Last Session's Story

This is a thread where we talk about what happened in the last game session we GM'd or played.

>Be me
>GM'ing a game
>Players have the equivalent of a small nuke
>Players also have gems that allow two acts of teleportation per session
>One flies into the air and throws the nuke at the boss before teleporting away
>Everyone else teleports away with him
>They teleport back and find that the beast of a boss has been mortally wounded and weakened by the nuke
>They unload into the boss and ass blast him to death
>I give them bonus EXP for doing something cool and avoiding the darker ending I had planned for them

He just discovered [spoilers]Grover is the monster at the end of the book.[/spoilers]

Have spoiler tags just stopped working, or am I dumb?

The party was split up.

One group was bravely tackling the shopping, while the others were visiting some necromancers (lawful evil variety, probably).

The shopping group accomplished their mission (cute outfits for all!) and returned to their temporary home base where they encountered an ogre weather mage who was willing to fill their contract for a badass storm.

Meanwhile, the other group had been dealing with agents of the emperor, trying to learn about a Cult they were going to come into conflict with shortly.

Now everyone's in their temporary home base, their ogre friend is summoning up a storm, and they've got approximately eight hours before they kick in some doors and righteously smite some evildoers.

So obviously they're planning to head out to the paladin's village and visit their family.

Running games for girls is different.

just dumb senpai

> pathfinder
> DMs girlfriend plays witch
>trying to get achievement feat for healing 1000 points of damage
> starts using healing hex on everyone in city
>kineticist starts using telekinesis to start attacking everyone in the tavern
>witch runs after them to heal them for precious achievement points
>argument ensues because I tell them that healing a 4 hit point commoner for 15 hit points when he is at 1 of 4, does not give 15 hp toward the achievement
>other party member who owns tavern and puts effort into his backstory loses business thanks to these fuckos.

I am really starting to loathe pathfinder.

>first session
>party plans to escape prison planet
>we do with disgusting ease
>then default to being the bog-standard space murder gypsies
>with no personality than "want money and getting drunk"
>in a galaxy where every planet and NPC feels the same
>leave feeling defeated and bored

I give up Veeky Forums. I'm taking a break from being a player. Forever.

>DMs girlfriend

I fucked up, i am the dm, I am just so used to typing DMs girlfriend I did it on autopilot.

Why don't you come up with some creative plans and goals for your character and see if your DM will let you go for them? Con the other PCs into helping you by telling them your plan will make you all rich.

I once tried to get that feat.... then I came across a dozen (brimoracs or something like that) low level demons who were all clumped up. I couldn't resist dropping I Holy Smite right into the middle of them and got nearly all of them. Took out most of their health and blinded most but reset almost 200 points worth of progress.

This. One time I had my PC look for his lost sister through out a campaign.

My character isn't even close to a competent talker. He has no superior motives apart from building complex machinery and doing it more efficiently.
Despite that, I generally find the group to be displeasing company. Their humor's too fratboyish and situational for my taste.
And if we put that aside too, the GM does a bad job at worldbuilding, making everything feel the same lifeless place devoid of any personality.

When the only thing I'm thinking all game is "I can do such a better job with better players," then I'm doing just that.

Have you tried talking to him and giving him pointers? How do the other players feel about his GM'ing?

I'm currently writing a message to him with a bunch of pointers on what I didn't like about the different planetoids and different ways he could present them. The rest are pretty content, mostly because they are okay with just playing space magpies.

Other than that, there is nothing to be gained with me staying. In the end of the day, I hate every other player minus one.

>My character isn't even close to a competent talker. He has no superior motives apart from building complex machinery and doing it more efficiently.
Stopped caring the moment this came up.

A bad GM with good players can lead to a good game, and vice versa. Make your character have a fucking goal.

I'm tired of having a grand goal and wanting to bring down the evil whatever and find the lost thingamajib. I just want a guy that wants to build technological wonders on the world.

And the party want to ravage the countryside and kill everything.
And fuck you.

I suppose mine might need a little background, mostly to justify exactly what happened.

>Players have been rooting out a Demon Cult in a nearby city, after being sent there to get help for a small town
>Things got away from them, but they managed to infiltrate the cult headquarters overtime, eventually finding one of their leaders in a deep underground sanctuary. They kill him and his minotaur skeleton guardians.
>Upon returning to the surface they find their favourite NPCs leading local troops and knights in open warfare against the cult and its armeis of undead; have them locked in the castle at the centre of the city but can't break the siege.
>Long story short, they sneak through sewers and fight a few powerful undead before opening the gates.When they confront the last cult leader and the king he has posessed with magic, the fight almost kills one or two of them.
>But victory is achieved, cult leader teleports away. NPC leader is crowned as new ruler.

