What resources should I check out to learn more about the Forgotten Realms setting and its lore? I keep seeing it mentioned and, since it's the 'default' setting for 5e, I wanted to learn more about it.
What resources should I check out to learn more about the Forgotten Realms setting and its lore...
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Depends; what era?
The 3rd Edition Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting guide is a good place to start.
Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide.
400+ books.
All of 1e-3.5 because 4e tainted the fuck out of FR lore with Points of light
This includes Dungeon Magazine, Polyhedron, and Dragon Magazine
And the Forgotten Realms Canon comics.
Notable lore-based events are also synonymous with edition and rules changes subject to the setting, Time of troubles was 1e-2e and Vecna's Whack-ass trip to Sigil was 2e to 3e-3.5
You're in for it now, kiddo.
Just in general, I don't feel bound by any particular edition. How good of an overview does each Campaign Setting set give?
This is like saying you need to read every Marvel comic to learn the basics of that setting.
To note a few important things-
Diarmund's last jest is mentioned in 1e and 2e, and there is a Jester class in 3.5 also as well as A Jester PrC, which like it's predessor, is overpowered as fuck, as You should never fuck with a D&D Jester. And this is also part of a plotline in the Canon FR Comics.
The Canon Baldur's gate plotline is so trash it is unspeakable
And it's the fucking case dilweed, I bet you don't even know what Ghuanadaur's fucking Sacrificial rites are, because when 3.5 rolled out a good chunk of 2e stuff was still valid, such as Lich salient abilities, and a lot of it was written off due to the space it consumed alone, the Strahd from Ravenloft's demiplane of Dread for example, still being the canon one, mentioned in the Dragon Magazine, which many people miss out on, thinking the Expedition to Castle Ravenloft 3.5 module when it's actually a remake of the original 1e one set out to fix a number of errors, even featuring a later DM adventure to Lord Soth's Old domain post his return to Krynn and Death and Takesis's whims. With the World seprent inn being a way in and out of the Demiplane.
I'm not saying he has to Fucking knuckle down for all of Fr, but he is going to be taking his SWEET FUCKING TIME with it, because there is an active series of progression one has to take to perspective when taking on this oversaturated cluster-fuck of a setting, it's got a flow, and if you don't start from the top, you'll miss out on things that get lost in transcription along the way.
Take the Nightworld of Vlad Tolenkov for example, it's still canon by 3.5, but not detailed in hordes of the abyss, and in addition 3.5 made the guy the reason why Drow like vampires so much because he's fucking the shit out of Lloth's Spiderpussy, and you wouldn't know this guy if you didn't read a 1e module, and then a 2e supplement on his god, then a web enhancement for the 3.5 version of his god which they then
fucked up, then Forgotten faiths in the dragon magazine where they rectified it.
There are even fucking WE's for shit not even part of the splaybooks released so obscurely you'd almost never encounter them. Demon lords in the Fucking Splatbooks? Get this, they're not even the rightly statted ones, they're all much harder enemies shown only in Dragon Magazine, shit's all over the fucking place.
For example, the older editions of FR gave you a fucking way to calculate how much your fucking spellbook was worth and how much to you, a spellcaster it meant, and even presented the possibility of it being a prime target for theives and how you as a wizard would handle it's theft, things like use of other spellbooks with preprepared spells, and such, newer editions don't provide you that.
In Monster of Faerun, the Liches section literally presents Some conversions fucking Salient Abilities Van Richten's Guide to Liches presented in 2e Ravenloft, even though it never tells you this, and it's not even complete, which followed on with the fact that 2e Ravenloft is still the canon place for Strahd and pals, means Liches are still subject to that fluff, barring the changes made to the Lich ritual which you'd only learn about in a Web Enhancement, despite what the Monster Manual says.
The Libris Mortis depicts Lichfiends, and says they're a variant, but shitty bumfuck, you couldn't be anymore fucking wrong! Take a gander at this shit! and you'd have never been the fucking wiser.
All this is due to 3.5's approach to the haphazard presentation of information to DM's and PC's alike, compromising on presenting the functionality over fluff in many instances, there is in fact, a great deal of things left to be desired.
