The year is march 1945. Hitler successfully creates 100 astartes, power armour and standard m40k marine weapons, how can he win the war?
The year is march 1945. Hitler successfully creates 100 astartes, power armour and standard m40k marine weapons...
Easily, unless the other nations get space marines.
There'd be no comparison, and he'd be seen as a god of war for doing that shit.
Send them to kill Stalin, Zhukov, Churchill, Monty, Roosevelt, & Eisenhower.
Convince Patton & Truman to fight the soviets.
No other marines for other nations.
A single Astartes would pulverize any army from that period. You do the math.
they get send to poland and they will got disassemble and they power amour stolen by greedy polacs, Then they will need to drink so much alcohol that they will simply take poland side
Reminder that marines can be killed by autoguns which are comparable to 20th century firearms.
The Allies get lucky on their roles.
Literally by sitting back and waiting for all 100 astartes to conquer the deep battle faggots aka the Red Army , then establish the Lebensraum and retire quietly. While the immortal saviors of the German folk watch over the Great Germanic Empire until the end of time, guessing the secrets of their technology until the end of time.
Technically Hitler wanted to establish an agrarian society once he got the Lebensraum , so yeah immediately afterwards Germany would de-militarize except whatever surrounds the upkeep of their Aryan astartes, and they would act like the 100 sentinels of the whole empire. This sounds like a comfy world build desu
100 space marines fully equipt would likely wreck modern earth, ww2 earth stands no chance unless they somehow produce their own space marines or at least 40k tech level weapons.
>While the immortal saviors of the German folk watch over the Great Germanic Empire until the end of time, guessing the secrets of their technology until the end of time.
*, while the immortal saviors of the German folk watch over the Great Germanic Empire until the end of time, whom proceed to guard the secrets of their technology until the end of time as well
Unless Tzeentch fucked up and sent Spess mareene STC's back in time to eradicate his "patron race" integral to his current state of being, then I've no fucking clue how they pulled this one off.
It's better if he makes the Iron Warriors, for a number of reasons, namely because he made Iron Cross owners in the Reich the prototypes for a new generation of Superman, and because it's for bravery, because of it being a prototype procedure.
I mean, seeing as Emps Accidentally THE JEWS by being moses, if he's involved, we're in some "reversed time to do it all over" kind of scenario here.
This. Also, if space marines exist, I would say the Emperor probably does and he'd demolish them.
Easy; everything the Nazis gotta do is sent one or two marines with every normal batallion/division and let them do their thing. It's checkmate in some weeks.
It'll be tough, especially since Tzeentch will be empowering the sorcerers of the recently created British Ministry of Extradimensional Affairs. Can 100 Nazimarines successfully defeat the power of the Allied chaos wizards? Tune in next week to find out!
If my IG can bayonet a terminator to death, I'm sure modern artillery and payloads delivered via jets could wear the Marines down
If the Emps revealed himself and gave Hitler 100 astartes from the primarchs gene seeds he had been working on, then it's pretty likely he likes what Hitler represents and wants Hitler to command his own legion of space Marines.
Marines can't shoot down bombers or cross the English channel, so Germany still gets nuked.
That's kind of the problem of the fantasy novels vs the game itself. In the literature space Marines have been known to conquer whole planets by themselves , and their armor has been known to withstand exterminatus.
In the game you just need to roll a 1 to get turned into green goop by your own weapons.
>Implying the allies could make enough nukes in time to stop the advance of the the the 3rs Reich and defeat Japan + Italy
Yeah, but Black Library is also fucking retarded, and GW has no sense of scale. Marines are only ever as strong as the plot demands. Shit, don't Gaunt's Ghosts murder CSM regularly?
Unless we're talking Culture tech levels (and we are not), 100 dudes are going to have a very tough time brute-forcing through a planet at WWII level. If it is just infantry with power armor and weapons, they would still lose. Especially since it's already 1945.
>implying a khornate cult's deal with the ruinous powers to get chaos marines sent back in time would be enough to save them from the Guard
The Marines turn on Hitler and "remove" him. "We don't understand why you are killing humans in death camps: they aren't heretics or mutants and we are all one flesh. Humans united. Humans divine."
