New chad-predator/chad-landraider?
How are manlet-tankers going to recover?
Just throw your collection in the trash, faggot, what are those, go carts? Big boys' tanks are coming and you can do nothing to stop them.
New chad-predator/chad-landraider?
shud up
>he bought tons worth of expensive plastic
>he now has a full collection of manlet marines
>the kids at the GW store will start to cuck him
Lmao at your life
Shitposting aside, it looks like a bigger Landraider with a turret on top.
Yeah, weird because with the big cannon I think I see it shouldn't have enough spaces for all those chadmarines. Maybe a über-razorback?
>>the kids at the GW store will start to cuck him
That's what he deserves for still using those manlets without shame
>t. Blood Angels Player
How's it feel to have your campaign book finished up by Bobby G and a Bloodthirster in a paragraph girlyboys?
>Being better than everyone who ever played vanilla marine because instead of buying models and playing the game, just shit post.
>he didn't see it coming
>he isn't a tau player
You can't make this kind of shit up
>using the term "chad" unironically
>> 40k armies are now huge.
>> GW makes new SM
>> ultra specialized units. Small #'s
>> great for beginners or people that want small armies
>> fags act like their regular, versatile SM are abandoned
Try a few games with leaked rules. Regular SM are better. 7 bolters, a flames and heavy bolters are amazing now. Plasma pistol wrecks in shooting phase, chain sword bring the pain.
>defends a manlet player
>T-the Sanguinor and Dante will beat back the hive fleet!
>S-sanguinius will come and save us for sure!
Enjoy being a footnote in the next Ultramarine campaign book.
But seriously just spam the new Jump big-marines and enjoy.
This is our average nu-hammer player without his ritalin.
The funny thing is SM have often been said to be uncompetitive due to being expansive for often irrelevant qualities. They often were not point-efficient enough. New marines are likely to met the same issue, except at an even bigger scale in every way.
drink bleach, he's a nice guy
I'm just excited I can finally add to my 2e space wolves army without grabbing models that have been maximum overwolfed.
Wrong. It's what a 2e onward player looks like, when he has spent every edition seeing people say the sky is falling, anytime GW does anything.
Hasn't even tried the rules...
>dredlet player
At warhammer fest everyone is playing with the new minis. All report say Nurgle side btfo chadmarines.
Awaiting acknowledgement from GW that chad marines where a mistake.
being serious for just a sec.
Was never a fan of the box naught, really liked the contemptor... but man they took the worst parts of the boxnaught and just threw contempor arms on it with a fuckin beer gut.
you honestly can't defend that man.
I don't think OP is mentally very well, he's made several threads like this recently with similar language.
I don't even understand the point of designating new vehicles as Primaris vehicles. It's a hunk of metal. Nothing stops you from taking the sarcophagus from an existing dreadnought and transferring the guy into one of these newer bigger dreadnoughts. And what about a land raider with a cannon on the back is so exclusive?
You're wrong. Indeed, it's my second post like this. I made the other one a couple of days ago
>The funny thing is SM have often been said to be uncompetitive due to being expansive for often irrelevant qualities
Are you from 6th ed?
Are csm manlets too?
What about a predator with a better engine and assault cannons is so exclusive?
Only manlets turn to chaos.
that or he is trolling everyone
the land raider looked like it will be the same size as regular raider, just another variant with turret
razorback raider like user said the numarines are not that tall compared to older marines, especially compared to newer kit like deathwatch and thousand sons there are rumors of new stuff for classic marines in the making for 8th edition
why are you actively being retarded ? just for the pleasure to trigger fa/tg/uys ?
Not rumors IIRC, came from a reliable source that spoke with people at Warhammer fest.
Not that marines getting new models matters to me. I've played Orks since 3rd and Deldar since they were created, I'm used to expecting nothing and still being disappointed.
I derive great pleasure in doing so, yes.
well DE did get a reboot with tons of new plastic crack and stylish miniatures, while my nids get ugly bloated models, that on top of being a mess are useless on the battlefield, and there are other bugs that were already doing their job better
Nigga we had to wait like, 7-8 years for that update and in the mean time had some of the ugliest fucking models to EVER be put on a table. Just look at the old archons, they look like fucking garden gnomes. We may have beautiful plastic now but that wasn't always the case.