So where do the various RPG supplements and things fit in with all of these novels in the timeline?
There is so much, and a lot of it is in novels which aren't very good reading. My favorite parts are from AD&D with Lost Empires and Empire of Magic for Imaskar, Netheril and Mulhorand. There is also the books for playing around Calimshan, which are gorgeous, and it is linked into Spelljammer.
At best you're honestly only going to need the novels that occur between 1-3.5, 4e and 5e are heavily watered down in their expanse due to young staffed writers being put in control of how to present FR to a new generation, next to being initially misinformed about scope and characters in the series, and it'll be up to you to fill in many an error and blank they have made over the course of time. By 5e, you're dealing with the same people that think Neverwinter Online is a good fucking D&D game when it's really nothing more than there awful approach to advertising 5e, which ironically has shown how much of an MMO stupid-high magic setting it's become, with literally everything 2 inches out of a city trying to kill you on every conceivable level.
A horrid thing to note about FR is that it's no longer a setting where things are going on, but many people are disinvolved, similar to progression in the first Baldur's gate game, if you wanted adventure, you'd have to find it, but by 5e, there's literally something to do in fucking everything, because there's never not a massive fucking war against the Cult of the Dragon, which is now overblown in proportion and size due to Tiamat popping in the plane every other day of the week, and the Dragonborn propagating it's immediate influence on Faerun since they were made a fullblown race opposed to what they were prior. I mean, if there's one thing in D&D which never needed rewrites, it was anything remotely dragon related, their splatbooks, Dragon magazine releases, ecologies, fluff, classes, and prestigious benefits so exorbitant you'd sooner download all dragon related tags on e621 then slough through their shit, did you know that Dragons literally have a soul-bound Game which puts them in LITERALLY THE JYHAD from VTMB, but DRAGONS? It's stupid as shit, who the fuck keeps touching on the subject?
But to summarize, if you want to "experience" FR, it's best to play the contents of NWN1, 2, BG, Icewind dale, and read the comics, and maybe read the Drizzt saga, and by that, I mean cheese it by reading the comics, you won't miss much except the massive bundle of unnecessary that is Valindra Shadow Mantle and how the everliving fuck do you make a Ghost Vampire?
After that, it's filling in important stuff like deific hierarchy, paths taken by followers listed in templates, classes and the like and noting what's missing in later editions because reasons, which is a task of cross-referencing deity content between at least 2e-3.5 before you see how much got shaven down during later editions, if some were already completely forgotten, like that old context of a number of modern human inhabitants of the realm being popped in from planet earth because the Elves wanted some slaves, and how many times this brought over new deities, the Egyptian Pantheon for example. Amazingly the nu-direction of FR still pushes diversity by 5e, despite it already being present because of this, they even statted Egyptian figureheads once in WE WUZ KANGS mode in 2e, so I've not the foggiest on how the writers cross-reference their shit beyond a wikipidiea search, which still wouldn't explain this because I once took a look at Orcus's fucking article on wikipidia and it was so accurate it wasn't even funny, the only thing missign was illustrations which would have made the page the all-go solution for learning all you need about the guy, much more so than his crappy presentation as the Stock BBEG in the monster manual by 4e, done to compete with Pazio's use of Orcus, ironically not even paying attention to how fucking Broken that fat fuck already was, they managed to make him Underpowered by this point.
Oh, and alignment is so nastily centric in FR, you won't find many a setting where the NPCs are so stereotypical that EVVVVHIILLLLL and Glorious Shiny good don't come up in a conversation, things are very static like that because once upon a time Alignment was a literal force which made everything follow an agenda/narrative. often enforced by irradiative forces of these spectrum. I recall that one deity who does nothing but write all the fucking time literally being the "Big Brother" of FR in every imaginable sense of the word by description, despite the questionable ethics by what he does.
Thankfully, Lathander is not nearly as zealous a fuck as Pelor, of Oerth, nor as controversial for the "Pelor might be Zarus Guys, who's views do have a good deal of merit"
FR has a long run of shitty Death deities though, and the Elves are literally responsible for most of the bad things happening in the history of ever. If it's bad, affects everyone and could result in the end of all thing, it's usually the elves fault.
