Modern General

>Metagame thoughts?
>Discussion: What deck from another format do you wish was portable to modern?
>how do you feel about the diversity in the tournaments recently?



Weekly Modern Metagame:

Other urls found in this thread:

Save this thread for later. Real new thread

fuck off with your gay troll thread


double fuck you

How do you answer the reasoning that there's no reason for a deck with green creatures not to play some number of copies?

Let's kick off this thread.
Grab a deck, shuffle up, post opening hands.
Testing my tweaked Burn list tonight and tomorrow. I can keep this hand and should draw in to a second land. T1 Guide, t2 Swifty + Rift Bolt. Seems pretty good.

It's keepable. Able to fetch a forest off safewright, and if need be I can grab a land off stirrings

What deck is that? I dont recognize it.

Here's the tournament attire poll one last time (since the tournament weekend is almost over):

Currently casual is still in the lead at 43%, but smart casual has really caught up and reached 35%.

Be on the lookout for one person rocking a tux or evening gown while playing a card game.

Your dedication to that shit thread is impressive, but we aren't going to use it. This is the real thread.


Just ctrl s newfriend

Way to fuck it up, me

>What deck from another format do you wish was portable to modern?

Not new, just filthy phoneposter

I don't even know if shops would be good in modern. The power level difference is so huge, it'd be like putting a fighting game you mastered on Super Easy mode. Sometimes something can be too easy and you end up hurting yourself.

I just want one card to be Modern legal


What is this memery?

post favorite plainswalker cards

anyway, im curious, why do people hate tron so much.

Man this deck looks so fun. I just wish it was better. Dropping $250 on Nobles for an untiered deck feels bad.

Cmon there are better cards for spirits than a psuedo lord man.

it's not like it's the only deck that plays Noble and the manabase is fairly transferable to the other bant decks.

I know but I hate Eldrazi which is the only other Bant deck thats good. Or i guess Knightfall too.

Only interaction-fags hate it (control and midrange to a lesser extent), because it stops control from taking over the format.

knightfall is better than Bant eldrazi right now


well, i guess thats one more thing for blue players to complain about.

i guess i could ask why is control shit in modern, but something tells me thats a stupid idea.

You have to play it to understand man. Soaking up removal for your relevant Spirits or putting a single counter on a Wanderer/Geist is huge. It's the only copy in the deck.

The deck is great, Durward won SCG Milwaukee Open with it. It's just that he also built it from nothing and might be the only pilot capable of those results.

Not that guy but mimic has some potential in tribal. Maybe as a 2of for stuff like spirits/fish, but the card has impressed me a bit.

>interaction fags
It's like they want to play a goddamn game or something.


I have played it and it's extremely underwhelming, it either eats removal or puts a counter on one or two creatues before dying which honestly isn't huge. It also lacks evasion which is kind of huge in the deck. I'd rather be running Kira especially since were in a heavy spot removal meta or some maindeck hate like Kataki or other eidolon.

to be fair, if a 2mana creature gets killed after having put counters on another creature, that's already a fair deal, especially considering that a kill spell on a regular lord doesn't net you any extra value.
Card deserves a better shot imo

2 mana put some counters isn't exactly great though and considering we have better flips off of company I don't see any reason to run it.

Not to mention that there are cards that aren't as synergistic like reflector mage that are insanely good right now. There are better uses for the slot desu.

Is muh custom deck good?
13x swamp
8x dismal blackwater
1x westvale abbey
1x ob nixilis, reignited
1x sorin markov
1x diregraf captain
1x ghoulraiser
1x gisa & geralf
1x griselbrand
2x diregraf ghoul
2x gravecrawler
4x butcher ghoul
4x desecration demon
4x dark revelation
4x doom blade
4x sign in blood
4x smallpox
4x victim of the night

Look up B/W Smallpox.

Linear decks have just the right amount of interaction. Control decks get into no-fun-allowed territory.

Definitely not running a 3 mana non spirit.

Your assessment is a bit off imo. You aren't just getting a counter for two mana, you're getting a card out of your opponent's hand. That counter is also the difference between a Force Spike and actual factual counterspell, or the difference between a Geist that can attack vs one that can't. It could also just be the extra damage you need to force through in the air. It's pretty relevant at all points during the game. Kataki would be an interesting one to try. I've tried Eidolon of Rhetoric and it sucks. You're the player who wants to be casting multiple spells each turn. In the next iteration, if Mimic doesn't work (though it seems to be) I'm going to run a single engineered explosives main. It's one of the highest impact cards currently in the board.

Somebody call the whaaaaambulence.

Why? As long as Tron-bros are out there keeping control in check, everything's fine.

