/HHG/ The Horus Heresy General

Rolled 11 (1d26)

Sweet dreams Edition
Florida Man's huge dong is more dangerous than Tyranids Sub-edition
Bligh rests now and 30k is staying in 7E albeit with alterations, but Boxnoughts become less relevant. user proposes in 5 seconds a LA version of 8E that will never taken up by FW, Titanicus is coming, the legionnary generator table is finally finished, Olympia was an inside job, we want loyalist Magi and mortals, and all the while Tyranid fleets approach our domain, but unlike GW fluff we never pretend they mattered in the first place, because this is 30k. All of that but so much more in the previous thread >Thread FAQ

>Official HH 7th Edition Errata (not updated since January 2016)

What to include in a HH list, how to format it, what makes each legion special (crunch), tactics, Tutorials for Heresy-era minis and more

>HH Books, Novels and Rulebooks galore
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.docdroid.net%2Ffz1OuHK%2Fcrusade-imperialis-army-lists.pdf.html
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>/HHG/'s Legion demographics

>/HHG/'s allegiances

>Primarch Popularity Poll


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So what do I use my TS for in 8th?

Tzeentch chaos marines?
Actual Post heresy TS count as?
Space marines (likely salamander if chapter tactic's a thing)?

>So what do I use my TS for in 8th?
Like TS perhaps?

Thousand Sons sehkmet terminators, is it worth mixing force swords and force axes or just go full axe or full sword?

well seeing as people are meh on the Moritat i might drop him.

It's a good model if you want the model.

Thousand Sons Order of the Jackal Chaplain

Its an interesting model. But i will build my own if i want him.

I've never liked axes, personally.
If you're swinging last, you might as well swing hardest

They are using Kopeshes which are axe-swords so you can use it for anything but a maul

But all is dust is kind of a weird rule for the fleshies no?

>So what do I use my TS for in 8th?

Blood Angels, because TS are going to be gutted in the gut after 8th is done with it.

Oh yeah, BAs do have psychic dreads don't they?

Would be weird if BAs didn't get their signature Librarian Dreadnoughts.

So now that I know we are staying in 7th i guess i can rework my army around a whole pile of Vet Tactical squads as Psykers useing pride of the legion.

Kek didn't a podcast guy quit because he didn't want 8E or something?

i don't know i don't really care. i was just not sure of rites of war would carry over. and i want a ton of psykers in my army because its fluffy. and the best way to do that is pride of the legion rite.

What do you guys expect to change for 7.5?

Maybe trial rules, but I wouldn't expect anything significant.

FUCK i cant do a LIBRARIAN if i have a Moritat. so i guess i will have to drop him.

good bye lil Moritat you never existed but you will be missed.


GW made an unexpected announcement today of Mr. Bligh’s passing.

“Today, we regretfully bring you some sad news. Alan Bligh, the lead writer on the Horus Heresy games, has passed away. Alan was not only a valuable member of the Games Workshop family but a great human being. He was a talented writer, a dear friend and a supportive colleague. Our thoughts go out to Alan’s family and loved ones. We will all miss him dearly.

Alan worked at Games Workshop for 14 years and was a key member of the Forge World Studio for over a decade. He was utterly dedicated to his work and enriching the fictional universe that his words made real for so many.”

John French begins his heartfelt writing on his passing with a few more details:

“Alan Bligh died on the 26th of May 2017 after a brief fight with cancer. “

=> Goodbye Angelus.

Blood ravens. Run the new angelos as a praetor of the corvidae cult in 30k.

No one should pay $50-100 USD or whatever it'll cost for DoW3Angelos with that fucked up face. Its one of the few instances I would condone buying Chinacast, since the head absolutely has to be replaced.


I guess I have to.

There's a local autist that plays them, but whatever.

omg, why do you ride his small dick so bad?
He was a fucking anti social hack and a dick.

Never speak ill of the dead and all that.

I honestly don't know what's the deal with the man, but unless he was literally second hitler, you shouldn't be happy that someone's dead

What was he a dick about? Genuinely asking cause I'm just a bookfag and I don't really keep track of the warhammer authors

Ryan Kimmel at Radio Free Isstvan. He pretty much tries out all the games because he has a game store, and he wasn't a fan of the AoS rules. Didn't want to play HH using them.

