Role playing games are to wargames what mobas are to real time strategy games, a cancer.
Role playing games are to wargames what mobas are to real time strategy games, a cancer
This thread is Shit. Mainly because I'm posting in it.
I unfortunately kinda agree with this.
So many flufffags got conditioned by RP and the concept of "your dudes" that they can't actually see the mechanics of it.
I'm currently excited for 8th ed 40k, first time in decades that I've been excited for 40k, and it boggles my mind how much bitching there is about need for realism and the quality of fluff when it's a system of gaming and modelling.
>implying non-historic wargames aren't moving to moba
>Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body.
It...has nothing to do with games of either sort, so I'm not sure what your point is?
Crown Royal dice bag, take a drink.
OP, your /v/ is showing.
Did they actually carve the table, so only one engagement could be played on it, or is the illustrator having us on?
Also, squares. Really?
>Role playing games are to wargames what mobas are to real time strategy games, a cancer.
I don't know what "mobas" are, nor do I care, but I know that sentence is clearly bullshit.
The relationship between role-playing games and wargames does not support that anal.
At best, you could call rpgs a diseased and malformed tree that budded off from a superior tree and now chokes the greater tree out of precious water, nutrients, and sun while threatening to have them both destroyed for becoming and unsightly blight upon the landscape.
That's still bullshit, but far less definitively so.
If rpgs were just a cancer upon wargames, then if wargames were to die, the rpgs woulds stop as well.
I'm sure it's just and illustration thing.
RPG's are to any other type of game in that analogy, but especially MMORPG's. Like y'know, Warcraft to WoW. Basically completely unrelated with a few shared mechanics.
Its clearly a tablecloth with blocks of wood underneath making the hills.
Nah, they took bundles of cloth or blocks of wood and laid a tablecloth on top of that to simulate a smooth terrain.
Nevermind that MOBAs didn't do anything to RTS games and RTS games still exist and thrive.
i dunno, some role playing games are pretty serious and tactical, while some wargames are pretty silly and cancerous.
There's a wide variety and crossover in both genres. Many tabletop games have role-playing elements (role playing a commander is the premise of a wargame, after all) and many role playing games have wargaming elements - minatures, maps, recon, tactics, dice rolling and an umpire (some of the oldest wargames had umpires or game masters)
>dumbed down
>way more popular
Comparison seems apt
Except the cancer part. Because nothing is forcing you to play these things you don't like and they don't have any effect on your thing.
Except both RTS games and MOBAs are shit, and RPGs and wargames both aren't.
>wargames aren't the cancer
>a few posts in and there is already GW shills talking about how hype they are for 8th and pretending it isn't hot garbage
>pen and paper games offer unlimited hours of enjoyment limited only by your imagination and cheaper while wargames are all basically pay to win and shift constantly
I know who made this thread.
Eh, I am only a Wargamer and never really cared for RPGs, but it swings both ways.
Thinking about it I'm probably closer to a scale modeller than the weirdo "panty maid quest zany adventure XD" roleplaying types that seem to inhabit Veeky Forums.
For every table and army that's a labour of love, there's a load of kids and manbabies playing games like this pic in their sweaty backwater LGS. This isn't bait but it seems more acceptable in the US compared to the UK, even for a local tournament I can't imagine fielding unpainted units.
I'm good, thanks, could I get a six piece McNerd with extra cries? And some salt please
>RTS games exist and thrive
I wish it was still true, user
Less dudes =/= less mechanically complex. Most role-playing games will have more depth than your average wargame.
You know the game is about trying to use strategy (in theory, if 40k had any) to win and isn't about who has the prettiest plastic army men, right?
I, for one, don't mind either.
I just prefer that my wargames don't play like CCGs. I prefer the game itself to be balanced, fun and fluffy, not about optimized tourney-lists that are made to guarantee your opponent can't win before they place their units on the board.
I would love to play this as an RPG or wargame campaign, but I'm stuck as the forever GM.
