Fuck I want this game to be finished so bad. Its so close I can almost taste it.
Mortasheen General
>started in 2003.
Man I was a kid when this started and it still isn't out.
What's taking so long?
It really isnt his fault, its the publisher. Yes a publisher.
Hes mostly the lore, art and direction guy, and nobody whomstdve anybody can tell you, the actual mechanics of such a thing take a while to do, especially when the publishers also have full time jobs. but apparently from bog himself, he says that its pretty fuckin close, so id say that pretty much the end of this year of the beginning of next year.
I'm just impressed it hasn't been dropped.
TF2 took 9 years to make, and the resut was great. Im willing to wait.
Seems like it would be fun if it ever came out.
I have been looking forward to it since before I had ever played a ttrpg.
I'm so ready for Mortasheen, even if it never comes out. I love the colored verisions of the monsters coming out, it really brings them to life.
What is Mortasheen?
A series of monsters drawn by a guy known as bogleech online. He's been making them for years and is trying to adapt it into a game but has taken a long ass time.
I thought this dude committed suicide after Trump got elected
I don't like to call people SLW cucks since I tend to lean liberal but Jonathan Wojcik is an SJW cuck.
Following his Tumblr was an adventure.
I subscribed for art and monster facts and got him freaking out over every little thing that pissed him off and lobbing horrible insults at anyone who disagreed with him.
Also the constant 'I hate anime and manga but check out this cool anime or manga' cycle was pretty irritating.
Just admit that you are a fucking weeb Jon.
I still like his work and am looking forward to Mortasheen but he is such a bastard sometimes.
He's called Scythemantis, and he's a complete cuck.
He brags about being a "stupid man with a tiny penis" on his tumblr all the time.
agreed, also the amount of butthurt people here get at him having "SJW" beliefs is just plain ridiculous
honestly I've found people here on Veeky Forums more easily triggered than most people on Tumblr, and for much stupider stuff, like the things that get people here upset make them look like sociopaths
He hasn't gone by Scythemantis in a long time, or at least people have stopped calling him that. Do you have link to that post on tumblr your talking about?
I recognize that caterpillar!
The difference is that Veeky Forums doesn't censor retardation or extreme opinions, left or right, right or wrong, all discussion is tolerated, and that is the way it should be.
> all discussion is tolerated
> all discussion is tolerated
> all discussion is tolerated
> all discussion is tolerated
> all discussion is tolerated
That isn't wrong. The only time I can imagine someone being "censored" is when they start a discussion on the wrong board, or intentionally try to derail a thread.
Unless you mean completely harmless shit like user calling someone a fag and telling them to kill themselves. That's hardly a deterrent. If that's enough to scare someone away from a discussion this just isn't the right place for them.
Long as he keeps the monsters rolling, I can wait.
I love Bogleech's art and his passion for biology and monsters but he's a fucking insufferable person.
I think his wife really fucked him up, I feel like he probably has a lot of social anxiety and craves approval, so he's constantly trying to one up everyone by being "THE MOST SELF AWARE OF EVERY BAD THING EVER"
Even as someone who does technically agree with him on a lot of points, his constant need to try and point out every little shitty thing and whine about it no matter how minor it is made me stop liking him. It would be one thing if he was decrying people for actual things like rape or violence, but he'll go on tangents about how shitty old cartoons are because they made 1 (one) kind of dated joke that is "TOO OFFENSIVE". He hates Animaniacs just because of "Hello Nurse" for christ sakes.
If anything, his constant white knighting is making it harder for the people he's "defending" because they get lumped in with him and his childish insults. He's giving a bad name to equality and he needs to learn to shut his mouth.
Show me a way in which discussion is not tolerated on Tumblr that is tolerated on Veeky Forums.
There's a board for anything you'd care to discuss, as long as you keep your discussion in its respective board, no-one has any objections.
Anything remotely resembling conservative politics or extremely controversial humor.
In what way though? You can post conservative opinions and controversial humor on Tumblr. If you are referring to people criticizing or mocking you on those websites, I fail to see how that's any different from posting an "sjw" opinion on /pol/ or /v/ and getting called faggotnigger or getting told to go back to (insert boogeyman website here)
I saw him get pissed off at Ludicolo because a pokemon with a sombrero is cultural appropriation and then argue to an actual Mexican in the comments that he just didn't understand how racist it was when they told him to chill.
To be fair Tumblr is far more likely to dox you nowadays.
That is probably because people let more personal info slip on Tumblr but still.
I have had 'incorrect' oppinions deleted off of Veeky Forums more than once while the other side got to make as many 'Ur a faggot' posts they wanted.
I wouldn't call that tolerant.
Tumblr honestly isn't built very well for discussion in general. The entire post model is built around sharing a thing, while Veeky Forums is a combo of sharing and discussing a thing.
If 5 anons want to bitch about elf tits, OP will make a post and the rest will butt heads with each other in one thread. If 5 people on tumblr want to do the same, they're going to be replying to the OP post but the discussion will either fray out into 4 parallel discussions or they'll clumsily interweave with each other. Plus if no one reblogs your steps in the discussion, your line of communication dies out. On the flip side if you can pull off a big text dump, say something memorable, or go full tearjerker you can effectively "win" an argument by propagating your instance of it and drowning out all of the rest. Combined with how the follow system works for creating custom tailored echo chambers and you end up with a website almost designed to fuck up discussion.
Tumblr has uses. Like I said it's perfectly fine for sharing things, so it's a great fit for people like draw and writefags, but trying to have even a stupid debate there is a fool's errand.
I will concede that the format isn't conducive at all to discussion, and they probably do have hot button topics that get banned; I just don't think it's the Orwellian hive mind people think it is. I don't even like Tumblr as a whole, I think most of the people on there are there for attention more than anything. Take Bogleech, I think without his wife and the tumblr echo chamber, he could have done a lot with himself, maybe gotten over his shortcomings and actually made a living off of his art.
Seems like these threads just can't stay alive.
It's not his specific beliefs that annoy the shit out of people (speaking for me anyway), it's the way he expresses and acts on them. I very rarely actually disagreed with the basic stances he had, but he acted like a complete shithead when actually discussing or acting on them, and would bring them up over extremely minor things. He'd be just as or even more annoying if he was doing the exact same stuff but for /pol/.
Duke Nukem Forever took more than a decade to come out.
What's there to talk about? Not a rhetorical question, all I can find about this project is a thousand pieces of concept art. How is this supposed to work as a tabletop system? Why should anyone be excited about it.
Also, I've only heard about this guy for five minutes, and he seems like the kind of manic spasmonaut whose projects explode fractally out in front of them and who lose control of their own creative impulses as coherency slips further and further out of reach.
Also also, this grotesque menagerie thing seems like it would have been a big hit in 2003. It seems almost a bit anachronistic in 2017.
Bogleech's obsession with gross things is super insufferable and made his Pokemon review hard to get through.
His review of what he thought each type needed was so dumb, it hurt.
>ice needs a straight-up snowman
>ground needs a mud monster
>poison and bug need fleas and flies and all my nerdy shit
>Also the constant 'I hate anime and manga but check out this cool anime or manga' cycle was pretty irritating.
Read his pokemon review. It's full of him getting mad at "anime eyes", meaning he's fine with anime eyes that are non-triangular