The next and most recent session, things go to shit.
>Players return to small village they promised to help.
>Find it burned to the ground, the undead keeping the people locked into their consecrated temple all gone.
>Find the dead bodies of the townsfolk when they'd gotten desperate and tried to fight their way out to get water and food.
>It'd been at least two weeks of no resupply of water, paladinbro and priestbro inside had sacrificed their energy into magic and their rations for the kids of the village.
>Find both dead
>Cue dickrogue accusing Bard of causing this, and party drama ignites.

I got a lot of misty eyes going that session. Rather pleased to have gotten that sorta emotional reaction from a bunch of noobs.

Sounds like the most recent session was a fun one to run.

I'm running a west Marches style game we just had session 2
>3 players are coming back from the last session (not exactly what I wantes but we work with what we have)
>1 new PC
>one of the old PCs has a fever curse he got last game where he takes a severe penalti to all his tests until cured and can't do anything sternous or he runs the risk of catching fire
>the others are a travelling snake oil salesman, a Priest of a death god (not in a edgy way but more in the "i hunt necromancers and protect dead spirits" way and the new guy rolled up a war priest of a god o slaughter and bloodshed
>I tell the sick player that it would be suicide for him to go, he goes anyway
>they get ambushed by a Bunyip
>sick guy ends up on fire and loses one of his arms
>war preist saves the day
>they push forward to the crypt
>get ambushed by chaos-tainted beasts
>war priest loses on arm from the elbow down
>inside the crypt they ambush one beast
>get attacked by other 2
>one of the beasts summons a swarm of hornets
>they latch to the snakeoil salesman
>sick guy goes and tries to stop the summoner (snakeoil salesman is kinda like his tutor)
>and up catching fire and missing his attack
>they kill the summoner who gets overwhelmed

Oh it was, didn't have any combat planned for it either which I think took them off guard - four hours of actual roleplaying and character development. I'm really starting to love these guys as characters.

Plus, I think I broke the bard for a while, IC and OOC - dude is happy go lucky in both, but I've not seen him that serious for a long time.

>sick man is unconcious
>burns to a crisp
>they enter a secret door and find the true crypt
>they refuse to take the treasure because the death priest says that that crypt is a holy place to his god (a famous undead hunter is buried there)
>they spend the night in there and later bury the burnt man's ashes in a nameless grave
>they get back to town sad and broken
>snakeoil salesman player needed to stop and smoke a cigarette in honour of his dead friend
It was pretty cool...

What did the snake oil salesman sale?

After our fearless Circle of Solars, and one cowardly Zenith, arrived in Chiaroscuro, and they've split up.

The Harem Anime Dawn, Museigan, went to seal a deal with the realm to buy out their caravan's jade which they had stockpiled intending to sell to Lookshy. He narrowly avoided being payed in Realm Script instead of silver, and thoroughly pissed off the Cynis representative by revealing his scheme and mocking him.

The Cool Dawn, THE SPIRALING DYNAMO, set forth to complete a heart-felt request to deliver a child to the local Immaculate Temple. Mnemon Kali was already planning to abandon the faith in favor of THE DYNAMO'S teachings, but THE DYNAMO was a man of his word. He met Righteous Shining Marble, the head of the temple and its most senior dragonblooded. Predictably, they had a number of disagreements, and Marble, being just as much a man of honor as THE SPIRALING DYNAMO, agreed to join him outside the city for a duel, to settle things like men. Their bout was projected across the city by THE DYNAMO'S magic, and announced by the Less Cowardly Zenith, Samael. Eventually, THE DYNAMO was victorious, and through his passionate words and more passionate fists, convinced Marble to abandon the faith, and join him on his journey to claim the Masks.

The Night, Alicia (in disguise as Alex), wandered around the city aimlessly until she heard that there were first age ruins about. Filled with enthusiasm, but not knowledge, she set off into the first such ruin she could find, heedless of the warnings. The traps proved incapable of stopping a determined solar, and she successfully looted the ancient office building of its treasures. Her haul included an ancient copy of the Broken Winged Crane, a personal diary of a boring middle-manager, and several dozen complaint letters addressed to said manager.