Lastly, don't even think to uses liches in FR, there are literally so many of them that Liches can never pull the classic "trick first-time adventurers into thinking I kill by touch with my Touch attack." It's literally common knowledge by that point, there's never not a Lich to kill in that setting.
Lastly, FR is like, the planar hub of annoying faction wars and the Intrigue and political bloat they provide, there is never not some stupid feud going on, 5e just made it so bad that you can't go one second without the Red wizards showing up, whom, once upon a time were supposed to be sneaky foreign merchants.
Lastly, a trip to a north might mean meeting DMPC 420Drizzt, who is the sole reason why Rangers love to dual wield, and has metaphysical transcendent ICAC, which means Iconic Character Armour class because he will never be hit unless you look cool enough to hit him and you can never kill him because he uses the power of friendship to avoid death, go through a traning arc, and then kick you ass, and should you kill him then the North's monster population will rise up and kill everything because he is the only reason why this is kept in check.
Nevermind that crap with the anime "remove monkey trouble blast supreme asspull" he did with Demogorgon, no you shits, you do not beat the CR 30+ "literally throws the fiend folio and all lower planar splatbooks at you with your only hope of survival being chokepoints in a narrow cave and it being an aspect anti-fun monkey trouble who tentacle fucks the Queen of Succubi whilst audibly shitposting in front of a live audience." What happened in that fight should have been what occured in Neverwinter Online, Drizzt literally getting smacked right into the abyss the moment he got close.
Demogorgon is an opponent you are to fight by cheesing to death by any means necessary, because it can and will spam wish, spam demons, spam thralls, and try to turn you into Abyssal Larvae effortlessly, and will attempt to shift your alignment just because it can, and when that goes to shit, summon Dagon and Ride him on the nightmare train of SAN loss into your asshole, and if you try to collapse the cave, it comes at you like the Sloth boss from House of the Dead 3 as it will Whip you into rot with it's tentacles.
Oh right, and this is the fucking thing that Made Death Knights, lives in the "Jurassic Park/Ancient Maya/Aztec zone of the Abyss, made Death Knights by violently gouging out a traitor Knights eyes and subjecting him to like what? three days of Tentacle rot-rape, before he woke up as a being driven by the Abyss's Aim to blow up the universe and the negative energy Plane's innate "will" to kill everyone and everything. Next to "Let's take dinosaurs and slap every template we made for everything anti-fun in the abyss so far." Oh, and all it's fucking minions usually have Limited Wish, so you know, FUN. This fucking guy has a right hand man turned into a Dragon's donor heart which made it fiendish and inspired a cult that went about doing the same thing to other red dragons, even.
And Drizzt beat it.
Then there's "E" who is literally not dead ever because he's Mystra's favorite transvestite and is the narrator for 75% of all FR fluff you'll read, and knows all the spells, like, all the ones that are so rare they're one of a kind and he just announces them to the public when interviewed, even if they're the most evil things ever, he'll blab about them, and he somehow runs the ultimate spy/shadow network of good adventurer's in the planes.
Did I forget to mention, he will not fucking die ever? Hell, his last apprentice was a Lich that died in two seconds flat and only ended up that way because he was stuck in E's closet. No, fucking really, guy made his spellbook his Phylactery and E's bodyguard just toasted it in a fucking instant, and they all disregard him as evil because he was stuck in E's fucking cupboard for hundreds of years over a argument over him getting a single necromancy tome, never questioning that he was partly responsible in him "turning evil" which begs the question of the Lich doing quantum lich shit in the cupboard to end up a Lich despite the lack of materials at hand, al because E forgot about his own fucking apprentice.
If you're playing 5e with newer players, just get the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide. Has enough information for someone just starting up.
And it's not like the overabundance of lore and stupid shit the past thirty years have garnered is worth knowing, anyway. I mean look at the samefag in this thread -- he touts his knowledge while simultaneously berating the very subject he's addressing.
Forgotten Realms sucks. It's awful as a whole. It's been beaten down to a pulp through the editions, starting all the way back with the Time of Troubles in 2e. Almost nothing good has come of it.
