What is Veeky Forumss favorite adaptation of Orcs?

What is Veeky Forumss favorite adaptation of Orcs?

Warcraft orcs are pretty cool.

I like 40k's, they're unapologetically evil and played for laughs.
Getting real tired of the whole "orcs are people too" thing.



There's something to be said for playing the comic relief.

Skyrim orcs

Warcraft Orcs but only in Warcraft 3. Perfect balance of dindu and savage.

I think you mean only in Warcraft 2.

Do Elder Scrolls orcs fit the "orcs are people trope" thats been flying around.

I'm not sure what you mean, exactly, but I do find the notion that "Orcs are people, but Goblins aren't, quite" something of a headscratcher.

Unironically 40k's orks. Most orcs that I've seen are either barbaric savages, or a militaristic and industrial race. Orks take this to the extreme to the point that they shoot right past dark/edgy and go straight into comedy gold. They're a race that are so industrial that they can make a gun that teleports midgets into enemies out of scrap. They're a race so barbaric that, upon accidentally travelling back in time, a warboss killed his past self for a copy of his favourite gun.

Unironically I like Age of Sigmar Ironjawz Orruks

kill yourself

Warcraft 2 Orcs were generic demon worshipers.

40k orks iz pretty okay, though

40k orks

LOTR goblins however are my favorite

Warhammer Orcs/Orks, Tolkien Orcs, TES Orcs (elfish).

That's about it really.

Never could get a clear idea of whether orcs were a kind of goblin, or goblins were a kind of orc. The hobbit seemed to state the first one, but LOTR seemed to hint the second.

I'm partial to "Pigman" orcs. "Oriental/Native Indian with tusks" orcs are getting annoying.

Elder Scrolls Orcs are Elves. Goblins are something else.

Gobos are a sort of orc. At least in Tolkienverse.

The Hobbit names orcs, goblins/hobgoblins. LotR calls them all orcs.
You could say that goblin is a subterranean variety of orc, if you wanted, but they are the same thing.

The problem, as I'm researching it, seems to be that Tolkien despite all his positive attributes, could be a bit inconsistent with his lore at times. He definitely makes a passing comment in the Hobbit about the larger goblins, which are called orcs, but apparently in letters he talked about wanting to phase out the word goblin, or that "goblin" was a word of men, and they were all just natively and properly "orcs" alternately called "goblins" by men. In LOTR however, there's a group of orcs travelling to Saruman, and a Modor orc chastizes a group of what I believe were referred to as goblins, and who I believe were from Moria, as being meek and weaker.

>LotR calls them all orcs.
I wish I had the passages right now, but there are a decent amount of times the word "goblin" is used in the Lord of the Rings books.

Orks all the way.
Everything about them is so convoluted and over-the-top that you just can't enjoy it.

Goblin is the name that Men give to them, while the Elves called them Orcs. For example, translating the name of the blade Orcrist from Elvish gives us "Goblin Cleaver"

Seconding this. Sometimes you can do the whole "greenskins are people too", but other times, you just wanna grab all yer boyz and go on a right proppa WAAAAAAAGH!!!

>Orks take this to the extreme to the point that they shoot right past dark/edgy and go straight into comedy gold. They're a race that are so industrial that they can make a gun that teleports midgets into enemies out of scrap. They're a race so barbaric that, upon accidentally travelling back in time, a warboss killed his past self for a copy of his favourite gun.
I think the best part of the Orks is even when they go straight into comedy gold, they can still be terrifying as fuck.

And whenever the Orks do decide to go grimdark... They do it with disturbing efficiency.Seriously, some of the shit the Orks did in The Beast Arises series was disturbing as hell.