Why do 40k fans insist that their sci-fi setting is a high powered one? You take something like pic related...

Why do 40k fans insist that their sci-fi setting is a high powered one? You take something like pic related, and every Space Marine in the Galaxy would be so much fodder against it.


>thinking astarties are the best thing the imperium has

Are you new or something? Titans exist for a reason. Or if the world isn't worth fighting for or the presiding inquisititor is bored they could just blow the planet to hell.

Both would be literally useless against the Shrike, which exists outside of time in the conventional sense and eats up entire armies in a setting where you have small arms with better ranges than 40k battleships; and can blast through literal kilometers of solid rock on stray shots, and where backwater militias practice by shooting at targets on the moon from their planet. You did a WONDERFUL job of illustrating my point, namely that 40k fans have no sense of what else is out there in sci-fi.

>Why do 40k fans insist that their sci-fi setting is a high powered one?

They're sick of people trying to force inane crossovers and pretending that powerful somehow equates to good.

Warp fuckery is the ultimate trump card.

And you decided to try and solve this with a sci-fi universe dick measuring contest

That's hilarious to me considering 40k fans spent years trying to hurf durf Veeky Forums into thinking that 40k was the be all end all of sci-fi power levels.

I still remember how mad 40kucks got when they first learned about The Culture. Talk about autistic screeching.

It's been ages since I read those books, but does the shrike ever really leave the planet? I remember its whole thing was keeping people out of the labyrinth or whatever

Considering two soldiers in high power kit attacked the shrike and held it off I dont rate it super highly, especially as 40k is privy to essentially magic and religious superstitions like daemons and possessions

Incoming 200 replies of shitflinging. Y'all know replying to bait just for the sake of discussion just brings the overall quality of the board down right?

please elaborate. I missed this, and im a big culture fan

Could "The Culture" defeat "The Q"?

>It's been ages since I read those books, but does the shrike ever really leave the planet? I remember its whole thing was keeping people out of the labyrinth or whatever
Not in the books that are any good, but in the Endymion duo, yeah, he escapes out into the Tethys and all the world connected to it.

Just like in my anime!

40k is hardly the strongest galaxy, but I always find this current idea interesting:

The Imperium at the peak of its power and technological knowledge, led by the Emperor and the 20 Primarchs, invade the Star Wars Galaxy at the time of right before the Yuuzhan Vong War where the major powers are all inefficient and weak.

Both sides can use Hyperspace but Imperial ships are worse at it

Force and psykers respectively are both able to use to their full potential, though blanks/sisters of silence have the same effect as they do against psykers

This setting handicaps SW enough and boosts Imperium enough to where it could be interesting desu.

Not sure, it's not like it really matters how powerful different fictions are against each other anyway. Sure, when we're talking about anything vs. anything in the same setting, it has narrative and thematic consequence that helps build the setting, but unless it's a meta-fiction all about how 'powerful' it is compared to other settings, there's no point in caring, it's inconsequential and inane. But, that aside, I don't think you'll be helping the situation at all with this thread.

Well, didn't know a shrike was basically a god.


Because WH40K fans are stupid, user.

THE Shrike, the one everyone knows about, does not leave the planet. It has a mission.

In the future that the Shrike comes from, its just a generic hunter killer machine for the AIs. Maybe not a grunt, but hardly an uncommon unit.

Eh, part of the charm is seeing the guard hold off the horrors of the galaxy, shrike is just tuesday for them.
And then they'll replenish their many dead if lucky before going off to fight the next intergalactic butcher.

They really didn't. Been here since day 1 of Veeky Forums

As if there is a functional difference.

That is kind of the point, user.

There used to be daily "40k VERSUS HALO!" "40k VERSUS GOD" "40k VERSUS MATT WARD'S FLUFF"

Most of them ended with 40kuckids going ape shit about how awesomely awesome 40k was and that no one ever could ever deal with space marines/warp/whatever ever.

People got fed up with that endless shit so they started finding shit that really would just roll over shitty tractor tank humans and LSD space realm without breaking a sweat.

Some dude brought up the Culture and that was really the beginning of the end for "MARINE ARE THE STRONGESTEST" and "MUH WARP".

That's about it really.

They actually did though.

>Since day 1.
Sure thing buds. Bet you think Veeky Forums was made because of 40kid day on /b/.

There can be no hope for victory against such a foe.

>shrike is just tuesday for them

So, Tuesday for them is fighting an enemy that could literally butcher their entire army in less than a second?

Gunbuster humanity makes 40k's DAOT seem like presumptous children.