The Cowardly Zenith, Richard, sat in his carriage outside the city and prayed that nothing interesting would happen. He was disappointed.

>What did the snake oil salesman sale?
all the time

basically tea

I ran a solo thing for my GM in Faerun, 5E. She's playing a warlock that is the chosen one of the Blood Queen and seeks to destroy the church of Ilmater that threw him out for being branded by her. Last session I had him "convinced" to bring an artifact from a dungeon beneath an old, torn-down temple by a mysterious hooded figure who threatened to turn him into the authorities (actually a paladin noble who also served in the church and was kind of the chad to this character's nerd while in the church, acting on his own along with 3 retainers).

Had 3 floors in the dungeon, one was just a mess hall and sleeping quarters with 5 goblins and a chief in the messhall (planned to be bypassed or something, she made her char trick the goblins into deferring to an illusion of hers) then a big spider, some traps etc. Second floor was separated from the second (and third) by a black door only one marked by the BQ could open, and was just a huge library with quantum books (if she rolled well enough I'd give her a book I thought she would need). The third floor was the BQ temple with the figurine of the BQ (the artifact the hooded figure wanted) and some skeleton priests (I mixed the skeleton and acolyte monsters from MM) that would attack when the figurine was touched, stop if it was dropped and follow the holder if they were marked and spilled their blood on it. I had a 2 hour ingame timer until the paladin would follow her down there (turns out the hooded dude was lying about not ratting her out.

What happened was she bypassed the goblins with an illusion, had them kill the spider, wandered the first floor until the paladin arrived, hid until they slaughtered the goblins and went to sleep in the sleeping quarters, then descended into the temple, took the figurine, killed the skeletons (gave her a cloak of protection+1 from the head priest skeleton). When she returned, she found one of the retainers dead (your arms are burned off if you touch the door without being marked).

The players finally got to battle against their rival in a fated battle. The rival finally got his 'last' swordfight.

It was pretty brutal since the guy would just keep on trucking regardless of how many god-power weapons they resorted to using. Eventually, with wounds that would kill a regular man a hundred times over and both sides resorted to basically staggering into each other, he took a sword through the sternum and finally went down.

The clash of power has attracted some unwanted attention, though, so we'll be opening with that next time. Also, it's looking like the players are going to opt to save the rival as well because collecting NPCs is fun I guess. It's a legit option.

>Achievement feat

I don't know what that is, but I'm pretty sure you need to stop playing Pathfinder.

Jesus. How much HP did the rival have?


Another was dead from wounds sustained by the goblins, and the third one was nowhere to be seen. She tried to sneak past the paladin in the mess hall, but snuffed out a torch with Prestidigitation, which caused him to Divine Sense and feel the artifact in her pack and then attack her char.

I actually built the pally with Mage Slayer, (variant human), but as a pact of tome warlock, her char had shocking grasp and all but negated the reactions (not sure if I ruled that correctly) and nearly killed the paladin, before being knocked to 0 by a few (un)lucky rolls. Didn't tell her whether he dies or not yet, just a To Be Continued ... I'm likely going to allow her to be saved by the Hooded Dude.

Btw, does anyone have any feedback on this? It's my second session as a DM.

A lot. I honestly didn't expect them to actually beat him, I had several outcomes planned depending on how well they did, but fair is fair and they actually took him into the negatives, so I need to rewrite some stuff as well.

Nice dubs.

Bumping for more stories.

We ditched our objective because we ran into an issue of one of the antagonists setting up camp on the only road to town and having a dragon and it's rider pop up to fuck up the rest of our night.

We decided to go towards a castle on the road's fork and met some soldiers of the old empire, old empire sucked dicks so the party don't trust these fuckers. We also have a robot member and they have a habit of confiscating robot tech. We don't know if they are using it for advantage or destroying it. They were searching for a dragon and we decided to join them because we had a feeling it was related to a burning town incident from like 5 sessions ago.

Wandered into some castle, infested with dead kobolds and giants for some reason. Dragon fucked off before we could face it but an even older antagonist popped up because it turned out to be his castle. Weird old man that turned himself into a gray dragon man and the last time we fought I cut off his hand so I kept taunting him with it this time.