But it was more than that. I think it started when that podcast sent FW a bunch of cakes with questions on them for a FAQ. GW's social media team mentioned that the cakes had arrived, but FW never said a thing about them or the questions.

Then the 40k FAQ banned multibombing, which seemed to be an integral part of 30k list building (assault-oriented legions need it, in Ryan's opinion) and FW said nothing.

Then Inferno came out, and Ryan was pissed at the power creep - not just TSons and Custodes, but all armies in that book getting cheaper weapons upgrades than had been normal in previous books. And it was full of unit entries that made no sense and needed... a FAQ. No word from FW on when we might get one. They'd respond to rules questions by email, but they wouldn't answer consistently.

Finally, there was the whole 7th or 8th edition thing, and as with the cakes, the lack of communication was an equally large part of the problem.

One of his fans made this picture though.

White Scars are on Terra, actually fighting the enemy rather than hiding behind walls.

>I honestly don't know what's the deal with the man
Without him, FW would probably not have started its HH series. And he apparently came up with volkite weapons years ago when he wrote a fandex for Mechanicus Explorators (souce for that second fact: john-french.com/2017/05/alan-bligh-remembered.html ).

The Scars left the Wolves hanging at Alaxxes.

Fair enough. They got along better with the Thousand Sons than the Space Wolves, and when they heard about Prospero they thought the Wolves had gone rogue.

Not speaking Ill of him, just out of what was my experience with him in life.
I may not have liked him but I never wished him ill.

These are disappointing. None of them are shooting at one target with both pistols, so what's the point?? Wasted potential.

Screw those hypocritical barbarian dogs tho

Warhammer world, I was on vacations and went to visit there from the other side of the pond.

I wanted to purchase a thunderhawk. And I saw him picking some paints from the WHWstore.
I met him there and asked him if there was any chance to see more Blood Ravens stuff as that was a huge missed opportunity to make moneys.

He said they already made transfers and we should we should be grateful.

Asked him if not even rhino doors?

He said, we are not interested on making stuff from a computer game really.

Turned his back and went back to his studio.

The guys at the warhammer shop where all like "what a dick" and one of them told me to not mind him since he is not very good at socializing with people.

I was going to purchase a thunderhawk you know but... the guy literally just killed my desire to purchase anything forgeworld.

Like I said, I do not wish nor wished him i'll but I do not like him and never did. First cause of the space shark name change and then this shit which was basically the deal breaker.

you sound pretty autistic yourself getting too butthurt from a short conversation with an employee to not make a $500 purchase and "kill your desire to purchase anything forgeworld"...so lets just agree you're both lacking social skills but probably have other redeeming qualities.

That's it?

I think I nailed down all my Favorite looking models down into one list that is not totally garbage. I am using the Pride of the Legion rite of war.


-1-Legion Praetor Force Weapon, Plasma Pistol, Iron Halo, 3 levels of Psy.

-2-Osiron Contemptor Twin linked lascannon.

-3-Legion Libarian 2 levels of Psy, Terminator armor,


-1-Sekhmet Terminators +1 Terminator, 3 Claws, Chain Fist

-2-Legion Terminator squad Bro psy, Plasma Blaster, 3 Volkite Charger, 4 Claw, Sarge Chain Fist. Land Raider Phobos

-3-Vet Tac Squad Heavy Flamer, 4 Power swords, Bro psy, Legion vexilla Rhino

-4-Breachers Plasma Pistol,

-5-Tac Support Squad +2 dudes, Plasma guns, Rhino

Heavy Support---------------

-1-Legion Heavy Autocannons

-2-Fire Raptor Auttoncannons

I then add on the following two units for 3500 point games


-6-Legion Tac Squad Legion vexilla, +5 dudes

Lord of war-------------------

-1-Thunderhawk Gunship Turbo Laser, Void hull

To be honest, I'd be dissapointed if he told me that, but if he's not interested then he's not interested.
Shame, I got to know Space marines through vidya, then got to HH, then to FW in general.

>you sound pretty autistic yourself getting too butthur
It's the way on how you tell things to people.