Even the first Buster Machine, Gunbuster itself, would be virtually unstoppable. Unlike most robot shows, the prototype is pretty rapidly left int he dust as technology progresses. The only time it really gets to let loose is when it fights a swarm of space monsters which is larger than the entire diameter of our solar system, each of which can survive on the surface of stars and shit plasma in the side of one planet and out the other.

But the time we get to Diebuster... Buster Machine #7 creates black holes outside of her body which she then uses as power sources, using HYPERMATH. That's not even an attack, that's just warming up for combat. Creating short lived black holes at a distance on the fly makes for a good attack, but she also uses it to each enemy weapons fire when needed as well. Which isn't even her strongest ability, if we are being honest...

I'm honestly pretty sure that Nono, by herself, could just blitz through every defense Terra has and they would be utterly unable to stop her. I'm including Archeotech weapons in this hypothetical.

holy shit
>my game can beat up your game
lmao you still in highschool or something

eh, kind disappointing, but i can see it.
i mean, based on what little i know about 40k, kinda?

This. Chaos (and also War-in-Heaven Necrons I suppose) makes 40k a very high contender for the "high-powered sci-fi" setting you're describing.

>lmao look at this thing you totally didn't say.
>lmao I'm putting words in your mouth.
Are you?

You're literally triggered because some dude said 40k isn't the best.

I didn't even mention a game. I was just making fun of you.

I mean, generally, 40k versus other pop culture sci-fi does end up pretty heavily in 40k's favor even without the Warp. It's only when you get into much less well known (though popular within science fiction circles) sci-fi that it gets its shit wrecked.

The reason is simple: most pop culture sci-fi setting try to stay "believable" to the average consumer. 40k, of course, is supposed to be ridiculous, and so it's going to be "overpowered." Dedicated sci-fi, on the other hand, whether it's hard or not, is even less bound to being reasonable -to the average consumer- than 40k is, and so completely wrecks it. Whether it's scientifically plausible or not, it doesn't confine itself to conventional warfare like 40k does for coolness' sake.

I don't see why the Star Wars Galaxy wouldn't get beaten outright with no real problems if the Emperor himself and all of his sons led a conquest of the galaxy.
I feel like you're over representing Star Wars quite a bit, user.

You don't understand. Those guardsmen are dead.

The Shrike can manipulate the flow of time, in addition to just being absurdly tough. From the perspective of the Guard, they would just lose contact with whole sections of the battlefield at a time, radio communications cut off mid sentence. Every human within miles of the guy you were just talking to died in the span of a word as the Shrike meticulously hunted down and pushed a hand through their chest every last one of them in a couple blinks of an eye.

Even if you called down artillery the moment you suspected the Shrike was there, it would have already moved on before they launch, much less reached the target.

Its only 'weakness' is it enjoys playing with its food. So it will give you time to find your comrades and realize how fucked you are, instead of killing all of you at once. Because it hates you, and wants you to suffer.

Yes, and tyranids could defeat the thing because their cells are deadlier than something that takes over a creature cell by cell.

WH40kids are literally that kid who has the forcefeald and teleports behind you with his katana.


>he thinks I play 40k
topkek mate, if you're putting this much thought on the STRONGEST game maybe quit the internet for a couple of days cause you've lost the plot

Warp Fuckery almost always relies on fanfic interpretations of hat Chaos can do that are in no way reflected in the actual canon.

Chaos can't reliably time travel. Chaos can't possess shit that hasn't been exposed to the warp or been used as a part of some ritual. Demons can't just show up wherever they want. AI and computers are no more or less prone to chaos possession than anything else.

Against a setting that has non-warp FTL, Chaos honestly doesn't have a lot it can do against them unless they fly into a warp storm or something. Otherwise you are just fighting spikier space marines.

I feel strongly that this is a bait thread as said by the best post, but I'll bite on the off chance you're being serious.

You're making the mistake that because "higher-end" universes exist in fiction doesn't mean that 40k isn't a "high-end" universe. I would argue that 40k is a high end 'verse based on the merit that it would "win" against the vast majority of sci-fi settings.

Thank you for the chuckle

...I'm pretty sure the thing wins that one my dude

You should probably take your own advise because you're sperging out something fierce and I have no clue what got you so assblasted since I never mentioned a game.

You may be mentally handicapped.

B-but muh invincible Chaos!

Which is why the other famous british franchise, Doctor Who, wipes the floor with 40k. Doctor Who doesn't take itself seriously either, but unlike 40k which has to have all of its various factions in stalemate in a single galaxy, Doctor Who ranges across time and space and has destroyed the entire universe TWICE since the reboot alone.