So do yourself a favor, and just stick with the Sword Coast Adv. Guide. It's concise and short enough without all the bloat. And so long as you're not playing with grognard Faerun "experts," it gives you enough to work with in your campaigns.
E's distaste for Liches is also an amusing one, as you'd think Sammaster's little debacle would be the culprit for this disdain for them, yet he's all like "Liches are the foulest nastiest buggers ever to infest the realms" to- "Oh? A tutor? Sure! I know this completely batshit insane ghost wizard who lives in an abandoned tower who can teach you Magic good sir!" The guy even kept a Blackguard assassin from his Irrelevant "could have been a king" days in a bottle at one point.
He also likes turning men into women, because of that one instance where Mystra gave him Gender Dysphoria because reasons.
The only way to unfuck him would probably be to make an alternate future where he took up his birthright, as then the Zhents would probably not be in a position to move against him as much as they did without that kind of backup.
Breh shut the fuck up already. We get it; you know far too much about Forgotten Realms, and yes, it fucking sucks.
But you're making it seem like Ed Greenwood raped your mother.
>you're making it seem like Ed Greenwood raped your mother.
I wouldn't put it past the fucker.
Holy shit dude. For comedy's sake, do you think you could list some/all of the times the elves almost ended the world in 1e through 3.5e? I just know about that Netherese wizard who tried to usurp Mystra, and he wasn't an elf.
People tend to "forget" The reason Netheril was possible is because the Elves taught high magic to the Netherese in the first place, where they then went on to the wonderful events of the Karsus folly.
The elves are responsible for the following-
-Opening up the fucking way to the Far Realm and ruining (Myth Dranor?) which then subsequently gave the massive ever-shifting lovecraftian "roll for all the environmental effects ever space onion" a connection to the entire great wheel cosmology through a backdoor.
I should note that this event may/may not be synonymous with the entry of the Elder Evil known as Father Lymic into the world, meaning they've done this at least three fucking times in a row
The next time? Elven high wizards learned from their ancestors mistakes and decided another fucking expedition to the Far Realm was in order, you know, despite the death of a fucking Elven city to do this and also letting in an Elder Evil that subverts all of creation into becoming it's offspring/turning it into an ice age.
So they teleported the fuck in, instead.
They lasted 5 seconds in the life-concentrated autism of so many microorganisms of primordial complexity and superior biology before the unknowable consciousness of an Elder Evil looked upon them turning them into the Kaorti, a race of aberrations that later in the back of their raped remembered the material plane, and came back to it as a malevolent species out to terraform the entire plane into A fucking Far Realm, and to turn everyone into them.
Ah right, the after effects of the Far Realm being introduced to the great wheel? Well, humans did their own Far Realm expedition, right before (Countless numbers of awesome human empires uined by act of god goes here) caused the whole city to go down the shitter, but hey! They made progress, what with a seer who communes with said horrors beyond the stars who are copyright proxies for the Lovecraftian pantheon, who actually have a subtle involvement in D&D, bringing that special flavour of imminent doom to the setting, she's guarded by Psuedonatural humans, and her temple has active STABLE PORTALS to the Far Realm, though they're impossible to peak into without those nasty giant worms from the Epic Level handbook raping anyone dumb enough to fall into them!
This also subsequently had a VERY NASTY effect on the Demiplanes of Nightmares and Dreams, in that the little Far Realm "backdoor" actually touched upon this demiplane causing this weird ass spacial effect where the concentrated life of the Far Realm meets a nightmare, and takes it on a wild ride of literally turning it into a real thing, that slowly fucked over the inhabitants of that demiplane, forcing many to flee elsewhere, and I should note, made an Elder Evil trapped in the Ravenloft setting that is responsible for the Unseelie Court being the way it is.
So it fucked up an entire Divine Pantheon, nevermind what it does as it's unique shit allowed for aberration races that migrated to FR from there via X-dimensional "So autistic I'd write an essay on it if not for word count" Universe travel, to phone home and bring in the fucking friends, but has since, brought in various flavours of "just fuck my reality up" also including the entire H.P lovecraft Mythos by proxy because despite things being to the 3.5 edition by that point, WoTC still will not buy the copyright but will brag about having basically included them in the lore.