The way he said it pissed me off and made me change my mind on not to support the company that he worked on. That's pretty simple.
I am amazed you couldnt catch something as simple as that,so either you are an anti social cunt or you are simply butthurt.

The irony, he goes off the day they anoune a blood ravens figurine. And there is a new thunderhawk coming out.

Remove Wormslut.

>I'd be dissapointed if he told me tha
this pretty much.

>Shame, I got to know Space marines through vidya
But anti social cunts like him do not realise the market that videogame merchandise has.
No one gives a shit bout his shitty minotaurs, red scorpions or tallarn crap.
People want the blood ravens like the ones they played with in the game.

They will realise this once they see how Angelos sells, despite his shitty sculpt, which I hope they fucking correct btw.

Thats it? Thats all it took for you to dislike someone? I was expecting something more dramatic but its fucking nothing.

Ask Khorne and Gulliman. They seem to be good at removing bugs.

This is bullshit. you have never set foot in Warhammer World. And you could not even afford a thunderhawk anyway.

>Thats it? Thats all it took for you to dislike someone?
I resumed it for you, you honestly wanted me to do a fucking story time kid?
It's the way on how he said, spoke and gestured. Guess you are pretty emotional oblivious.


This is seriously the most idiotic shit I have ever heard.

You dont even know me nor anything, Yet you speak with your ass.

Guess you got triggered by the fact that your hacklord was an anti social dick in real life.

Sakura Matou.

She has magic worms.

>And you could not even afford a thunderhawk anyway.
You're asking for that guy to call on your ad hominem. If you don't have anything else to say, then don't, and that's still ok. The thread seems to agree his judgement of him was too severe for a single occasion, but in all fairness, it's hard to inferr the tone in which he answered him.
Perhaps he felt it rude.
I don't care much.
He's not suffering from cancer anymore, and the heresy won't die with him. Furthermore, didn't FW say they'd be using a modification of 7E? This 7.5E will finally mean HH is getting independent from GW rules.
What we asked for long ago is finally happening.

It's amazing how many Warhammer players are unaware of who Alan Bligh is, let alone that he died today. Pathetic desu. This thread's a pretty good example.

not going to lie i did not even know who that guy was. But i am sure you have never met him.

Plus I knew you would reply to my post, so stay mad little boy. I will be here chilling and working on my Thunderhawk that you cant afford.

Lots of people who have spoken with Bligh at FW events have all said he's a nice guy in person. All across the board on dozens of websites. Which makes this guy's rant even more suspect.

Less you know better when it comes to GW authorship.

If you know their names then it means that they've fucked up.

I heard of it in the early morning, yet in the afternoon people were still just getting the quick rundown. Must be a time zone thing. For me, he died yesterday.
I thought anyone who read the HH books knew who he was, since his name is on them. I did not know he invented the choom, though. Now I miss him a bit more.
Plasma is better, but I liked the memes.

People can have bad days and there's perception bias. I have friends who other people say are douches, and dislike people who are liked by many others.
Such are personal opinions.
If user didn't like him, that's up to him.

>Blood Ravens
>Lorn V

They really didn't give a fuck.

>But i am sure you have never met him.
Alright, so I made all that up then.

>stay mad little boy
oh I am mad?
How could I be mad? You are triggered as fuck, this is hilarious.

>working on my Thunderhawk that you cant afford.
>This triggered
In all my years on Veeky Forums, this is the most autistic trigger cuck I have ever seen.

BTW Jokes on you,
I am getting a gabriel angelos figure, a new thunderhawk and your fat hack is no longer working on FW.

Enjoy your shitty old model, sounds like you paint like shit too anyways.

boot lickers, guy was god awful writter and his idea of "muh carcharodons" was fucking autistic.
Mindless drones liking a hack.

>we are not interested on making stuff from a computer game really.

They live in a bubble user, they didnt even know about the memes in existance of DOW and Ward. They lived in the stone age.

Did they say when the new SoS models would be available?

you are most definitely mad.

no sane person would get that Angelos figure.

nice gold, is that liberator? instead of the gaudy retributor

anyone who bothers to brake down a post and reply every part of it is very mad.

Sounds like a faggot

What's the sorry behind book 8? It seems weird to have Night Lords and Daemons involved together.

