Anyone else relieved they bailed out of 40k and now can sit back and laugh at the shitshow that is 8th Edition?
Anyone else relieved they bailed out of 40k and now can sit back and laugh at the shitshow that is 8th Edition?
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System-wise 8th is actually looking pretty nice. Fluff-wise it's also pretty good, Especially since all the Marinefags are rage-quitting because their Autism can't handle the new stories about plastic figurines being different than the old stories about plastic figurines.
Honestly... as long as you're not a Marines player who cares about fluff it's looking pretty good.
Go away, frogposter.
>As long as you ignore the garbage tier fluff and AOS non-rules it's a great edition!
As someone who bailed on 40k several editions ago, 8th is making me think about getting back *in*.
>Split fire for everyone
>Modified saves instead of ignored
>Anything can hurt anything
>Increased wound granularity
Fuckin' love it.
>As long as you ignore the garbage tier fluff it's a great edition!
This edition is actually about the game this time. That's all I want.
These points exactly. There are several players I have spoken with who stopped a few editions ago because of the absolute shit direction the game was headed. With the arrival of 8th all of them are looking at 40k again as a playable game.
Feels good as fuck man.
>This edition is actually about the game this time
>being so butt-blasted after one picture
I wish flyers had never been a thing, but it's not like they're going to ban some of their best selling models. Ah well, can't get everything we want.
It is a shame you decided to post that reddit /r9k/ /pol/ shit on Veeky Forums.
He's not butt blasted, he's pointing out how ridiculous it is to use a simple printing error as evidence that it's going to be bad. And it is ridiculous. There are plenty of good reasons not to like 40k and 8th in particular, but that is not one of them.
How many soldiers do you end up with in a "battalion" or "brigade"?
AFAIK it's a fuckofalot either way.
I'm just laughing at all the fags that ever got involve in 40k in the first place. Fluff isn't too bad and the RPG's are fun. After that, it's mostly shit.
Not quite true. I've played marines since 2e. I'm glad the autist marines are bailing. Love seeing the man child tears over some new specialized marine units. Their mentality won't help the Indomitus Crusade.
Wow, how accurate, thank you for answering my question with such overwhelming details.
He didn't have to answer your question at all, dipshit.
I want to ejaculate on this woman's face.
Who doesn't?
>He's not butt blasted, he's pointing out how ridiculous it is to use a simple printing error as evidence that it's going to be bad
>GW cannot chose how many troops you should use
>it's just printing arror
Yeah sure.
Also, jut to remind to anons and shills, these rules cames from the same guys who made 6 and 7 editions and designed rules for Celestine.
Just to remind you that this will still replace everything on the 40k General when it drops.
Just a reminder that odds are OP didn't actually bail and is just fucking with all of you.
So what?
Complete opposite, I stopped playing many years ago and am now getting back into it specifically because of 8th edition.
yes please leave, and firesale all your minis on ebay, thanks
>look at the dummies who don't piss off after some change comes along hurr hurr hurr
Better yet, burn them like that one fag did, and then 4 months later, spend hundreds on numarines
Let him run off. Less babies fagging up the game would be great!
>less babies
Many 8 year olds are more mature than 40k autist.
I only bought Black Library books (not Horus Heresy ones) anyway.
The new lore is pretty bad overall though.
>cadia gone
>shit pan-galactic warp rift
I wish this was a hyperbole
Not even a Hammerhead, but why the fuck does there need to be eight editions of anything?
D&D has been reworked more than your mom, last night, and it's still only on 5e.
Square bases for all models soon goy-I mean guys!
You clearly missed Nids getting royally fucked over again.
That was hilarious though.
>after giving several chapters an excuse to use a shit tin of primaris they all die
Not at all. I didn't mention it out of respect for the dead.
editions bloat over time as new rules are introduced and eventually the games become imbalanced and stale.
dnd5e doesnt release much new ruleswise, as it wants to avoid this, but historically companies release new imbalanced rules supplements in order to make more money.
new editions allow them to make more money but not ruin the game simultaneously.
