Vent thread?

> playing DnD on Roll20 with friends
> make a few mistakes over the course of the session
> one person has to keep going on about it - pointing out everything and act like a prick about it
> mfw

I swear to god if we'd been playing IRL you wouldn't of pulled any of this shit and you'd of acted like a proper human being. I don't know who you're trying to impress by being a cunt about me making a mistake about 3 points of HP.

Maybe you're just being overly sensitive.

>haven't played in over a month
>GMs (we run two games at once) kept getting busy with work
>or holidays come up
>Finally play last week
>not playing today because Memorial Day weekend

I understand people get busy and why the others usually don't want to play on holiday weekends. It's just a bit annoying because I like playing with them and we haven't been able to play for a while.

t b h, thinking of running an Only War game with whoever feels like playing. Just for those times when our normal GMs get called into work or they're enjoying the holidays.

>wouldn't of
>you'd of

You sound like a bitch, OP

> playing roll20
> combat takes for fucking ever because one person is off in another tab, one person can never decide what to do on their turn, one person never responds when asked for input, and one person, after a year, can't remember what modifiers to add and when
> 8 minutes/turn was not long enough
> 10 minutes/turn was not long enough
> 15 fucking minutes/turn still isn't long enough
> the longest turn - not round - took 45 fucking minutes because the player couldn't decide what to do and the other players weren't responding when they asked for ideas
> nobody fucking plans for their turn in advance even though they can all see the turn order and know when theirs is coming up
> one time a player breached their turn limit I moved on from their turn because they hadn't even decided where they wanted to move after 15 minutes
> the immediately get up in arms and chew me out because they hadn't gotten to do anything
> even though I had told them easily half a dozen times that if you don't move it, you lose it
Fuck this shit. I think I'm just going to need to be harsher. It's not fucking hard to go 'Oh shit, my turn is coming up in two turns time, maybe I should put a hasty plan together or at least figure out where I want to go'.

>try to get really good friend to join new campaign after unfortunate death of last one due to some player apathy
>he keeps refusing constantly because he can't get into it, he says
>Tell him fine, whatever
>Friend #2 asks what this means for the future of the campaign
>have no drive to run it now so I tell him cancelled in favor of something else
>he goes to first friend and tells him I said that immediately
>first friend comes to me and goes ABSOLUTELY BALLISTIC claiming I used friend 2 as an attack dog to guilt him
>pulls out shit from literally years ago that we had agreed many times was water under the bridge
>blocks me on all social media and is apparently raging to other friends about how I am literally hitler (no one will elaborate on what I've done wrong however, I'm still almost entirely in the dark about all of this)
>this has been going on for a month now and has brought all games to a halt as other friends don't want to do anything unless both me and friend 1 are there together where before we played nearly every damn day
>hearing rumors that angry friend is trying to start a game with other friends that specifically excludes me

I don't know what the fuck to do about all of this to be honest, everything has turned out so incredibly bizarre

> joined a group on discord
> "Hey guys what's the starting level?"
> "We haven't decided"
> collaborative world building to start
> 10 minutes to vote on high or low fantasy
> an hour waiting for GM to make a map
> "alright guys map is ready!"
> no one responds

guess I'm not playing tonight

Playing online is always a massive gamble, huh?

Where do you even find groups like that?

I would trade my left nut to make a character sheet and play tonight, but every group goes into the "Well we need to have a meeting about deciding when to get together to decide the details of how we want to think about beginning and..." endless fucking nonsense.

Just put a 1 minute time limit on deciding what do to that turn, if they haven't decided on their action by then, rule that their character froze in combat due to indecision. People will learn very quickly to think during the other turns.

One minute is a little low because we're playing via text rather than voice. That being said, I'm considering trialling voice in combat, which should speed things up.

The one minute isn't to complete the action, but to decide what they're doing that turn. Ideally they should already know, so the minute is to type out what they're going to do. If they need extra time to type out a complex action, they can ask for it.

Still, you can also make it 2 or 5 minutes or whatever, but make sure the turn is limited.

Mmmmm. It's 15 at the moment, but to be honest, most of them usually make it in under 5 or so. It's just one player who's so incredibly indecisive and claims they 'still don't know what to do' after playing for a fucking year.