Getting rid of the tanklet rhino chassis means they'll have no choice but to update sisters too, right?
I'm not a fan of the new dreadnought. It's going to be too big.
Maybe the new plastic primaris battlesisters will tower over the manlets as well
GW went too far when they made shit like the Riptide and the Wraithknight so they can't release a Primaris dread that is a quarter of the size of those things.
Only thing I do like is that you can clearly see the old dreadnought bodywork underneath. They've just raised it higher and given it more armour.
>>We get Primaris Marines, big marines
>>They need new, bigger vechicles
>>Baseline Rhino gets updated
>>Upgraded Rhinos gives us updated Repressors and Exorcists
>>Updated vehicles means infantry models must be updated as well
>>To fit the larger vehicles the sisters are enlarged
>>We get Snu-snu sisters
Muh dik. Confirming it now boyos.
>trying not to think that she could block your face between those tights for as long as she pleases
I'll need more pics user
>well DE did get a reboot with tons of new plastic crack and stylish miniatures
I'm sure it was one DE fan in the studio that knew he had ONE shot at it and so made everything.
Who's willing to bet one of them will cost more points than a LR and a Pred combined?
>New potential player thinking about giving it a go with 8th edition
>See faggotry like running rampant in the community for past couple weeks
Maybe I don't want to be involved in any of this after all...
>Even if you had a 14" dick you would never be able to pleasure an 8" tall woman
>Implying bolter bitches will be getting new models at some point before the end of time
Worrying about a woman's pleasure....
Anyone think we'll see a plastic dreadnought drop pod in the near future? Also, can primarines take drop pods? I think I saw something alluding to it, but can't remember.
People are always afraid of change. Always have, always will.
This new edition is not just a new edition, but the first time they've gone and decided to advance the setting in forever. Lots of change going on.
Thus lots of people are mad about lots of things.
>tfw no vintage army of tiny 2nd ed rhinos
>tfw you will never deploy 10 chadmarines out of a clowncar.
And also trolls taking advantage of all the butthurt such as OP. Can't forget them.
That's where you're wrong sir! I play with 2 friends in my garage. Have since 2e. We are far to casual to update every model in our armies.
You better assign the chads the tiniest rhinos.
For everyone who can't.
All this cuck talk is hysterical, I wanna see the girls who gossip about how tall her mans toy soldiers are.
>Look under the Chad-Raider
>Those aren't tracks
>Those are GRAV PLATES
So THAT'S why Forge World wasn't allowed by Marketing to give Custodes their rightful grav rhinos
I'll grab some rhinos from epic. Buds should allow it once, just so I can take some pics.
my wife is going to gossip with the other wives at the flgs about how my d*** is so much more yyyuuuuuuge-r than thr other 40k hustkers she used to date b4 who all had manlet marine armies, and my nu chad marines will be a representation of this
Caring what stupid shit women talk about.
Don't get my hopes up, user, don't you fucking get my hopes up. I'll fucking end you, you hear, I'll find you and I'll make you eat resin until you have ass cancer.
>Crisis suit marines
>Safe reliable plasma
>Giant reasonable robots
>Grav tanks
So Marines are Tau now?
I dont see it, to me it looks like treads but we'll see when we get a better look at it.
This new Razor-Raider looks awesome and it doesnt look like it might have any transport capacity as the front door looks like it isnt there so its either a small transport or a main tank in a land raider chassis.
No, Tau are Marines now.
Don't be silly, it's not a Razor-Raider. It's a Land Razor.
Don't forget your lore.
Well if we're going that route then it clearly is a Cawl Raider since this whole endeavor is his doing.
Cawl Pattern Land Raider
That ducking thing has a turret.
Landraiders don't need more guns.
>Getting rid of the tanklet rhino chassis means they'll have no choice but to update sisters too, right?
Sistersfags really believe this?
It means Marines will get the new chadrhino and you guys will continue to use the outdated tiny ones.
I feel bad for sister players. You guys have to read into everything to try and find hope.
Play sisters of silence or play a new army while quietly waiting for the day SoB get updated.
How am I shill? I feel bad for them but think they should move on for now. I don't work for GW. I lucked out and have played marines for 2 decades. If marines where squated I would play necrons or deamons
From another thread.
