/pfg/ - Pathfinder General

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Press F to Pay Respects Edition:
What great /pfg/ bamboozle was your favorite?

Unified /pfg/ link repository: pastebin.com/PeD1SMUZ

Current Playtests: pastebin.com/quSzkadj

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Molthune Knights, because people got genuinely angry at that one.

Shout-out to Iteration Drive for conducting an excquisire bamboozle of HV.

>Iteration Drive
I always hated that nigger during the RotJR recruitment. Guy couldn't stop making shitty fetish fuel characters and then shilling them in the fucking thread all day.

>What great /pfg/ bamboozle was your favorite?
Ensoulment of the Flower Court.

I didn't get mad about Molthune. I mostly just hope nothing bad happened to the GM. He never came online on discord at all after that, not just in the server but in general.

Got a link to that archived thread for Molthune Knights. I wanna see how salty /pfg/ got



Here's the announcement of picks:

I'm not sure that there's any particular centralized salt zone relating to the bamboozle that happened.

No, the bamboozling was after one session

Here's another.

Dude probably used a throwaway. I don't feel bad for the bamboozle bullshitter

Some people were talking about Singing Androids in the last thread. Any other weird ideas you want to share, /pfg/?

Maybe a Ratfolk Soldier that uses powersuits to be able to reach the high shelves?

A Vesk Healer who is garbage at combat until a friend really gets hurt?

A chef from one of those 4-armed psychic races?

Is there any more information about the other races? We know a bit more about the Shirran, androids, and Vesk and I assume the Lashunta are from before starfinder (although I don't know what their cultures is like aside from they can choose to be one of two forms) what about the four armed guy?

That said, A shirran chef seems totally in order, someone who's all about sampling different foods and isn't afraid to have a thicker thorax in the process because they take to the field as a mercencary or bounty hunter or something that will let them travel.

I know friend. I was there. I was too there

Got a log of the session? When all your hopes and dreams were set alight, only to be dashed to the ground soon after?

I want to work for a rat and annoy her with my free-wheeling attitude.

There's a few, blurry images that got posted to the Starfinder Reddit thread. I know Hell Knight user will be happy to see them called out. I'm pretty sure I saw some job stuff like Ace Pilot and Mercenary

I didn't save it. Nothing particularly interesting even happened during the session. Just brief character introductions

How did you feel afterwards?

Play one of the Lizard races. Pick up the R@ and treat them like a child.

A savvy Ratfolk Technomancer who wants to MAKE AKITON GREAT AGAIN by bringing in new business and being a celebrity about it.

I was disappointed, but it didn't hit me terribly hard.

The bamboozle meant I could use Thursday nights to get through some last minute refresher studying for Friday tests

I hope paizuri gets rules for mecha out soon after starfinder releases!

What's the most degenerate meme build you can think of without using 3pp or full-casters?

Play a Wizard.

Why do you care? Battle Century G does mecha far better.

I dunno man, you tell me

Expand your horizons for once.

What is the consensus on the current version of Bloodforge? Got someone asking to use it for my game.
DSP seemed to have overtuned the races like PoW though I can't say for sure without the revised version.

They are somewhat stronger than Aasimar/Tieflings, but desu they aren't as strong as to count as a level higher. Giving an extra bonus feat at level 1 to not-bloodforge races should balance it out.

Which apps in flower court are imperials?

>Giving an extra bonus feat at level 1 to not-bloodforge races should balance it out.
>Humans with 2 bonus feats


I mean like from the old empire, from the old capitol.

Serena is a Centurion

Sounds like someone who would be on those Discovery Channel shows. Just goes around Akiton doing things and highlighting how awesome a place it is supposedly

We are getting those soon after Starfinder drops. I want to play AS the mecha

This guy has a point. Human is pretty freaking strong already.
Bloodforge has some weird design decision like scaling racial features such as the Aellar's multiple bonus feats. Should have just left it as racial feats they can take.