Make it 5 minutes, then. If he doesn't know what to do, well that just means his character is indecisive and also doesn't know what to do and freezes up in combat.

>group constantly keeps bringing up off topic shit and seems to have NO interest in getting back to game
>look at me expectantly like "ok lets keep moving"
>I continue the game
>they are showing each other memes on their phones
>they show me random faces from shitty characters to show me "my character's face right now"
>one player abuses telekinesis to be OP as fuck
>one player started attacking commoners so she could heal them to make progress toward an in-game achievement-based ability
>they always want to add flaws and other shit to their characters to get extra feats
>one character wants to play political intrigue but does absolutely fuck all to get involved politically and also the rest of the party stops giving a fuck


Switching to paper sheets after trialing mythweavers to make chargen for my group a bit quicker and then soft banning phone use helped with the offtopic and memesharing.

I once saw a single FFG Star Wars encounter take 4 hours. Not even a big one. 3 PCs and the crimelord and hired them vs 2 mobs (Groups of minions in FFG share a single statblock to avoid clogging up combat)

The GM was an incompetent fuck and none of the PCs knew what they were doing. It was terrible. Left the group after that game,

If you wanna get technical, he sounds the same either way--he just *types* like a bitch.

My GM just imposes his own time limit (this is in person, not online). If someone takes longer than a couple of minutes to do anything in combat or anything that is time sensitive, he just starts counting down from 3. You do nothing? Then your character does nothing.

You might want to get Friend 1 and 2 in a conversation together and try to hash everything out. Note especially that you never told Friend 2 anything about Friend 1 at all, you just lost the drive.

Or, well, give up on Friend 1 for being a psycho, because he seriously sounds like one.

>A guy I know and have talked a lot about RPGs but I've never played with asks me if I wanted to join a sort-of-sporadic game he wants to run in-between his campaigns.
>It's finals season, so I don't exactly have much time, tell him as much. He asks when finals are over, and that's 2 weeks.
>Tells me no problem as it's not something I wanted to do right away, he was just going to set up a discord server and invite the players, and after that we'll start doing shit.
>Told me about his players before and it's basically all degrees of edgy weebs, though granted nowhere near the extreme cases, sans one.
>Like the guy well enough and he was being kind of a bro thus far though, and honestly I'm dying to actually play, so say OK.
>Setting's apparently going to be collectively created, but it's kind of fixed on post-apocalyptic fantasy.
>This actually starts sounding better and I'm moderately hyped, if a bit concerned with the other players. So far three players on the server, he wants to get at least two more during the time it takes him to prepare.
>A few hours later, I'm studying. Phone's buzzing a lot so figure it might be important, it's all Discord PMs.
>"Dude, are you reading the server? We're waiting for you to make a character."
>Turns out he did not even wait a few hours, all the "collective creation" of the setting just involved him telling the other guys "Okay, make a character" with no lore given whatsoever other than "it's postapocalyptic" and integrating whatever they came up with in the lore, the core idea of setting has gone from "Madmax with Drakengard" to "Lolfallout but weeb".
>Confront him about this and remind him he said it'd be weeks before starting, and now he's rushing me after barely a few hours.
>"I kinda got bored..."
>Politely explain that I've lost interest in the game, and that I'll be skipping that one.

Fucking hell, I'm permaDM so I was damn hyped about the game. Guess I just dodged a bullet.

>I wanna rat so bad about my group but they might be on Veeky Forums

Friend 2 is very familiar with Friend 1 and all the ins and outs of the situation.

I don't want to give up on Friend 1, but you are right in that I think something has broken in friend 1.

>try to get really good friend to join new campaign after unfortunate death of last one due to some player apathy

This made it sound like your last really good friend died due to player apathy. Which would make Friend 1's actions a bit more reasonable, actually.

>This made it sound like your last really good friend died due to player apathy.

I hope you mean campaign, not friend.....

