Let's settle this, anons. What do you think about this man? He's been a gigantic, maybe even main, influence on both of 5e and 4e - what do you think of his work now that years have passed?
Let's settle this, anons. What do you think about this man? He's been a gigantic, maybe even main...
Other urls found in this thread:
>DM has to judge situations
Gee, you think?
Twitter screencap OPs should be an instant 10 day ban.
He ruined 4e. He publicly said he disliked it but was still made the head designer halfway through its lifespan. The changes he made only alienated existing 4e fans and did not draw in new players. The declining sales killed 4e. Mearls did this so he could work on his dream edition of 5e.
5e is mediocre. I'd play it over 3.pf but that isn't saying much. The playtests were better though Mearls shit all over those and lied to people the whole way through.
*Cough* Promising the Warlord and then right before releasing writing an article on why he thinks martial healing is stupid because HP is meat points hurr durr *cough*
Mearls is a godawful designer who got his position through office politics and uses it to design games based on what he likes rather than what actually works. The blatant lies he perpetrated during the 5e playtests were even more egregious than the intentional torpedoing of 4e with Essentials.
But that's why it's such a stupid statement. It's such an omnipresent thing that it's a total non-factor, and acting like you can use it as a crutch to excuse bad design is godawful.
Rules and systems should support a GM, making their job easier. The GMs ruling is what matters, but the guidelines and advice given in the system should make making those rulings easier and give you support in making the right calls to keep the game moving and create an enjoyable experience for your group.
If a tumor were removed from someone, developed sentience, sprouted limbs, learned how to use a computer and started to write RPGs, it would still be less cancerous then this man. And if I had to wipe one of the two out with chemo it wouldn't be the RPG tumor.
Mearls did an AMA recently. Any choice quotes, or is that the best you got?
what did he mean by this
But 5e DOES support the GM. It does so by only selling you a third of a system. You make the rest yourself, and let's be honest, that's whay every D&D/PF GM has done. You can't expect professional game designers to ship a product that has rules covering everything for the narrow genre their game works for, can you? Of course not, they aren't paid to design a game. They're paid to generate a half-assed effort so Hasbro can retain the IP, sort of like how Bethesda is paid to sell you a broken game that you mod until it works, then delude yourself into thinking that the modded game is the same game you were sold.
>that icon
He saved D&D from a pitiful wargamey death at 4E's hands. He should be fucking knighted and given the Medal of Honor both.
>He saved D&D from a pitiful wargamey death at 4E's hands
>What is Chainmail?
Of all the things that are wrong with Mearls, and that picture, the fucking icon is the thing you take issue with? Seriously?
>What is Chainmail?
A wargame that is explicitly not Dungeons and Dragons, because if it were, then there never would have been a need to create D&D.
But do you not see the essential irony in the statement that D&D was approaching 'a pitiful wargamey death' when wargames were, in fact, its progenitor?
Leaving aside that 4e was no more a wargame than 3.PF or 5e. They're all RPGs, and there's no meaningful definition of an RPG which excludes 4e while covering 3.PF and 5e.
>Leaving aside that 4e was no more a wargame than 3.PF or 5e
4rrie fairy tales.
>Of all the things that are wrong with Mearls, and that picture, the fucking icon is the thing you take issue with? Seriously?
He has nothing of substance to say, nor the intelligence to comment on game design, so he reaches for the easiest criticism he can find. Ignore him, and join the rest of us in pissing on Mearls for being a bad designer.
I don't care desu. I haven't played 4th or 5th edition D&D but 4e seems to have some interesting ideas.
Of all the things you wanna bring into D&D, it's gotta be your "LOOK AT MY SEXUALITY GUYS" avatar? Seriously?
This is the Twitter of a PROFESSIONAL game dev?
Then please, explain and justify your point. Provide me with a reason or argument of any kind. I would really be interested to hear the logic behind your statements.
I'm kinda confused why it's such a big deal to you?