6 random daleks could conceivable destroy the Imperium of Man, if given a chance to prepare for it. A fleet of them is so hilariously one sided in their favor that 40k's first hint how screwed they are is when all of their psykers start panicking about how the Warp just exploded and the Immaterium doesn't exist anymore.

Doctor Who is a setting where the first technologically advanced race grew up in a universe with magic, decided they hated it, and erased magic from existence and rewrote the laws of physics so it could never happen again. Thats so many levels beyond 40k its absurd.

It's fitting because the only cancer worse than 40K fans is Doctor Who fans.

It's like pottery, it rimes.

Don't even bother OP. You will just have your thread get branded as bait or some shit. do remember that these are the same people who would argue that their Space Marines and Inquisitors could beat beings who can manipulate Causality and fate itself, even though true Causality and fate manipulation doesn't exist in 40k, not even Tzeentch possesses that kind of power.

Either you're stupid or in denial, probably both.

I don't mean to argue, but wouldn't las weapons and plasma weapons actually stand a real chance of hurting Daleks? I abandoned the show quite a while ago, but I could swear I heard something about their force fields not stopping energy weapons.

I remember when 40kfags got BTFO by SupCom

Good times

Is this thread mostly just a samefag ranting about "40kids" and variations thereof?

Dalek tech advanced a lot over time, so depending on the era of the Daleks in question (which since its a time travel show, doesn't always synch up with the progression of the seasons) matters a lot.

We see a Dalek with a defense screen that just melts physical projectiles right out of the air. Presumably, that defense doesn't help much against lasers.

We also see a Dalek just roll on through a room filled with dozens of dudes with energy weapons and give absolutely no fucks about all of the fire it is taking, only returning fire to exterminate some of them as it passes by because its a Dalek and not taking the opportunity to kill some people would be uncharacteristic.

Nah, it's mostly legit links to that porn video you really want but can never find for free.

>Thinks Veeky Forums is only one person

Newfag please go.

>using game mechanics is how SU would work

Hyperion is a shit series and anyway they literally use the same tactics as space marines

actually scratch that, the ousters who used space marine tactics fo stheel rhain btfo the combined might of around 60% of the main factions military in one battle

the shrike is retarded and never explained and is completely defenseless against orbital bombardment, which is what would happen in 40k anyway. just dont try to get into a fist fight with it and youll be fine

also that faggot author retconned the ousters to be a furry race mid series for some reason so even they stopped being a serious threat

over all they seem to be similar levels of power actually with hyperion having better troop weapons (but muuuuuuch less troops and ships) and 40k having more powerful ships

>Doctor Who is a setting where the first technologically advanced race grew up in a universe with magic, decided they hated it, and erased magic from existence and rewrote the laws of physics so it could never happen again. Thats so many levels beyond 40k its absurd.

To what is this referring?

Do people still do that? Have power level arguments and such? I haven't seen a "40k vs [thing]" thread in a long time and assumed that the board had generally grown out of that.

The Time Lords, who even to this day refuse to allow for "magical" phenomena to be accepted in their organization, despite you know, being a bunch of alien monster hunters who face creatures that are for all intents and purposes demons on a daily basis.

>the setting where backwater dolphin fucking hippies put up a decent fight against an organized invasion from the main faction is going to spank 40k
>this is what cantos faggots actually believe

They still do. In fact, 40kfags will literally barge into other threads in order to make inane comments about how much stronger their setting is, and how it would stomp the other, and get utterly assblasted when you point out that their setting would be the one suffering the stomping. They did this in a Kingdom Death thread quite a while back if I recall.

I'm very disappointed in the 40k community of Veeky Forums for perpetuating this juvenile behaviour.

Steven Universe?

yes, there are some settings out there more high-powered than 40k. Thank you for enlightening all of us.

Las no, Plas yes.

That your post is considered bait is very telling regarding the mentality of the average 40k fan.

>anti 40k is just as annoying and spammy as antipol

really makes you think

Nah bro, I mean it's funny to me that it's considered bait to even say "there are settings higher-powered than 40k"

There was literally a Nids vs The Flood vs 'The Thing' thread a couple weeks ago.

iirc, the thread basically concluded with "Forerunner-era Flood vs Tyranids is a tie or slightly tilted toward Flood, but the Thing beats all because it is Eldritch horror levels of OP fuckery."

Fuck I meant SC. Dunno how I messed that one up

That image also applies to you my 40k loving friend. Tell me how many threads have you seen get shilled to death by 40kfags who get utterly assmad at settings that aren't their uber mega-grimdark wankfest? Because I have seen far, far too many of those.

I admit, i'm not very good with 40K or Hyperion, but couldn't a Pskyer throw it in the warp?