TSS, because everyone should have known better.

why is DHB such a bad writer?

Im DM'ing curse of the crimson throne.
1st d20 game i have ever played.
our wiz has played since fucking dnd 2nd edition
our barb min maxed the fuck out of his char and made his gf tiefling paladin to buff him
our ranger is Dualweilding shields......like a retard.

what do i do about the wiz that keeps useing black tenticle on everyhing?

Freedom of Movement
Liberating Command
Enemies with CMDs higher than he can reliably grapple.

he only does it on casters with hella low cmd

Then use the other two, or keep the casters from being targeted.

Or have multiple combats in a day, so he can't drop BT in every fight.

hes only allowed to use it every other session and has 2x memorized and saves them for boss fights

>hes only allowed to use it every other session

>saves them for boss fights
Then give the boss Freedom of Movement. This really isn't a hard fix.

or he summons gravity elementals

>or he summons gravity elementals

Per Dev clarification, you can only summon the base 4 elementals.

Even if he could summon other things, Gravity Elementals are 3rd party from a notoriously shitty developer. Say no.

we made an agreement that he can only use that spell every other session to make it more fair

>what do i do about the wiz that keeps useing black tenticle on everyhing?
>we made an agreement that he can only use that spell every other session to make it more fair

>hes only allowed to use it every other session
That reeks of horrible DM'ing.

Its my 1st time ever DMing and i never played any D20 prior to this, it was his idea

Maybe he shouldn't have picked a wizard in the first place, then, instead of suggesting cuck options like only using his things once every other session.
9-casters and first time DM's are a very poor match.

Derp, I misquoted. Meant to quote

fuck you guys are mean, i guess i should just go back to WH 40k

Better get use to soft banning/limiting spells my man said it well.
9th level casters are the strongest characters in the game, and the Wizard is the top of the top.

It varies from time to time, really, pathfinder as a whole isn't very new DM friendly. Very easy to break and needs a good DM to keep everything in check.
Which no one is the first time around.

the wiz is trying to help me as much as he can in non meta-gaming as possible, he already DM this entire path a few yeas ago so he basiclaly remembers a good chunk of it. and hes basically just trying to make sure every one has fun and i learn as much as possible.
i dont think im going to dm ever again lol shits rough

Haha, well it the group is having a good time it's all fine.
And I don't blame you, there's a lot when dming a game of pathfinder. And know what your plays got and their plans for the characters help much more then you think!

What is the best way to build a scholarly character with absolutely zero magical ability?

You're out of luck without Spheres of Might or other 3pp.

Seriously there's no INT focused class that has absolutely nothing to do with spells or alchemy besides arguably the Lore Warden Fighter.

>Lore Warden

Best 1pp bet is an Investigator and you flavor all your alchemy as just good medicine.

What do you mean by magical ability?
1pp you're screwed
3pp the best I got is PoW warder who is an uses Int as their mental mod for their "fighting magic"

Vigilante with a 3pp social talent that lest you use Int instead of Cha for your class features.

If you're willing to forgo most scholarly pursuits in exchange for deeply intimate knowledge of how every monster in the world ever works, you can roll with an Order of the Hero Cavalier with the Disciple of the Pike archetype. At level 4 you essentially have your level on a bonus to ID monsters; it'd be very easy to say your character is writing a bestiary, and traveling the world to find out more about such creatures as he's only found in storybooks.

It's probably a bit more heavily armed and armored than you're going for, though.

>Lances are under spears.
So... that's what, triple damage with an extra +2 bonus on a charge at level 3?
Though, they lose the free mount for a minor AC bonus...

I believe you can also multiply challenge damage. But yeah, losing the mount class feature hurts, though that said, that makes this a much more useful archetype when you're in a dungeon or something.

Still, it's a solid archetype, and if you take Heal you can pretend to be a Witcher with the best of them.

Oh, indeed. A mount can be replaced. Especially if you DM let's you skip the retarded psudo-skill focus in the feat chain to get an animal companion up to snuff.