Using an avatar to show solidarity is a standard thing these days, both sincere shows of support from individuals and market friendly zero effort statements from corporations. Plus the reverse, because people are capable of being pointlessly shallow and companies are capable of sincerity.
But why object? It's small, harmless and essentially meaningless, so why be so upset over it?
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, fags.
5e did have interesting ideas, but they were all ripped out of it in the playtest, despite a very strong fanbase reaction to them.
It was so fucking blatant at the time. A poll goes up, an option gets loads of votes and people are eagerly discussing where it will go... Then the poll goes down, and comes up a short while later with the results massively swung towards the options Mearls preferred instead, followed by him making a smug statement about how happy he was that the community supported his vision of the game. It was fucking disgusting.
Because he's a game dev he's not allowed to use his personal social media accounts to express any belief?
/gdg/ here. i can't even comment on mearls as game designer because gamist design a la D&D is so radically different from the type of RPG I am working on, it's mind-blowing.
Is he Jewish? Isn't that the thing alt-right antisemites use to rumor-mill that people are Jewish?
5e's good points are what I'd call inevitable. They're mostly common sense applied to previous editions.
5e's bad points can all be attributed to Mearls being an idiot designer. It makes me wonder how much better the game would be with anyone else at the helm.
Classic meme subversion, if you turn the words of hate that your enemies use against you into words of pride used among your cohorts you undermine the word you undermine it's powers over you.
gb2 forge, narrativist scum and fellate yourself there, G is for Games you storygame faggot
seriously though, I can guarantee that understanding that gamist mechanics are just a tool like any other would do your games good
Sooooo, yes?
Mearls is an idiot but he's still preferable to a few people who worked on D&D and PF - Skip Williams, Zeb Cook, SKR, and most definitely Jason Bulmahn are all people I'd prefer him over for one reason or another.
>Using an avatar to show solidarity
That is not what this avatar is here for
Nobody is oppressed, nobody needs your 'solidarity'
Showing an avatar that gives out your selfish kinks is not 'solidarity' it's showing off your kinks
>is a standard thing these days
No it is not
It is even less in a professional environment supposedly free from politics
>market friendly zero effort statements from corporations
>companies are capable of sincerity.
Aha you mean like the 30 millions Intel bamboozle?
>But why object?
Why not
> It's small, harmless
No it's not
>essentially meaningless
Well let him have fun in his fucking 'battle for equality' while he tries to make elves all trannies. I've hardly had to even bother giving a sexual orientation to my PCs.
Not him, but I find that kinda disheartening.
The prevalence of homosexuals in society is... what, 2%? Why is there so many game developers, tabletop game developers, and so on, who want to inject homosexuality into their product? Why?
Statistically it is a nonsense. I don't care one way or another, but some could say, and not be entire wrong, that another literal faggot dev being a figurative faggot dev is both crushing and completely expected.
Maybe homosexuals aren't good game developers in general. Statistically it sure seems to fit with data.
>>essentially meaningless
Let me rephrase his post: Meaningful to Mearls, and to the faggots who recognize his support. Essentially meaningless to the rest of us.
You seem really buttblasted over it for some reason.
- t. faggot who also doesn't tell people I'm gay IRL but it's not because of a game designer's avatar decision holy shit man calm down.
Nobody else brought it up. You did.
You seem weirdly obsessed with the whole thing, too.
Wow how are you so mad about a twitter profile picture? You must've been really heated when Facebook did that rainbow filter thing back in 2015.
I feel like you're looking at it from a really twisted angle.
Why do the percentages matter? Why is it 'injecting' it into games?
How does acknowledging the breadth of humanity harm your experience in any way?
>Maybe homosexuals aren't good game developers in general
Dude homos and trannies and such, they think about sex a lot more than normal people. That's because of the way the brain is built, which was responsible for the orientation disorder.
It's not prejudice to go with the assumption they can't keep it in their pants, it's just science. Why do you think trannies on Tumblr also draw / share porn of a thousand fetishes like all the time?
Not everyone's like this but it takes effort.
