so how do normal people/commoners handle monsters in your setting?
So how do normal people/commoners handle monsters in your setting?
Usually by running away.
Not living where monsters live. Failing that, numbers, lots of pointy sticks, and throwing stuff.
Shooting at them with the guns that they all carry for monster-shooting
is your setting America?
pic not related
Everyone owns a spear in their homes, if a couple goblins raid a town, everyone in the town grabs a spear and just makes disorganized spearwalls, with the few town guards leading the group
usually get to the sturdiest structure around and bolt the doors and grab whatever is handy to beat any intruders with.
They don't. They don't even know the monsters are there even as they are killed by them.
Guns and megaman x tier robots.
Go the nearest window, hoping to stream the monster fight before another person beat them to it.
If the monster attack people near him, he will still stream it with piss streaming down his pants because that's how hungry for attention he is.
Or run away screaming at loud decibels after being frozen in fear and astonishment for a few minutes.
Pick one.
It typically depends on the region but most remote villages will usually have barricades and men and women who are tasked with patrolling and defending the village while the others tend to whatever they do be it farming, mining, or lumbering.
That said, there is an economy for warriors who act as guards against monsters so it's not unusual for a villages to hire fighters from outside when big projects are underway such as building new houses or expanding the walls of their city and if there is a monster they havnb't encountered before they will send for help from specialist.
By either pissing themselves or worshiping it. If all else fails they'll call in the army and fire canons at it until it stops moving. In the other setting they'll call the Imperial exterminators.
Keep the fires lit every night, especially in the village chapel.
Stay the fuck out of the forest, especially in winter.
Don't travel alone, and going anywhere except dry open land at night is probably a bad idea.
If you fucked up and actually get attacked, your best bet is probably praying and setting fire to whatever you have available to burn and you better have enough to last through the night.
when they spot monsters headed for village, they send in the local militia and/or they hire some local adventurers
failing that, they hold up in a defensive position, send word to anyone listening, and try and last till a relieving force arrives
They make them get jobs and charge them rent.
Actually I had civilization make peace with the orc tribes by introducing them to rugby. Now instead of raiding settlements and cities the orcs show up for games and tournaments. They will however talk shit about how weak and puny your local sports team is and then drink all of your beer.
Is that whatsherface from Touhou in an SCP site during a containment breach?
Yes, it's Flandre having fed off of several SCP security guards during an containment breach.
they get eaten
Call up the militia and attack it with spears and bows. If this doesn't work, ask the local magician to banish or appease it. Finally, if that doesn't work... they probably die unless PC-tier folks can show up to help.
Mostly they hide in the one area of the world where there monsters cannot go. Most monsters are twisted and enlarged forms of animals. They can be slain via normal means, but they are still very dangerous and often unsafe to eat without special preparation.
There is always talk of sending search parties out to investigate/loot the cities that were abandoned when the crops withered and monsters started appearing, but all who have set forth haven't returned.
Whatever came of the inhabitants of these cities who were unable to leave or refused to leave is unknown, but some think they became monsters themselves.
Much like peasants handled wolves in real life. By their lords completely exterminating them in civilized lands.
Training a group of guards or fighters to pound at them. Honestly, the benchmark of a town militia should be that it can at least handle a pack of wolves or a bear consistently. If nobody is strong enough to kill a cat, than all reason would indicate the village to have fallen far before the adventurers got there, like that one pasta about the party of commoners who tried to clear the local inn's giant rat infestation which ended up destroying the entire settlement because they were all walled in and the beasts escaped after the first party wiped.
Those SCP secs clearly weren't fervent enough worshipers in The Lord like the vampire slayers who drove the SDM out of Europe in the first place.
Only to have their ecological niche filled with the almost impossible to exterminate feral dog epidemic.
Can't win 'em all I guess.
Those lucky enough to live in a city don't have to. The guards or a court wizard will take care of it.
Village dwellers will either hide and hope it goes away, or get the priest/shaman to take care of it. Otherwise, they round up some tribute to sacrifice to it, which is a pretty cushy existence for a lot of monsters.
Ehh less of an issue with monsters, especially depending on just how natural they are. I tend to use the term monster to mean any extremely dangerous/malevolent/supernatural animal. Some are clever, but unless they're full blown sapient they're monsters as opposed to non-humans. So I'm sure there would be unforeseen environmental consequences. Like those damn humans breeding like crazy due to the lack of predators or some such.
Like tigers in colonial India.
They petition the lord to start a hunt, and he brings his half-dozen men-at-arms. Then the whole village gets in a line with spears, drums, and torches to scours the woods. If any monsters turn and attack, it's the knight's job to deal with it.
Depends on the circumstances.
Jerry the town drunk says he saw evil fairies in the wine storehouse? Probably nothing.
One or more people disappearing outside town? Probably form a search party and if there are continued disappearances or a monstrous cause is found, instituting defensive measures such as a curfew and keeping people in town and sending out a call for help from the lord/next town/adventurers if needed.
Full monster raid? Desperate defence, boarding up everything, setting up meagre barricades, arming whoever can fight and sending out multiple messengers seeking any help they can find.
Depends on where they are. For example, in a rural village in the allied kingdoms, they run away and seek help from their local guards. If the problem gets out of hand they might hire one or more freelance monster hunters to eliminate the source of the issue, or even form a large posse and do it themselves. If the problem gets more out of hand, they will request the aid of their kingdom's royal knights, who are generally the toughest fighters in the land.
This is all assuming that no one could figure out a nonviolent solution, like returning a baby to its mother or restoring the balance of nature or some such thing.
Speaking of which, they might also be put in touch with the Peregrine Legion; an international, non-governmental order that specializes in combating spirits, curses and the fae. Normal monsters aren't really their purview, but they may intervene in the event of a particularly troublesome beast. Peregrine agents are much more likely to thoroughly investigate the reason behind the monster attack as opposed to just killing it right away.