What is the smallest creature you ever played?

What is the smallest creature you ever played?

A halfling manlet that was 2'11'' and looked about like pic related.

Another player's smartass cat familiar.

About 1"

i am getting really sick of this blazarblablos art

How would a fairy fighter ever work? I mean a mantis can behead bugs but it just itches and stings a human.


I played a nano-entity at one point, and they existed in some pretty fucking compressed forms at times.

I have a friend playing a pixie monk and it's mostly a combination of 'stronger than they seem' plus 'fucking magic'.

How strong? Like can flip a human strong?

They're a monk. Grabbing a seven foot tall Orc and using him to club his three buddies to death is within their repertoire.

Second smallest was a Sprite homebrew Wild Sorcerer in 5e. Wild magic shrunk me to just under 1 inch.
Smallest was your dick

A pixie trashing a bar of orks sound hilariously stupid. Dude tries to swat it and instead gets his finger grabbed and goes swinging all over the place.

It's goofy as fuck, but we enjoy it. But we're all on board for pulp fantasy bullshit.

Sounds like a good time user. Sometimes it's good to let loose.

Smart-mouth Pixie Fighter with 4e's grappling fighter build.

Once wrestled and choked a grizzly bear 100 times his own size to death. Good times.

A Dwarven Earthshaper from a random game and a Dwarven Arcane Mechanick from Iron Kingdoms setting for the Witchfire story.
I did not get to play either of them very much, though the later had a lot more characterization.
The later had a wife and daughter and operated a mechanika/steamjack repair shop that he also supplemented with the occasional dungeoneering to bring back salvage and souvenirs.
He was very ugly due to scars caused by a blast of steam that melted half of his face, but well liked in town for his good personality and dwarven business ethic.
I forget his last name, but it was one associated with wealth, but he was so far down the clan hierarchy that he was basically on his own.
One thing that he managed to have inherited was a Mechanika Warhammer that dealt fire damage when a charge was spent and also did burst damage when it crit.
In the will of an obscure relative whom he had only met once, he managed to have earned the respect and admiration through of no effort.
The closer relatives who all fought among each other for the resources that would be divvied up and their petty attempts to earn his favor in hopes of getting a bigger chunk of his wealth.
Not my humble dwarven mechanik who received a very expensive and powerful weapon nor his distant relatives expected this dwarven patriarch to gift it to a nobody relative.

A goblin wizard/Rouge running a small hideout out of a notery selling legit and forged id papers, wills, contracts.

One of my GMs has a homebrew setting in which Pixies are a playable race, so I made one as a bard and she's pretty much the reason the party's sticking together at all. Uses a whip and agile maneuvers to trip and disarm people, it's pretty hilarious.

pic related.

A mouse in Mouse Guard. Good times

A mexican.

And don't even try to pretend it's anything else, OP

Currently playing a Fairy that stands 4 3/4" tall, and played a fairy once in the past that was of similar height, but I think technically a bit larger.

One time I was playing a shapeshifter and did at one point shapeshift into a spider that would have been smaller, but that was just once and for a very brief while.


A scientist in CoC who was like 1.55.
Yeah, sorry for having nothing more interesting. I play boring characters.

Optimaus Prime. The smallest party face we ever had.
Wise and good old mouse with 40k tier pauldrons.
The voice of reason and profound speeches.
With a tiny axe equipped with blade that was a splinter of the Sword of Flames.

I loved that tiny fucker.

I once had a whole social battle with a giant where I was his guest and had to bullshit my way out of like 60% of all the giant etiquette, including drinking his welcoming wine.
And there were no tiny cups

A pixie Iai Style Samurai. Basically a cute Vergil

A warforged designed from the top down who used to be a knight of a now cursed kingdom. What was the curse? They've all been turned into toys. He is a nutcracker and is spectacularly under optimized.

my druid wild shaped into a spider once, does that count

Your benis

That is the answer to most half the threads here.
I wish people could masturbate before visiting.

Thanks, Ajani.

A sperm cell

Pixie sniper

pic related.

>Not using pressure points as a pixie to blow things thousands of times bigger up
>Not fluffing each "attack" as a complete combo rush, each punch dealing small damage but added up it makes for a decent human sized blow
>Not being Fairyshiro


>Not just using poison needles

An A.I.