If you have some self-discipline being "different" like that can actually help a lot to make stuff nobody ever thought before but there's the same amount of people with self-discipline in and out of the gay demographic, and that amount is a low percentage too.
Just think about how many GMs are autists that only want to inject their crap in their settings. Well that's basically the same thing here on a corporate level. Of course there's always gonna be a sexual deviant who starts shitting things up with sexpolitics.
I'm a fucking deviant and I think about ass way too much to be healthy. I know how it gets but at least I'm not gonna pretend people are being homophobic when they're talking about it.
>How does acknowledging the breadth of humanity harm your experience in any way?
How about you acknowledge that I fuck dogs or something? It's D-I-V-E-R-S-E that way.
You have zero excuses to bring gaypolitics into a hobby.
I think you're looking at it from a really strange angle too.
Why should he injects homosexuality into games? Why so much prevalence of homosexual game developers in comparison to society? Why are so many of those game developers bad, and is that linked to their homosexuality?
Those are perfectly valid questions. When so there are so many of homosexuals being game developers, and almost all of those proud homosexuals are bad developers, I'm starting to see a pattern. One which, sure, needs to be tested against biases (i.e maybe only the worst game dev openly shows themselves to be homosexuals, thus being a bad game dev correlate, or maybe even is causally linked, with proudly displaying it).
So... Basically you're freaking out and taking the loudest, most blatant extremes as the norm. Got it.
Where are you getting this evidence that a lot of game devs are gay, anyway, or that gay devs are bad?
I'm not in the habit of looking up the sexuality of game designers, so I wouldn't really know.
>How does acknowledging the breadth of humanity harm your experience in any way?
Not that user, but on a purely technical level that chunk of box text that describes how your special snowflake PC can be gay, trans, or some genderfluid hybrid is taking up space that could have been better used for art, rules clarifications, or tables. Telling your players you can have your elf princess really be a guy who wears whatever xhe wants falls under the same unwritten rule of "talk with your DM" that wanting to play a character with a peculiar rash, is abnormally overweight, or has diabetes would. It's completely unnecessary fluff to point out that only serves to be a virtue signal for the company, in the same way that half-orcs are no longer raped into existence.
When you're an idiot enough to bring up your sexual identity online while you talk about D&D user, you've got the kind of mentality that makes you bad at objective design.
And since the losers above haven't seem to understand: we talk about his stupid gay shit because HE brought it up, even now that he isn't bringing it up, now WE bring it up, and that, is called "reputation". And THAT, is why you don't talk tranny shit as a corporate dev, because then this will give said corporation a fucking reputation.
Aha, you think personal twitters with your real names are accounts where you're free to say anything?
You don't understand how the world works.
Get a fucking pseudo, that's why we invented them.
It takes up a chunk of text, sure... But it's a tiny text box. I've seen it, and it's barely a paragraph just going over some very basic things.
For most people, it's harmless, but for a minority of people it's talking about, it'll be a really warm and welcoming thing to have. A tiny downside for most vs a significant benefit for a minority who need all the help they can get makes sense in my book, if only from a pure corporate marketing perspective. Not many people are going to see a tiny sidebar as a deal breaker, but for people in that group, it could very well be what sells the game to them.
He won't. You're retarded for getting baited.
Eh, in my experience a sincere question like that will, occasionally, lead to an interesting discussion, and more often lead to them sperging out in amusing ways. Either way, it's worth the minimal effort to poke the tree, if only to see what falls out.
There are at least three different levels of trolling in this thread and it's all terrible. Put your back into it.
lol nobody else is going to say it because the only "people" who replied to you are one guy samefagging three times because you destroyed him, but pic related, retarded regressive absolutely destroyed
Oh I'm sorry, did you call dog-fucking "extreme"? You got something against dog-fucking? You dog-fucking-o-phobe?
I'm gonna make myself a D&D icon that tells people I fuck dogs. Maybe that's gonna wake you up on things you don't want to see when suddenly it's not your fucking kink.