WH40Kids can't stand that their stolen memes of a game aren't the best.

that still requires the psyker to survive the presence of the shrike long enough to actually use his powers and not be instantly dead because it moves faster than he can think.

Would some kind of precognitive danger sense allow someone to last against the Shrike longer than an instant?

Oh, I agree, but that was literally their argument. The Tryanids could mind control the Thjing too, because the thing is telepathic and the Shadow of the Warp makes it vulnerable because Tyranid Magic Winning Power.

I kid you not, that was a literal argument.

>Stolen memes

Isn't the thing just one singular organism?
I think the hive mind would be capable of noticing some random tyrannid going around not connected to it
I don't know much about the Thing, but if it's not 1 tyrannid vs the thing I think the nids have it
If not, please enlighten me

you still have human reactions times against a thing that literally exists outside of time. You can have all the forewarning in the world and never be able to finish pulling the trigger.

>implying anything could stand against the might of a named protagonist space marine
user please

So, having a precognitive danger sense would just make being killed by the Shrike even worse, because you could see it coming and have absolutely no way to stop it.

>I'm very disappointed in the 40k community of Veeky Forums for perpetuating this juvenile behaviour.
I thought I clicked Veeky Forums, did I click reddit by mistake? You know the website full of pretentious fucks that are more concerned with their appearance than enjoying time spent.

Fun is a buzz word
(I'm kidding, my post was sarcastic, I have zero expectations for the 40k fanbase and for Veeky Forums)

The Thing is not a singular organism. It is telepathic, and virulently infectious, and is perfectly okay with sacrificing parts of itself to keep people distracted, upset, and off balance so another part can do whatever it needs to do to infect more. The movie's Doc Blair calculated a 3 year takeover of the entire earth, but he was incorrect - the thing takeover is much, much faster than his projection suggest. It takes minutes for the thing to subsume an entire man sized organism if it is being obvious. It takes it's time when it wants to be subtle, like when Blair touched his eraser to hips lips after touching the thing.

The other thing is that the Thing is not only telepathic, but organized, and it remembers everything that any species it has subsumed knows. In an Antarctic Base is build a force firld generator to house a cold fusion system, and build a jetpack using 1980's materials.

If it mimics a life form perfectly, that life form doesn't even know it is a Thing. It could very easily infect an entire hive fleet, and suddenly they collapse into massive crawling THINGS and the entire Hive Fleet is compromised before the Hive Mind knows it. At which point they realize they are already the Thing.

Worse, the Tyranids, upon discovering what the Thing is capable of, would probably allow it to subsume them all, because it's an even more perfect format for taking over the universe than the Tyranids are. Thing wins either way.

I'm pretty sure Dr Who is more popular than WH40k, and the timelords would wreck anything in 40k with minimal effort.

>I feel like you're over representing Star Wars quite a bit, user.

Have you heard of the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?

It's not stealing, it's cross-pollination!

Objects have been thrown into the warp by a psyker, to my knowledge, twice in 40K history.

Once was by Malcador the Sigilite, who did somehow manage it with an entire moon, but the walls of reality were thin because of the Horus Heresy and he was using sigils and sorcery and stuff rather than just brute forcing it. Malcador is the third strongest human psyker, and that's only if you count Magnus and The Emperor as human.

The other was by The Emperor, who opened one hole large enough to throw a massive Ork through.

It seems to be something only possible at the absolute pinnacle of psychic power, not a common feat. And as other people have said its no counter against something that can apparently stop time. No psyker apart from the Emperor has been shown to be able to do that.

>Worse, the Tyranids, upon discovering what the Thing is capable of, would probably allow it to subsume them all, because it's an even more perfect format for taking over the universe than the Tyranids are. Thing wins either way
>Implying the nids want to take over the universe and not just nom it into oblivion like the giant space locusts they are
Yeah yeah yeah user, we get it. The Thing is an unstoppable Cthulhu-level entity.

Speaking of memes, pic related

I was in that thread, that argument ended after maybe 20 posts and most people conceded that nids would lose. In fact half the thread was wanking about the power level of a thing-nid hybrid.

Of course a Mary Sue could make a Space Marine its bitch. Otherwise it wouldn't be a Mary Sue.

>powerlevel arguments

Reminder that if you unironically participate in these you are probably on the spectrum.

>nope, Tyranids win cause I say so
Yeah, we get it.

>Fucking Gaston in the car in front of the battlewagon and the battletoad in the back

It's a single organism versus an entire fucking race.

The light spectrum?

Pedobear's driving the battlefortress.

Am I the only person who thinks that Hyperion is overrated?