Damn, Oblits are now less favourable!
Damn, Oblits are now less favourable!
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Worse than that
They are fuvking bad m8, and almost the price of a rhino
looks like terminators armed with autocannons
using averages they would have S8 AP-2 D2, so they are better than autocannons normally
they get an extra wound over termies, who supposedly get 2
really slow, though
Think ill be sticking with autocannon Havocs instead.
Anyone else think the lack of teleport scatter is dull? All the reward, none of the risk.
I hope at least they get nice new models at some point.
the 9" limit is a huge drawback though. Place your units correctly and nothing can be dropped on your rear
>All them keywords
If 8th is anything like age of sigmar (and it clearly is going to be) you'll probably be able to do some really dumb shit with obliterators.
Guess it's not all of the reward, then... Seems a bit anti-fun to me, anyway.
from my understanding, a whole army of KEYWORD gets new stratagems, specific to the KEYWORD (sub-)faction.
An army of imperials (guardsmen + a few marines + inquisition for instance) will get much less stratagems available than an army of pure Blood Angels (who'll get generic + Imperial + Space Marine + Blood Angels stratagems). Not sure if that's enough to balance allies but it's still something I guess.
leaks actually originated here
In AoS a lot of units have abilities that affect units with specific keywords.
Having lots of keywords means you have a lot of potential sources of buffs. I'd like to see the stats of warpsmiths and of other daemon units to see what's applicable, but I can easily imagine being able to stack a bunch of shit onto a unit of obliterators and have them make double shooting attacks rerolling wounds or some dumb shit like that.
>land raiders will have DOZENS of wounds
nah it should still be fun. things are just more reliable and consistent now. which is good for both those deepstrikeing and defending against deepstrikers.
it could also be balanced by making the strongest stratagems only available to the most focused faction armies.
where did they say that?
They said knights and other superheavies.
What they did say about raiders was that you weren't going to lose them to a single lucky shot anymore.
Ha, found it
>Wounds, for example, are not capped at 10, so don’t be surprised if you see larger vehicles like Land Raiders and Imperial Knights with dozens of wounds
Well, Knights have 2 dozens of wounds, and LR more than one and a half, so I guess it counts.
>LR more than one and a half, so I guess it counts
Absolutely not. The minimum of dozens is 24.
Land Raiders have 16W 8T and 2+ save
It doesn't say Land Raiders have dozens of wounds. It says larger vehicles like LR have dozens of wounds. :^)
give me stats for fukking hellbrutes already
They'll be the same as loyalist dreadnoughts again. But with marks and probably the crazed rule in some form.
Hellbrutes are only 72 points
Without weapons.
From what weve seen the points for the basic weapons are already included. Hellbrute is powerfist and multi melta isnt it?
no they aren't
Yes if you mean power levels. Matched play point costs weapons are not included on that. See:
Wow I'm actually pretty excited for this now
hmmm i was thinking 20 W but hey knight got 20 + right ?
Basic weapons are included. I have no idea what youre talking about. Look at the renegade knight datasheet.
knight has something like 24
>Rubrics 18 points from 23 and actually good
>Attached Sorc is 30 from 58 and actually good
>Ahriman with Disc is 166 points, almost a full 100 points cheaper
>Even Magnus got 235 points shaved off
That's disappointing. Lascannons now "wound" it on 3's.
you mean the one with no cost point at all and only power-level (which aren't points)?
Unit datasheet doesn't include point costs. They have power levels. They are 2 separate things.
Lol. This is why GW always have to FAQ obvious shit isnt it.
>Equipped with a reaper chainsword and bla bla
The Hellbrute will have something similar. You know BASIC WEAPONS.
So do weapons do multiple wounds, or is it just one per attack unless it insta-kills?
The conversion seems to be 1HP = 4 wounds. Russ is 12 wounds and was 3HP. LR is 16 wounds and was 4HP. Knight is 24 wounds and was 6HP. By this conversion, a warlord titan will have 120 wounds.
I feel like something weird is going on points wise with mastery levels. Otherwise I worry where those points reductions are coming from? Mark of Tzeentch, VOTLW, aura of dark glory?
1 lascannon hit causes, on average, 1.9444... wounds out of 12.
Indeed this is why GW has to handhold retards. See this: and read the whole page. Now read it again. Take your time and let it sink in.
So...fliers are shot at and assaulted just like any other unit now? Is there anything in the core rules which stops units with the Flier classification being assaulted by footslogging infantry?
Maybe the same that stops a FMC from being swamped in assault?
Fly units can just jog off from combat but that's all we know now. Anti-air weapons seem to have +1 to hit against 'FLY* units so they might have inherent -1 to hit on them, maybe.
>mfw -1 to hit against crisis suits
>Oblits are now less favourable!
My biggest concern is the lack of close combat weapons.