> Reminder that marines can be killed by autoguns
Not in 99% of the fluff. You'd need to crack an eye lens, and even then, you'd be hard-pressed to do that since they're can one-tap headshot from like 900m away without even looking
"We have concerns that the concentration and extermination camps are secretly shrines to Nurgle created by the
Then kill the US for nuking humans, Japs for raping and experimenting on humans, Soviets for oppressing and mass-exterminating humans, China for exterminating humans, the entire West later for destroying the countries of humans to import other humans to come kill the native humans?
I'm pretty sure they understand the concept of detaining dissidents.
Wouldn't the Allies still get the nuke before Hitler got the America? They would just drop nukes on Germany and the Nazi marines.
I'm sure the fanfiction-tier books describe Marines as unstoppable ubermensch.
Too bad the canonical numbers for their effectiveness don't match up.
Marines can be killed by an artillery barrage, get over it.
100 marines have repeatedly wiped the floor with forces of millions of traitor guardsman armed with las rifles, basalisks, lemun russ, you fucking name it.
Earth's combined forces with arrayed into a unified force (which they wouldn't be) with genius tacticians (which they wouldn't have) and knowledge of tactics to combating astartes (which they don't have) wouldn't stand a fucking chance.
+++Praise the fucking Fuhrer!+++
EMP to disable power armor electronics
Air to Ground Missiles to soften them up
Firebomb to slow down and starve them of oxygen
Mustard gass them once their filters are fucked
Get some fortified good cranes to just grab them and then drown them under water or in a volcano.
Nukes didn't happen til august, ussr less oppressive than imperium, and innocent Jews aren't dissidents. Read a book.
>c-canon is wrong b-because it demolishes my argument
>i don't know the first thing about 40k: the post
I feel like they do heinous damage but lack of logistics fucks them
Like, they don't have space ships to drop from
do they have the capability to produce bolters and ammo?
>USSR less oppressive than Imperium
>space marines are tightwads about killing humans
I love when people BTFO themselves in a brief statement.
Yes, german engineering gives them ammo and weapons (bolters,plasmas, meltas, you name it)
>EMP to disable power armor electronics
Their suits are already shielded against that
Air to Ground Missiles to soften them up
Firebomb to slow down and starve them of oxygen
>those suits are desigened for combat in the vacuum of space.
Mustard gass them once their filters are fucked
>Does nothing expect gas your own men.
Get some fortified good cranes to just grab them and then drown them under water or in a volcano.
>you are retarded and your heretical forces have been purged by the holy fire of the Gott Emepror der Menschheit.
>I have no argument the reply
The thread you bastards crawled out of was nuked for a reason.
This thread is stormwank in disguise.
Yeah, no. The eastern front had armies numbering in the multiples of millions. Single battles had over a million soldiers on some occasions.
100 dudes aren't going to win that for free and a Marine isn't doing shit to a battleship or a B52.
The best thing a Marine could do in that situation is recognize Hitler was an insane idiot and kill him, taking over
>Space suits have infinite oxygen
Remind me how this works
>Can't grab them with a crane
Then use a big fucking magnet, all you require is enough force. Just throw a large fucking net on them and drag them down into the ocean.
>plasmas, meltas
In this case, Germany fucking rolls over everyone. Space Marines are walking MBT's, and that kind of weaponry effectively means every other army is completly outgunned
I don't need an argument, retard, you didn't make one.
Because that doesn't exist in 40k and they certainly aren't shielded from it.
>Air to Ground Missiles to soften them up
>WW2 tech scratching power armor
>Firebomb to slow down and starve them of oxygen
Tue suits are designed for combat in space.
>Mustard gass them once their filters are fucked
>''They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them.''
>Get some fortified good cranes to just grab them and then drown them under water or in a volcano.
This is just pure autism.
The only protecting space marines and keeping them running is plot.
Plot means the Axis is defeated. Like real life.