Plus, with Weapon Training you can pick up Advanced Weapon Training to get access to Warrior's Spirit!

Well, if your GM isn't a dick about
>Prereq: Fighter 5th
Because that's always been a retarded stipulation.

Ah, forgot about that bit.

Still, that's stupid enough that I imagine most GMs would let you bypass it as long as you have Weapon Training in the first place, since Weapon Training is largely just good for getting access to Advanced Weapon Training these days (even if the damage increase is nice)

This is a stupid question but the PoW description for Soul Hunter's Soul Burn mechanic says

"This inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage at 1st level upon a successful attack, and this damage increases by an additional 1d6 points of damage every four soul hunter levels"

Does the phrase every four soul hunter levels mean it progresses at 1/5/9/13/17 or 1/4/8/12/16/20?

Probably the former but I have to ask

The phrasing means that, by RAW, it's the latter. You're looking at a 1/4/8/12/16/20 progression.



Rules question about variant channeling. When I channel positive energy to damage undead, do I apply the "harm" effect?

Yes, but desu, variant channeling is only worth it for the Heal effects when they are good, because it makes for a passable to solid buff. Harming means you deal minimal damage and the enemy can save against the secondary effect.

I thought that the saving throw was only one, that both halved the damage reduced the variant effect.

You are already dealing halved damage because variant channeling (And channel energy baseline already scales like shit), which means that if the enemies save (and yes, it's only one save), you completely wasted your action for most purposes. And because cleric doesn't do cha-primary, the save is going to be easy to pass for anything but mooks.

>It's summer
>All the other boards are buckling under kids swarming the threads
>Absolutely nothing about /pfg/ changes



He's passing on his role and notoriety to Vult

The magus and the healslut are only the beginning.

>It's summer
user, summer doesn't start until next month!

Do you want a swarm of goblins? Or a classroom of future heroes?

>Swarm of goblins

>school somehow means kids don't frequent 4cha

All boards are shit, summer is just a convenient, albeit retarded excuse. Hell, I visited this site more when I was still in school than I do nowadays.

Someone redpill me on Golden Chalice GM

He's actually Pillbug Podiker. He puts random traps with poison in them around the thread for fun.

Most schools where I'm from had May 25th as their last day.


Have any happy pillbugs turned up lately?

What I mean is please tell me about the guy since I consider his campaign

I've been told he doesn't like when people try to get creative in his setting

>I've been told he doesn't like when people try to get creative in his setting

Sometimes it's scary to be creative, user. Especially in a setting where minotaur are a thing.

He thinks himself the pinnacle of creativity and showcased it in saying to people that since they didn't join his game they are "losing out on the best sandbox experience out there". Not a direct quote, might be completely wrongly phrased but context remains.

The average age of /pfg/ implies that we've been under Eternal Summer since high profile lewdgames became a thing.

We can't be swarmed with kids because we're already in that state.

The average age of this thread's users is like 21, and I'm being generous.

Seriously. Go ask notorious players their ages.

That's... a noble purpose, I guess.

>he doesn't like when people try to get creative in his setting
Define "get creative".

But Broodie is a christmas cake

To his defense he sounds like he IS competent and also puts a lot of work in. But I feel this makes him too locked down and prevents player from contributing to world lore.

Well...Your PC's culture

Maybe the background of his race, stuff like that.

It makes it a sandbox but not that much. Chargen is autistically important to me.

His are diet minotaurs.

You know, with the popularity of MOBA, Team-based and otherwise "heroic" ensembles of characters, I'm surprised nobody around here has tried to make a campaign built around each party member already being a big deal in the world. Level 1 is a nobody, level 3 is that painful in-between having a name and not really, and level 5's just being a reliable name, not a name worth mentioning outside of a business meeting.

I want to write a character worthy of their name, dammit! Sure, that's what a campaign is supposed to do, but it's hardly the same!