>Its still not over
>Its still not over
1. Btc was always considered a "store of value"... many people even measured their altcoins in satoshis
2. But with the slow speed and high fees, whales have long been grumbling about the inevitable switch to another currency as the main store of value.
3. The whole bcash drama, and coinbase insider trading caused btc to be temporarily dethroned as the main currency causing further frustration with btc.
4. Youbit was hacked so the price of btc was already going to take a hit.
5. Whales decided it was finally the "perfect storm" and coordinated a move to two new currencies, Ripple and Electroneum.
6. But whales making the move had the byproduct of freaking out the normies and they are all panic selling btc right now.
The good news is hopefully cryptos are going to drop off the normie-radar as a scam and we could go back to what we do best... go to lamboland in the shadows.
Jihan is pulling the death switch
what is your predictions, how low will eth, litcoin and bitcoin go?
wow your worthless coin turns out isnt worth anything woops
Turns out hundreds of identical coins having more value than enormous companies is completely unsustainable
weak knee faggot normies investing more than they can afford to lose, thats why
>go to lamboland in the shadows.
yeah boi
I told you yesterday Veeky Forums to sell all your BTC and no use case alternative ECR20 tokens and set buy orders for $8000 . Now your faggotry ways have doomed you all and your Blockfolios shall be plagued with red candles for many moons. Your dreams of exotic Italian transportation vehicles and Asian concubines shall remain nothing but dreams. You shall wagecuck all your life for your subversive desert friends and blend in with the office furniture and procreate with a local Caucasian woman who will eventually grow fat and subsequently divorce you, take the kids and the dog. Also purchase LTC if you want to save yourself from this timeline, it might go to $1500 soon.
ghey Star Wars causing all this
turns out expensive, slow, internet tendies money backed by nothing expect dreams isn't worth 20K
>go to lamboland in the shadows
thats the shit i like
I am taking a dump on you, just starting, there is 240 000BTC to go.
It wont be over until BTC is back to December 2016. $800.
is it because people dont buy drugs when it's xmas time?
>implying this isn't the time to buy
>The good news is hopefully cryptos are going to drop off the normie-radar as a scam and we could go back to what we do best... go to lamboland in the shadows.
Yall ready?
10B more off the market cap and it's the biggest crash since MTGOX percentage wise.
This isn't looking good.
coinbase offline.
god damn i wanted to buy the dip but when it is online again litecoin will fall even more.
>go to lamboland in the shadows.
You can't do this without big daddy Bitcoin
And guess what..
Sort of like this since if crytpo kept growing at this rate everything would’ve crashed by summer. At least now we can accumulate.
Historically it crashes a bit more than 50% before doing it's hammock move over a few years.
That means, it should stop bringing the whole market down in 1-2 days, and maybe ETH can take over the whole gold standard role from this godforsaken dinosaur
Not like the whole crypto market went from 200B to 650B in 1month.
When you are higher you can crash more.
>baby boomers with weak hands buy Bitcoin en mass
>bitcoin doubles in less than a month
>BTC keeps going up, attracting more baby boomers
>eventually BTC starts to slow down
>Baby Boomers freak out and start selling
>Baby boomers crash BTC
add futures trading to that list you fucking idiots
>ripple and electroneum
Nice LARP faggot, we aren't buying your bags
He unironically thinks this is what happens
Etn is the only crypto that actually made money during the crash, look at buy/sell logs... few people sold, most were buying.
Baby boomers are the last people who would invest in this scheme. Old people are generally not as dumb as you think.
>only crypto
>go to lamboland in the shadows.
we'll never learn, will we lads?
Maybe people realized that BTC is a good for nothing shitcoin?
>The good news is hopefully cryptos are going to drop off the normie-radar as a scam and we could go back to what we do best... go to lamboland in the shadows.
>Crypto will never see mainstream adoption and will remain a ponzi, just with less potential bagholders next time around.
How is normies leaving a good thing?
Verge made money the other day but Verge is still down. Electroneum is in the strong green.
It's a chance for us people who got in later to make the serious money again.
nucoiners on suicide watch
Even browsing Reddit for about 5 minutes would tell you exactly what has caused this. Actual information being buried by shitposting and memes is a Veeky Forums thing.
Literally everyone is talking about BZC right now faggot.
Hahahah damn it's unbelievable that somebody really bought at 19k
>investing at a historic high
>-30% in one day
>"store of value"
Are you retards even reading what you type?
Re bought at 11750.. looks like a good move
True, I give boomers way to much credit. They didn't get the vitamins in the food and quality of education back then. Sad.
is that a tulip ?
LOL electroneum affecting the global market
but i agree with you somewhat
This, in essence, is how every typical biz poster seems to be surprised about something in plain sight. Can biz get back to dropshipping and actual money talk
i have fond memories of those days
I made a few good trades the last two weeks. My in-laws hears of this and asks my 'advice' on the upcoming bitcoin correction. I tell them to go ahead and buy..if any correction happens it won't go below 17k. They buy at 18k. Two days later they ask advice on what coin to bail out to. I tell them to hodl because it wont go below 15k.
I havent heard from them again...
>Veeky Forums is so economically inept that downward market trends are ascribed to black magic
You are retarded?
so is this bounce back up to over 13 a bull trap or was 11k the bottom?
because my bitcoin transaction has been pending for two days
we'll be below 10 by tomorrow user
Fyi all the institutions and whales are on vacay till next year.
This is the last time they are able to report gains and losses.
Gains look good to investors
Losses can be recouped through tax credits.
Also think about all those alt coins that people traded btc for.
They need liquid to sustain their projects. So they cashout EOY to report profits for their coin and can actually pay their devs.
Or maybe coinbase is playing double agent or its a psyop to get people to buy into crypto with a xfer fee.
Coinbase then takes all its scraped btc and shorts it to crush any hope of btc being legitimized. Becuase coinbase takes orders from ((((them)))) .
Bulgaria govt dumping their btc stash from a raid back in '14 or '15
No coiner here should I buy 150$ worth of bitcoin now?
thats what I'm thinking. This chart looks exactly like the Nasdaq when that popped.
I am starting to believe so, yes
I just sent nearly 1 BTC from my Ledger to GDAX and it took about a half hour. And my transaction fee was $18... That's not good, but it's not as atrocious as people make it out to be.
Crypto has no substantial benefit over fiat and no intrinsic value. This is just a return to sanity.
This gotta be bait
Might be into something
Negative value is still a value
I tlink twhat theh market was overload. swo clash war to happ
Tulip mania, but this time there's nothing physical actually involved.
This lol
They don't understand markets or the technology behind Bitcoin so they're easily manipulated