Sum up your current character in one image
Other urls found in this thread:
Medic in Only War
Black Templar Chaplain
>when the smiteworthy xeno has to do the paladin's job
I would not hit that thing with a lantern, seems like a good way to get flaming oil all over you
>playing a barbarian in Wrath of the Righteous
He's an emotionless killbot who remains utterly silent during non-combat situations or at most speaks in single words because the guy playing him is new to roleplaying and socially nervous.
This is a bit cheating as it's a character concept for an upcoming game, but this is more or less accurate if you turn it into a petite, angry girl.
I guess this about sums it.
Droid hacker/pilot in FFG Star Wars, fucking hell I am just a glorified R2-D2
REAL MEN don't care about consequences or being smart or surviving at all
On damned near every level.
She's a paladin, and I didn't intend this at all at first
A mostly useless wizard
>The druid is tired of the party's shit.
also the reason the sorcerer took hold person
I have a ton of these and they fit the players in my campaign so incredibly well it's scary
What even is this
Da, for I am Boris! fighter of BEARS!!!
Warforged who consistently rolls a 1 at the beginning of every session.
Oh jeez, this looks like it should be easy... uhhhh...
Dawn Caste Solar who can't keep his dick out of anything with a pulse and a vagina.
He speaks only common, but still uses "how you say--". He is the most interesting duelist in the world.
Just remember that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees and you can do it.
I looked at it for about 15-20 seconds, figured that I just had to do that to find every angle, and decided, eh, fuck that.
this would also summarize my character, mostly the battling giant otter part
Old dad who keeps getting pulled out of his retirement to steal shit for a plucky band of adventurers due to circumstances beyond his control.
So Kiryu but a thief
Different reasons for doing it but it's effectively the same story.
Good luck.
Never happens.
Like a healer in a shooter, you're safer if you never trust your own team.
Every Only War game ever.
>Only time my Heavy ever landed a grenade throw I rolled a damn headshot
>Smoke grenade
Raven Guard with a Stalker-pattern Bolter
Great triangle angles:
ABC= 80
CAB= 80
BCA = 20
Bottom triangle angles:
DEC = 80
CDE = 80
ECD = 20
Top triangle angles:
DAB = 80
ABD = 60
BDA = 40
Lower half triangle angles:
DBC = 20
BDC = 80
BCD = 80
Inner triangle angles:
EBD = 20
BDE = 180-(80+40) = 60
BED = 100
The Devil's Triangle (AKA the gateway to dark skinned loli pussy):
EAD = 10
ADE = 100
>AED = 70 degrees celcius, aka the temperature of that little brown vagina
Fucking saved
Dragonborn bard?
That triangle is drawn massively incorrectly given the degrees.
It's throwing me off.
That's common in math classes, to keep kids with protractors from "cheating".
It's impossible, the angles as they are given do not create a shape like that.
Bodysculpting is a hell of a drug, kid
Well fug user, you earned this
All that math wasted.
I was supposed to be playing the typical loose cannon, fuck-it-all style barbarian and ended up as the team dad.
I am unsure if that is a female Saiyan or a cross dressing Vegeta.
But he was wrong.
this is the second time I've seen this weird thing.
What anime is it from?
I think it's because math teachers are lazy shits.
Bag of holding + Found a shop that sells powder bombs for cheap + Free item action = fun
Wrong fuck tards
A huge coward who will just do underhanded and shitty stuff unless there's a near 100% chance he'll win a battle
DM let me be a skeleton bard. I'm so excited for our first session.
None of this looks right.
I reposted it from the last time I saw it and it's still correct.
Dark Heresy Psyker
Desu vult!
Made In Abyss.
It's a manga actually, but there's an anime coming soon.
I wonder what anime he's from... gonna have to check.