What did Lord Ao do about this shit, just let it happen? I was of the understanding that he'd be pissed if someone risked breaking the power generator that is Toril. Also, is there a difference between regular magic and high magic beyond, "it's more powerful and always requires a ritual"? I've never found an explanation for why a regular spell can't affect a god, but high magic can.
Oh right, it also incurs in reality from time to time, you have to read the article on it in Dragon Magazine 330, but it has done nothing but fuck everything over.
Graz'zt would actually NOT exist, if not for this event as he would have never have been conceived if his mother, the Pale Night (Who is that Anne Rice CoC OUTER GOD by Obrityh proxy that made Nyralathotep) Did not fuck an Elder Evil to give birth to a Potential Prince of Demons to become a King, by marrying him.
To explain that more simply, Nyralathotep's mother by proxy, fucked it's own son to give birth to a son to also fuck, I should note this birth was so violent it made Pseudonatural creatures possible, which are the Far Realms mirror equivalent of any listable being in the Great Wheel cosmology being literally shoved into a form of one, so basically, imagine summoning an octopus, but it's actually a fucking Chicken.
Graz'zt is literally the Inbred son of Nyralathotep's Elder Evil proxy, and THIS is why he has the extra digits, and was born alongside a number of other innumerable horrors.
Oh right, and Alienists? You know literally the entire mechanics behind everything you do in Bloodborne, if you want to become the Cauliflower head guy? Yeah, an alienist is literally someone who doing EXACTLY this to summon said pseudonatural creatures into the plane till they become "Something else".
That's not even the fucked up part, because no one realizes the danger behind these rare nutjobs Protip, if they take any part in assisted summoning, their fucked up wavelength will end up with the far realm equivalent of a summon.
So that puts the following question forward, How fucked is everyone if an Alienist touches any ritual to Summon the Dagon? Yeah, it's EXACTLY what you think.
So anyway, the next colossal fuckup of Elves? VAMPIRES.
Yeah, they're literally responsible for the ENTIRE Species, every single fucking one, the very concept itself would not actually exist if not for the very basis of their being being established by the elves, which then allowed for like 3-4 variant species being made, nevermind the homebrew ones OTHER deities made for specific purposes, and the one's wizards made (somehow) (Kassian, Cerebral Vamps)
You see, once upon a time in 2e, the deities made the mortal races by using their blood to make them by letting it fall down to the material planes to birth the races, namely the deities from the Racial pantheons in FR, this is important as they were literally doing a slightly more involved form of fission, but when it hit the mortal planes and began to form, they took their time to shape it accordingly till it reached it's current state so they basically subverted all life and creation and sped up natural development with homebrew races.
So Curryman Leatherband (Corellon Larethian) and his band of prancy faggots, the Seldarine decided to take a hand at it. And by "attempt" to make mortal races I mean they had the attention span of a fucking Kender when doing this, and did not pay attention to this highly invested process, because they're fucking Elves, 99% of things go wrong when they get excessive or lazy for crying out loud! Their entire species Corellon's care for them can be summed up as the "why can't i hold all these X" images, you can't care for a race so unnatural they have no fucking natural predators so soul eating-abominations always come to kill them, they even actively seek oblivion for crying out loud!
So they let their valuable shed godsblood flow around the mortal planes and didn't pay attention to it! WHAT COULD GO WRONG? I mean, godsblood is pretty important stuff, you can make potions to kill deities, become them, and even slap on a godsblood template using it!
So, the Seldarine let their blood flow down to the mortal races to begin the painstaking process of creating them. Now then, this story arcs in two ways because it has been written not once, but twice, and amusingly it seems to present a VERY believable narrative of sorts.
You see, the original statement is that the blood of the Elven gods and the blood the "Yet unnamed patron deity to mankind" Who we all know the identity of in 3.5 provided this is actually the deity we believe him to be, met one another and mixed, producing a horrible bloodthirsty monster, known at the time as Massatract.