At one point they had to smuggle me into a secret base on a hyper-advanced flash drive.

I was NOT happy about it.

In curious, how did you rollplayed that? What personality did you gave him?

I don't think I've ever played anything smaller than a medium sized standard being. I've never even played a dwarf!

A pixie in Shadowrun, so about a foot and a half?

That sounds like great fun.

Mouseguard always seemed adorable and fun. Redwall the TTRPG is a pretty solid pitch for the furfag in me.

>A goblin wizard/Rouge

I want to correct you but that goblin is clearly wearing rouge.

Maybe drinking some too.

It was an L5R game with heavy spirit stuff going down. He just sorta tagged along with the rest of the party, riding on people's shoulders, bringing them gifts, a very simple little guy. He couldn't talk, but had cranked investigation, so while everyone else dealt with surly samurai lords and killed people, he'd find out what was really going on. He would maintain everyone's equipment and tend to people's gardens randomly. One time the party left him in a tea garden unsupervised while they negotiated with some guy, and when they came to pick him up he had really spruced the garden up a bit. And by spruced up I mean turned into a spruce forest.

Sounds totally fun. The only donwside i found is not being able to speak.

I like it because i almost always play happy and friendly characters. Even if its a barbarian. While the rest of the party almost always plays the "i hit it with my muh sword then ask" style

Btw. Do kodamas sleep/eat/use the toilet?

3 foot tall lizardlike minion race from "the evil empire" with ears almost as long as he is tall. He was part of an advance scouting party that mostly drowned crossing a river into enemy territory, he alone survived because he was essentially the "elite mook" of his squadron. He was thrown in jail at the beginning of the campaign but escaped with the other two party members: an orc pirate from across the sea and a half-elf swordsman who's pretty much Liam Nieson in "Taken."

Otherwise known as "kill that little shit over there," due to his propensity to loudly proclaim his superiority, an possibly a bit of being a blood magic-using necromancer.

I played a Jermalaine in D&D once. They are really small and weak. I totally poked stuff with my needle javelin though.

Oh wait, I can one up myself. I played a psychic beta fish using TMNT and Other Strangeness rules in RIFTs once.

I did not purchase any size increases or human features, I was literally just a beta fish that levitated his bowl around.

A guy who could turn into a housecat.

If he was flesh colored I think that would really look like Nubby from the "all guardsmen quest"

After my character died I picked up playing his son for a few sessions, until the party got back to the hub and left him in the care of the organization we worked for. He was young, so probably four-ish feet? DM never elaborated on what happened to the kid.

I hope he shows up again someday- my group has a thing for playing in the same world but at different times.

A garden gnome.

OP's dick.

Not a "creature" per se, but in my Eclipse Phase game I'm playing an immobile supercomputer, about the size of a gas canister.

And best of all, it works. I am the hacker prime of our group, and "Just letting me do it" is usually the backup plan to most all things.


Pædar MacGilleMhartainn, a 3' albino gnome dirgesinger.

The smallest and somehow most lethal bard I've ever played.

A fairy knight who's job was to DEUS VULT everyone that trying to meddle with the world's crystals, yes it was a FF campaign.

She can polymorph into much bigger forms however, if needed....

Unfortunately ever game I've played where I played a manlet PC ended up dying 2-3 sessions in.

I did run a few games of Engine Hearts where some of the PCs were pretty small. One was a matryoshka of drones while the other was basically a covering fist sized ball with a universal robot control cable. It was funny watching them play along side a desk sized lifting robot and a man sized drilling machine.

Sounds extremely comfy

>a bar of orks

I suppose that's better than a murder of crows or a loaf of owlbears.

Did a one-shot as a warforged, re-skinned as a pixie piloting a mecha.

>anyone playing pixies or fairies ITT
>anyone playing anything that is not a halfling and is approximately one foot tall

You and your fetishes disgust me. I hope your character gets dissolved slowly and painfully in a gelatinous cube.

Pixie Paladin of the Raven Queen. Was basically I'm the middle of teenage rebellion for pixies and came from the most sickening sweet place ever. So she became a paladin of the most edgy goddess she could find and changed her name to Nyx Eventide.

She was fun. Dumb as a rock and didn't understand real evil but she was enthusiastic.