Don't you find strange that 95% coins went down at the same time?

don't you find strange that 95% coins went down at the same time?

I strongly believe that this dump is caused by small group of wealthy fuckers

95 percent of coins are tied to BTC value

No shirt goofball, they are shaking easy money from all the weak hands that recently entered the market and buying back in cheap.

king is falling

are you ready, Veeky Forums???

It's a dump by the rich can buy a few planes and yachts for their Christmas vacations, while normies dumping so they can buy a new iphone with their earnings.

probably reptilians hugh?

Its not complicated. Greater fool theory only works for so long. Especially if your token is unusably slow and crippled by fees

King grows, alts bow down
King falls, alts follow

Given that BTC will be dethroned soon, perhaps the market will detach from blockstreamcoin.

>BTC will be dethroned soon
If this happens crypto dies with it


Crypto as we know it dies.

you mean 100%

A new crypto emerge. Detached from a single asset.


But how will I cash out my alts when they were all bought with btc?

learn how markets work newfag

No, people investing in alts saw how BTC dropped and feared other coins may be next so they started dumping. It's just like the stock market. When one or a few really big stocks experience a huge, rapid drop, many other stocks follow suit.

whos buying these bitcoins right now someone anwser me

Yah think?

>endings are just beginnings
t. oldfield

What, like 95% or so of bitcoins are owned by the 1% richest wallets (And every person owns multiple wallets).

So it really just needs to be one rich guy who starts selling to cause a run on the market, then he buys it up again at the bottom.

holy fuck, newfags need to get gassed

are you retarded?