You can see those segmented plates on the sides, wrapping under the tank. And on the front. Similar to the plates you can see on Land Speeders, Stormwolf, Coronus grav carrier, etc.
Not definitive, but man, I'm excited by the prospect. I hope it's big enough to work as a Coronus alternative. Then I just need a ton of gold paint and aquilas all over it to make some grav rhinos.
Pics fuzzy as fuck captain.
Isn't the front just the assault ramp?
Land Raider Crusader has 2 Hurricane Bolters, which were Rapid Fire 3 Twin-Linked in 7th, and so will be Rapid Fire 6 in 8th. It also has a twin-linked assault cannon, which will be Heavy 8 in 8th. That's 30 shots not even counting missiles and multi-melta I can add.
It also contains a squad of Assault Terminators, which have 2 wounds each in 8th in addition to their normal abilities.
How can Primaris Marines even compete?
Ah thanks.
are you actually seriously trying to suggest that they're making a flying rhino
A Flyno, if you will.
Well, we have the technology. We can make the Rhino better, stronger, faster.
Looks more like a flying landraider.
Magos Land had one during the Heresy so it's no unprecedented, particularly since Cawl is apparantly Land 2.0.
Primaris Crusader
contain 25 primaris marines, 200 Heavy Bolter shots @360° and 80 wounds.
oh and same price as manlet land raider.
dont even think about ever fielding a kit from the 80's when gw is going to make primaris the ultimate army.
faggot. they annoinced a dread and a predator in the official first primaris news, no land raider
Why hasn't FW made Land for 30k? They got all sorts of shit characters and Bjorn was demoted down to a rookie while some Gaygor out of nowhere stole his position and looks.
Also, at which point is Cawl revealed to have been Land all along?
You think that's all they're gonna get?
I just think its negative focused viral marketing.
We know GW has paid people to post here before. Spamming that same troll topic subtly hammers home the idea that even though they are still supported, your current space marines aren't cool enough.
The idea is that over a few months it wears you down until you decide to buy some. But even when you do, you think it was in spite of those posts when they sold you subconsiously.
GW knows how batshit insane it is to start selling SpaceMarines Space Marines. They need to get the ball rolling subconsciously that what they are doing is OK, or at least normal.
When its actually fucking bullshit. I haven't played in years but I find this to actually be worse than killing WFB (which I played).
New Super Space Marines are bullshit. It actually dumps on the core pitch of space marines "The Emperors Finest" and even dumps on Grey Knights, who already were the Super Space Marine. And were hated by many for it.
/end rant. I didn't expect this post to go this direction. I didn't know I felt this way. I even like the new models but fuck these guys.
There will never ever ever be new sisters of battle models. Did they ever even get a rules update?
I didn't add enough ever-s, but I figured you get the idea.
>We know GW has paid people to post here before
Actually, I'm getting my $$$ from Corvus Belli
Then why are you in a warhammer thread bringing attention to warhammer stuff? If anything finding mediocre excuses to start infinity threads outside of infinity general would be money way better spent for your bosses.
Even feeding the troll machine to smear GW just helps maintain their place as "normal" wargaming. They are the D&D of wargaming. And just like D&D, loads of people try it, then decide the hobby isn't for them because the "normal" game in the hobby was god-awful.
Im sorry. I normally don't get this spicy over dumb stuff like this, but how BAD GW is really bothers me for what it does to wargaming and its community at large, at least in the United States.
I think all guns on tanks can shoot at any angle now. I haven't seen any rule saying there is a restriction.
>people like something I don't like
>therefore they're all paid shills!!!!!!!!!!!
shouldn't you be on /x/ arguing that the Earth is flat?
I was obviously joking, you cretin. Why would I tell you if I was a shill?
>We know GW has paid people to post here before.
Sometimes I forget that there are hundreds of people on this website who just write posts for free, as if that's a normal thing for a person to do.
Land has only just appeared in Master of Mankind, and even then, hasn't had any real battlefield role.
He's an archaeologist not a warrior, he only carries a gun because it's a priceless archaeotech relic he wants to make other tech-priests jelly with.
That's a fucking tiny woman
what's up with the monkey?