>3 mana non spirit
reflector mage is insanely good in the current meta and there was a time when this deck ran Rhox war monk main so I think that writing it off just because it isn't a spirit is incorrect especially since it;s not like were running 4. Not to mention that 3 drops are inherently better in a collected company deck and having a card that has an effect off of a CoCo is nice, especially since the Death's shadow decks run a limited amount of threats and locking them out of casting Ds or Goyf is insane and can set up for lethal swings.

Kira also all but turns off the opponents removal, has evasion and protects the rest of your team so I still think that's also better.

>4x liliana of the veil
I ain't swimmin' in cash you know

You could try replacing her with something like Necrogen Mists or removal.

But how deck usage also correlates to how good a deck is in a particular metagame. So, it is indicative of how strong a deck is, but should not be the only indicator.

I've been playing burn and a homebrew control for a good while but honestly I'm tired of winning 1st-3rd at my lgs and getting salt from jund mouth breathers.every week on Saturday.

why do all of you modern fags build the same 3 decks? Do ALL of you do what the "pros" do or what?

Currently a EDH casual, been a collector for 20+ years, just started playing again recently.

If most people you know play jund it's time to move.

>why do all of you modern fags build the same 3 decks?
Err... that's Standard. There are 10 decks in Tier 1 alone in Modern.

I have elves, knightfall, Hatebears and bant eldrazi

I love GW, man. I can't not play it


Fuck off

>>Metagame thoughts?
>>Discussion: What deck from another format do you wish was portable to modern?
>>how do you feel about the diversity in the tournaments recently?
blah blah blah thalia decks

No one at your LGS plays Tron?

He doesn't enjoy the best part of Burn: the salty losers. He's obviously a faggot of the highest proportions.

Would you make room for an SFM package if it were to be unbanned? If so, what would you shave for 3-4 SFMs and 2-3 equipments?

Must just be my LGS then. 10 of 12 of them always play jund.
Elves are the shit bro I thought about modern elves but if I can't go turn 1 with elves I'm not down with it. After seeing some of the shit I can do with all the dumb shit I've collected, there is no going back.

You sound retard son. Control is great. Blue is god level, I remember when shit actually was kinda burn like.
One guy does but he rarely shows up and he's one of the chillest players there desu. I enjoy playing against decks like tron, death and taxes ( currently working on a homebrew of it for modern in mardu colors), anything I don't see on top 8 lists all over really. Might just be because I've seen thousands of cards in my days.

Thanks for the tips and all, but can you tell me if the deck i listed would be good?

>3 color death and taxes

>Must just be my LGS then
Yep, I know literally one Jund player.

UW Control without As Foretold memery when I'm on a win streak, DSJ if I need to win as much as possible
Why gimp myself when I can play the most efficient lists
>Metagame thoughts
I honestly think it's pretty decent. I wish SFM or Jace was unbanned but as long as I'm not against the mirror I think control is in an alright spot. I really wish tron was gone though so aggro could step down a notch.
>What deck from another format do you wish was portable to modern?
I want Nic Fit (legacy) to be a thing in modern so badly. Hell, just give me vet explorer. I want to go to Valuetown so badly.
>how do you feel about the diversity in the tournaments recently?
I'm glad that the vizier combo caught on. I love toolbox decks, but I also enjoy laughing at everybody that thought vizier was going to be shit/not as good as melira finks. I just wish the art was better

Just something to try out. I know it sounds crazy too.
there is another in my city but the one time I was there the owner tried to sell a Villa Zheng fake to me. Never returned.

If a store is selling fakes you should report that shit nigga.

>tfw you will never play lands in modern

lol wizards won't do shit. The store I go to has been around for 10 years. Once a guy accused the owner of selling fake older shit just for a refund. Absolutely nothing happens.

The most one could do is a smear, I'm not that kind of guy. If he is selling fakes oh well, his customers are just dummies for not knowing how to spot a fake card past 8th edition.


Not really worth talking about until we know it's real.

wrong set symbol

at the moment, no. i wouldn't. SFM works contrary to Leonin Arbiter, which is the crux of our mana-denial and removal suite. this fact coupled with the higher incidence of artifact hate in modern from several common or top lists being heavily artifact-based leads me to believe that playing an SFM-equipment package in current modern WX Taxes lists would be a poor choice.

One could make a case for Bant Stoneblade or an Abzan Creatures-Toolbox Delirium list (read: Dark Maverick) based around SFM, Traverse the Ulvenwald and Knight of the Reliquary to be playable though.

My penis wants to believe.

Is this $$$$ enough?

Me like ramp

>master of the feast
I had someone play this against me once. I didn't understand it then, and I don't understand it now.

5/5 flying CoCo/EE target?

