My girlfriend wants to join my group.
A lot of my players browse /pol/.
My girlfriend isn't biologically female.
My girlfriend wants to join my group.
A lot of my players browse /pol/.
My girlfriend isn't biologically female.
>Tell him to no.
Wow, was that hard? No wonder you are such a pussy considering you have to fuck a tranny and couldn't pick up a real girl.
Explain to your girlfriend that you're friends with people who hate her for who she is and that's somehow not a problem you ever thought to address.
Tell him he's going to get ridiculed because they're right wingers
I'm right wing and I think you are a degenerate
Looks like the rope is the only option for both of you.
>A lot of my players browse /pol/.
Veeky Forums is basically /pol/ too so I don't really know what you were expecting to accomplish by asking us.
>not biologically female
lol, get a load of this fag
kys faggot
Does your "girlfriend" has a penis?
Them zhim/zher/whateverthefucktheyare that problems are going to arise and that it just isn't a good idea.
Just tell her straight that most of your group are assholes and they'll give her shit over being a tranny.
You're allowed to have friends who are cunts.
Well this was a mistake.
Let her know you hang out with neonazis who hate her for merely existing and for some reason this cognitive dissonance never occurred to you
>my friends have politically different views to me, I respect their right to hold them
where's the cognitive dissonance
>this is what /pol/ actually believes
Shoo shoo.
No fucking shit Sherlock
>these people would harm my girlfriend given the chance. Let me run a game for them!
>hiding that under "tolerance of political differences"
If you can know this, you should be smart enough to not ask for help here
>My girlfriend isn't biologically female.
>please clap.jpg
The "not biologicaly female" part doesn't matter because even though those fucking idiots say they know shit, they couldn't tell the difference anyways.
Second, you shouldn't bring her because nobody should be subject to a mass of stupidity like that
Thirdly and most importantly, tg is (sadly) continuesly swarmed by /pol/ shitheads since I don't even know when. You sure can bet on someone finding this thread and getting more of those shitheads to spew shit. It is a vicious cycle, the only winning move is not to play
>My girlfriend isn't biologically female.
Then they're your boyfriend and you're a homosexual.
Unless she successfully passes and isn't going to talk about it, you may want to actually mention all this to your players individually.
If only one of them is going to start shit, then that's not such a big deal. They can suck it up or walk, and your GF replaces them. If most of the group is going to be a problem then you have a hard choice to make.
Remember that if there is any hostility against her, it's also going to be on you, especially since they'll likely interpret you not telling them before as 'hiding' it.
Which, as alluded to before, might be an option depending. You wouldn't be the first gamer to have a weird or unattractive GF. Unless you're a real freaky couple what is between anyone's legs isn't going to be evident. She'll have to put up with them, but if she doesn't like it then that's a secondary issue.
>dating mentally ill people
You are literally evil to take advantage of people with clear world outlook problems. He needs help.
Nobody hates trannies except Jimbobs and Tyrones. Most people you accuse of this thinking refuse to indulge in crazy people's delusions.
Also nice bait thread homo.
We aren't your girlfriend user, she's the one you should be talking to, not us.
>Shitty tumblr art OP
>mentions /pol/
>subject is trans significant other
Yup. This is a bait thread everybody, pack it up.
Could have been less obvious about it, but OP done fucked it all up.
>insist that anyone with conservative views is from /pol/ and simply not a fa/tg/uy who doesn't drink the same flouridated kool-aid as everyone else.
Man, why you gotta segregate everyone like that? Try and be more tolerant, user.
>isn't biologically female
Veeky Forums is historically liberal actually. It used to be Veeky Forums and /mu/ tier but then Gamergate changed the politics of most young men a bump right.
>get bumped right
>veil is lifted on the (((media))) because of video games, of all things
>start becoming more critical
>2016 elections across the world (Trump, Leave, etc)
>you are now here
It isn't an invasion, you're behind the curve.
>obvious bait thread
>swarming with /pol/ retards
>still makes an effort to make a good reasonable post that is on topic
If only there were more people like you, this board could get its old vibe back.
I'm usually the one who points out how retarded it is to say this because whatever thread would've already been on page 10 but a thread died for this.
>My girlfriend isn't biologically female.
Then he's not you're girlfriend, faggot.
>Nobody hates trannies except Jimbobs and Tyrones.
And themselves
Explain to your boyfriend that it won't be possible, because his feelings might be hurt.
It feels like a wierd combination of /pol/ and /d/ a lot of the time.
you can ignore literally every other bit of advice here but remember this...
It is NEVER a good idea to bring your significant other to a game.
>oh but i met my...
yeah, met, fuck off
>i've done it and it was great
wasn't great for everyone else as you two shove your heads up eachothers asses with your inside jokes and references to your relationship
it's just a shitstorm in general. regardless of anything else.
>giving OP his (you)s
Y'all motherfuckers need to quit taking the bait.
>The "not biologicaly female" part doesn't matter because even though those fucking idiots say they know shit, they couldn't tell the difference anyways.
>this is what this retard believes
Yeah user, I'm sure everybody thinks you are a ctue girl. :^)
You should visit /aco/ or /gif/ once.
>aaaaah help me im /pol/ but i cant stop jerking to shemales i wanna suck a dick so bad aaaaah i hate jews i hate jews they did this to meeeee!
>My girlfriend wants to join my group.
>A lot of my players wouldn't be okay with it.
There, fixed your thread by removing useless details.
Okay, it's still not much better, but maybe you'd get only one or two replies before it died.
It's okay user, it brought an actual liberal tranny to give us his tears.
This. Either stop hanging out with /pol/, or stop expecting them to tolerate anything not 'normal'.
Because all I have seen from people from /pol/ is stupid shit. I'm sick of it.
Not all people on /pol/ are like this, and some say shit ironically, sure. But shit if most if not all I had the displeasure of meeting said the same shit. Its always the same shit, this thread is a nice reminder of that.
I wish they all stayed in their shit containment board and let adult people with actual functional brains have at least semi-functional discussions with some semblence of intelligent life behind it, they can have their bullshit elsewhere.
>adult people with actual functional brains
Choose one and only one.
More like Gamergate made it popular for the hoardes of underage and professional funposters to be right
Lets not pretend /pol/ is a Bastion of critical thought. 90% of the posters there are just people parroting or sockpuppeting to get their kicks, but everyone is too busy being post ironic racist to realize everyone is mocking everyone else. It's like the Mimic Kingdom, where everyone is mimics, but no one realizes everyone is mimics, everyone thinks they're the only mimic. That is /pol/. 10% neo nazi's, 70% shitposters, 20% teenagers looking for approval.
Any image macro refutation you post will only help further prove my point.
>Numale /r/Dolan alt right
>Understanding the meaning of liberal
Lmao, bootlicking spastic, off yourself
Do they have a cute dick or a fake hole? You can't just say you have a girlfriend (male) and not provide details
Sometimes when I'm bored I go on /pol/ and pretend to be a psy-op dropping seemingly meaningless sentences that read like MK-ultra trigger phrases or posting rorschach blots.
It's pretty fun desu.
That is some next-level projection you are engaging in