He uses those marines to fight the Allies to a standstill in Berlin until about October when Berlin becomes a huge crater.
>Shit, don't Gaunt's Ghosts murder CSM regularly?
First novel, Gaunt kills a Termie with a headshot, but he also loaded a Kraken bolt for that purpose (I think).
2nd novel, that was created using a bunch of short stories, and thus technically written before the 1st novel, does feature the Ghosts ambushing like 20 Khorne Berzerkers and taking no losses killing them all.
They show up next in Traitor General, and then there's some loyalists in Only in Death, both of which are portrayed as quite dangerous compared to regular mortals.
>implying the Germans only "detained dissidents"
You know what those suits aren't designed for? Artillery bombardments where hundreds of thousands of shells are shot at a single battlefield. Something that happened many times in that war.
He also won't do well if a plane flies over him dropping 20 tons of bombs. Something else that happened nonstop for years.
Marines don't win conventional wars by themselves. The fluff kinda goes out of its way to state that they do pretty terribly the moment they're in an attritional war against a superior force.
At very least they lock hitler in the eagle's nest and assume direct control of the Reich. The SS can be chapter serfs but better get used to oiling the muscles of tired Astartes and servicing their power armor, and the ethnic cleansing will stop, as it is inefficient and unseemly in the absence of Chaotic influence.
>implying the Soviets, Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, British only "detained dissidents"
I love that you guys think that Space Marines who commonly kill an incomprehensible number of humans just to keep peace will suddenly sperg out and start fighting Hitler like in a Marvel comic or something.
>You know what those suits aren't designed for? Artillery bombardments
That is exactly what they are designed for re-re.
With what resources?
Space suits certainly have more oxygen than is necessary when someone is simply trying to smoke you out planet side. Space marine biology is also heavily resistant to most toxins, and they can form a membrane and basically shut themselves in temporary stasis for a while if they're really that low on air.
WW2 era chemical warfare is not advanced enough to deal with the fuckfest that is space marine biology, let alone their tech
How much force can a space marine excert? They are made of actual real muscles and metal/plastic/armor right? You literally see this shit all the time. Some Ork with a big klaw just grabs the snowflake marines and bash them on a rock until they dead.
Here's how we know you know nothing about 40k. Marines can breath underwater, even without their suit
Except nope, basically every book and short story ever written with marines that feature artillery has them getting fucked up by it. Kinda like how in 40k they get super fucked up by it.
>100 dudes aren't going to win that for free and a Marine isn't doing shit to a battleship or a B52.
exept 100 astartes is what you send to take a planet.
woth like hundreds of 40k fortified cities and all.
>fluff novels are canon
GW would disagree with you :^)
Unless you're talking about the canonical effectiveness of a land raider being on par with WW2 tanks
>Marines carry knives and are known to bench tanks
A net? Really?
You're assuming space marine armor is magnetic. Also, dragging something human sized into the ocean with a magnet is a really tall order for 40s era electrical engineering. If they just toss a grenade once you turn it on it fucks up your whole plan.
This thread is like the worst possible aspie child of Veeky Forums and /pol/ wanking to both the Nazis and magic invincible space men that are invincible despite the fact that they are killed in the fluff all the time by weapons that every army in WW2 had in abundance.
Still no argument against just grabbing them with a crane. Fuck just drop rocks on them.until they literally cannot lift their way out. Problem solved. If you are going to place space marines in the real world you need to deal with physics
>Some Ork with a big klaw
Some ork boss, stronger than 10 humans, with a giant mechanical claw that works with the power of warp fuckery cuts a space marine in half.
Just fuck off already, if you don't like the BS space marines can do fine, but in story Space Marines perform BS regularly, like every campaign regularly. Space marines will often see hundreds of campaigns.
I'd argue they would simply because Hitler was pathetic. He's nothing close to a respectable man, let alone worthy of ruling all of man kind.
Now, the rotting remains of Teddy Roosevelt, that's something you could stick on a throne and call a god.
>the Soviets, Americans, Japanese, Chinese, Koreans, British imprisoned people for no reason too!