Ahaa, cause, it's always okay if you're gay too... You got no fucking clue how to get along with heteros, do you? Stop trying to 'convert' them or making them 'allies' or whatever bullshit. What will it take for you to understand that seeing two dudes kiss makes them uncomfortable and that's got nothing to do with prejudice or hate?
"Race-mixing is a mistake" is also a tiny tiny little sentence of 5 words but that's all it takes to ruin three books of rules.
> but for a minority of people it's talking about, it'll be a really warm and welcoming thing to have
Not at all, no. If it is, it's because they're egocentrics that only want to see themselves and their minoritary shit.
> but for people in that group, it could very well be what sells the game to them
ITT: user discovers pandering for the first time.
Meanwhile, all it takes for me to play a gay PC at the table is to show the party how he always seems to be chatting up dudes. Never women.
What the fuck is going on in here?
destroyed then replied to three times pretending to be different people
I was just posting to let know that I appreciated how hard he rekt the stupid bastard who posted
I'm just kinda confused why it's such a big deal for you.
Including homosexuality and diversity in a game, given the modern context, seems like common sense. It should be entire non-controversial. It's not 'injecting' or pushing anything, it's smart marketing and an acknowledgement that the world we live in is significantly more varied than the storytelling of even recent history would have us believe.
I don't get why you're so mad about this.
Because people who force their shit fetish into every single interaction they have should kill themselves.
That means you.
Ahh, so 'rekt' means 'go on a long rant without actually having a point'
Got it, thanks.
How is that in any way related to anything I just said?
kill yourself retard
Holy shit
Since WHEN
Oooh you're all with that oppression complex. THOSE ARE SUCH HARD TIMES. We need to be told that it's okay to exist as different people in a fiction game!!11!
Or you know
Maybe that sort of bullshit is to be sorted out with the other players?!
You know
COMMON SENSE would tell you to do that
COMMON SENSE would make it all an implicit affair
So fucking glad I got the greenlight to play a lesbo user how did I ever do it before
It isn't a rule?
It's a simple statement of things that some groups might take for granted, and that others might not. It's a small amount of wordcount which might help some people and, even if not, including it gave them some positive PR.
You seem to be very prone to exaggerated emotional outbursts in response to absolutely anything which touches on these topics. Are you alright?
Although I should add that I do think fantasy games is an odd place for transgender storytelling, at least ones as high fantasy as D&D. While at low levels it might make sense and be interesting, beyond that magic is so prevalent and accessible that being transformed into your preferred gender permanently shouldn't be too difficult to achieve.
It's an interesting theme to explore in other contexts, but such things should always be considered alongside the context and premise set down by the system and setting.
Holy shit faggot
If you're in a group that doesn't like your kind then grow some balls and find another
> including it gave them some positive PR
Everything was fine with me being gay, me telling people I was gay, me playing gays BEFORE the whole SJW bullshit arrived.
Immediately afterwards people suddenly hated any mention of that in or out of game. The only ones that seem totally okay with it are the slutty PC trannies brought in by the new PC climate.
So you can absolutely shut the fuck up and take your cuck politics back to Tumblr. Your dick politics too. All of your fucking politics, and your shit idea of what "progress" looks like.
>Basically you're freaking out and taking the loudest, most blatant extremes as the norm. Got it.
That is the norm here on Veeky Forums, user.
What it really comes down to is that if it doesn't conform itself to certain lowest common values, it is wrong and destroying the "culture".
It's like how females have been ruining pnp games since 1995.
How is any of this politics? I feel like the only person here bringing up and pushing politics is you, user.
None of this needs to be political or controversial. None of this needs to involve that shit. But you seem to be so obsessed with it, despite claiming to hate it, that you can't help but bring it up and just go on and on about it. It seems kinda unhealthy.
>my personal circumstances, that are totally true btw, shape the entire debate
You have officially discovered the "Southerners don't mind niggers, as long as they aren't uppity, Northerners don't mind uppity niggers, as long as they don't live near them" paradigm.
The people you thought were ok with you revealed they actually were only ok with YOU, not with you being gay. Now that they have been reminded gay people besides you exist, they are lashing out.
