Okay so 40KG said I should do this in a new thread. And I figure sure. Only thing is new thread means starting over so let's start over. Plus if you want to work along with me you can. SO let's make some Wolfing Wolves!
Help me generate my Space Wolves Great Company
Rolled 3, 6 = 9 (2d6)
In the Space Wolves, Great Companies change hands often. As one Wolf Lord falls and adds his name-stone to the Grove of Heroes, his successor reinvents the Great Company in his own image. His heraldry becomes their heraldry, his tactics become the company's tactics. In essence, the Wolf Lord is your Great Company personified in a single astartes.
Most Wolf Lords have reigned for no longer than a few centuries at best. A rare few may have risen to power in ages ago, were lost to a tragic warp accident, and re-emerged in the modern era to fight again.
(02): Pre-400.M41
(03): 400-499.M41
(04-05): 500-599.M41
(06-07): 600-699.M41
(08-09): 700-799.M41
(10-11): 800-899.M41
(12): 900-999.M41
Ohh...700-799 so we were pretty new when the events of curse of the Wolven happened and Magnus brought hell to Fenris and brought his planet of Chaos loving Sorcerers back.
All men of Fenris are known for their ferocity, but it takes a truly exceptional warrior to draw the interest of the Sky Warriors. What was it about your Wolf Lord that lead to him be selected as a Space Wolf?
(02-04): Chosen from the Slain
(05): Fangseeker
(06): Foundling
(07): Iron Pilgrim
(08): Kraken Slayer
(09): Lone Hunter
(10): Pack Chosen
(11): Rune-Marked
(12): Wave Rider
Rolled 1, 5 = 6 (2d6)
Weird Let's try that again.
Foundling: No one knows what tribe you come from, for you were found as an infant (or a feral child) by the Wolf Priests. It is as if Fenris herself birthed and nourished you, protecting you from certain death until you could be welcomed into the arms of the Chapter. Leman Russ himself was a foundling, and your presence is held as a great omen, though none can say whether you will bring good or ill.
Well I wasn't raised by wolves but I was living on the ice of what I could kill like a wolf. My village was wiped off the map by slavers when I was much younger they hit hard, fast, and out of nowhere and disappeared just as fast. I had never seen people like them before, and I would be centuries before I saw them again.
Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d6)
The Space Wolves do not adhere to a chain of command, they honor bravery. A Space Wolf does not become a Jarl because some codex says he was due a promotion, he seizes glory with deeds worthy of song. What did your Wolf Lord accomplish to earn his title?
(02): Eldar Slayer
(03-04): Enemy of Chaos
(05): Inquisitor's Thorn
(06): Lion Tamer
(07): Lost and Returned
(08-09): Ork's Bane
(10-11): Savior of Man
(12): Scourge of the Thousand
Lion Tamer: The rivalry between the Dark Angels and the Space Wolves is ten thousand years old. Whenever these two Chapters meet, a champion is chosen from each to satisfy honor in a duel. You were chosen, and defeated your opponent. Though your Dark Angels counterpart grudgingly accepted your prowess, the Sons of Russ have added your name to the list of warriors who have put the Sons of the Lion in thier place.
Guess I showed that Lion Bitch who's top dog. Yeah. Okay so I guess I'm pretty damned good at close quarters combat
Rolled 5, 5 = 10 (2d6)
The Space Wolves' gene-seed is tainted (or blessed) by the canis helix, which grants the Sons of Russ superhuman senses (even for astartes) and a predator's ferocity in combat. But sometimes an initiate's wolf-blood burns white-hot in his veins, leading to subtle mutations and in rare cases the curse of the Wulfen.
(02-07): Pure
(08-09): Mean
(10-11): Savage
(12): Feral
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d6)
That does't sound good...
Savage: Something went wrong with your gene-seed implantation. You have gained a short temper (or a brooding intensity) that can explode into violence at a moment's notice. The Great Wolf keeps you on a long leash, allowing you to sooth your bottomless rage with the balm of combat. The Mark of the Wulfen is strong in the Savage, but not universal. Roll on the Wolf Lord Flaws table below. In addition, roll on the Canis Gene-seed Deficiencies table to see what mutations may have resulted from your difficult initiation.
