wasnt Virt banned from Veeky Forums as a whole or was it just Veeky Forums?
Found Virtualoptim
literally who
What's Virtualoptim? Is he like a new kind of JimProfit/RedMachineD?
Did you really need to make a thread for this? Don't give him attention.
He dodged bans. He never stopped posting on Veeky Forums just stopped using his trip.
A shitposter, nothing more, probably less.
These newfags
>he doesn't know the tales on JimProfit and RedMachineD
The only newfag here is you.
Hell, RedMachineD got permabanned from Veeky Forums so long ago, I can't even remember what he did wrong.
Hell, I'm only a couple of years old and I know of Virt. Fucking faggots don't even lurk anymore before posting.
>I'm only a couple of years old
Enjoy your ban you 3 year old faggot
Oh shut up Mark, you're only a couple of months older then me.
The reason they don't know about him is because they're not supreme newfags.
Veeky Forums needs a 3 year lurk period before you can post
My names not Mark you stupid nigger. Fuck you and your faggot boyfriend. I hope you both get aids and die.
All he cares about is being noticed.
Everyone who knows about VO knows that.
So you are either an idiot or VO selfposting for attention.
Delete this thread.
Not knowing about VO is a GOOD thing.
i just found it amusing
le secret club
Why should I care if he gets what he wants or not?
Not going to stop me from laughing at him if it makes his pathetic dick rise from belittlement.
Virtualoptimin was a really persistent troll a few years back in Veeky Forums, who got super salty about everything, deliberately started shitstorms and posted retarded arguments to get people to debate him, and was a huge misogynist, the kind who would lovingly describe female players rape, torture and brutal execution. He got banned by moot for emailing him a 5 long page document of how to "fix Veeky Forums" in a thread that got stickied, and moot was on record for saying "holy hell if someone is being this shirty email me and I'll ban them"
My favourite memory is when he tried getting Veeky Forums to raid the giantitp forums, only for someone to Google him and find he's just been banned from there. So many salty tears.
>He got banned by moot for emailing him a 5 long page document of how to "fix Veeky Forums"
Was the doc public? Link? I kinda want to read it, haven't had a good laugh in a while.
So basically, he's JimProfit 2.0.
Oh, shit, no, I'm an idiot and mixed him up with Jim Profit, who was that guy I was talking about. Virt is just some nobody who got banned for being a retard.
some autist who hates elves to a hilarious degree
would make write guro stories about raping female elves and skinning them and things - got banned for being insufferable
now on /a/