How do you guys feel about people with accents in your game? Is it annoying or you don't really care?
I've been wanting to play for a while but I feel really insecure because sometimes I pronounce words incorrectly.
How do you guys feel about people with accents in your game? Is it annoying or you don't really care?
I've been wanting to play for a while but I feel really insecure because sometimes I pronounce words incorrectly.
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If you don't mind the higher chance of autism, you could go for a text based game.
>I cant talk properly
Make it a character quirk
As long as you don't sound like a complete retard nobody cares.
Thats a great idea.
Legitimately don't give a fuck about accents or mispronunciation, duder. Most native speakers have an accent and mispronounce shit anyway.
Who the hell gets mad at someone trying to speak English but sometimes slipping up? Especially so if English isn't their first language.
You're putting yourself down to much my man most people probably don't care
It is annoying and often leads to miscommunication...which leads to hurt feelings, cultural faus pas, etc., IME.
If it's the only player flaw I'll generally ignore it, but if it's combined with other flaws it becomes the second or third strike. Speaking as a GM. As a player I don't really have much influence over who the GM allows into a game, other than protesting the most obviously awful candidates.
It only matters if it is unintelligible. I have one Spanish.fellow in my group, he's a good guy and all, but fuck, neither me or my DM (we're both Finnish so not like we are the best English speakers either) can understand what he is saying half the time.
As long as I can actually make out what you're saying without having to think about it a few times, I don't care.
Just practice in your spare time. Listen to whatever dialect you're aiming for in your spare time. Practice, practice practice.
Most fun I've had was going from a traditional arabic accent to a midwestern bumpkin in the same sentence. Had a good effect in game.
I hate it. Purposeful accents slow the speech down.
Got shit to do and ain't got no time for jibber jabber
You'll be fine dude. It's good practice and I can guarantee nobody will give the slightest bit of a shit unless you're playing with giant assholes, which in that case you'd be better off not playing with them anyway
It really just comes down to how difficult it is to understand you. I'm pretty rubbish with accents and there's only so many times I can say "I'm sorry; I didn't understand you. Could you say that again?" But that's clearly a two-sided issue. You can get away with a thicker accent if you're playing with folks who are better at parsing them. As long as you're up front about your accent (in situations where maybe you're signing up for a game nonverbally or something), you should be okay. If you were in the iffy range for me (that is, not "you're fine" and not "sorry, I can only understand every other word you speak"), I'd probably offer you provisional participation: "let's try it out and see how it goes" with the understanding that if the accent ended up being too much of a barrier, we'd part ways with no hurt feelings.
So I guess if you're worried about it, just ask people if your accent's a deal-breaker and tell them that it's okay if they decide it's not working after they give you a trial run.
If your group of friends is chill and already like you then it should be no problem. If they're all in red hats get the fuck out of there before they lynch you and find better friends.
Seriously, if an accent is a barrier to play then you know some pretty shit humans and probably don't want to play with them anyway.
> As a player I don't really have much influence over who the GM allows into a game, other than protesting the most obviously awful candidates.
That kind of sounds like you if you have a big problem with accents.
As long as it doesn't lead to miscommunication, which it pretty much never does. Either you're playing with people you know in person so you probably already understand them perfectly, or you're playing with people online within a close timezone, which means you're likely to get somebody with a regional accent close to yours.
I've played with a lot of people, and accents have never been an issue.
Unless your English is absolutely indecipherable nobody will give a shit. People who speak English as their first language often speak worse English than non-native English speakers.
I don't mind accents and I do them sometimes. Makes my characters more distinct and helps me feel out their personalities. I'm not always the most consistent, especially because whenever I fake a Scottish accent I tend to subconsciously slip into Irish because they sound so similar, but it works.
This. English is my first language and I still mispronounce a word at least once per conversation.
>friend puts on a voice for his adeptus administorum paper pusher
I give zero shits about a player with an accent.
I am, however, annoyed at players who give their characters accents they are really bad at.
If you as a person have an accent thats fine, if you don't but you give your "in character voice" a accent you don't have and can't fake, it comes across as dumb at best and insensitive or deliberately demeaning at worst.
I like to make fun of them making them feel bad about themselves
Anyone who complains about someone having a real-life accent is a bitch.
As long as you don't talk like you're from the Bible Belt, it's probably not going to bug me. Foreign accents don't bother me in the least.