As I get slightly older it's clear why Historicals have so much appeal
>multiple manufacturers of non-copyrightable miniatures, competition keeps prices realistic for toy soldiers and very low compared to IP-driven fantasy/sci-fi
>multiple rulesets which don't live and die by one company's wishes
>generally a more genteel audience with more interest in actually painting units and having gorgeous terrain
Though you are now getting companies like Warlord with Bolt Action or Flames of War we're they try to exert GW-style control over their game and the miniatures used in it.
Nah, you're quite simply wrong. Either that or the rest of us have been doing it wrong for 40+ years.
Loving your miniatures is as much a part of this hobby as shuffling them around the board. There's plenty of boardgames with chits that you can play if you're more concerned for "strategy".
wew lad
Children are that to mothers as well.
Both involve a majority of their playerbase composed of socially inept, beta, sexist, unfunny and largely unintelligent components. This just applies to all "geeky" fanbases, be it comicbooks, mangos or LARP.
Hang out with friends, drink and play some tRPGs or wargames, and don't give a fuck about the overall playerbase.
This I have a few cool minis but ultimately it's about the game not the minis I usually use paper for most regiments/ stand ins as I like trying to use differant tactics and armys and I want to avoid the money sink problems with some tabletops and just play the game.
>Also, squares. Really?
Dude, that picture has to be from the early 1900s. 1920s at the absolute latest. A square grid is way, WAY easier to print or to hand-draw than a hex-grid, which really requires mechanical assistance.
Sure, nowadays, if you have to use a grid in a game, there's no excuse at all to not have it be hexes, but that's because it's easy to have a hex-grid painted or printed because machines. That wasn't true in the slightest back then. Learn2context.
>not being able to enjoy both
I'm sorry about your crippling autism user
This user gets it.
I just like skirmish games like Inquisitor (or its 28mm successor Inquisimunda) where you're encouraged to borrow from the main fluff and tell your own dude's personal stories in the context of the grander universe, while also kitbashing and converting the shit out of your models to make something just your own.
The quality of fluff on an overall setting scale is irrelevant to me when an intriguing story can happen between some a handful of Inquisitors and Heretics playing cat and mouse games in a single hive city, or maybe a vast xenos ruin, or a space hulk, or even the belly of a single Imperium ship is a large enough place.
I'd agree with you but, I've seen the rules for old wargames and the bullshit fluff of new wargames and would have to say that newer wargames like WFB, 40K, Warmahordes are the cancer. Wargames with fluff story are cancer.
>Role playing games are to wargames what mobas are to real time strategy games
You're essentially correct up to this point.
>wanting wargames to be chess
Actually, wait, that's got medieval themes.
Chess 2, now the pieces are numbered Type I-VI.
And we need to change the whole black and white thing too, that could be an allegory for light and dark. I'll take suggestions for what it could be.
I don't even agree with who you're responding to, but why does everyone have to take any opposing stance to the absolute most retarded extreme?
>I don't really want pizza, lets get tacos
>Oh, so I guess you want to be shoveling tacos into your mouth until your stomach explodes huh? And for an encore why don't you invite all of Mexico to your house so they can make you tacos you tacofuck
I don't disagree but I'd posit also that war games and RTS are both trash to begin with.
Everything is trash, nothing is good, there is no such thing as fun.
>As I get slightly older it's clear why Historicals have so much appeal
But the setting is such shit, historicals aren't worth it.
Have your (You)
Finally. SOMEBODY gets it!
There's nothing good. There's just things that are more or less bad to different people. There's nothing fun; there's just winning and losing and the experience you have on the road to a win or a loss. Finally somebody gets it.
Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas, think shit like League of Legends.
That's objectively incorrect, you're just butthurt because people are having fun in a way that you don't approve of. Here's your (You)
Other way around, senpai.
Why are they shit?
It was shit before you came, but you're certainly not helping.
No, see, any thread I post in retroactively becomes terrible.
>Implying even historicals are safe
Stop fucking replying.
Its funny cuz a wargame is one of the most overposted cancer on this board.
Let's see MOBAs have:
>price-walled heroes
>pre-scripted multiplayer only experiences
>bog standard strategies involving pushing the right numbers against another spreadsheet
Sounds like every bad game available. $30 box of six minis or whatever shit supplement something like Sacred Geometry came out of.