I hear you. The hardest part about going through topics here is seeing the whining that could be solved just by discussing an issue with their fellow players.
All this whining about primaris replacing regular marines. If it's true, just say, "guys I spent a lot of money on old marines. I'm counting them as primaris. I am not spending a grand to rebuy my army."
Didn't work for AoS.
Wouldn't know about AoS. Haven't been into fantasy since 98'.
We should have listened to Jaden
Inversely, it's hard to go "um, guys, I don't think these changes actually fix anything" without getting drowned out in the "Go away naysayer" hypetrain.
True enough.
They Would Also Type Like This Because This Is The Most Intelligent Way To Type. You Need To Emphasise Every Word.
If you're smarter than everyone then it stands to reason every word you utter needs to be emphasized.
>Bailed out after second edition
Oooooo yeah
I don't think that counts
Daily reminder that their rulebook is only 16 pages long, and they still fucked it up.
I did. What do you mean?
People are screeching "REE NIDS SQUATTED" because Chaos activity on Baal caused by K'banda's ritual spawned a warp storm that wiped out the Hive Fleet attacking and giving Guilliman an opening to push through. Baal got consumed though before they could rescue them, and 5 Chapter Masters died.
Oh no, they consumed a blasted wasteland that provided nothing and 5 unknown chumps were killed.
How tragic.
Assuming neither Dante nor Seth were casualties.
>Fluff-wise it's also pretty good,
LOL not even at all. But that's okay because the fluff has been worthless shit for almost a decade, it's not like this is a new issue. At least people can enjoy the rules again finally.
They would have told us if they were.
At least Dante, Seth I can see them do in like that.
Every bangles successor chapter save the lamenters [and including the traitor successors of theirs] came to the sector to fight the bugs away, but the bugs still consumed the entire sector save the Bangles' fortress monastery. They were saved when a warp rift, an army of daemons, and a crusade with smurf primarines at the head tag teamed Leviathan.
>enjoy the AoS rules
They're the Matt Ward of crunch.
What's wrong with the current Celestine rules? She plays exactly as her fluff, fucking hard to kill and hits hard but S5 AP3 limits her effectivness and she is not exactly cheap.
In fact I think she was one of the best balanced characters they released this edition. Also she looks pimp as fuck.
>What's wrong with the current Celestine rules?
She cannot play in SoB army.
Lolwut. I thought she could be an HQ in any army of the imperium?
Well technically she can be used in SoB army, but her abilities didn't allow use Act of Faith
I never played 40k outside of the ttrpgs. I'm having a laugh. Seeing these guys go "8th looks g-g-great. T-thanks GW!" is fucking hilarious. Hell, I even jerked off a few times because I'm into sadism and seeing them get fucked over so hard and their reactions to it got me riled up.
Because GW wants to rape you on codex prices and force you to buy the next series of OP models to make them big bux. That's all they do. Make OP and poorly balanced shit, sell it and force people to buy it to compete, and then do the same over and over again to make sales. They need to keep pimping models because that is the backbone of the game. Pen and paper games rely on imagination and can be modified on a whim, so there is no incentive to keep shitting out new editions unless it's a big change. Because you can homebrew and houserule away shit in pen and paper games, ya can't with a war game. So, GW has them by the balls and if they wanna play with those expensive plastic army men, they better pay up.
Can someone explain why 8th edition is bad?
It's the tiny minority who enjoy their bloated and broken rules of 7e who are whinging. Pretty much everything I have seen so far looks good, I don't like the removing of vehicle facings but hey it's a small trade off.
The thread has already said why. The rules are broken, and when not broken are AoS tier dumbed down, the fluff has so many asspulls that it reads like an 8 year old making shit up, and it addresses nothing and merely became yet another way to pimp out new models and they actually made space marine space marines.