Eventually a fucking horde of underlings started popping up outside his gates along with a few giant robots and we started shitting ourselves. There was also a fucking weird ass screaming that's unsettling the fuck out of us while we deal with the dragon man we ended up dubbing "Ass Dragon"

Weird ass screaming is getting louder as well as sound of marching giant robots and we're freaking out while the paladin and I try to lay the smack down on this Dragon dude but we keep rolling fucking garbage and miss every roll.

Weird ass screaming turned out to be a Gnoll we have in our caravan and he starts beating the shit out of the robots. Rest of the Caravan starts picking off non robot horde and trying to calm the Gnoll because the robot is fucking broken but he won't stop hitting it

Then one of the employees told us they were closing shop so we couldn't finish the boss fight.

Sounds like a crazy battle. Why where there robots there? Are you playing in a modern setting?

The party got halfway through their escape from Velkynvelve.

> pathfinder

It's closer to WoW but I imagine it to be less gaudy. DM describes it closer to like the renaissance era in aesthetic. They're called automatons but they are just robots. Our game is basically kind of a successor to the DM's other campaign he's been running for four years with other friends of his. It's in the same world just far into the future and the Empire back then was basically an army of secret satanists who abused the shit out of robot tech.

It's my first campaign so I do see some potential pitfalls in this one with it but I'm having fun.

Sounds fun.

Bumping for more stories.

I tried to run that but said fuck it when the first enemy they ran into had 71 health, especially since the final boss of my last campaign had 100 health with 7 level 12 pcs.

I ran The Kurosawa Extraction, the sample scenario for The Sprawl.

My players killed several innocent bystanders and hijacked a fucking airplane.

Some slight backstory:
The players were hired to clear out an ancient, Dwarven mine from the orcs/kobolds/undead that inhabited it. They grew to like the orcs more than the questgiver, especially after they learned that his old stories were wrong, this isn't a mine, it's a dock for spelljammers that got attacked by an interstellar necromancer.
When we left off, our heroes had told the Dwarven questgiver to fuck off, finally gotten access to the floating ship, and completely misunderstood the instruction manual (The manual used 'wizard' to refer to anyone who can cast spells, one of my players is kinda party leader and decided that it meant a character with wizard levels, I probably should have nipped it in the bud, but figured it'd be an interesting investigation section. They believe they're right because they don't have a character with wizard levels, and the lifejammer helm hurts anyone that sits in it.

The group is:
>Nameless rogue with little characterization
>Heroic paladin of heroes
>Dragonborn bard with edgelike tendencies (currently absent)

My players (those who turned up) finally slew the evil dwarf and valiantly stopped him from trying to reclaim his ancestral home. They tied up his vile wizarding friend and escaped from his minions by sacrificing some of the paladin's very life energy to the control seat on the giant, floating ship, leaving their very reality behind in the process.

After some light questioning they decide that perhaps this wizard isn't as vile as previously thought, and that a pet wizard would be very useful. They also come to the conclusion, through extensive testing, that he is an abysmal driver of interplanetary boats, and leave that job to the paladin.


During these tests, our brave heroes re-enter the strange glass ball they previously left, intent on returning to save the land from the dread plague of mercenaries left behind after the death of the dwarf. However they soon discover that this world is not as it seems, aided by [nameless rogue] the heroic paladin, and [heroic paladin] the thief seeking redemption, who travel to save their home from the dual blight of dragon and orc.

Nobly deciding to join them, our heroes travel East until they see an orc camp, centered around an unusually large tent. Through some dashing conversation and daring flattery, our heroes gain access to the large tent, wherein they find an orc as old as the very mountains themselves, or so he claims. From this orc they hear a tale of the truest evil, a dragon who would not answer for his crimes, leading to the formation of this army and the laying waste to the kingdom of dragons, and, as the heroes of justice and heroism that they are, they vow to stop at nothing until the orc's sweetroll is returned.

And that's it. I expected to get another session in between then and now, but every time the rogue's unavailable and the bard won't play without him, now we're each going home for summer, and I'm not convinced the group will work after we get back for the most trivial of reasons.


That sounds really interesting. Details?

>and, as the heroes of justice and heroism that they are, they vow to stop at nothing until the orc's sweetroll is returned.
I kek'd.

>And that's it. I expected to get another session in between then and now, but every time the rogue's unavailable and the bard won't play without him, now we're each going home for summer, and I'm not convinced the group will work after we get back for the most trivial of reasons.
I hope it works out for you, it sucks when a game stops because the group breaks up.

