>GM or Player
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Game Finder Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>Double Cross Preferred
>Thursdays and Fridays for now
>I have Skype, but because I'm home with two kids on Thursdays and Fridays I'd prefer not to so a crying baby doesn't prove disruptive.I'd GM, but again with two kids I wouldn't be able to put a game together very well.
>GM or Player
AD&D 2E (Oriental Adventures)
Tuesdays 19:30 EST
>Text or Voice
Voice (Skype), Roll20
>Contact Information
[email protected]
>Additional Information
Famine and civil war have ravaged the empire of Shou Lung, rendering it a mere shell of its former glory. Beasts and bandits now roam the lands, as warlords try to hold on to their piece of the crumbling Eternal Empire. Whether you want to be a force of good in these turbulent times, or a straight up murderhobo, is up to you. The consequences of your actions will reverberate in the backdrop of political intrigue.
Realized I didnt drop my Discord user name
repost from last thread.
>GM or Player
7th sea 1st edition, with a fair amount of House-rules, Particularly to the skills section.
>Time availability
will be starting at Thursdays, 11am CST to accommodated European and american players.
>Text or Voice
Skype will be used for the Call, Roll20 for the game.
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Have 2 players, need 1-2 more. Will likely center the game around Politics & Intrigue in Montaigne (Not!france).
Got a short list of your houserules and intents with them?
>GM or Player
Dungeon! board game on tabletop sim
>Time availability
ASAP, wanting to play today
>Contact Information
KBlast#7976 on Discord
>Additional Information
Just wanting to play a quick game of Dungeon! If you don't have Tabletop Sim, it's on sale 50% off on the Humble Store.
>>GM or Player
I've played Pathfinder a little, a pretty good amount of Deathwatch and other 40k. I'm open to learning new systems.
>>Time availability
CST. Available most nights although I'd prefer to pick up something during monday to thursday.
>>Text or Voice
I like to write and go text heavy. I've nothing against voice chat for ooc however.
>>Contact Information
Discord Zeboim#2959
>>Additional Information
I'm very open to ideas and I'd like to learn new systems and meet new people. My group of the last few years is on the rocks and taking a break after running a ridiculous amount of hours, many of which was with me as GM and I'd like to have the experience of not juggling twenty plates for a while. Up for anything from 1 on 1 to larger groups.
>GM or player
Any fantasy adventure setting as long as its friendly to new players
>Time availablility
Can start in about 2 weeks, monday-wednesday all day, Thursday evenings
>text or voice
Have discord, skype, roll20
>contact information
Never player before but familiar with 5e rules and general info. May need to help me a bit but Ill pick it up fine.
Schedule is likely to change so i can play weekends in 2 months time but for now its days
>GM or Player
Any WH40kRPG
>Time availability
Various, but Saturday evenings GMT are prefered
>Text or Voice
Both work
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
There's a stack of 6 of us idiots trying to play a WH40KRPG but either being new or too busy to GM. Our original GM can no longer run, so we'll play anything related to WH40K that you want to run.
We're not even friends and are not package deal, so you can pick and choose whoever you feel like fits your stuff.
This is not even bait, its just sad...
To help bump the thread, any gamefinder stories? Good or bad.
>Homebrew System, lightly based on Victoriana, dicepool system
>EST M,T,W after 3:00 ,Sat variable but open, Sun after 12:00
>Text probably
> Discord: Toma#2584
>Setting info: Dark Fantasy Steampunk world, if you don't like it, don't apply. Tonal blurb follows:
Somnus: A world beyond the veil of reality, where dreams and nightmares may come to be, twisted into horrifying life by the smog of society and industrialization. Life is hard, often short and vibrant, like a splash of blood on rain soaked cobblestone, washed away mere moments later. But it is also a world of possibility, magic, and adventure, even through the thick darkness light shines. In Somnus you take on the role of an adventurer, a lantern bearer, someone who dares to step out into the darkness where ever it may be and discover truth, and fight so that humanity may continue it's existence, some fights are political, others bloody and brutal, but all are dangerous, for there are many secrets laying just beyond notice. These secrets shall reward you with truth, if you have the strength to find them, but sometimes ignorance is bliss.... Take up your lantern, venture into the darkness, find the truth, find yourself... and maybe hope.
I'm ^ I believe I sent you a friend request, but the "g" was lowercase.
>GM or Player
Savage Worlds Rifts
>Time availability
7pm EST Saturdays
>Text or Voice
Need to be able to listen in for combat
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Just ended second session and finished Garnet Town Gambit. Looking for a 5th player after the initial player had RL to do and could never join.
>We're not even friends and are not package deal, so you can pick and choose whoever you feel like fits your stuff.
If I was a worse person, I would pit you against each other with a disposable discord account.
this thread is too young to die yet.
way to use the template friend.
Yes I did, I used the shit out of the template.
