Have you ever seen two different games and wished that they were one greater game with the strengths of both components?
What two games would you fuse together if you could?
Have you ever seen two different games and wished that they were one greater game with the strengths of both components?
What two games would you fuse together if you could?
I'm working on one, but I feel like I'm just diluting the strengths of both.
Feels bad.
Infinity and Malifaux
I like Malifaux but it doesn't handle vertical stuff well and card for rule resolution is slower pace due to paying attention to suits and numbers.
Infinity is just a clusterfuck of rules and having everything in plain text like Malifaux would be welcome.
D&D 3.5 and Pathfinder.
Pathfinder is backwards compatible.
That's the entire fucking point it was made.
So 3.5 babbies don't have to abandon their bloated system.
I guess maybe you are trying to make a joke? Maybe try something funny next time?
Maybe if you tell us, we can help you!
>Into the Odd mechanics
>Ryuutama setting spirit
XCOM and D&D 4e.
I've thought that way about vidya sometimes, but not tabletop that I can recall.
But that's 5e, user.
Basic/Expert D&D
Fast combat + interesting classes
>two different games
As in systems? 3.pf and 5e, as much as I like 5e's simplicity I miss the sheer amount of options snowflake edition lets you choose from. Currently playing a necromancer and am displeased with how few necromancy spells exist, let alone without needing Concentration.
If you mean two different campaigns, then the first campaign and most recent campaign I'm in. The latter is a sort of sidestory sequel to the former to the point where the old characters cameo enough that all we're practically missing is going on a tour of our old home base, but the first campaign had our characters with enough authority to leave the city for more rural adventures, while this campaign appears to take place after IC fighting and schedule conflicts caused the campaign to be shelved forever.
Legend Of The Five Rings and Legends Of The Wulin.
LotW isn't perfect, but just about everything it does hits the right spot for where I'd like to see L5R taken mechanically. Lengthy lists of useless weapons? LotW has a dozen weapon tags that can be paired together. Hit Points in a game that isn't really about tracking damage numbers? LotW has a flexible wounds & penalties system. Schools feeling overly monolithic? LotW's equivalent to schools exist as a martial art (external style) of 5 ranks that can be purchased in any order, and chi control (internal style) of five ranks - but ranks 2-4 have multiple choices, so any given dojo can teach their own list of five ranks. Etc.
Pathfinder is easily the more bloated system at this point, and due to the lax quality control on some of their supplements it's also easily more broken.
I could dig that. I would really hate to lose the card system because it adds a dickton of mechanical depth to the game, but a version of Infinity with less bulky rules would be amazing. I have the Morat box and a few misc Morats, but trying to piece their rules together into an easy to reference way was super annoying, especially since some rules where just combos of two other rules.
D&D 4e and Legends of the Wulin.
4e had the clearest and easiest to use layout and formatting of any RPG I've ever seen.
Legends of the Wulin is a beautiful fucking game which is nigh on unplayable thanks to shitty editing.
Take the best traits of both, and you've got an evocative, tactically compelling and fascinating heroic fantasy action game with plenty of out of combat utility to spice up the game alongside a truly majestic and sublime combat system that's easy to understand and play.
Fate plus something slightly more crunchy.
I love Fate's aspects and invoking/compelling system, but it seems like in practice it mostly revolves around everyone creating a giant stack of positive aspects that they let one character blow to get one huge swing. Plus as a system it seems to fall apart in the hands of someone who isn't very experienced with running games.
Classic XCOM or XCOM?
Have you considered Strike! maybe? It lifted a lot from XCOM.
I think I gotta go with this guy
D&D and LotW would be my ideal fusion
High Fantasy High Magic Wuxia is a genre I can get behind
Legends of the Wulin and Amber Diceless.
Full on roleplaying capacity combined with flexible dice system? Lore sheets that give the GM tools to guide your character's story while leaving him with the entirety of a mutliverse to build from? Perfect.
For years I've thought that Fate makes a passable game system on its own but it would make for an even better subsystem if installed into another game. I can see it now: a game that does the crunchy bits and goes for simulation and then Fate is installed on top of that to provide that story logic it aims to do.
XCOM:EU. The truly tactical one, not the "send 20 rookies to their death until the enemy runs out of reactions".
I have a similar problem with Fate, it has a lot of ideas I like and the Aspects system is a big part of that, but I would prefer it to have a bit more crunch than it does.
Fate tries to do a Narrative heavy game and that's fine but I would love for the bests parts of its narrative focus to be paired with great flexible character and combat options
Same. I enjoy the idea of FATE but the shitty combat mechanics are really disappointing.
LotW shows how you can do interesting crunchy combat alongside narrative sensibilities, but as mentioned above the book is a total clusterfuck.
The two titans of narrativist gaming once shared a supplement and it was excellent. However, what might a Grim World that literally combines Fate and Dungeon World together be like?
GURPS and Hero.
> 3d6
> Can be grounded/realistic like GURPS or cinematic/superheroic like Hero
> Modular like GURPS, can create what you want like Hero
> Either way you get good sourcebooks
>he doesn't know about smoke grenades
>he doesn't know about using pistols for breach & clear action
>he doesn't know about proximity mines
>he doesn't know about electroflares
>High Fantasy High Magic Wuxia
The term for that is Xianxia, user
I realized that right after posting
God I want a system that can run I shall Seal The Heavens and Coiling Dragon
I think you mean
Strike! could be fitting then, assuming 1 character/player. It's got the cover system down, and there's an option to increase lethality for standing out in the open with your dick hanging out to make it feel like you're playing the good ole XCOM we all know and love.
Dnd 5e and GURPS.
I want the easy to use system of 5e mixed with the classless universality of GURPS.
A near future setting that's easy to run like 5e would be a dream.
Unfortunately, 5e integrated class system REQUIRES magic lest you make half the classes absolutely useless. Also, introducing modern firearms just fucking breaks everything.
Also the same sort of action breakup (1 move, 1 shot, 1 "other") and grid based, squad level tactical combat.
Even uses similar damage values (although, the damage is not random).
I'm pretty sure that one of the test campaigns was actually XCOM inspired, even.
Into the Odd + Weird Feudal Japan, sort of what I imagine that Tenra Bansho Zero is
I would totally merge Hero and Interlock