please for the love of god, tell me why you aren't buying XLM?
Stellar Lumens
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Hodling 2500 of these. Cant buy mire because no free eth
Dunno, just was contemplating whether I should take a slice and leave it on an exchange as fiat, then buy back later if it has dipped more. Would prefer wiring some fresh money to an exchange but that would take days
I'm doubtful it can drop much more, but who knows with this market. At least we're tiny market cap and haven't had recent moons
I had to tip my XRP over 1k.
Next on my list is buying 2k of XLM.
I don't get this problem with waiting for crypto to get transferred, I can buy instantly on coinbase with my card
1. coinbase has crippling limits for card operations
2. coinbase takes devastating amounts of profit off card transfers
Fuck this shit, I'm gonna get the wire transfer going while everybody is still panicking
all in baby
Same but im teenager from eastern europe so its nothing xd
all in
How long do I have to accumulate?
Is this going to pull a Ripple?
I’m looking to buy now and hold all of 2018 because of new tax laws. Is this a good bet? I have .5 BTC to throw in.
britfag here, fee for me is £3 for say a £100 purchase on coinbase - thats fine for me
What's the daily limit for you?
XLM is -19%. Why would anyone buy this collapsing shitcoin?
hey fellow britfag
buy on gdfax for no fees, follow the video:
buy stellar on binance. if you do not have a binance account, please use my referral
So ummmmm when are we moonin, sweeties?
Why did you guys jew me into buying this? I bought for 4k and its literaly free falling right now, already at 0,22. I hope atleast some of you could sell at 0,27. This is not a rocket its a drill to the middle of the earth
GDAX always crashes my browser
I can live with Coinbase fees
all my liquidity is tied up in coins that have tanked with btc, dont want to sell at a loss, since they're solid coins
Hello yes after buying yesterday at 1636 sats I am ready for moon thanks
Buy high sell low amirite?
Just wanted to let you know, if you are only buying a small amount sometimes the fees can be excessive. Buy ETH or LTC if you are planning on transferring to an exchange.
you can only buy btc on gdax with gbp, not eth - only interested in trading on binance with eth because of the btc transaction fees
£15k limit, pic related
Spot the pump chaser. I can't tell if you're trolling or not but this is seriously the best fucking time to buy you spack.
Also have a good source on this. He was right about BCH, BTC.
I will buy some with my BCH when CoinEx opens. Should be able to buy around 1 million because BCH will be worth at least $10k by then
>£15k limit, pic related
Huh, gotta re-check, I remember it being something dumb like 500€
Fair enough mate.
You can buy ETH with USD on GDAX.
It used to be 500 / 1k for me and then randomly one day it changed to 15k
You parents have normal kids too or they only have you ?
You are realy stupid, a massive idiot.
Where do you see it falling ?
Stop comparing it to USD you moron, if the BTC is droping against USD it is fuckin normal that it is falling !
Cash out everything and go by a brain, stop crypto it's not for you.
because I own 20K and that's not enough for me. It needs to crash HARD so I can accumulate. With this one I don't want the lambo. I WANT THE FUCKING LAMBO FACTORY
Because my ETH is worth so much less I'd get so much less of it. Riding this one out and buy in during a dip
good reasoning, im on standby to buy cheap eth too right now
You are too weak for this faggot
I wish I was on standby. 60% of my portfolio is ETH so I'm down a good chunk after waking up today and thus I'm not investing in anything new since my ETH is in such poor state. Too much FUD about switching
Crap, there goes most of my profits
You sound rational and calm which is all you need to succeed in this market. Keep on holding my iron handed amigo.
Why do I need Lumens when I got Ripple?
The two aren't even comparable. XRP is for banks, XLM is for consumers.