>why you people hate it when we start to put sexual orientation into a numbers game and make it a point to show everyone we totally looove the gays inside and outside in a hobby that couldn't even give enough of a shit to be homophobic
>you're the only ones pushing politics reeee
You're not fooling anybody, with the same condescending, and dishonest tone your masters use.
That's fucking incredible. Typical entitled logic. You came in here second; you started shitting things up, and then you say WE are bringing things in?
What's your definition of "bringing" and "in", user?
>The people you thought were ok with you revealed they actually were only ok with YOU, not with you being gay.
There's such a thing as meeting new groups and find out they're nervous about you being a red flag because of people like you giving them evidence to see me as such
I'm looking at this thread, and the flow of discussion. It was people getting angry and upset about sexuality that started the whole thing.
Personally, I don't give a fuck. Who you like to fuck isn't and shouldn't be a particularly major part of your personality, and if you define yourself by it you're probably gonna end up kinda weird.
But because I don't really give a fuck, I don't consider including and acknowledging it a big deal. It's a non-issue for me, and I get confused that other people get so twisted up over shit that really doesn't matter.
If it matters so much to them, I figure there's a big reason why, and that's them bringing their own bullshit along, nothing to do with anything else.
>strive all my life to not make my kinks a big deal
>get along just fine with others when we have chill discussions and I don't try to tell it everywhere
>understand I need to have a thick skin because I'm in a retarded tiny demographic and you can't just ask 98% of the people to cater to my feelings
>just roll with people being okay enough, don't ask for much
>"progressives" come around
>No I'm...
>But I don't...
>"YOU'RE WELCOME, LOOK AT US CHAMPIONS OF PROGRESS" *kisses own ass, sucks own cock
>...I just wanted to play a gnoll
...Wait. You consider homosexuality a 'kink'?
Which is amusing, since bigots often find convoluted, at times contradictory reasons, to except certain people from groups they normally malign.
That you are seeing this in practice, but lack the self awareness to see it for what it is is almost silly. My irl group has a /pol/lack, a black nationalist, a laid back right winger, a feminist, a stoner, a centrist and 2 far left expounders in it. We have a process for getting along.
What people are generally missing is how in most groups, if you do not make a character that is bog standard or "appropriate" for you to make, you will get guff from the rest of the table.
Even before this, if you were a guy and you played a female pc, or had a gay pc and acted upon that facet when appropriate, you were gonna get shit. It was always this way, and remains so. The only time I don't see someone getting shit for not toeing the party line is a female playing a male pc.
The hard truth is yes, people DO need to be told it is entirely okay to play whatever you want, within reason, and that others do not have the right to be shitty to you because you "aren't playing pretend right".
>You consider homosexuality a 'kink'?
>that moment when the troll literally outs themselves
Lets not get ahead of ourselves here. Social just hates gay men.
There is no definition as to what a "kink" is, but going off of "a sharp twist or curve in something that is otherwise straight" literally everything but the most basic sex is a kink.
Still, in context a kink generally refers to a sexual fetish, which is something completely different to your sexual orientation.
Homosexuality is NOT a kink, you tard, it's an orientation.
A kink is not a fetish is not an orientation, and yes, kink does have a definition.
At least one reasonable man on this leftist shithole.
>Veeky Forums, leftists
>None of this needs to be political or controversial.
The world has been suffering from your degenerate anti-values that you may consider it all as normalcy, but in fact it isn't.
>What do you think about this man? He's been a gigantic, maybe even main, influence on both of 5e and 4e -
Been plaing D&D for 14y now, never heard of this man.
>influence on both of 5e and 4e
Ha! found why.
How someone can go from making the best martial ever to the SHITTIEST knockoff of it I have ever seen is beyond me. Battlemaster is like pulling teeth and I will never accept it as anything but an insult.
>Been plaing D&D for 14y now, never heard of this man.
You know Mearls made 3e, which you would have played, too, you fool.