>That Guy dies.
>Has to make a new character.
>We all know he is going to pick >a human fighter that only wears light armor and wields one handed weapons with no shield.
>That is all he has ever played.
>Makes me help because rule books are hard.
>Still takes 30 minutes because he keeps naming classes that don't exist and turning down every suggestion because.
>"I am not to big on spells in these kind of games"
>Picks a human fighter.
>Everybody is pissed that the game had to pause thanks to mr.fucktard being unable to make a character by himself.

Also stop playing your 3DS at the game table you fucking faggot.

>join mundane but fun sounding high fantasy campaign through some LFG bs
>join their discord and roll20, shoot the shit with the dm while we wait for the other 3 guys + 1 girl
>he seems nice etc
>players join all at once and scream and banter for 20 minutes before buckling down to catch me up on the 3 sessions ive missed
>theyve almost killed an entire town and now are trying to take up a job with a local lord
>spend next 20 minutes plotting how theyre going to rape the lords hot daughter and demand that i (the utility wizard) help them accomplish this goal.
>stall until they start talking amongst themselves again before immediately leaving the discord

Never got why sad motherfuckers have to rape things.
I play for fun not school shooter power trips

I really don't get this. Why do people even want to discus such subjects in their games.

So far my players managed to earn my ire when one of them decided to turn local university mascot into his vampiric ghoul. Asked why he told me he hates that fuckin university

Sounds like friend 1 was looking for an excuse to get rid of you. Or he's just fucking insane. Or both! Sorry, my man.

Just join an LFG on Roll20 or the game finder thread on Veeky Forums You'll strike gold eventually.

Mom asked you to clean your room again?

>Never got why sad motherfuckers have to rape things.

Think of it like this, if that's what he's like pregame, the actual playing would have been abhorrent

>the joke
>your head

>Gm starts up new game with me, two other non-beginners and 3 newcomers, everyone knows eachother
>First session goes seamless
>Second session starts and we encounter hobgoblins across a road.
>One of the new ones, a barbarian, dont even attempt to talk to them and initiates combat for us
>We dispose of them quickly, but as we are about to leave barbarian chimes out ''i want to cut off their heads and wear them on my belt''
>Sorta weirded out, but also like the idea
>A campaign later we encounter an ogre, literally crushing a house
>Barbarian cocksurely claims that he is going to take it down
>Dont mind, like the hardheadedness
>Gets his face smashed in
>Gets pissy
>We survive, and come to our first real town
>Meanwhile i and two others gather info, barbarian wants to drink at tavern
>No biggie
>Later in campaign we come to an city where undead roam freely
>A skeleton-dragon can be seen flying above
>''Im gonna kill that single-handedly'' - Barb
>''Uhh.. can we think this trough, its an undead dragon?'' - Me
>''No, its probably weak''
>Oh boy

>Some sessions go by
>We discover that the mastermind behind the undead-city is a halfling who recides within a castle surrounded by a field of undead energy.
>While we tried to sort things out i somewhat made an old tavern our base of operations, acting as a barkeep.
>In the tavern we find some booze, amongst them a barrel of Halfling Ale
>Barbarian speaks up
>''We can just go up to the castle and offer him the ale for information!''
>The table goes quiet and looks at him
>''im sorry what?'' -Us, collectively
>''Well, he is a halfling, so we can give him the ale and he can tell us things!''-barb
>''Why do you think the allmighty evil wizard controlling this entire town would give up the secrets of how to stop him over some ale?''
>''He is a halfling!'' Barb, declares, the conversation having moved from IC to OOC
>''You legitimately think this is a good plan?'' - Wizard mate, oldtimer
>''Sure, why should it not be?''
>''Well.. what would stop him from just blasting us to pieces and just take the ale when we are nothing but ash?'' - Me
>Silence from the barb
>''Ok maybe not plan A, but i still think it will work'' - Barb

This is one of those times when you can't tell if he's a really good Barb roleplayer, or just a moron.

Your problem is playing online. On roll20.

It's hard enough in the era of Internet and smart phones to get your friends to concentrate on the game in front of them, let alone a bunch of roll20 artists miles away who are no doubt distracted by a million different things online, or their mums calling them for dinner.