>whole 4-days long weekend at friends' place
>2 days spent hiking in the mountains
>shadowrun on downtime, campaign in anarchist Berlin
We cycled GMs, I played one run, GMed one
>player run
>have to interept a convoy with an experimental reactor in it and destroy it
>play a rigger, heavy drone support plus a kitted Roadmaster with a MMG/grenade launcher turret
>we do our legwork to find out which box the reactor is in, drones being spotters
>chase the convoy, my heavy rig is barely fast enough to catch up and I have to push it to its limits and beyond
>street sam and mage/face come from the other side in an armored bike and blast one of the front APC tire
>I blast the rear car with a HE grenade from my turret
>APC people retaliate my rig gets damaged but nothing too harsh
>the second sam jumps on the APC going 180 km/h
>doesn't even fall
>start bashing people
>driver starts to lose control, mage inside tries to put a bubble around it
>I shred the barrier to shit with my MMG while the mage blows another tire
>mage gets hit
>onboard street sam puts a blade in the driver troath, he dies and the APC starts going to shit even harder
>it crashes, everyone inside gets hurt
>we mop up the survivors, the troll sam gets targeted by AR fire but tank it all
>we blow the APC to shit and frame the whole ordeal on eco-terrorists

I have also the story when I GMed.

Tell the GM story pretty please.

>that pic
So... Shoggy?

>Party of 4 + GM
>Player A announces beforehand he will be travelling for work and missing the next 3 sessions
>Session time arrives
>Player B is nowhere to be seen
>Not the firs time he pulls that shit
>Looking like it's going to be cancelled
>Player A messages he can actually make it, will be 30 min late
>Yay, day saved
>Game starts
>40 minutes in DM says his throat is sore and stops the game
>Also not the first time it happened


Nice digits.

That has to suck.

Sounds like your group is having fun: keep at it man, I hope that your games will become more and more immersive.

So, second session started after a 8-hours hike not far from the Mont Blanc, we went back to my friends place and that’s where I proposed to take over the GM mantle for one session so he could play. I’m used to GM Shadowrun 5ed as well

The team is :
>close combat, high-agility schizo child soldier street sam named Hansel
>ranged, high-bod troll street sam named PanzerTrog
>high-cha metrosexual elf voodoo mage speaking in rhymes named Wilhelm
>decker-infiltrator named Venom
The first three were on the previous mission, and my rigger was acting as an NPC for the escape run

>mage and decker both get a call from their (common) fixer to get into the Kreuzberg barrens
>mage get told to gather his team with the kid and the trog
>the trog gets ambushed going there, soak up AR fire like it’s nothing
>for some reason the mage and the kid are more intimidating and don’t get ambushed
>they arrive to the meeting point
>chromed dwarf waiting for them in front of an armored limo
>mission is to retrieve a special algae from a biotech lab
>decker ask how are they supposed to recognize it
>dwarf tells them they are going to know when they find it
>they accept, they can catch a glimpse of their real employer in the limo (old and mysterious rich dude)
>legwork ensues, they come up with a plan with a distraction team (mage and troll) and an infiltration team (decker and kid)
>I team infiltrate a supplier warehouse and hide themselves in cargo
>D team is on standby


>I team arrives, the cargo is going to be checked by two security and one technician
>D team launch action by ramming the rear gate with the armored motorbike and starting to lay down the fire
>security gets called and is redeployed, decker uses her crossbow with electro bolts to remove the quality control
>I team starts moving down the corridors looking for the algae, disrupting cameras on the fly
>D team works its way in the factory, takes a good spot
>suddenly flashbang
>Trog grabs it and send it back, part of the security team gets flashed
>firefight ensues, Trog sends a frag and mage remove a couple of the goons with a few Acid streams
>team mage invoke a fire spirit, Trog gets a couple damages and starts feeling a few maluses
>Wil got a few bullets in, but manages to banish the spirit when the mage is gunned down
>I team got intel that the algae is in the BizDev wing
>whole team get there, decker keeps looping the cameras
>mage feels a fuckhuge magical field behind a door
>as they enter they can see a pretty evil-looking spirit materializing above the suitcase they are looking for
>fight ensures, decker and trog miss a few shots and kid manages to land a few blows only to get hurt badly by the spirit’s aura
>mage tries to banish it but fails so default on acid streams
>Trog finishes it with a full-auto of APDS rounds on its face
>now the aura around the suitcase is back to normal
>team opens the suitcase and it’s a shiny beautiful thing inside
>they fucking run outside as the HR team’s sirens are blaring closer and closer
>flee in the ensuing chase
>request a meeting with the Schmidt
>give him the suitcase, get paid and get a little extra for all the other shit they stole there