>How someone can go from making the best martial ever
Which was what, in your opinion?
i am a genre simulationist ;)
Mearls was responsible for the Essentials fighter. It was his attempt to 'fix' 4e. You can see why the Battlemaster ended up as such shit.
it's not for solidarity but for PR. to position WOTC and its staff as progressives. pure business decision.
>It is even less in a professional environment supposedly free from politics
welcome to 2014 where conservative values seemed to be a thing of the distant past.
>Why is there so many game developers, tabletop game developers, and so on, who want to inject homosexuality into their product? Why?
because a much larger percentage of the population, especially the gaming population, subscribe to secular holier-than-thou ethics. they show solidarity with homosexuals to shape their own image as progressive, tolerant, etc. WHICH PARTS OF SOCIETY EQUATE WITH BEING THE GOOD GUYS
but they are not the good guys. they just seek ethic supremacy. they seek reasons to look down on others as less ethical and les unnlightened. where some put their personal ambitions into career and family, they put it in this game of ethical oneupmanship.
Even the Essentials Fighter is better than that.
I'd call it stable, good for what it did, but it's strengths hedged very much on maneuvers, versus class underpinnings, and was fairly restrictive.
The 4e fighter could do everything the warblade did without being so restrictive, imo.
It's really amazing how far some people will twist logic to turn the very idea of trying to be a nice, tolerant and accepting person into a bad thing.
While I won't say nobody acts for those reasons, acting as though it's some vast moral conspiracy as opposed to people just trying to be, y'know, decent seems fucking bizarre to me, and utterly fails if you apply occam's razor.
The 4E Fighter has wildly different mechanics than the Warblade in practice. I'd consider it to have more in common with the Crusader than the Warblade.
I wouldn't even say the Crusader, because the Crusader depended on stances to do what the 4e fighter and the PF Warder have as part of their basic class competence, allowing you to focus on other things.
>It's really amazing how far some people will twist logic to turn the very idea of trying to be a nice, tolerant and accepting person into a bad thing.
look at the socialists of the now defunct warsaw pact countries just wanted a fairer, more equal society
and it was a bad thing.
your ideals don't mean shit when you force them onto others due to not understanding the role competition has among human beings. and this blindness to the role of competition holds true both for socialist of the pasts and multiculturalist antifas of the present.
people are not just brothers, they are also rivals. and if you put people of different skin color, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc. next to each other in one society, all you will accomplish is exposing them to direct competition with each other. it will end in bad blood.
what it certainly WILL NOT end in is coming to understand each other, seeing each other as brother and sister only, overcoming all differences and living peacefully together forevermore. that is logic on GDR retardation levels.
if I wanted people to make up scientific facts I would go to Veeky Forums or /pol/. Go back to whichever you came from.
And I think you just have a fundamental lack of faith in humanity, as well as a misunderstanding of the essence of competition. But being able to politely disagree is an important skill that's all too often lost in this day and age, although people like seem to retain it, which is always nice to hear.
This is fedora atheist tier rambling, user.
It's sad that the people who actually believe this, and coincidentally the self assured sense of superiority it brings, don't have the self awareness to see how sad it is that they have to put stock in how shitty humanity CAN be in order to justify their own outlook.
You are the cancer killing the spirit of Intellectualism, eager to regress to animal mind that wishes to devour mankind.
Try to be a decent person, knowing damn well yes, it is fucking hard.
is a reality that I, with my own hands and actions, can make untrue, so I do.
I don't understand the people who think that giving in to tribalism is a virtue, but I can prove them wrong by living according to my own beliefs. What is ethics untested? Pretty words.
Damn. If you can get this worked up over a rainbow colored ampersand, how mad are you that Chris Perkins exists?
I think the rager/troll on about that topic stopped, or at least changed their tone, after the whole 'homosexuality is a kink' thing kinda torpedoed any appearance of sincerity they had.
Yea, I noticed that, too.
They changed tack, but they clearly aren't as familiar with it.
>Chris Perkins
>long time Wizard's dev
>worked on PoL setting and cosmology
Uh, is he gay or something?