Let's see what the Flaws are before we figure out what this means.
If you rolled Mean, Savage or Feral on the Canis Gene-seed Purity Table, your Wolf Lord has developed a personality flaw that makes him difficult for the other Space Wolves to get along with. Sometimes this flaw can be beneficial, other times it can be a detriment to you and your Great Company.
(02-03): Brazen
(04-05): Crude
(06): Demanding
(07-08): Loner
(09): Rune-dependent
(10-11): Stubborn
(12): Suspicious
Rolled 3, 5 = 8 (2d6)
Brazen: Your impulsive attitude makes you impatient and reckless. The Blood Claws admire you, but older and more experienced Space Wolves find your antics infuriating. With a laugh and a song you act without considering the consequences, believing that pure audacity will carry you to victory. Your usual tactic is a head-long charge into the very heart of the enemy.
Huh..okay...I'm starting to get an idea...
If your Wolf Lord rolled Savage or Feral on the Canis Gene-seed Purity table, roll 2d6. If the result is 02-06, he has developed a deficiency of his canis gene-seed. Roll on the Canis Gene-seed Deficiency table below.
(02): Bloodthirsty (Hyper-stimulated Omophagea)
(03): Greyhide (Malfunctioning Melanochrome)
(04-08): Mark of the Wulfen
(09): Nighteyes (Oversensitive Occulobe)
(10): Restlessness (Mutated Catalepsean Node)
(11:) Wolftongue (Over-productive Betcher's Gland)
(12): Multiple Instabilities (roll 1d3 times on this table, re-rolling duplicates)
Mark of the Wulfen: You are one of many Space Wolves touched by the Mark of the Wulfen. Possessed by a primal savagery, you want nothing more than to rip your foes apart with your bare hands, losing yourself in the thrill of combat. While the Mark can carry you to victory, the Chapter considers it a curse that robs an astartes of his wits and ultimately, his life. I'm picturing myself as a hot headed and daring Wolf Lord. I know I'm strong and I don't have the temperament of some of the others but I know what I'm good at, what my Bloodclaws are good at and that's getting in close and Shredding the foes of the emperor and the great Russ.
Yeah I've punched out a few of the others in the drinking hall over arguments and that gets me known for my hot temper to go with my burning red hair. But after we settle things I'm always quick to restore order among the companies by serving my fellow a few drinks to keep up the ever important bonds of brotherhood that I gained here.
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)
A wolf can fight alone, but it takes a pack to win. What traits has your Wolf Lord instilled in your Great Company? What qualities do they share that a Wolf Lord might harness to achieve victory?
(02): For the Allfather
(03-04): Honor Leman Russ
(05-06): Honor the Ancestors
(07): Iron Fangs
(08): Protect Humanity
(09-10): The Rout
(11): Trust in the Runes
(12): We are Wolves
Let's see what I lead my Sons into battle for.
Honor Leman Russ: The Great Company reveres Leman Russ as the unstoppable warrior he was, and his deeds are an example for all to follow.
Well I was a foundling like Russ, I beat the Lion like Russ. I will lead my sons as Russ of old did, and to greatness.
Rolled 4, 4 = 8 (2d6)
If your Wolf Lord rolled Mean, Savage, or Feral on his Canis Gene-seed Purity table, roll on Great Company Demeanor to see how his personality has affected the mentality of his men.
(02): Brotherhood of the Wolf
(03): Gods of Thunder
(04): For Russ, and the Allfather!
(05): Heroes of Man
(06): Iron Priests
(07): Lords of the Hunt
(08): Rout of Heretics
(09): Slayer of Xenos
(10): Sons of Fenris
(11): Swift as the Wind
(12): Worthy of Bjorn
Do they have a creation table for each first founding chapter?
Rout of Heretics: The workings of Chaos earn the particular ire of the Great Company. Whether it is due to the Space Wolves' history with the Thousand Sons or some other blasphemy, the Great Company has devoted itself to bringing down the works of heretics. Any Wolf Lord who has a Deed of Legend centered on battling Chaos in all its forms, or is Rune-dependent may take Rout of Heretics automatically.