Yeah, and noone defends that either.
Also are you fucking retarded? I never said anything like that.
More importantly, Space Marines would probably consider the whole operation of waste of resources and manpower which could be used in the war effort (which is was), while many of the imprisoned who weren't there for political reasons could easily have been used as front-line soldiers to fight off the nation's enemies.
But hey, it's not like people like the nazis are very smart.
>GW would disagree with you :^)
[Citation Needed]
Boil them from the inside with radiation.
>exept 100 astartes is what you send to take a planet.
Nope. 100 Astartes is what you send to take out a planetary governor in a lightning strike teleport attack.
100 Astartes with just their armor and a very limited supply of magic space ammo aren't going to turn the side of a conflict where each of them would have to kill 6 thousand dudes alone.
God King's don't wear glasses
>Then use a big fucking magnet,
Its ceramite, not steel faggot
>Space marines get fucked up by artillery from 30,000 years in the future
>That means this artillery from 50 years in the past will do the same thing
Also, good luck pinning down where to call in an artillery strike against marines. They can be really stealthy if need be, and trying to bomb out a fast moving max-sized object when you need a couple minutes to aim and fire isn't easy
100 space marines and about a bajillion imperial guardsmen.
Ussr didn't have concentration camps
>muh goulag
Prison camps where inmates serve up to 15 years, and where those who died did so of natural causes & neglect are vastly different to the deliberate genocide of specifically targeted peoples.
Death worlds & prisons on death worlds exist in the imperium, sentences there aren't measured in years.
>muh holdthedoor
Famines happen on a global scale in 40k, again not out of the ordinary for the imperium.
Remember, the imperium is by canon worse than Nazis & soviets, but if a planetary governor starts murdering productive people willy-nilly without cause that's different than killing heretics and that governor would probably be replaced for incompetence. Not even a moral issue.
>How much force can a space marine excert?
Couple of tons unarmored, more so in armor.
>They are made of actual real muscles and metal/plastic/armor right?
Their daddies had warp stuff in them.
>Some Ork
Stopped right there. You DO know how Orks work? You could make this argument for literally any race in the setting. In fact, you could argue that the entire setting is weak because what in your mind are muscly green giants wielding trash are wrecking everyone's shit.
>in the fluff
Yes. A single company of space marines would indeed allow Hitler to turn the tide and win the second world war.
>In the crunch.
No. They'd eventually fail their armor saves and get worn down. It'd buy time but that's all, not even that if the Brits got wind of what and where they were and carpet bombed the area.
>Then kill the US for nuking humans
Not a crime in the Imperium that commits exterminatus.
>Japs for raping and experimenting on humans.
>Soviets for oppressing and mass-exterminating humans.
Sure why not.
>China for exterminating humans.
>The entire West later for destroying the countries of humans to import other humans to come kill the native humans?
Well all right but this is the Imperium. Its a bit hypocritical of them to decry colonialism when they are basically a colonial force.
>I'm pretty sure they understand the concept of detaining dissidents.
They do, but the Jews were not mutants, psykers or in league with ruinous powers. They committed no crime other than be Human. All glory to human perfection! All praise the human form! Only heretics seek to divine united humanity by pointing to the subtle differences that make us better!
Who cucked you user?
>Grab them with a crane
And if they shoot the crane? Or just cut through the arms of the crane with a chainsword?
>Drop rocks
Unless you manage to bury them under a rockslide, it'll be hard to shift earth onto them faster than they can shift it off. Plus they'll still be alive under it, so recovery is a possibility for a couple weeks
And how many marines do you expect to fall for that trick more than once? They aren't just gonna stand still for you to bury them
There are books where they literally get fucked up by spears. There are dudes with important names stabbing them with fucking cavalry sabers. And the IG is REPEATEDLY noted as using easily produced dumb munitions that can be made by any planet in the imperium, and that's not even counting whatever piece of a fucking rock an Ork Kanon shoots.
