Did you actually ever try it user?
Did you actually ever try it user?
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Why does his wings look like foreskin?
That's Why.
The Answer is always FATAL.
Here's a basic critique of what's wrong with FATAL:
1. FATAL is meant to allow you bust a nut in a fun way.
2. A game of FATAL takes too long to setup before your boner's dead.
3. Having a game of FATAL already setup for just such an occasion makes you a fucking creep that kills boners.
If FATAL had a singleplayer option it might work...but then you'd just be jerking off.
The Character Creation takes too long and the realmyness would be too out in the open.
There are plenty of faster and more discreet ways to subject rando gamers to my myriad gag-worthy fetishes.
Having a boner under the table is more fun if no one knows about it.
Having a half dozen sweaty nerds turn me on by exploring my magical realm is more titillating if they don't know they're making me rock hard under the table.
TL;DR It's alright, but doesn't quite work for my group(s) and play-style.
Did you actually ever try sticking your dick in wasp nest user?
It is literally unplayable in the traditional sense. The rules are just so balls to the wall insane that running say, your average "kill gnolls over the ridge" may take multiples sessions, if not a solid week, due to the sheer amount of breaks in the combat.
The only way to run it and not stab your forehead on the table edge is to do what my group did and collectively create characters and pit them against each other in an arena. That way, one person doesn't have to trudge through chargen, and combat is in a controlled environment, so the fucking wind won't break the rape break in combat for a double air rape.
>his wings
This changes everything!
Because it is?
I don't need to taste shit to know it's shit.
Friendly reminder that this game has a theme.
Oh cruel gods why must you torrement us so?
Isn't it enough that this putrid sack of inhabitants perversion exist in print form without giving a voice with which to harrow our dreams
I tried to make a character.
I ended up with negative strength.
I dunno what that even means. Do I exert backwards force?
Jesus Christ, how deluded were these people?
Meant for
>That thumbnail
Yeah. It sucked. The players didn't expect me to let them play, but I love a challenge. It was a campaign trying to see who'd blink first.
They blinked. It took them 3 sessions, but they blinked.
As a fan of incompetent bottom-tier obscure death metal, I actually find this rather intriguing.
captcha: enthusiasm johnson
>Free CD-Rom inside
What was the CD they included?
I tried manually making a character once. I didn't finish.
No amount of enthusiam will help your johnson in FATAL, it does the opposite with math and incredibly disturbing rules, charts, and tables.
It was high school. It was a joke. ForeverGM casually brought it up to make fun of while we were discussing what game to make him run. We had a good laugh about it, and that was that. The usual jokes were made for a few weeks. Then it happened. Someone (me) suggested that they roll their new character's breast size, and the GM uttered those words "I have the table for that, you know."
"What? FATAL?"
"Yeah. I've got the pdf."
"Hey, why don't you just run it one of these days?"
I unleashed hell.
character creation was random. We never made it out of the prison we started in. One of the players (me) tried to end the rape train by going full PVP. I failed. I told the GM I wouldn't roll a new character. I walked away. I could hear the GM narrating my character's screams ass I walked away. I remember looking back and seeing the other players shell-shocked, apologetically waving goodbye as I walked away.
Don't yours?
I'm mildly intrigued about the state of mind of your GM. Was it the only session?
Story time plx
its 1003 pages of fucking rules. 200+ pages of which are fucking useless weren't needed not including the equal useless professions. D1000's?!
fucking hell M8.Aint no one got time for that.
Rape is a much easier game to play. Though it is rare to get a Get Out of Jail Free card. Reeee is not included.
Played it once in high school.
In her first fight, my character got her tits and vagina cut off.
I think and hope it was the only session. GM was... I don't know. RPGs were his life. It was the only way he really connected with people. I don't know what happened after I left. None of them would talk about it.