That draws your opponent an extra card every turn. That's a crazy thing to do in Modern.

shhhhhh, I like free wins

If it comes out the opponent is usually dead your next turn or the one after. Rhonas is usually the first choice, but if you already have a Rhonas then another 5/5 won't hurt.

Is this a good way to balance tutor effects?

>or the one after
The game won't last that long.

seems fine, wrong thread

>8 dismal backwater

Assuming you didn't just have your wolves, geists and Rhonas making out with each other, they won't have much life left to lose with another 5/5 coming down.

How fast does it goldfish? How consistently?

Hey so I've decided to try and get into modern FNM after years of just playing casually with my friends. I don't really know too much about the meta in modern, but I want to know whenever or not you guys think the deck I want to use is shit, and how I could improve it.

11x Island
11x Wastes
4x Tome Scour
4x Eldrazi Skyspawner
4x Negate
4x Cancel
4x Claustrophobia
4x Sphinx's Tutelage
4x Walker of the Wastes
4X Mist Intruder
4x Slip through Space
4x Talent of the Telepath
2x Pull from tomorrow

Sorry, but yeah, it's shit. The deck lacks focus and also uses a lot of cards that are just bad.

So is BW Eldrazi going to be big? It looks fun so I bought into it.

2 drop, evolve into obliterator, prey upon an opponent's creature is the most explosive hand with turn 3 being ideal.

But any option among Rhonas, a soulgorger, CoCo, or evolution is great. It's often that you get two of EE/CoCo, and the 5/5 is sometimes preferable to a soulgorger as another beatstick.

Play the meta or go home kid

BW Eldrazi already existed. It was one the variants that was running around before PT Oath of the Gatewatch.

No one has given me any useful feedback on this deck. Will it be ready for FNM this upcoming Friday? I am still trying to work on the sideboard, so do you have any advice for it.

Yep, totally ready. Go for it user.

You should start by cutting the mainboard down to 60 cards.

Your deck cannot deal 20 damage on turn 3. I'm not saying it can't do powerful things, but it can't do that.

Your deck should have no more than 60 cards, because consistency is essential in mtg. You can't move any to the sideboard since the sideboard maximum is 15 according to the rules, so cuts are needed.
Also, you are going to need either dual lands or fetchlands. Even the poorest players are running either Evolving Wilds or a shitty tapland, which are worth next to nothing.

Some of these card choices are questionable. Appetite for the Unnatural is too inefficient and costly to play. You'd be better off with Naturalize or Natural State. Mind Sculpt is never used outside of mill decks, and mill decks are committed to their strategy.
Act of Treason is not used in modern, and probably for a good reason, at least not in mainboard.

No, but the original point was whether or not Master of Feists was worth a 1-of. That point is that you can consistently get in a rhonas or soulgorger, and swing with them. Once you do, turning a 1/1 young wolf into a 2/2 young wolf plus a 5/5 flyer can win the game.

The explosive start is having obliterator fight a req knight, goyf or other guy and making them sac their board turn 3.

Why do I feel like you are actually being serious? If you are go look up resources on deck building and the modern format. That should make it clear why the main idea of that deck is terrible and why it will not win a single match.

The deck is meant to get Ink-Treader out and then cast spells on it that synergize with its ability. Act of treason allows me to take control of every single creature my opponent controls, making it very powerful together. Surely winning on turn 5 is acceptable for a competitive format.

People never seem to discuss the pros of running more than sixty cards; it lets you have more variety in play styles, which is good when facing strong decks.

Mind Sculpt is meant for very slow grindy control decks, so I can easily win a long game.

>People never seem to discuss the pros of running more than sixty cards; it lets you have more variety in play styles, which is good when facing strong decks.
I keked.

Alright so what would you recommend I do to make it less shitty? I want to run a control/mill deck if it wasn't obvious enough. What cards would you recommend me trash and replace to get a better deck?

I remember when shitposts used to have quality

Look at this primer for inspiration:

If you want to be a mill deck, be a mill deck. If you want to be a control deck, be a control deck. Pick a path and commit to it.

A deck with over 60 cards loses consistency and makes it less likely for you to get the cards you need. Fetchlands are designed to not only increase flexibility in your manabase, but also thin out your deck of lands so you are more likely to draw cards to play.
If you are running 4 colors, you NEED non-basic lands, since getting the wrong lands is far worse than getting your non-basics Blood Mooned. Most decks run 2-3 colors. Having only one color risks lack of versatility, but having 4-5 risks inconsistency.

Or are you pretending to be retarded?

>Or are you pretending to be retarded?
Considering how many times he's posted this and the fact that he even tried to make an entire modern general about it (before the current general was done)...

You are sacrificing creatures to gorger before you get to swing with it and it doesnt even have trample. Plus that explosive start seems really hard to pull off given that you only have 4 dorks and 4 fight effects. The deck seems too janky