Also when they were doing the legwork we all cooked the diner together

>first session of new campaign, 7 players including dm
>our characters are all from a war-torn country and are trying to gain entry to this mysterious floating city, which has just opened its doors to new citizens.
>We get taken to be interviewed as part of the process and are knocked out.
>Wake up in a blank white room with no weapons, no armor, no idea what's going on. Get told that if we want to live in the city, we must pass a test.
>Dm gives us shitty weapons and let's our party take one magical item off a list she provided. Bit of an argument between revive scroll and bag of holding but bag wins out because it's a multi-use item and most of our characters don't think they're going to die.
>Door lets out into some forest where we fight giant beetles until coming across a raging river with dilapidated bridge and a giant angry serpent in it.
>My character can fly. I suggest everyone hops into the bag of holding and I take them across.
> after some deliberation and rule checking to see if that's even allowed, three of the other characters hop in (the other two are mistrusting and afraid) I pass a strength check and we make it safely across.
>The character that doesn't trust me (a gunslinger) tries the bridge and is almost fish food if it weren't for some good rolls and a lucky shot to the creature's eye.
> The coward (a mage) casts a spell that lets him jump over the river, only narrowly avoiding the serpent.
>After we're all across we meet this strange npc that rides a giant beetle and tells us our first trial is to retrieve an artifact from the serpent's lair.

Frankly I'm excited to see where this is going.

That sounds really exciting. You have a good GM.

Sounds pretty weird but engaging nonetheless

>GM left early and never came back
>Three different excuses


Sounds nonsensical.

Holy shit. Ditch the dude/dudet and find someone else to play with. Either that or bring it up and have a serious talk with this person.

>Not rising up to the chalenge, being kind, and offering to fill in for the GM

Thanks a lot user - I've never had a group stick with me like this before so I'm learning as they do. Success to you in your own games as well.

It's a bit convoluted yeah, especially since I cut out some details to make the story shorter, but we're not trying for a serious high fantasy thing so we're all having fun with it.

I have never played a real game because that sort of shit keeps happening with the groups I've been with.

I have no clue how to GM because I have no clue how to play that overbloated system.

Yeah if he doesn't step up next session I'm dropping a greentext.

At the risk one of my players is reading:
>Players are college students caught up in Islamist uprising in a fictional Caucasus nation(think of a Far Cry game) whose princess they're friends with
>Royalists/secularists are finally strong enough to retake capital
>Group shot the breeze with their friend the princess
>Group flushed out a sniper and were asked to look for a cache of sarin gas
>Session ended as group faced down a special forces guy(very gar and dangerous but also tired and injured)
>He's actually pro-democracy and got caught up in the rebellion before it was taken over by the religious fanatics and secretly helped the group early on

Game has currently screeched to a halt since one of my players has family/Ramadan stuff seemingly every night.

Next big reveal is that the cleric who started the revolution is actually obsessed with the princess and believes he can cause her to become possessed by her warrior-queen ancestor by doing certain rituals and making sacrifices(it worked).

What's the setting exactly?

1999. Earth. Fictional Caucasus nation. Kinda started as WoD Mortals but it's really just another modern-earth-with-some-magic game.

Bumping for more chill stories.

I would like to say something, but it's not chill and they might be here reading;

I already posted this weekend's session but I could post last week's.

Good dubs and... just be very obscure with names and gloss over the classes.

Should we let this thread die and make a new one next Sunday?

I don't think it'd work. If I descrive an action, they'll know that's what happened.

Wanna story of killing god and becoming one, all while getting the girl?


>first session
>party is a new group of dragon hunters
>one night they get half their food stolen by coyotes
>go hunting
>come across a nest of eggs
>try to take one
>suddenly axebeaks
>after axe beaks are killed they find a caravan being ransacked by kobolds
>save caravan
>didn't realize they saved an individual who would become a BBEG
>wagons were on fire
>kobolds loot didn't have anything that causes fire
>caravan dude gave them alchemist fire
>BBEG is now going to the capital to establish a stronger dragon cult presence.