>We play some more, and in addition to screwing up mine and the rouges sneaking attempts by bursting in front doors and heavily metagaming, it goes fine. He is new, so we simply try to tell him when he is and is not metagaming.
>Barb somehow stays as cocksure as ever whenever facing creatures, even trying to take on a bone-devil we befrended because it stood in front of him. He claims he dont need anyone, yet whines the second he dont get mage armor.
>Barb later finds a bow and basically abandons the front line in favor for his bow, which he can barely handle, and he gets mad that it doesnt do so much damage
>Later on fb, after game, group talks a bit, and i tease him saying that its funny that the big strong and unbeatable barbarian has taken the back line and let the weak wizards
>He doesnt really respond too much
>Next session, his character has suddenly gotten angry at my character for no reason, and refuses to co-operate with anything i do.
>He says he wants to fight my character. I say sure, and cast flight
>He gets mad that my character, a spellcaster, uses spells and says its cheating.
>Wizard tells me after session that the barb told him that he was angry at me for what i said OOC and his character got angry because of that.

IF it was roleplay, it would have been fucking amazing, hands down. Problem is it wasnt. He legitimately thought that would be an ingenious thing, and got confused when we didnt agree. its not his only fantastic plan so far.

Not really. I was a bit harsh then. My players are actually amazing, both for online players and compared to a lot of IRL players I've heard about. I've spoken to the player directly about it, and they're honestly going to try better to improve. They acknowledge it's not their strong point and they overthink things, but they're going to try to get better at it, which I really appreciate.

That's as good a reason as any.

let the weak wizards handle the big baddies while he is safe in the back*
Sorry, its late, but i just need to get this off my chest.
>We carry on
>Each day basically consists of me and wizards characters waking up, making breakfast and going out to interact with NPC's
>Barbarian, whenever he is asked what he does, he responds ''I train''
>We are later sent out to take on a strong undead wizard, not main baddie
>In our exploration of his lair, the Barb makes me and the rouge fall into a trap, for no other reason that he felt like it
>We fight wizard baddie, and he asks for mage-armor
>'*Say please'' -Me
>''WHAT?!'' -Barb
>''Say please, or else someone else get the armor.'' -Me
>The barbarian refuses, and after counting down from 5, i give the armor to the rouge.
maybe a dick move in hindsight, but i regret nothing

>One night later, we are all awakened by someone stabbing us.
>Assassins have infiltrated each our rooms and taken us by suprise
>Save for barb. Barb was downstairs in tavern trying to kill our local druid because they disagreed.

Not to advocate them but IS a fantasy game, and apparently that's there fantasy. What's sad is that this kind of stuff could be really good for roleplaying games, but is often dumbed down to some terrible /pfg/ shit.

>We dispose of the assassins, save for one whom i simply knocked out
>Our rogue was killed in the attack
>When we find out, barbarian's first action is to go up to the rouge's room and loot it and the body
>GM calls bullshit, because the rouge was basically the only one the barb got along with
>The barb looks sour, but raises no objections
>My character, infuriated that one of my kinsmen had been killed by some nameless twat, took the incapacitated assassin out to what was a makeshift jail
>When the assassin gave up no info after a night of ''interrogation'' my character exploded
>I break his legs, making sure that he cannot walk, then drag him out into the undead infested city, outside the safe zone. I tell him that since he is of no use to us, and gave us no info, the zombies could have him
>The barb suddenly appears out of nowhere, somehow randomly knowing where i was although i had not told anyone
>Unties the assassin and gives him a health potion
>The Gm says the potions will not be enought to fix the broken legs
>I ask him what the fuck he is doing
>He says we cannot kill the assassin, because he is innocent.
>He is innocent because someone paid him to do this
>The barb, which is basically a murderhobo that proudly wears the head of other people, wants to save an assassin
>I ask him OOC if he is serious
>He is
>I ask him, if the gm paid me to attack him, would he hold no recentment towards me
>Ofc i would, he says.

