Random DM question: do you ever worry about playing in peoples games, but worrying about thinking how "the game you're PCing in would be better with my rules", and ruining the game for everyone by arguing? Pic somewhat related
Random DM question: do you ever worry about playing in peoples games...
Sure. But then you remember you're getting to play and shut up before someone realizes you're forever DM.
>ruining the game for everyone by arguing?
Never, because I much more self control than that.
>ruining the game for myself by constantly thinking about how "the game would be better with my rules"?
I'm working on gaining more self control.
But, yeah.
That's really why I am foreverGM.
Well, I don't argue, I just don't play. I ruin it for myself because I just keep thinking about how almost any other ruleset would be better.
>invited to play a game; PF with a fantasy-ww2 setting
>GM has to try to improvise cover rules
>guns work is a really weird way.
BRP, GURPS, Ops & tactics, anything but Pathfinder.
I've managed to get a fairly strict "all houserules are written down in advance and determined between sessions" thing going with my group, and if I'm going to advocate for houserules to be used I do so before the campaign starts.
It helps that my groups is inclined to run whatever they run by RAW with few houserules.
post the full image, it's much funnier. that fucking name on the vest sets off his expression so perfectly
No, because I never play in other people's games.
It's been 5 years, send help.
No. When I play other peoples games I'm just in it for the ride. I know that one day I'll be dragged back into DMing and it may be a long, long time before I get to be a player again.
Not really.
But I do expect the following:
1) The GM follows the rules of the game
2) If they plan on houseruling or fudging rules of the game, to give fair warning and not drop that shit on me after I've spent three turns/actions trying to get into position to do thing.
If the above aren't met, I suspect the GM to be making shit up to sabotage me and give themselves or their friend an advantage.
Think you have it bad, pupper? Well, think again.
I've only been in a few games where I really objected to the way the GM ran things, and I just left instead of making a big fuss about it because everyone else seemed to be enjoying themselves.
That's my only thing. Pathfinder, no. Apocalypse World and all its derivatives, no. 3.5, no. I'll play anything else, but those three games are an instant no for me. I refuse to play them, because I've played them all a bunch and can't get past the glaring flaws.
No, I have social skills and an awareness on what is and is not acceptable, so I I never struggle with dumb shit like this.
No, never join this kind of game.
Can you start using a trip? I'd love to track how frustrated you are about D&D on a D&D board.
>not 40k containment board
Are you new?
Yes, all the time, I just don't say anything.
Except for that one time where every single other player felt the same way. We decided that if everyone agreed that the GM was being unfair we should probably talk about it.
>40k containment board
This old lie again?
Have you secured anything even resembling a shred of proof of this?
Hell, MTG outranks 40k these days, and D&D has outranked all other games since Veeky Forums began. It'd be fairer to say Veeky Forums was made as a containment board to get all the D&D threads off of /v/, but that's the kind of claim that is meaningless since everyone knows Veeky Forums was made for all games, not just one.
>thinking how "the game you're PCing in would be better with my rules"
All the fucking time. Every other GM I've run into sucks an assload and I've found it easier to be forever GM than have to rage in silence while being a PC.
That being said, I would never start an argument in-game, derail a game in anyway, or otherwise make a GM's life hell because he runs a game differently.