Everyone happily has games now I guess
help I'm so alone
Yeah..... this was a waste of my time to watch.
Barely nigga. barely.
>GM or Player
Anything that's not DnD 5e or Warhammer 40k. Modern settings preferred.
>Time availability
I have a really flexible time schedule, so anytime that's not Friday or Saturday night.
>Text or Voice
Prefer voice, but I'm fine with either.
>Contact Information
Discord: Detective97#0129
>Additional Information
I would like to play systems like Ops and Tactics to do operator shit and avoid fantasy settings, but I'll take most anything.
you gotta be fucking kidding me, there has to be people out there who want to play new stuff
This reminds me:
>GM or Player
Player or Observer
Barbarians of Lemuria
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
WarWeasel#4544 on Discord
>Additional Information
I want to see this game run, I'd love to play but happy to watch. I'm looking for a very rules light, quick moving game for people who don't have the time or interest in learning lots of crunch. It's my understanding Barbarians of Lemuria is a good choice.
Either Veeky Forums is dying, the hobby is dying, or my life chose a shitty time to finally fall into place.
I heard there was a Game finder Discord out there? Is that true?
>my life chose a shitty time to finally fall into place.
This one. People already have games, you have to wait until the ystart dying.
>I heard there was a Game finder Discord out there? Is that true?
There is but I don't know how to link it. I don't think there are any games listed there and not here right now.
Not now, but if im in there when games pop up...
>GM or Player
I play DnD 5e and Recon, but I'd like to do something different like the Song of Ice and Fire RPG or CoC, or other historical RPGs like Recon
>Time availability
I'm usually pretty flexible but I can't do anything Tuesday or Saturday nights
>Text or Voice
I don't really mind either way
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I'm really interested in playing historical stuff, if anyone else is, that'd be cool
>GM or Player
Exalted 3rd Edition
>Time availability
Based on CST:
-Monday/Thursday/TBD day (work is shuffling me around at the moment, will know by next week) 9 AM-9PM
-Wednesday 5-10 PM
-Saturday 4-9 PM
Otherwise I can make myself available pretty well. Reason I don't list preferred times is because that can fluctuate based on my group's needs.
>Text or Voice
Both are fine, most experience in EX3 is text, though voice is comfortable as well.
>Contact Information
Skype: rapidgorlam
Discord: Droark#8267
>Additional Information
I have experience with several systems, and have a few campaigns behind me in EX3. No preferred character archetype, though I just got done playing a Night Caste and would like a change of pace, and am able to prepare a character within an hour. Am not squeamish about touchy topics that may come up (sex, gore, etc.), though wouldn't go so far as to say I'm comfortable with ERP unless the rest of the game was pretty stellar.
>>GM or Player
3.5,5,gurps,mario(plz i wanna play it so bad)
>>Time availability
Wed, Sunday any time
Otherwise before 5 pm est
After 11am est
>>Text or Voice
Text preferred
Voice possible
>>Contact Information
>>Additional Information
I like high fantasy,and sci fi
I am a bit rusty so some things will need to be explained,and i am fine with any system as long as you explain it.
Not a fan of post appocalypse settings.
>GM or Player
D&D 5e
>Time availability
The session times are not yet set, but we are very flexible (all day every day). Looking for preferably european time zones, but will try to work something out with the other guys too.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: why#9914
>Additional Information
A group of mates looking for a few players to have a chill game with.
>GM or Player
Rogue Trader
>Time availability
Friday and Sunday nights, EST
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I'm still very much learning RT, so bear with me please, but I have a campaign I've wanted to run and don't have anyone to play it with.
>GM or Player
>Time availability
Weds at 6:00 PM CDT
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Should all be on the Roll20.
Nope, not letting it die yet.
When you have found me a game, only then do you have my permission to die.
bump for gaming
Sent you a DM
>GM or Player
Double Cross or Eclipse Phase
>Time availability
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. Anytime EDT.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Greatly enjoyed the last time I played Eclipse Phase and would love to play an exhuman. I haven't played Double Cross yet but I would like to try it.
>every game starts in at least a week while I'm sitting here drunk and wanting to play
The worst
well that's two in thread for Dx, now we need a GM
So I have to add you as a friend to message you on discord, right?
Just making sure I'm not a colossal retard.
RT appears to be full up for now. Thanks for applying!
God dammit
I have a google doc with them on hand I can send out over skype or threw roll20.
The only mechanical change is the skill system. They've been overall condensed, and the Advanced knacks have been gutted out and replaced with Emphasis like L5R had.
Run it yourself, cucky
If I wanted to GM I sure as fuck wouldn't need a game finder.
Then stop posting here, senpai.
Someone woke up with a scorching case of the Mondays.
Bump!!! I need my escapism!!!
