Why aren't there any proper Jokaero spaceships in Battlefleet Gothic? They're described as being pretty awesome in the fluff.
Why aren't there any proper Jokaero spaceships in Battlefleet Gothic...
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You can't see them because they've got advanced cloaking systems
I could be misremembering this but IIRC jokaero ships are generally/always unarmed. If thry encounter someone else they just escape. Doesn't make for fun space combat.
So are they xenos or ab-terran species of ape?
Probably the second, but effectively it doesn't matter.
A fun theory is that nobody survives encountering them, so there aren't any records.
Jokaero are non sapient species made by the old ones, with the instinctual ability to make advanced technology.
While funny, I doubt that this is the case. It seems strange to me that they'd describe their personal weapon capabilities in such detail but not give anything whatsoever on their ships. Given their general description it seems to me a lot liklier that they just survive by their ability to outrun anything and everything (IIRC they can somehow pull off FTL travel without even using the Warp, because lol orangutan technosorcery).
The first attestation of the word orangutan to name the Asian ape is in Dutch physician Jacobus Bontius' 1631 Historiae naturalis et medicae Indiae orientalis – he reported that Malays had informed him the ape was able to talk, but preferred not to "lest he be compelled to labour".
I know this sounds faggy as all fuck but Jesus, these animals are unbearably cute.
On topic: given their proficiency at making Digital Weapons, I'm assuming every square centimeter on the outer surfaces of a jokaero latticeship is potentially bristling with lances.
I'm not sure how they'd feel about missiles (have they ever been shown to use a projectile based/non-energy weapon?), but I guess it'd be cool if they'd also be carrying swarms of banana sized smart space missiles for long range combat.
>banana sized
Jokes aside, considering that miniaturization is practically their shtick, I wouldn't be surprised if they can somehow make a torpedo the size of a banana instead of a church belltower (like the Imperium seems used to).
No idea.
I'm going to take a note from their fluff and another from hard sci-fi:
Their weapon systems and cloaking systems are the same. A phased array of micro-sized las emitters covers the entire ship. When directed by cogitators whose presence make you find out if a tech-priest still has tear ducts, it can fire a very powerful and long-ranged Collimated Lance or establish visual camouflage. So, if you find out it is a swarm of capsules with shiny grav-studded capes around a wormhole, that's because it will kill you. If you hide behind a moon, it will grav-bend the Lance and kill you.
The excess heat is dumped into the micro-singularity that they use as a source of energy and storage of raw elements. It is a portal to a basement universe shared by all Jokaero. The plasma-based AI who uplifted them still lives there, giving tips and advice to its favorite kids.
Why in the hell would Jokaero have ships, they're endemic to one planet and the Inquisition keeps them on tight lockdown
Canonically they do have them.
>"Their understanding of astrophysics is equally baffling as they seem to be capable of tapping into unseen power-currents that run through the galaxy. Jokaero spaceships are an example of this: open structured framed lattices resembling a unique polyhedron shape that are unlike any known space transport. The structure is vital to the design as it draws upon those same galactic power-currents that the Jokaero are aware of and channel it in a similar manner as Force weapons do to psychic energy through their spiral shape. Thus, Jokaero vessels are able to move, manoevure and transcend warp-space through making physical alterations to the ships' design.[1] Such an act alters with the universal powers it employs and modifies its place in the natural galactic order.[1]"
>The structure is vital to the design
>Due to their spiral shape
>I'm not sure how they'd feel about missiles (have they ever been shown to use a projectile based/non-energy weapon?)
If I'm not mistaken, some digital weapons contain needleguns. Make of that what you will.
Does it say anything about their shipboard weapons?
This, they are one of the races created by old ones alongside with orks wich were the workers and eldar wich were their sentient pet-warrior-race. Jokareos were dumped in their junk worlds to reciclye stuff for the old ones
OP is no faggot for once.
>there will never be a codex: jokaero
But user, 40K is a super serious game about super serious concepts for mature and sensible adults. Orks are... err... GRIMDARK! GRIM AND DARK! GRRR!
I'm not joking I'd buy into w40k if I could field an army of space monkies.
We should make one
I'm not sure we know enough about the jokearo to do something like that. Like, sure, sure, space orangutans with digital weapons is a super wacky and quirky concept but what meat does that idea have otherwise? Shit's gonna get old fast.
Different castes of monkey
While they would have to be a low model high point army, you could do some cool stuff with them, walkers and tanks for example
I don't think there's ever been evidence of there being anything like that among jokaero. You got to keep in mind that for all their tech, THEY AREN'T ACTUALLY SENTIENT. They're almost literally just monkeys. Their most complex social unit is the extended monkey family. The only "castes" they recognize are "mom", "dad", "sibling" and possibly "big".
It's never explicitly stated that they aren't sentient, just that they are don't have a lot of goals besides a peaceful existence
>possibly "big".
I doubt physical size has much effect on jokaero hierarchy, given that the entire species has the instinctive ability to build digital multi-meltas out of surrounding dirt and half a banana.
The funny thing is an average jokareo could probably be S 4 T 4 just based off how robust monkeys are
>you will never see a bunch of monkeys "OOK"ing in unison and waving their arms about as their invisible AI gravtank steamrolls an entire Eldar army with quark beam cannons the size of soda cans and black hole missiles the size of peanuts
You can in a dead game.
That gun is about 400 times bigger than the jokaero equivalent Unless this is just their gun for blowing up moons or something
Damn apes working for the Tau now?
Banana Caste
You don't even need mind control helmets for them, they'd literally work for peanuts.
You never know...
These pictures are why the Jokaero don't need armed spaceships. Their personal weaponry is lance equivalent.
Always liked Nachomon´s pics. Very dynamic.
>jokaero fighters are space convertibles where a bunch of monkeys with pistols sit gangsta style peeking out into space and shooting at nearby ships (air is maintained using a force field of course)
> The orks korsair captain wonder why there is no imperial fleet on his way as a approach an defenceless imperial world.
> Suddenly something hits the nearest window and stick to it.
> It's a monkey.
> Hysterical screeching
>forcefield keeps the air in and also provides ample protection and propulsion
>targeting systems built into their goggles so good they can hit things with their pistols at astronomical distances
>there are missile launchers built into the fender because why wouldn't there be
And why is this not yet a thing
> There is a monkey laughing maniacally non stop near you.
> You don't know why, he isn't even doing anything, but he COULD. At any moment.
Holy shit I'm dying from laughter.
Good one, Veeky Forums.
>The Jokaero will never land on Carlos McConnell
Beat cops
I would like to move this topic back to a more serious level and remind everyone, that you can´t write "Jokaeros" without "Eros".
This looks cute on paper, but consider there's a dude who's job is changing monkey diapers.