of course. The Imperium does not have a particular stigma against technology of any description. That's a Mechanicus thing. So in places where there's no Mechanicus presence, people use xenotech all the time.
t. heretek
Sure those were xeno? I think it were simply very old las"muskets" from a bygone age. I mean they defended a HUMAN grave ages old... Also in the rpg's there is a weapon very similar to it. Not xeno at all
/thread and done
I don't think there's any rule saying you can't pick up a Tau pulse rifle and use it if your bolter is out of ammo.
I think the rule is that if there's no Tech Priest around there's no rule
Depends, do Xenos have MULTILASERS?
and techmarines. Integrating alien tech into their chapter's wargear to selectively improve it is fairly common for masters of the forge.
Adrathic weapons are just shitty gauss weapons that don't steal the mass energy of the objects you shoot.
3 different types of ammo to fire it, all of them requiring different amounts of 'bullet' per shot, so reloading is crazy complex to keep track off. also those backpacks explode if they get hit.
So its too complex and expense for troops that could be considered disposable enough to wear a bomb on their backs, and too risky for marines and the like, who could manage the ammo and cost, to die from a shot to the back and explode.
Of course the Admech themselves could possible consider that kind of trade off. but I'd bet you they'd just go with their full plasma fusiles and other 'ap2' teir plasma guns.
That you're prohibited from asking about, on pain of death.
>Shokk attack gun
Literally a teleporter with a vacuum attachment.
Nice meme
It doesn't approve of it, but plenty of its top agents still do.