This monster, later renamed itself, took home in the Abyss, and later became the Intermediate deity we all know know as Kanchelsis, God of all Vampires, and their very first. This event was such a shame for the Elves that surprise surprise! They did everything in their power to hide this fact and never speak of this, even so much as to remove doubt within their own sphere of influence!
Oh right, the other story? The blood mixed with that of a yet unnamed Elder Evil, to create Kanchelsis, which almost seems like censorship because if you know about dear old Zarus, and you should, you'd know about why something like this might be the other origin in this myth, a massive fucking cover-up operation occurred, one that wasn't as through as the Elves would like to think, seeing as the Dragon deities were all like "Fuck you assholes, we're not co-opting our glorious creation myth for your fuckups" so instead, anything that remotely hints at deities using their blood to create the mortal races is scrapped for more culturally appropriated metaphors of creation, except the Dragons who with their pride simply said that their kind was made from them being made from a pieces of their patron deities, and it never affected dear Jazirian either.
Infact, to further this censorship of "accidentally something more dangerous than liches when they give a shit" you'll note that in 'Pelors' Clergy, there is a parable that mentions in scripture that Vampires are heretical traitorous ex-followers of the deity, having turned away from his light where they ended up the beings they are today, so much so that he came down in Avatar form once to literally GIFT A FUCKING DAGGER THAT CAUSES A VAMPIRE TO WILL SAVE OR LOSE ALL SPAWN CONTROL FOREVER and assist in a vampire cleanup operation in a faithful village under attack.
Almost as if he's trying to cover up his involvement with his part in Vampirism or something.
Anyway, Kanchelsis itself? Literally a massive metaphor for the dangers of race-mixing, It's literally a borderline retard with the WIS score of a cat that does nothing all day but harrass it's followers on it's Abyssal layer and do anti-productive things to the possibility of gaining faith and power in what is literally the Scarlet Devil mansion.
Kanchelsis is the grade-A representative of the sides to a classic D&D issued CE Vampire, one side is into being suave, and into the arts, and this form is known as the rake, which takes the form of a slender pretty human or Half-elf (Heritage being shown) and his bestial side, is, well, THE BEAST, a big nasty that tears your ass in two as it chases you around his !Not the Scarlet devil fucking mansion before reveling in puncturing you like a juicebox. To note, this is a deity so obscure, that there is only ONE official image for him, and in 3.5 he is only mentioned under an accidentally rewritten origin in Fiendish Codex 1 Hordes of the Abyss, and it's Web Enhancement, before they realized they fucked up and did it again in Forgotten Faiths which was truer to what they mentioned in 2e about him.
So there are literally two fucking versions of this guy, one where he's a tryhard CE vampire demigod trying to look deep because "muh monster inside" and the original which is literally a massive retard divine mongrel, and his worshipers are all vampires on the age category standard that Van Richten's guide to Vampires describes as Literally as strong as fucking Demigods, TPK, do not engage, they're too bored to give a shit with the high priest being VLAD TOLENKOV a vampire wizard ALL THEY WAY FROM 1E that is desperately trying to get his deities shit together so he can literally do a 'Vampire the Masquerade Camarrilla but adherent to oh so evil D&D standards'.
Oh right, Vlad Tolenkov is the reason why the Drow fucking love vampires, consider vampirism a gift called the kiss of Lloth, and he is infact, her FUCKING BOYFRIEND and her strategist and lives in his own demiplane, the Nightworld of Vlad Tolenkov, fully detailed in that one 1e adventure I can't remember.
He's like level 15 wiz, but he's probably got age category benefits out the ass, so he's ECL in his 20's or something.
As for why vampires are so dangerous? I've gathered a file on them through 1e-3.5 and it basically amounts to some startling information They can actually age themselves to cheat their fucking age categories IN CANON and this has occurred in multiple instances, and worst of all? At age 1000 they get to pick a new form to shapeshift in to.There is no limit to this, so they can pick the Elder Evil template, and, this is even worse if they own land, because they get geomancy based abilities from this, and their aging also grants their spawn the chance to cast whatever spells they have memorized as abilities, so, stacking this with Master Vampire and the Lifestealer Vampire PrCs literally makes them nigh fucking impossible to beat monstrosities on par with Castlevania's Dracula.