So glad I don't have any
We know that they can just leave combat without any repercussions, yes. I'm asking if that and the minimum move distance are the only palpable differences between an aircraft and a tank. But according to , it seems unlikely.
Defilers better be godly now for being so expensive
Probably have like 14 wounds and cc weapons that do D6 damage. Plus all their regular guns.
so weapons do more than 1 damage now?
What the hell is this mono-gun generic 'fleshmetal' garbage
they made Obliterators into fucking Flash gitz
Man Daemon engines better be baller as fuck i'm not a happy Iron warrior right about now.
Some do Yeah
>Obliterators are now Flash Gitz
Generally speaking anti-infantry stuff does 1 damage, multipurpose stuff does D3 damage and anti-tank stuff does D6 damage.
I imagine non-hover fliers may get some additional special rules
At the bare minimum it's at least an autocannon. It doesn't seem too bad, just kind of generic
Autocannons are S6 Ap1 D2 according to "Guilman has basically a shorter range autocannon with more shots"
>torrent is just longer range
I was hoping you got something like 2d6 pick highest for hits or something, because you used to be able to get far more hits on a unit, even in normal flamer range, with a hellhound etc. by virtue of far more template placement options.
The deldar thing was 6 wounds. Maybe open topped=3 wounds.
>Dragons can now charge imperial knights and claw the shit out of them
With this and supposed noise marines on the horizon, 8ed is looking to be Metalhammer again.
Or there are exceptions. New SM article says predator is T7 W11.
As much of a disappointment as Oblits are the fact that you still can't purchase heavy weapons for every model in a unit of havoks is just a huge let down. After playing HH and getting whole squads of marines carrying heavy weapons, with them already carrying a heavy bolter as standard, I don't know if I can go back.
Come on GW, at least let the champion take a weapon so they have a little bit more character over standard devastators.
I guess just wait and see if they get any cool daemon guns or unique war gear on those champion/weapon lists
Emm you actualy complain about most unimportant thing ever, name of a fukin gun.
24" OF FUKING RANGE dude dose this noth bother you at all on a T4 slow platform?
Assault 2 is a joke, makeit d6 FFS and give it at least 36"
What can you do with Oblits you cant do with Havocs? Better range and cheaper than those motherfuckers....god damn it, they are crap since 4ed.
Oh and one more thing......DEFILER FOR 216?
>Huuuuu contain the rage.
It better be fuking beast or Im gonna Truck of Peace whole Nottingham.
Well the Champions should be able to take Combi-weapons which now have infinite uses.
ah yes, the IW player types like a 12 year old
>massed autocannons will be FOTE
I mean they already were decent enough aside from popping AV13-14, which was melta duty, but now? I'd just stack every possible unit with autocannons on everything.
Might be worth taking the baseline Predator with autocannons now. Or just 3 Dreadnaughts again with dual autocannons.
That's if Autocannons maintain the str 7 standard they've had forever.
Str 8 for Grey Knights tho.
As a bit of a mitigating factor, from my understanding you can run and still shoot assault weapons meaning they have another d6" of threat. Not good enough IMO but still not as bad as you make it out to be. Personally I'd have preferred heavy d6 30"
I know, but It's lame you cannot pick and chose your gun options, that's always been the purpose of Oblits
If this was AoS, I would understand since there is no generic list of guns anywhere, you have what you get on the warscroll.
But 40k has a fucking list of shit. let us fire heavy bolters, autocannons, etc.
Wait, vehicles don't ignore the -1 for moving and shooting with heavy weapons as standard?
It's also on average a slightly worse 2 shot multi melta, which isn't that either.
Multimeltas will be s8, ap-4. damage-d6, if within 12 2d6 pick highest.
so s8, ap4, damage 3.5 long range ~~4.5 short on average
s8, ap-2. damage 2 on average shares only the strength
Pred auto cannons are 2D3 shots now.
Yeah bit further off than I initially for some reason thought, more comparable to a overcharged plasma gun where it's only 1 point of AP off.
correct, however now they can fire all of their weapons at any speed
It's a short ranged two shot missile launcher if they have the same profile used by Centurions (S8 AP-2 damage d3)
So a battlecannon now is just d6 shots hitting on 5s, for slightly over 1 hit on average?
Everyone will be VERY surprised if the russ does not ignore that because of lumbering behemoth
I'm also still fairly certain that the russ itself will have a rule similar to the one we see on the Chaos Leviathan that let's it inflict more hits VS bigger units, because GW has been insanely inconsistent with where they put their rules thus far.
Which is why I'll be investing in punisher and possibly exterminator turrets instead.
we've seen the full battlecannon profile. It does not have this rule. And it makes zero sense for the tank itself to have that rule when it has non-blast weapon options as well.
Land raider IS a 'larger vehicle like the land raider'