>GM or Player
3.5, PF, AD&D
>Time availability
6:00-8:00 CDT
>Text or Voice
Text/Voice Discord, Maptool
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
I haven't dmd for a couple of years since I moved; and there is no comunity around to speak of, only weebs. I'm planning a short adventure 3-4 sessions, and if everything gels, could extend to a proper campaign.
>GM or Player
GM: Dark heresy 2
Player: Legend of the Five Rings
>Time availability
GMing: 11am GMT, Sundays
Player: GMT, Negotiable except Tuesdays.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Looking for 1, tops 2 players for an ongoing DH2 campaign to round up the group a bit.
On an unrelated note, also interested in joining a L5R game.
Bump. till someone posts a better option
bumping for gaming
>I'm planning a short adventure 3-4 sessions, and if everything gels, could extend to a proper campaign.
This seems like a smart move to me. Do like 2-3 short term games to find some decent, reliable players that you get on with, then start in on a proper campaign (and hope they all work together).
What's your Discord ID?
Add me too
Welp. TG game finder is fucking dead.
There has to be a more efficient method
You could try Roll20's LFG section, that's full of people who want groups.
s'wat I did, works out pretty well actually.
no one plays the games I wanna play
Then make an ad for the game you wanna play. Take some initiative man.
Rarer games require you to take more effort to find. Isn't that complicated.
>GM or Player
Players, we're a group looking for a GM
SLA industries
>Time availability
We're trying to consolidate this, we've got enough players and trying to find a GM before we begin comparing schedules.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
None needed
>SLA industries
With all the 1.1 updates and errata?
Up to the GM since that's what we're looking for, but I'd presume so.
Yeah sounds like I may not have a choice considering what I'm looking for.
You after a nice rousing game of FATAL or something?
I'm one of the two Double cross Posters upthread
So are you not accepting any more players?
Sent a friend request in order to message you a few days ago.
God damnit bump
>GM or Player
DnD 5e
>Time availability
>Text or Voice
Text only
>Contact Information
>Additional Information
Using discord. Pm me if interested.
>>GM or Player
Deathwatch or Dark Heresy 2e
>>Time availability
My Monday, Tuesday & Saturday nights are pretty solid.
>>Text or Voice
Text. I might be able to jury rig an xbox headset with a 360 controller in the USB port.
>>Contact Information
Discord - Broly218 #2438
>>Additional Information
I'd like a group that actually uses the systems in the rule books, like squad mode and such.
feels bad watching all these desperate players, I wanna play gurps soon< but not near soon enough. I got lots of reading to do.
>Looking for a GM
Just GM it yourself you lazy fuckos
Fucking player entitlement.
Thats a clever way to bumpthe thread.
>GM or Player
Shadowrunny type things are what interest me the most right now, a little tired of demigods/fantasy settings, can probably be sold on just about any setting/system.
>Time availability
Can theoretically make almost any weeknight outside of Monday nights work, GMT -6.
>Text or Voice
>Contact Information
Discord: flowerygrackle#7475
Skype: flowery grackle
>Additional Information
I'm a submissive looking for ERP :3
>GM or Player
>Time availability
Saturday morning, tentatively 9 or 10 AM to 1 or 2 PM.
>Text or Voice
Text, with optional voice for OOC if you want it.
>Contact Information
I've set up a discord room
>Additional Information
The game will be set in the year 1922, and will be a mix of Xcom, X-Files, and just a dash of Men in Black.
You're a newly formed team of experts in a secret government agency known on paper as the "Bureau of American Affairs". The agency's purpose is to investigate possible alien activity, destroy any alien threats present, and keep the entire alien threat under wraps from the public.
Whoops, forgot to include that those times are in PST.
If you could indicate which game is yours so I could avoid it, that'd be great
>GM or Player
D&D 3.5/4e/5e, GURPS, Pathfinder, Shadowrun 5e.
Though I'm willing to learn anything really.
>Available time / Time Zone
GMT -6, Week days only
Beelzebro#0983 on Discord.
My only hard rule is that I am not interested in text only groups.
>GM or Player
>System Preferred
PF, 5E, and 40K, but I've begun digging into Dungeons the Dragoning and LotW. Willing to try anything once.
>Time Available
Sunday-Wednesday. Anytime after 7PM EST is preferable
>Method of Play
>Contact Info
Discord GitGuzzlar#1885
>Additional Notes: Can't say I'm new, but I do often try filling in roles that I probably don't know much about.
>GM or player
Fantasy Craft
Time not yet decided. I'm in GMT+1 and I can do Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 6pm onwards or Mondays from 7:15pm onwards.
>Text or voice
Text on Roll20
>Contact information
Nothing much decided yet, game might not even end up happening. I might try doing some kind of group setting creation thing, maybe use Microscope or something.
Is that gMe any good, /v/?
No one playing Barbarians of Lemuria? Sadness!