Do you still play that shitty game

Last one.
>We get close to siege the big bad's castle
>Have gathered a tiny army
>It is still surrounded by a death field
>Barb wants to go right in
>''What about the field? It would likely instantly kill you'' Says mage, who have learned a bit about it
>''It cant be that strong'' barb responds
>We get to a little district before the castle
>Its populated by intelligent undeads
>meanwhile me and the others are shopping, the barb sneaks up towards the gates that leads to the castle
>Two skeleton centurions guard the gates
>He wants to sneak towards them, hidden in the crowd
>The group laughs a little, but laughter soon becomes nervousness
>The barb makes some ruckus, making one of the guards come closer to the crowd to check up
>He says he pulls out an arrow. Not the bow, just an arrow
>The gm stops a bit and ask ''What exactly are you planning?''
>Barb proudly says ''There are just two guards, i can take down this one, then the other, then we can kill the halfling!''
>Genuine silence
>''What about the rest of the guards?'' Asks cleric
>''What guards?'' asks barb, confused
>''The hundred we have been told is INSIDE the castle?'' - Me
>''No, they are not here, its just two'' -Barb

This is despite being also told that he could see about a handful of skeletons patrolling the walls above the gate.
Luckily, we talked the barb out of it, but he really didnt understand what was so bad about the idea, and even asked on the fb group after the session.

Should just let him 1v100, honestly.

I do. The gm is fantastic, the setting is something i enjoy, i have helped him slightly on bits and pieces around in the world. I even keep a day-to-day diary based on the days in game, and he finds that helpful as well. This is because i enjoy the game, and i can put up with the barb for that.

Sadly, our wizard has been struggling slightly as of late with personal stuff, and the barb was apparently what made the glass run over for him, so he is too tired of the game to play with us.

I and the wizard has shared our thoughts about the barb to the gm, and it made the gm sad, because I and the barb are the most active members of us

I came here just to say that.

What a bitch.

I really want to hurt this piece of shit

next session is in a week, and he has gone back to his cock-sureness. I cant give him a 1v100, but my character had a fortunate encounter with the deck of many cards, and he has not said no to my invitation to a sparring match.

Sort of a dumb thing, but to be fair, I fucking back it as the GM, since the player told me the justification behind it.

> playing Boruto-era Narutoverse DnD clusterfuck
> players are doing the Chuunin Exam, a series of tests to see if they can be promoted
> it's a gauntlet-style run, with a single non-combat recovery section partway through
> i use this area to introduce the PCs to other canon characters, like Boruto, Sarada, Shikadai, etc
> they also meet Shinki (pictured) and his team, Yodo and Araya
> three of the four players are polite, saying that they must have been strong to make it so far through the exam, etc, etc
> PC called Arata (not Shinki's teammate Araya) starts talking shit to them, being offensive and hostile towards them, talking down to them and talking shit about their Village, the Hidden Sand
> Team Shinki is confused, as is the rest of the PC team, but they chalk it up to rivalry due to the Exams and let it drop
> after the gauntlet half of the exam, before the team fights, the PC team run into Team Shinki again in a store, buying supplies
> as before, 3/4 of the team is polite, say they don't go up against Team Shinki in the finals since it'd be a tough fight, etc, etc
> Arata continues to talk shit, saying that it can't've been that hard and that Team Shinki just got lucky
> Team v Team battles arrive, the finals of the Chuunin Exam
> Team Shinki takes on another team, PC team watching
> Shinki glances to see if PC team is watching, and completely destroys the opposing team almost single-handedly with his Iron Sand
> Team Shinki comes back up to observation area
> before anyone can say anything, Arata starts talking shit to Shinki
> halfway through his sarcastic tirade, Shinki raises an arm, and without a word, blasts Arata off the 20-30-foot high observation deck with his Iron Sand
> Arata breaks most of his limbs
> Player said he did it because Arata liked Shinki but was too autistic to show how

I just realise I posted this in the wrong thread.

Meh, still works. Fun read

The player's response was 'Arata literally just thought it was banter'. When he was talking shit about not just Shinki but his team - who are also his siblings - his Village and his ability as a ninja.

To his credit, he didn't get super mad, though. And a ton of other NPCs have brought it up when they meet, referring to him as 'oh, you're that kid who got destroyed by that sand ninja in the chuunin exams, right? yeah, that was hilarious. top marks for that swan dive'

Did this become a suprise that guy thread?