40k News - The Ultima Founding


>plenty of new Chapters
>most existing ones use Primaris Marines
>Space Yiffs confirmed still functional after Fenris
>some previously lost, smaller chapters re-established as Primaris chapters
>home worlds across the new rift as the first line of defense

Other urls found in this thread:


Old Chapters with new Primaris Marines.

And because it just popped up, a PSA:
Faction Focus: Space Marines:

Someone else can make a separate thread for that, I guess.

>Ultima Founding
Chapter Master Lord Britannicus WHEN ?

I'll add this just for ease

I like the blades of vengeance

Just tried to use this. Their stupid 'aged' effect made a few of the lines not solid so you can't just paint bucket colors.

Stupid GW

Guilliman too much of a hipster to call it the 27th Founding?

So, this makes me wonder.
Did any traitor chapter have loyalist successors? Or successors that stayed loyalist?

AHAHAHA but user that's a name you can't copyright :^) you dummy

Fantastic, do you happen to know a compatible font?

Colouring books aren't meant for grown-ups user, you're supposed to print it off and give it to you kids so they can use crayons to go with the toy soldiers you're buying for them.

Blood Magpies are almost oficialy a Thousand Sons' successor, so yea


They are now naming Space Marine chapters after Stormcast Eternal units, kek

I look forward to the reveal of the Concussors chapter of Primaris Marines

Do kids have crayons still?

I imagine a kid trying to paint on a tablet.

>it still remains to be seen if Cawl was able to successfully stabilise any of the known genetic deviations or impart any additional resistance to the effects of Chaos

So, which new mutations do we want bois?

There are those heavily implied to be, like the Blood Ravens, but anything that could confirm it is under Inquisition censorship.

>They're using Primaris Marines as the standard for marine recognition

It's over lads. Let's go home.

Ah. So after the Thousands Sons up and left into the Warp, Blood Ravens were created from the leftovers implants and stuff?

the fact these aren't all using the same lineart pisses me off

>my dream of making a successor chapter of the Salamanders without the ugly color-scheme are now lore friendly

Girlyman Rawbooty be praised.

There were thousands of Thousand Sons stationed all over the galaxy who dodged Prospero. The whole 4th fellowship was unscathed.

Should've called them Fulmentarus, would at least be an ultramarines thing.

The cult of the corvidae was not present at Prospero.

Ahriman was there.

>the Last Founding
Age of Gorillaman confirmed

There are also Vaults on Terra with geneseeds from all Legions, so its possible to make Traitor Legion successors without the influence of the Legion itself.

>Centurions... have been very popular since their release.

GW really don't have a clue

>Ultramarine successors


are you legit retarded? Grave-Centurions which they talk about are still Centurions.

Now that you mentioned them...will Guilliman give all Chapters Fulmentarus Termies?

If it weren't for the HH, then Guilliman would've equipped all the Legions with the capabilities to field these guys.



I called it.

Primaris is just a way to finally introduce full scale marines in a new mk of armor.

In the future all marines will be Primaris and official "standard" SM texts and prints will feature Primaris marines.

>I called it
user, we've known from the day they were announced that old Chapters would use them.

That's what everyone apart from old sm players was thinking and saying

>I called it.

You and literally everyone else with even a passing interest in 40k.

>mfw I invested like 200$ on SM bits and pieces to make my custom SM chapter and I already had 5/10 custom made SM captains and now they're manlets and literally worthless


Might as well throw them in the trash or try to convert them in chadmarines

More as the chief librarian, but yeah you're right.

Just glue them onto stilts, no one will tell the difference

I kid you not I feel like shit.

I spent hours of my life designing the color scheme and organization

I even bought deathwatch pauldrons en masse that had the logo of the chapter

It looks like most of the size differences are in the torso and legs, so you could probably keep using most of those bits.

Unfortunately I doubt GW is going to just sell those separately, so I'd image we'd need to wait for recasters to get easy access to spare torso and leg bits.


An investment is something you can reasonably expect to pay back it's value. Your manlet marines are literally worthless, you wasted, you didn't invest.

This was confirmed when it was revealed they could turn existing marine characters into Primaris.

Only heads and shoulderpads are compatible

I also always wanted truescale marines, and tried to make the captains stand out more than average in height


I wouldnt mind making the chapter all Primaris but I could have waited some time before throwig all that money into the trash.

Sell them now before all the manlet players start flooding the market with manlet marines

>you can reasonably expect to pay back it's value
What if they pay back their value in fun?

I got that already

But FUCK I could have waited a bit.

Primaris are what I always wanted save for the retarded flying units, and I bet they'll get tons and tons of upgrade / sidegrade parts and pieces.

They already have text decals so you dont have to fuck up with the brush

You know you could have just made a salamanders successor chapter with a different color scheme, yes? Like... the black templar aren't yellow and also have no fist iconography, yet are still imperial fist successors.

How do primaris marines help you at all?

>not adding spacers to the legs and waist to make them slightly shorter than primaries marines

Don't be a bitch and do it, you know you wanted to give them the old true-scaling; now you're basically forced to do it.

So does this mean you can have a Space wolf Successor chapter that doesn't recruit from Fenris?

Sure, they are slightly more stable, with almost pure geneseed.

Fun is a meme.

The 'manlet' marines are still viable and canon. In fact early plays of the leaked rules suggest they're better than Primaris, the 10 per unit making a big difference to the Primaris' 5 for roughly similar costs.