Well, DAs started breaking Nikea edict when demons started popping up, so it's probably an independent thing.

Or it's retcon

Meh. I never liked the guy simply because for all the jerking off from the fanbois, his products (the books) were fucking 70 pounds and FULL of fucking mistakes. It's like he knew he could completely half ass, and people would still lap it up.
How 'future proofed' was inferno again guys?
Yeah. That's what I fucking thought.
Also his support of rampant power creep.

It's several different stories. One is about the Night Lords and Dark Angels fighting over Thramas. Another is the Blood Angels vs Daemons at Signus.

So why the fuck are you here?

I thought your story was fine. And I think that gay fat fuck was a hack.
But the Angelos model is fucking awful man. What the fuck is up with his huge forehead?


>le triggered same fagg

I agree, he looks like fucking Pornaleff.
I hear a lot of people are gonna bring this fact up to FW tomorrow. We should press on for them to correct those mistakes.

The fucking pidgeon symbol on the right legg and the Stupid head.

If I am going to pay an expensive price then I better get premium product. It's as if they where sabotaging this cause they hate the blood ravens hmnm.

dude, stop.

stop being in denial about being mad. I get it, you are mad.

HH wasn't always Talons lists, TS, Yiffs, and (completely broken) Mechanicum.
The lore is still pretty good (the ONE redeeming fact in 70 pounds of mistakes).
It use to pretty good... I was hoping it would jump ship to 8th. Not happy it's staying locked in the past, because FW is so bad at rules of late I don't really think they will make it better.

>never liked the guy simply because for all the jerking off from the fanbois,
I agree with this. His power creep was retarded and his books where always filled with mistakes. Also I never liked his fucking writting.

But what I always found to be hipocritic was the fact that he changed the name of space sharks into carcharodons.The equivalent would be like changing space wolves to just, Lupines or wolves... it's retarded dude.
Besides Carcharodons cant be trademarked nor is as recognisable as space sharks.

>stop being in denial about being mad. I get it, you are mad.

May as well post it

The fuck is this thing supposed to be?

I am already at 2500 points if i get this then I have to get some other tanks too. Why is every army soooooooooooo full of fun things.

Pic related

mehh looks like shit anyways.

I like it, personally. I wouldn't mind running a full SoS cadre, but I doubt they're very good as a solo force.

i like em

Is it an upgrade for the plastic model or a new model entirely? If it's the former, then they probably just had to make it work, otherwise they just did whatever. Regardless, I agree with , I like them.

I dont get it, you are trying to vent on that user but you are behaving just as what you are declaring it to be.

What a retard.

Upgrade kit.

So the Redbook list says this for the Grenadiers squad in the Imperial Militias and Cults list:

>Unit Composition
>1 Grenadier Sergeant
>9 Grenadiers


>The squad may include: Up to eight additional Grenadiers


>The squad may be purchased an Auxilia Gorgon Heavy Transporter as a Dedicated Transport so long as it numbers 20 models strong.

So there's no way to get them a Gorgon then? Also, weird passive voice construction there.

It's the militia list, it's notoriously littered with errors and oversights.
That said, in this case the squad may also include two special weapon grenadiers, so you're good.

Fuck me, you're right. Nice catch, thanks!

MFW the Chinaman's Gorgon mold is shit.

Question: am I allowed to just take as many beasts as I want? Like, can I just take a unit with like 42 jackals with 14 meltaguns/flamers and then give them the infiltrate cadre?

Pic related. Fuck.

Have you ever considered reading the page?

This is why I don't do shit at 6am. Thank you.

>Gabron Perlgelos

yah only 6. that said i gave my girls birds from a age of sigmar box. they are not as good but i love those birds. I plan on painting them black like huge ravens.

Hopefully 7.5 balances some of this out. Although I haven't had trouble with talons or yiffs at all.

I love it
it looks straight out of David Lynch's Dune

The birds rules are fucking garbage, though. The W3 doesn't matter because T2 means they get ID by bolters ffs, while also bringing the average T down in numbers. Meanwhile, the Jackals can potentially INCREASE the squad toughness.

Anyway, how do SoS play out in general? I'm thinking heavily about expanding mine to 30k.