>Also, good luck pinning down where to call in an artillery strike against marines. They can be really stealthy if need be, and trying to bomb out a fast moving max-sized object when you need a couple minutes to aim and fire isn't easy
"There's a marine in that city"
"What city"
"Oh, right, the one that is literally flat now after we bombed it for three weeks straight"
Unless those marines gain the ability to fly or throw rocks through battleships they're still fucked.
Space marines regularly die to buildings falling over them, in the board game even an ork with a shank could murder them
>Hitler was pathetic
Tell me all about how you met him.
>a pathetic loser would have the charisma and drive to enthrall millions, rise a country from it's ashes and start the greatest war in history
Lmao i bet you think everyone ''evil'' (since you clearly see the world as good and evil) has to be weak and cowardly. Kek.
>inb4 /pol/
If you honestly believe WW2 happened because some asshole wanted to kill some Jews and half the powers said ''Nope'', you're the one that needs to leave. Preferably existence.
Well, Hitlers no where near God King material then.
Power armor does have a power field which would help mitigate that, along with generally having a more resilient biology to that sort of thing. Marines regularly fight in pretty apocalyptic hellholes.
Plus you would need to get a big microwave generator and some way to power it, very stationary, easy to shoot or avoid. At that point you're better off just using a normal fucking tank
For fucks sake, /pol/ go home. If there's a janitor here just ban everyone posting in this thread. I'll take the life ban, it'll be worth it to clean Veeky Forums of its aspie nazi garbage.
And you can tell its both MAGA and Aspergers from how they're getting off to both the reich AND vapid selective minutiae pulled from forty years of shitty fluff.
My children we are all of one flesh and one mind. All Humanity should stand together. We all have different ideas and beliefs. Why let this divide us? Why is a Jew not of my flesh and my brother. Why not a Romani? Why not an African? They are all of the one flesh that allows us to work our glorious destiny. Who is this Hitler to say otherwise? Some drug addicted failed artist? Turn from him, my brothers and sisters, he stands with the ruinous powers that seek to splinter and unmake us.
Just tie em all together and drop them down the Mariana Trench. The air in their lungs will puncture and they die.
Fucker killed himself after driving his country into the arms of the Soviets and handing them lube.
>There's a marine in that city
That's not specific enough for a bombing run or an artillery strike. If you know the building? Maybe, but that also assumes they don't move
Don't forget how he was both a drug addict and had syphilis. Also, he couldn't paint.
Germany gets nuked instead of Japan
70 years laters Weaboos make almost this exact thread
The Nazis never won an election, he wasn't that charismatic, he just had support from the business class, aristocracy and the military (all he needed really) early on and was able to quickly silence the loudest voices, making most people too scared to revolt.
He was a pathetic junkie who got lucky, a methhead who won the lottery and lost it all in a dozen years.
How is it that Hit-cucks have no fucking clue what happened in WW2? Is it the make america great fever that just makes you utterly retarded?
>winners write history so it must be true
Not saying it isn't, but fuck, it's so obvious they did their best to make him pathetic. A pathetic loser couldn't do what Hitler did.
>Just tie them all together and drop them in the ocean!
Do I really need to explain why throwing your magical giant lasso and dragging them into the sea wouldn't work?
I bet you think the jews were persecuted because they killed jesus or some stupid shit like that.
>A pathetic loser couldn't do what Hitler did.
A pathetic loser literally destroying his country? By losing? Pathetically? Sounds pretty on point to me.
Or in your home schooling did your dad talk about how Hitler designed all the cool tanks and choked out two hundred commies by himself?
>Hitler was an okay guy
Tell me about how you met him.
>Lmao, subjective morality, kek
Let me guess, you un-ironically listen to vaporwave too?
>/pol/, nek yourself.
You dropped your frog man. That's a felony offense in Australia.
>Implying marines can't do both of those things
Hey, we're not all OP-tier naziboos
>Weeks worth of bombings runs and artillery strikes has reduced a city to rubble
>That means if there were 3 dudes in that city, you can instantly blow them up
Do you have no sense of scale or time or anything? If I knew what city you were in right now, do you think that gives me enough info to know where to shoot to blow you up with anything short of a nuke?