Most chapters have no Primaris anyway.If you're going to throw an army you putthat much effort into out over memes you're retarded.

Shit man I almost feel sorry for you... sell them

>Most chapters have no Primaris anyway
The only chapter that we know doesn't use them are the Lamenters.
Because they can't not suffer.

Who here /indifferent/? i won't be buying any Nu-marines, though they do look quite nice.

As a CSM player we barely use any power armour anyway, i can live with my Havocs being manlet marines, our Heroes are already 'large'

As Ork/GSC player fuck 'em they will all die the same in glorious CC and they will look good next to Guard/traitors

I guess I'll paint them and make scaled "displays" for them as if they were just old SM armors of past captains on display on the chapter's halls.

Paint them grey and use them as statues

Just use your normal marine army faggot.

Genetic engineering can't beat experience and loyalty to the emperor. Think of it as progression for the manlet marines; they're old and dated but still in the game. It ain't the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog.

Yes but I like the nu-marines and so far I only have five captains, one 10 man tactical unit with meltas and one sternguard veteran.

And tons of bits for customizing manlet marines.

>t. guardsman

The Space Sharks are officially of Raven Guard terran stock but its heavily implied that they scavenge whatever geneseed they could find so some have world eater and night lord gene seed.

The Minotaurs are heavily implied to have weird gene seed, possibly an iron warrior mix

Blood Ravens as Thousand Sons are heavily implied but i really dont see what combat doctrine would make them so. Unless wanting relics and reading are somehow strong pieces of evidence.

>10,000 Imperial Ace-in-the-hole
>Amounts to getting bigga
Maybe one day you'z gits will manage to do something other than slowly crawl towards da Orky way of doing fings.

Serves you right.

>mfw I invested a shitton of money into these metal GW figs to field them and now because non-metal figs exist they're literally worthless


Whats interesting is which chapters would be suspicious and reject the gene seed since that apparently is a fluff point.

I find it telling that neither the raven guard or space wolves are on that list. Probably there will be a super arch conservative marine faction.

Age of Russ when?

>caring about fluff

>Tfw GW announces Primorkaz-Orkz
>it's just the AoS models holding big shootaz

They look like shit tho

How? GW games aren't fun.

Call them the Veterans of an almost wiped chapter.

So do numarines.

Neat. That means I also have an excuse to not bring any wulfen or thunderwolves or anything

Who's ready to bet that manlet enablers are actual manlets irl?

Yeah lol sure. Try asking around. Tactical chadmarines look cool as hell

5'7 you got me

But then I'd have to think of a way of implementing them into a new Primarines chapter and I'd have to think what to do with the 15 manlet tacticals I also have, and I'd have to upgrade them to veterans so now they'd be sternguard, but I may as well upgrade them to Primarines because they're fucking manlets

So I might as well throw them away and try to forget I ever spent 200$ on bits

I'm gonna buy some to use as Alpha Legion and Khorne marines, I don't have any chaos models in those legions, and if the rest of my force is gonna be manlets, I'm gonna justify it with the guys who are actually swole being there for comparison

>A. Skull
>Ex Brother Marine

Fucking gold

Ah! Knew that

Don't smash your house down because of one misplaced brick; just put them into storage or something until you decide what to do at a later date.

>Any new thing done to this thing will automatically be shit
>The original version of this thing is shit, and is only cool when it is changed to match what I like
I don't know which is more obnoxious, but this is why I pretty much hate all other geeks.

>They look so fucking good

This whole "manlet marine" troll bit is /b/ - tier bait and I'm sick of this whole board for partaking in it.

>*Don’t worry – none of the big ones, though Magnus gave it a pretty good go at Fenris…
What the hell is this referencing? I'm not seeing any * in the text.

In some idiots' mind:
>Three years from now
>Show up at game with old marines
>Giant horde of chads around
>people point and laugh at the midgits
>sweaty 300 pound guy eats my army because it's so puny
>I run home crying

Meanwhile, in real life...
>Three years from now
>show up at game with old marines
>'Oh, are those the old models? Cool! I'd never seen them before! Must be nice to have been invested in the game this long!'



There's a spot in one of the earlier paragraphs where they said some chapters were destroyed.

>Many Chapter Planets are now actively under siege, some Chapters are confirmed as destroyed* or lost, and even those faring relatively well have suffered high casualties and are in desperate need of reinforcement.

>Advocating quality content and posting on Veeky Forums rather than the same shit memes over and over
>Whilst frogposting

Fell and broke your neck at the very first hurdle, but you tried.

>Almost finished painting my SW army sideproject
>once they get their updates it will be all for nought as primaris will ride bigger wolves

I should stick to one army per edition

The terms "chad" and "manlet" are the main cancer that destroyed Veeky Forums long time ago. I'm honestly worried about it spreading to Veeky Forums.

I assume we're just killing time before the new edition.
Either that, or there's a secret war brewing between Veeky Forums, /k/, and /pol/ for control of this board. Either way.

By the emperor, I'm fucking blind.

I think he means he doesn't want dragon warriors or whatever, as he feels uncomfortable breaching the canon "no known successors, one implied successor".

But I'm just guessing.

Eh, the Cursed Founding is usually good for such things, but it's nice to have a new one to mess around with too.

I had my Chaos Warband be Salamander successors from the cursed founding, since I gave them a dragon theme and a bunch of flamers inadvertantly.