Gimme few hours, gonna get back home to pc.


If you do, I'm
We're playing again on Friday, so I'll likely bring you stories of how they do with their first adventures in the undersea. Will keep an eye out for this thread.

So I am back and ready. Let me first give some brief OOC introduction to our campaign that's concluded with the last friday game.
We're playing Dungeon World and I've decided to play party face. What have I found was Beguiler playbook, and one of race options was "Otherwordly". I thought, why the heck not, and decided to take some mythos to recreate. this time, Ragnarok. I thought it would be interesting to do some alternate interpreting and well, haven't ever played scion. I didn't even care it could be snow-flakey.

Bound by chains, cast into deep abyss in Underworld, the God Eater Fenrir's last act was to cast his consciousness into mortal plane and create a mortal body for it.

Welcome F, the Shard of Fenrir.

>land near some bigass trade city, still in shock after family betrayal
>hear some surprised scream
>it's a qt redhead with a stick and fox tail
>notice I'm still in wolf form, turn into human
>first form I can think of is my dad's
>talk with her, her name's Sionnach and she's a druid, going to a nearby city to join first ever heroes guild
>walk with her some time, I leave her somewhere in the city and decide the course of action
>fuck Asgard, I will break myself out

>a year has passed
>I've taken many jobs to develop contacts, create backup, gather resources
>I killed radical druids to help Sionnach bind fire elemental demon that would otherwise destroy the city, so that she would owe me
>I saved her from archmage that wanted to kill her (because of prophecy that she would destroy the world), with a coin toss. I still needed her.
>I tricked both my party and necromancer cult and stole some part of Lady Death's power, because I wanted have more power to help myself in escape
>I stopped some cult that wanted to release ancient bug monster to wreck havoc on the world, because I was on contract and I was professional. The irony was not lost on me.
>I assisted the head of heroes guild(gm's old pc from prievious campaing in the same setting) in stabilising the Blood War on Lower Planes. He also would owe me one. During mission, I used the stolen Death power to make pair of yugoloths and spider godess mortal, two first were killed. I also stole some artifacts, one of them Dagger of Time.
>during the quest Asgard was notified of my existence and I had to evade Ride of the Valkyries
>I got some mercenaries on my retainer, started my tavern to gather intel.
>Me and Sionnach had saved eachother life time and time again, going to hell and back.

>One day she asked me to help her and some poor, nonsignificant farm boy to find his girlfriend
>no money in it, boy knows noone and is nobody
>well, any other person and I would decline
>but it's her

>we and few others search far and wide
>we wreck human trafficking red dragon in search of clues
>finally we find the girl on desert on other continent
>while going there, I scare away a sea godess that had some grudge
>kinda surprised, but whatever
>meanwhile, I talk with Sionnach about destiny
>"I know they tell I will destroy the world in five years. I don't care. Destiny is one thing. Freedom of choice is other. I won't do it".
>I get inspired
>Hell. I don't need to kill Odin. I don't need to start Ragnarok. I just want to break free and be left alone.
>Or not exactly alone.

>we save the girl from the hands of ifrit kidnappers
>suddenly, some aircraft (yes, we have scientifically advanced race of air nomads) shines at us
>I hide the girl, disguise as her
>we're pulled inside the ship, the girl is left behind
>there's archmage from before there, so Sionnach uses fire teleport powers (she got them during campaign) and teleports to elemental plane of fire
>her elemental used to be supreme ruler of the plane
>meanwhile I stay on the ship, disguised as the macguffin girl
>"Good thing we found you. You're great-granddaughter of sun godess and she's dying. You will take her mantle. The Ragnarok has started."
>wait, but Fenrir is still bound and...
>and it dawns on me
>For over a year I've been making my own decisions, pursuing my own goal. I've done things and accepted their consequences. I could do what I wanted and noone held me down.
>I've also proved that I could kill gods in my current form.
>All that time
>I was free.

This is where last session kicked off from and I think I will present the beggining in plain text. GM has bombarded me with plot threads and problems to solve. What needs to be pointed out is that some players switched characters, so we started the session split.

