Who just hit their initial investment level now, like I did

Who just hit their initial investment level now, like I did

>up 20% today
>up 120% this week

No but I'm barely keeping my head above the water.

Reporting in

bought at 10k
sold at 16.5k (on the way up)
feels good

cute newbies experiencing their first crash

>millionare grandparents tell me to pull out initial investment and play with change
>put 40k in
>hits 90k two days ago
>say when it hits 100k i'll pull 50k out leave 50k in
>now portfolio is worth 50k
>was literally a day or two from pulling out
sucks oh well you cant time the market

Bitcoin would have to hit $400 for me to go back to my original invest. Who else here /comfy/? I lost $2500 in the last day and I'm not even bothered by it.

I already cashed out 4x my initial investment so no.

I love the way the market always BTFO's newfags.

Well my initial investment is 150 USD, now its 5000 so Im pretty comfy still, but I regret that I didn't see this crash coming. What where the signs /biz

Initial investment was $16. Never falling that low

hold until the panic sale is over.

As soon as btc is dead the altcoins will rise again

>can't time the market

unless you're the (((one))) who controls it!

This. Im comfy as fuck

kek literally me and it looks like we're going down even more

never say never

120% up currently, ATH was 180% up back in monday.

The worst is yet to come.

im here for ya bro. I went from 10k to 50k and now im at 14k and dropping off the cliff.

I'm below it.

I actually bought in with 0.1 BTC just now.
Spread it to 30% XMR, 20% XRP, 20% XVG,
15% REQ and 15% FUN.

Been trying to pull out but I can't change it back to dollar. Fuck. I trusted you, Veeky Forums I put all my shit in bitcoins. Fuck you.

I lost 50%, $20k in one day. Feel numb

there is definetly people making a motza out of this

just this week

>charlie sells all LTC before dip
>coinspot (australian exchange) disables deposits TWO HOURS before crash
>goldman sachs decides they want in on crypto

Cashed out my initial investment ages ago, buddy.


Lmao you still have your initial investment in this crapshoot? btfo faglord.

If BTC dies your precious Bcash and the like will die too. Look at what happened when a flippening was attempted.

Lel I’d have to lose £130k!

Nucoiners btfo

tap out, pussy

I'm 2x and sold because binance is 2hours ahead of coin spot. Literally saw it coming all comfy like and sold.

Went from 10x gains to 5x gains.

This shit is june all over again

>5x few days ago
>3x last night
>2x currently
Ok mr bitcoin u can stop now

I’m getting close to it senpai, shit is started to fuck with me

I can’t even sell my shit on coinbase now if I wanted to. The whole system has crashed. I’m still up 5k on my initial investment but it’s out of my hands. I can’t get any of it back until this dies down.

how was your first crash



I lost my 200 dollars ;_;

300 left what should I do i put them in tetehr please help

Jesus Christ you kids are pussies.
I'm down $200k in 24hrs and not even flinching. This must be everyone's first rodeo..

lost 15 bucks out of my initial 40. lesson learned--don't buy at the high. will buy again when prices totally shit the bed.

no biggie. sorry for ur loss

Fuckin hell, why my grandparents were just poor sand niggers without a single penny.

This! See

JUST happened to me

To be fair though I did start 14 days ago

I lost my initial investment of 230$ I was suppose to turn it into 2000$ when I shorted bitcoin, but the spikes were too big, too stubborn and too volatile.

1850 in, sold all for 2220 and I'll throw the money back in when we bottom out.

I'm still up about a grand but my greedy hands are too strong to dump my shit. Hoping post Christmas we get a big pump again

Nigga i lost 100k today.

Ok Veeky Forums it's time to think like a rich man. There is blood in the streets so it's time to buy like a motherfucker. Look at this. I don't care if you think Bitcoin will never hit 20k. These alts are still tied to companies that have products that will make a profit. Can you smell the fear, the panic, the blood? Now's the Time to make some serious money. I'm not talking about going to the moon. I'm talking about being opportunistic as fuck and making some life changing money. Who out there has the balls to make it huge?

This was literally me, was waiting to hit 15k had it all nicely planned and was getting close at about 13.5 now im sitting on less 8 fml