This edition is so bad that I think GW either knows their audience is full of retards, or has so little respect for them that they think this "most playtested edition ever" passes as anything but GW shitting whatever comes to mind on a page and calling it a day while giving you fluff that is so bad a child can come up with better.
The few bright spots this edition has are eclipsed by the flaming heap of garbage that everything else is.
There is no reason for flyers to not be a thing. I can't wrap my head around how you could accept infantry and vehicles and yet expect aircraft to be completely absent. Wouldn't be surprised if they were seemingly absent or relegated to side games for so long simply because GW didn't have the resources to manufacture them in large numbers for what they viewed as a price that anyone outside of the FW range of player or collector would actually pay.
The rift is actually a cool concept though since it opens things up for a lot of potential. The only way it will be bad is if GW makes it ultimately not matter by making it hop over it something everyone can do. Guilliman showing up at Baal is not definite proof of this because an explanation doesn't really seem to be given or if one is it's the result of the Warp being the Warp, which is fine if used sparingly.
Seriously though the whole Baal affair was always going to have problems since in hindsight it was obviously written when GW thought they were still going to keep 40k on the cusp of the 13th Black Crusade. When they decided to move on they obviously couldn't leave the Blood Angels stuck in a grueling war that would prevent them from being used elsewhere. As is it seems like the BA possibly got shit on just as much as, if not more than, the Ultramarines did during the first Tyrannic War and I don't recall anyone calling that bad lore. That was responsible for shattering an entire Hive Fleet too whereas the what assaulted Baal is merely a tendril of Leviathan.
Vehicles attack in close combat, and can lock units in melee (or be locked). It represents them "trying to run stuff over", even if said stuff is as large as they are and even if the tank doesn't move.
tl;dr Baneblades are now Beyblades.
>It's the tiny minority
Nice try shill
The difference is that when Ultramar it was written halfway decently. With Baal it read like:
Awwww how kewl! And then like the BA are under fire! Pow pow pow! And then like the ultramarines went zooom and went in and punched everyone in the face, and then there was this big bad demon lord and chaos was there and just BAM'd the tyranids and then...
It's like the story a kid makes when smashing his action figures together.
It's likely written like that because it's part of a timeline of sorts. I will not be surprised if in the future GW does a campaign book or two focused on the whole affair.
Or maybe you should expect higher quality for the shit you are paying for. I have read Veeky Forums fanfiction better than this. Go to the 40k general and ask some random guy to make a greentext of fluff and I'd bet it is more interesting than what GW put out. And that is pathetic given these are the professionals paid to write out a somewhat decent story. Instead we get a series of asspulls all through 8th. That is just shitty writing and shows how little thought they put into any of this. They couldn't even be fucked to try to make up a reasonable bit of fluff.
I'm sure there will be a black library book that will describe it in epic detail if you want.
To me it sounds like you're the one who should expect less from something like a damn timeline summary of events, which to me read as par for the course until the end, the fault of which lies with the fact that as I said it was originally written when the thought was that 40k was going to remain in stasis and thus you have to really ramp up the doom and gloom.
It also bears worth mentioning that Baal was always going to be under two pronged assault from Leviathan and Ka'Bandha. The fault there lies with GW and perhaps the playerbase putting so much emphasis on the former.
For being on a website about talking about shit, and for you being both figuratively and literally invested in the shit you're talking about, there sure is a startling lack of actual discussion.
If you think something is bad, *describe why you think that is*. Don't just have a collection of different non-committal insults. That's not the same thing. It's just five, ten, twenty more words where you're flatly telling someone you don't like something.
For example. Let's see what makes a better story.
>butthurt imperial priest launches Damocles Gulf crusade and gets shot down by the Tau. Showing the Tau just how big the Imperium is and shows the Imperium that the Tau are rising
New fluff after the retcon
>GIANT TAU COCKED ANIME MECHA destroys the TINY DICK imperial fleet ever seen and easily win with no consequences and wreck their shit
And I can go on. Rather than make an interesting bit of fluff, GW just reaches down and wanks everyone so fucking hard that it is almost embarassing to read.