>The girl we left behind (mainly due to me being trigger happy with disguises) was taken once again by ifrits. As descendant of dying sun godess, she would inherit her power. The ifrit king would then kill her and take the power for himself, cementing his rule as an usurper of elemental plane of fire.
>All the gods, scared shitless by my actions, started killing themselves to get more power etc. Shit hit the fan.
>At the same time, I've started to get visions of my sister, Hel (pic related). "I need your help, big brother". Over and over and over again.
>Me, being kind of afraid of them (archmage and air nomads queen) killing me on spot, waste some time sending secret messages to my allies and organising the rescue mission for the girl. Mistake. I wasted so much precious time.
>It was only after the party got to the ship that I've joined the fray. It was too late by then.

>Meanwhile Sionnach starts rebellion in elemental plane of fire. As you may recall, she's bound with the previous ruler so she's got good claim and and least small army (still outnumbered tho). The rebellion itself is just a cover for some of our allies to sneak into ifrit king palace and save the macguffin girl.
>She also wanted to buy time for me to do my thing.

ffs, sorry for the size of prev. file

>We reach Hel's domain.
>I wasted too much time.
>Her palace is in ruins. My sister is dead, her essence fading away in the ruins.
>"You're too late, brother. Sorry."

At this point I believe I was able to surprise my GM.

>"I won't be late ever again. Not for you."
>I pull out the dagger of time, with party staring in disbelief.
>"F, but the timeline..."
>fuck your timeline
>are you with me?
>I reverse time, witnessing a great battle between dark gods in reverse, and sneak Hel out of her palace in the nail boat
>next stop, Asgard
>"I wanted freedom from destiny. By using that freedom, I've created the situation in which I have to fulfill my destiny. I need his power to save mortal world from being burned"

>we arrive on a meadow next to the rainbow bridge leading to Asgard
>Loki, his wife and new son, Thor, whole nordic pantheon are standing around, waiting for us.
>Odin steps forward.
>"Hello grandson. I've been waiting for this moment. Now give me the glorious death worthy of songs and legends, before I rot of old age"
>I understand him perfectly, while party protests.
>"It is one thing to go with your head on arena, proud and powerful. It's other to be killed by hounds of age, time and illness. It's the death that makes live worth living.", I explain.
>Odin asks what will I do after the fight.
>There is someone who is waiting for me, I say with a smile.

>The fight was brief, but intense. I barely dodged both strikes of Gungnir (pictured as whole constellation in the sky), used tricks and illusions and in the end, shifted into wolf form and killed All Father in one strike finish. Last words I've heard were "Now go save your girlfriend and fulfill second part of your destiny".
>mfw by the last order of Odin I also get Mjolnir
>I change my r20 in-game name from F to Fenrir

After few minutes we joined the fight in Plane of Fire. We were then joined by all NPCs we'd saved earlier, which allowed me to lead the strike into the palace and arrive in the main chamber with Sionnach and others just in time to stop Ifrit King from killing the girl and stealing her spark of divinity and power (which manifested as little sun over her body). It helped that I called in GM PC waaaaaay earlier via pm (he owed me one, after all). In the fight, Sionnach was mortally wounded.

I made my choice long ago. I was done running from the destiny.
I reached out.
I took to power of sun in my hands and claimed it as my own.
I ended Ragnarok.
I saved Sionnach and by my authority as new god of sun and good, made her ruler of plane of fire.

Her last words before a kiss were "But don't expect me to call you ".

Overall, it was my first fully finished campaing and I'm glad how did it turn out. I had fun, had some good scenes and recreated Ragnarok mythos with a new interpretation of commonly known elements. Sorry for kinda rushed ending, I hope my English was bearable. I hope the story was at the very least readable.

Bumping for more stories.

>suddenly, some aircraft (yes, we have scientifically advanced race of air nomads) shines at us
I always wanted to experiment with a Rimworld like setting where different groups have different levels of technology.

>All the gods, scared shitless by my actions, started killing themselves to get more power etc. Shit hit the fan.
What kind of Gods are these? Killing yourself seems to be counter-intuitive to gaining more power.

>>"I won't be late ever again. Not for you."
>I pull out the dagger of time, with party staring in disbelief.
>"F, but the timeline..."
>fuck your timeline
>are you with me?
>I reverse time, witnessing a great battle between dark gods in reverse, and sneak Hel out of her palace in the nail boat
>next stop, Asgard
>"I wanted freedom from destiny. By using that freedom, I've created the situation in which I have to fulfill my destiny. I need his power to save mortal world from being burned"
This is awesome! Good job, dude!
That's a really good story and I had a lot of fun reading it. Thanks man.