This man is blocking your character's path. What does your character do?

This man is blocking your character's path. What does your character do?

call him a Drizzt clone and kill him for those sweet XPs

Walk through him

Where we have walked we didn't need eyes to see the Hounds of Tindalos.

Show him the wonders of technology

I cast rain of bears.

Lecture him on the offensiveness of his blackface.
Mansplain him on the hypocrisy of his shirtlessness in public.
Shame him for carrying weaponry and cite made-up statistics on violent incidents and accidents.
He looks fuckboi enough to break down and go home after that.

offer him a drink, then kill him while he's drunk off the fine dwarven wine

Uh, did... did you wanna ask me on a date or something?


Unsubscribe from his youtube channel.

To be honest I laugh at his complete lack of protective gear and I order him to stand aside before I stab him.

It's probably when I learn that realism means nothing in a fantasy realm as the needles he's holding pass through my breastplate as though it were wet tissue paper.Jokes on him though, I have a shit ton on healing magic and hit points, those needles mean nothing to me even if they were poisoned

Walk around him. Failing that, teleport past him. If he still insists on being a pain, knock him unconscious. If that some how doesn't work, then I set him on fire. With my sword.

Laugh at him
Call him an edgy little bitch
Mind control him
Skip off giggling

Say she got burned before and she isn't going to another fucking Host Club.

I stand my ground against my swarthy foe and smite him with the Invocation of Zim-Zam.

Ask him kindly to step aside, I am a busy person.

Someone's getting stabbed, and it's probably not going to be the wizard that casts Misty Step as a bonus action to move behind them and then attack with Vampiric Touch to lifedrain half the damage dealt. And then daggers their neck while down to make sure they're not faking it.

offer him a job.

call him a nigger then continue on my path when he climbs a tree to cry about it

is that... a modeled backsack on some gnesha thing?

apply 7.62x39mm until I either run out of ammo, action points, or vodka

>cast hold person
>then disintegration
Failing the hold person
>cast disintegration

He'd probably just ask him why he insists on blocking the path and then depending on the response response ask him to get out of the way whilst pointing a heavy crossbow at him.

Or just walk around him.

Tell him to get some gains, then trim up, he looks awful.

tell him to get back in the god damned kitchen. If I want to deal with drow, I'll deal with the lady in charge.