And another but older one
>Ollanius Pius dies and shows the Emperor that Horus is truly evil and has forsaken all he swore to protect, a heroic sacrifice by a normal human changes the day
New fluff
>Horus faces 3 titan legions, the missing primarchs, all the custodes, and an entire horde of guardsmen and wipes them all out as Ollanius is now an immortal and borderline demigod
>I've never played 40k
>I somehow am laughing at a new edition even though I understand nothing
Keep playing Dark Heresy over the internet, you friendless wonderfag
What is the flaming garbage though, for real? just seems like 7th edition only they removed every USR and unit types?
>it's impossible to enter 40k threads and see what people have been saying about the game
Yeah, it isn't like anyone would even have a chance to comprehend all the subtle nuances of a basic wargame or how rules may be imbalanced. Only the truly elite 40k fans who shell out countless dollars for plastic toys and even shittier codexes have access to such forbidden knowledge.
The overwhelming consensus on Veeky Forums is that it is looking really good except for some retarded new muhreens.
Negro, this hobby doesn't cost money, it makes money.
I find it absolutely fucking fascinating that 40k threads attract so many shitters who have never played the game, and who never INTEND to play the game. Obviously you like rpg's, which I correctly assume you play exclusively over the internet. Would you take any stock at all in the opinions of someone who breezed into your discord session from a counterstrike server and started talking shit about your game?
Would buying a whole bunch of dark imperium boxes day one and getting all my units broken up and onto eBay as fast as I can net me some nice money?
... is this literally your first time in Veeky Forums?
Doubt it.
it depends on what you buy them for, I'm sure the people who break up Betrayal at Calth and BoP sets are getting them cheap. But if you're paying retail fuck no
just a general question... does anyone still play this game and enjoy it? i'm a little tired of 7th but i don't think i will hate 8th. the fluff changes are silly but tolerable. its not like there will never be any good fluff written again ever.
numarines are just GW being GW, is anyone surprised at this point? well i guess SM players are surprised because its been a long time since they've been really obviously fucked over.
Pic is people who like 8th.
its funny how people said that about AOS and there are people playing it and enjoying it.
i read the rules for 8th and my face didn't melt off, i'll probably start a campaign around release. does this make me a daemon?
Who is stopping you from continuing to play 7th edition?
There are also people who enjoy My Little Pony. Just because people like and play it doesn't make it good. AoS is one step above shoving action figures together and making fighting noises. If it wasn't for some dice it'd basically be that.
And if you find that fun, go ahead and enjoy it, but some of us aren't toddlers.
>It's like the story a kid makes when smashing his action figures together.
...Has this ever not been an accurate description of 40k lore?
>and there are people playing it and enjoying it.
Yeah people with bad taste exist.
honestly the lure of 8th edition for me is going back to playing games over 10,000 points and possibly finishing them in under 8 hours. and on that note..
have you even read the leaked core rules yet? all that insanely stupid shooting and melee complexity has been removed. none of those things made playing the game good, they were kneejerk countermeasures to keep people from finding loopholes and exploiting the rules. as a toddler i can assure you that after playing 5 editions its a welcome change to get back to basics.
There is a difference. Back then 40k was meant to be pulpy sci-fi fun. Basically making an over the top setting and having fun with some sci-fi tropes. That can be fun. But then GW wanted to be taken seriously. You can have cartoony and over the top or serious, you can't have both. And when GW tries to be serious, but ends up using cartoony logic to make up for their lack of creativity and really only is a joke because of how bad the writing is; it goes from fun and goofy, to just being boring and pathetic.
300 - 800 men.
3,200 to 5,500 men.
>MFW 40k gets DoW3 treatment in 8th
>All these buttblasted autismos that say it doesn't "feel" right anymore