we've all been through this countless times. they've been through this once. right now will be the best JUSTing in the years to come.
He probably had $500 worth of student loans tied into BTC
Good goy!
you fucking idiot. Big money already cashed out. If the normies leave, crypto will freefall
Bye bye boomers!
Are you proud of holding bags on the way down? what cuckery is this.
Meanwhile my USD stack is same height as it was at 16.9 k
Veeky Forums "traders" lol
This isn’t a correction, it’s a normie purge.
This thread is beautiful
i can accumulate more
They’re not sending their brightest.
that's not how it works...
yes it is nocoiner retard
We wuz financial experts n' shiet
...said the normie
Et tu, mater?
Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
bags? man im up on my initial investment. doesnt matter if btc falls to below 5kusd, i've still made money.
They already made their kikebase account, you can bet they will FOMO again next ATH.
This time though, maybe they will wise up and fucking HODL, fat chances tho
>big money cashed out
Wow great job Nathan, I'm sure you couldn't stand losing all 50 of your dollars.
That's literally exactly how it works. Da fuq
BTC will be 20k eoy and ETH 1k eoy
YES! This crash has probably given us another 3 months of normalfag repellent.
Bitcoin is useless stuff don't buy goy!
LOL THANK GOD. LTC back to double digits please! BTC under 10k again! YES YES SELL NORMIES
Anyone who publicly talks about their dad like that is a faggot
Exactly. Dindus begone. and a christmas discount sale to boot. Thanks Whales
>tfw 200k down at 19 years old
I'm not fucking selling but this is getting painful
Well... it kinda is.
Same if it falls that low I'll still have made 20k. When BTC was 20k I had over 100k. Can't lose.
This thread makes all the losses worth it
>Btc scared away the normies
>Never 20K again
>Btc will be a dead meme by 2018
Big spenders are getting out
im going to be rich after it bottoms out! i will invest 5k and in a year made like 50k.
buy high sell low
weak hands weak gains
tetherprint.exe seems to have stopped working
We didn't even hit most normies yet, this is just a taste of the normie money. We didn't even hit boomers, just people who were already tech savvy enough to jump through the hoops to get it all set up. Now imagine if it were easier to get BTC.
explain yourself
You could be up 30% more if you had preserved in USD or tether when crash started being obvious.
Why is Veeky Forums falling for the hodl meme. The purpose of hodl meme is to fool the normies into riding the crash.
I will have double the coins by the end of this. You will have the same amount and wait for next rally for weeks or months
You guys are fucking delusional. You're literally holding the bags of those smarter than you.
>Prep the bull
>niggers are poor because of their social environment
House money fallacy. Im starting to understand why its so easy to get rich on this.
Thanks for letting me dump on you famalam
Which one of you faggots is larping?
Newfag, do you realize how many times crashes like this have happened? Did you know how much BTC crashed when Mt Gox happened?
le smug boomer
>he'd rather be in a secret club than make money
The absolute state...
>That'll be $6.99.
>Plus $100 fee
>Plus tip
>Plus $100 fee
>Mind if I stay at your place tonight?
That's just my BTC. I have NEO that is still giving me dividends as a back up. Anyone investing in only one coin is a fool.
yes last one was 2013 followed by 3 years bear market.
I was there.
This is the big one . Not a dip
That doesn't mean it's time to celebrate dipshit
Pro-tip: Holdings go up - good. Holdings go down - bad.
I mean all those normies and boomers who chose to stay out of Btc now have a good reason not to buy it like ever. How does this even instill confidence in the long run.
This is different.
Normies won't touch BTC or any crypto after this.
We'll see media have a field day with the "scam of the century! Tulip mania" and it's going to kill crypto for normies for the foreseeable future.
It was a fun ride as long as it lasted.
Ahhhh let the normies keep Gosling their blankets
Yes and it's 3 more years to accumulate and get richer. Why is this a bad thing? Do people here only think of immediate profits and not of the future profits? Oh wait, this is Veeky Forums.
I havent cashed out because i am up a lot thats why i dont really care.
I am pretty sure though thats just the beginning of the crash.
normie investors got burnt. no new money coming in. bear market for the next few years. maybe no more hype ever
I bought 250 dolleridoos yesterday worth of ltc/bc/eth so could you guys please make it all better.
>Newfag, do you realize how many times crashes like this have happened? Did you know how much BTC crashed when Mt Gox happened?
And he's still right. It was better to sell at the top or after it started dropping hard than to just hodl back then too.
This time BTC might not even recover. It has thirsty contenders hoping to pick up the crown.
it doesnt work that way. bitcoin went mainstream. there is a high chance it will never take off again
You dumb shit I will have 7 figures to accumulate. HOW HAVE YOU PROFITED FROM THE BUBBLE IF YOU DIDNT SELL HIGH.
>the memes are true
>pic related truly is the average Veeky Forums user
Hence why I said earlier anyone holding only BTC is a fool. That's why the diversify meme exists. Yes, while other coins go down with BTC many are catching up as BTC loses dominance too. I didn't lose as much as others because I held practically no BTC during the time of the free fall, it was mostly in NEO which is much more stable.
Ya,I'm not selling either because it's not enough to retire and therefore won't affect my lifestyle. I don't want to pay the tax and wtf would I do with the money anyway? No one will believe me but I bought three for $25 each and mined over 8.
>TFW I got called a newfag in this thread.
I did sell you dumbfuck. I sold into another coin that is more stable than BTC but still kept a little BTC anyway. The only way I lose is if my alts crash as hard as BTC did (unlikely) or tether is fucked (even less likely).
Bitcoins biggest crash was 94% of its value a few years ago. I don't have the pic but there's a website that has every btc crash organized by date.
Out of everything I've read. Not one person mentioned that it was Christmas and MAYBE JUST MAYBE people withdrew funds to pay for gifts, thus the price being so low.
I personally don't think btc will go back up to 20k but don't be a FUD injector.
The nogs are jumping topkek
good you are not the posters im talking to then. Im talking to the failures ITT that are celebrating their "iron hands"
I've mentioned it in several threads but it is ignored. And yes, Veeky Forums loves to exaggerate shit to the extreme, although this crash is pretty bad it's not the worst yet. If you took profits or switched to an alt/tether you're fine regardless. I always keep 1 BTC as a hold no matter what though.
this must be satire. black dads dont exist?
Last full crash was 2nd december 2013.
This one is similar, maybe worse (2013 Bitcoin still was functional for its basic promise of digital payments)
US Stock market opens in two minutes.
Expect a dip.
this thread
He looks more like a sandnigger tbqhwy
he's black
Banks won again.
>He doesn’t know about the Tether scam
literal Pajeet
All I wanted for Christmas was a cryptard mass suicide. Starting to think Santa is real.
Dear god these people are idiots
You will not accumulate shit. Big banks and institutions will gobble this shit up. Also this happened because of futures not normies.
>hodl meme
Watch or read any video or book once investing and it'll tell you that the market punishes impatient NEETs like you.
Do you even know what the price was in January 2017?
How will they get their money out in time? They cash out through an exchange and they have to wait at least one workday, if they're very lucky. That doesn't leave much (or any) time for gift shopping.
Pretty good all the shoe shiners are getting out
btc is going down to at least 8k, if you haven't sold yet you're dumber than the normies