Vampire Lords are not included here, as they are technically in the domain of Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead, whom at first I thought had begun to subvert Kanchelsis's patronage of Vampires, seeing as the VL template being attributed to him was a thing by 4e, though it was in 3.5 as a WE which provided a number of benefits of the effort Ravenloft issued age categories effortlessly, which is something I greatly detest which i thought explained why Kanchelsis was barely relevant and a demigod in 3.5 initially.
Oh right, one more thing, did you know that D&D vampires can make Ghouls in the IDENTICAL fashion to VTMB? See Ghostwalk. Yeah, next time you roll up a vamp, check it's age, because id it's past 500, it's fucking over for the PCs, domination by voice, spelllike abilities and supernatural abilities due to age, things like draining in mistform to using domination, more turns in sunlight, provided said vampire ISN'T a Greater or Terror vampire, whom are IMMUNE to sunlight (meaning they don't have to take the 10th level in the lifestealer PrC) and the fact that only an idiot vampire uses a coffin and not a fucking Mimic instead, and is a landowner so it gets salient abilities, and it's spawn get up to level two spells on top of the benefits from the 3 level vampire master PrC, so effectively the Vampire can deploy Dmeigods by the time it's aged past the "Emminent" age category, great!
Luckily, because reasons, Kanchelsis isn't caine tier, he's not wired into a vampire network as to get the power to have all powers "You plain fucking lose" Schick, he's a Rogue/20Wiz/20 with the highest Age category benefits available. Which is some pretty fucking high CR if I had the time to calculate it for what it's worth.
Oh right, Kanchelsis also let a bit of his divinity fly off into the ether for some shits and giggles once upon time. A Necromancer becoming a Lich accidentally caught onto it in his transformation and became the Lich god of Luck, in that he is literally Lich Zyzz to Necromancers trying to become Liches, it's fucking hilarious. Kanchelsis apparently considers him an enemy, and has done nothing about this.
Wow, so this is what happens when a FR-autist gets drunk and starts shitposting for hours.
Ed, is that you?
As for other horrible shit Elves are responsible for-
-Jon Irenicus
-Neverwinter Nights Original Campaign
-The Drow
-Neverwinter Nights 2 campaigns
-Probably another one of the games main stories, fucking elves.
Infact, the Drow are effectively their own subject on fucking up to the extreme, so there's also that.
Impressive loredump.
The novels bear little actual relevance to the setting. Until 3e many of the "iconic" novel characters who weren't Elminster weren't even brought up ever in the actual setting books. You needed to get a special book to get any of the novel characters stats.
It wasn't until 3e rolled around and WotC attempted to "synerginze" the novels and the setting to sell more of both did they really show up much
Sir, I have to commend you. This is the single greatest display of pure autism I have ever had the privilege of witnessing on this board, and it is beautiful in its mad ranting.
Thank you,
I know, right?
I mean, holy shit. I don't think it's even possible to be that angry about the most vanilla D&D setting ever without being full-blown Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man level of autistic.
My current madness has been printing out the Campaign Workshop sections of Dungeon Magazine and stapling them together by category. All the issues can be found here: annarchive.com
The last 3 numbers in the filename being the issue number.
IMPORTANTLY: the final issue contains an index that lists every adventure by rules edition, including some seriously out there categories.
The magazines contain many adventures, some for specific settings others that fit any.
Also yeah get the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, it's a nice summary of the current 5e universe.
Everything DnD ever
The 1e and 2e stuff
Ao watches over gods. If mortals fuck it up, that's on them.
For example, he didn't do dick to stop the Imaskari from making their god barrier because it was a mortal thing. He waited and when the slaves they stole kept the faith, legally allowing their gods a foothold on Toril, allowed said gods to send Avatars past the godwall, again because it was a mortal thing.
I don't think he's an FR-autist, just a regular autist. FR-autists are mostly on Candlekeep, and this doesn't have any of those hallmarks.
He blathers about shit that has never happened. He's severely autistic.
Yes, but he doesn't have the signs of FR autists, just regular autists.
He must be goddamn delusional.