Die Heretics! Oh yes I hate chaos heretics, not just because of what they did out Fenris, not just because of what befell so many of my sons during the events so recently published but for other slights I particularly hate not just the Thousand Sons but also the Emperor's Children.
Maybe I just searched up one for Space Wolves.
Rolled 5, 1 = 6 (2d6)
(02-06): The Honor of Russ is all that matters to us.
(07-09): A book will not fight your war for you.
(10-12): I wouldn't scoop my wolf's mess with it.
Let's see what we think of Girlyman's First bit of work. His self published master piece that the Ultramarines replace their brains with.
Dorn was too generous. "3/10, have have given 4 but too thick to balance my table properly."
Rolled 1, 1 = 2 (2d6)
Okay the good stuff now
(02): Traditional Weapon
(03): Lone Wolves
(04): Long Fangs
(05): Fenrisian Wolf Packs
(06): Rare Weaponry
(07): Wolf Scouts
(08): Thunderwolves
(09): Special Vehicle
(10): Dreadnaughts
(11): War Trophies
(12): Roll 1d3 times on this Table, re-rolling duplicates.
okay well I guess I have a lot of blood claws so they aren't going to let me have a lot of good stuff.
Rolled 4, 6 = 10 (2d6)
(02-04):Endangered (50 or Fewer Space Wolves)
(05-07): Under Strength (51-100)
(08-11): Nominal (101-120)
(12): Over Strength (121-200)
Let's see how strong we are
Yeah we are Nominal So we probably only took in a few of those new boys to show them how to be real Sons of Russ
Rolled 2, 4, 4, 1 = 11 (4d6)
(04): Administratum
(05): Adeptus Arbites
(06): Adeptus Astartes Chapter
(07): Adeptus Astra Telepathica
(08): Adeptus Mechanicus
(09): Adepta Sororitas
(10): Adeptus Titanicus
(11): Astra Miltarum (specific World)
(12): Astropaths
(13): Chartist Captains
(14): Ecclesiarchy
(15): Imperial Knight House
(16): Imperial Navy
(17): Inquisition
(18): Navigator House
(19): Officio Assassinorum
(20): Planetary Defense Force (specific world)
(21): Rogue Trader Dynasty
(22): Schola Progenium
(23): Scholastica Psykana
(24): Roll 1d3 times on this table, re-rolling duplicates
Damn, I was hoping for some QT Sisters or a Knight House but you know what the boys and girls of the...Somewhere Adjetive [number](st/nd/rd/th) are alright by us as well they got real balls. Like huge balls. Even the women got balls. More metaphoric ones but damn if they aren't made of ceramite.
Rolled 2, 5 = 7 (2d6)
(02): Roll On Great Company Allies
(03): Chaos Worshipers
(04): Daemons
(05): Dark Eldar
(06): Eldar
(07): Necrons
(08): Orks
(09): Tau
(10): Thousand Sons
(11): Tyranids
(12): Roll 1d3 times on this table
Remember those bastards I mentioned who destroyed my village and left me an ice orphan like Russ out in the wilds. Yeah it was the Necrons!
So my wolf Lord is...
Rolo the Longwalker.
And my Sons and I form a Rapid response company and while I am known for my caloric temperament and my aggression I am also known to be someone the others want watching their backs.
Rolled 3, 4 = 7 (2d6)
My company is called in to deal with problems before they get out of hand. We strike fast, hard, and free up local defenders, and other units even other space wolf Companies or Astartes chapters and especially our allies the Genova Unsullied 103rd. Whom we helped with a Necron awakening on their homeworld.
So let's see during the Burning of Fenris how bad were our losses.
(02-05):Endangered (50 or Fewer Space Wolves)
(06-09): Under Strength (51-100)
(10-12): Nominal (101-120)
Let's say I was starting at nominal
Let's see how many died to bring me down to Under strength
Rolled 6, 23 = 29 (2d25)
This will determine how many "Chadmarines" I need to fill out my unit.
So...Officially we have 2 unit of Hell blasters, 2 units of intercessors, 2 unit of Interceptors and of 3 their Lieutenant.
God damn I should have done this. I had no clue what to do when building my army and scrapped it for more magic cards.