>Girl joins the group
>Stats up a tengu
Jesus christ
>Girl joins the group
>Stats up a tengu
Jesus christ
The real question, is she autistic?
Holy crap, you NEVER let a girl into your group. You might as well just burn the game down there and then.
Tengu can be cool. I dont get it.
I guess bird girls are his fetish
oh I didnt notice the boner
tfw attractive female player and semi-attractive female GM roleplay her character getting swallowed whole
>autism: the post
You just need the right kind of girl
You're misreading the thread. He's not upset by the idea, he's sexually aroused by it. Hence his picture of an animoo with a glowing dingledonger.
>Girl joins the group
>The two of you fall in love eventually and start dating
>She eventually tells you she's actually a man with a really good disguise
She won't fuck you, user. You don't need to defend her on the internet.
honestly user if you meet a trap that can actually pass for it, go for it. They're few and far between
>guy joins our group of 4 girls and girl gm
>everything is fine and we're all friends and nothing weird happens and we play every sunday
the classic high-DC disguise check
if you dont immediately recognise this post as a /pol/ster trying to make yet another thread about his muh cultural marxism, then you need to take a long hard dick at yourself in the mirror
Nobody's disguise is that good. I think your heart (and dick) both knew what they wanted. It's time for your brain to catch up.
You think someone would do that, user? Just go on the internet and tell lies?
This isn't true
But you NEVER let the girl snowflake the hard
Group = doomed
>You just need the right kind of girl
>Implying women aren't all the same
>It's a male tengu
It's been decades, will this meme ever die?
Are you sure?
Jealousy can be a hell of a drug even if the guy is pretty ugly
>When will people just give up noticing things
r9k and pol share a fluid posterbase; with pol's post-moot leakage it comes with a side-order of rampant virginity
some groups consist of socially functioning people who arent desperately deprived of sex desu friend
>Trap joins the group
>The two of you fall in love eventually and start dating
>He eventually tells you he's actually a woman and that she's been stuffing her panties to make it look like there's a dick bulge
haha looks like everything turned out well in the end, right?
>attractive girl joins the group
>stats up female character
>constantly flirts with my female character
Don't let your dick decide what your female PC is or is not into. If your Female PC is into grills, great.
If the only thing that will satisfy her is the warm, hard, muscular arms and hairy chest of a man with a massive throbbing cock gently rubbing against her small puffy slit as she whimpers, pinned beneath his bulk, feeling the heat of his breath on his neck as this gentleman she's grown so close to slowly transforms into a sexually frustrated beast ready to ravish her
Then don't go for the bait
>why do people deny the truth right in front of their faces!?
>one of the girls in the group is a player's boyfriend
>just kind of sits there and chills, doesn't really participate
>it's kind of a pain to work with as a DM to be honest
>another girl is a friend of one of our regular DMs, drops by once a blue moon
>gets pretty fukken engaged in the game, hardcore roleplayer
>final girl is kind of jumping ship over to our group because of her other group being hilariously inconsistent and falling apart
>also gets pretty engaged, but is lighter on the roleplay
>girl hears you GM
>she asks if she can play a game with you
>tell her you'll introduce her to the other players
>she says she just wants to play with you
Was the tengu cute?
Flashback to my ex girlfriend doing this.
What is it with women and weird monster races ? Is it because they don't have a personality so need to be something weird to get the attention they're used to irl in game ?
>>one of the girls in the group is a player's boyfriend
Figures the fucking Trap would be the pain in the ass
you know
because of the penis
They're creative enough to actually consider all the possibilities a fantastic setting offers, instead of going "I wanna be a human" or "I wanna be a human with rubber prosthetics stuck on."
I see what you did there.
According to my ca/tg/irl friends the general view is "I'm a human every day, why not try something different" and "all the other armies are just different kinds of dudes with guns/swords/guns and swords, that's boring".
It doesn't help that, according to the occasional confession/girl talk discussion when I'm the only guy in the group that day, most women between werewolves, Adam from Beauty and the Beast and similar stuff have at least occasionally thought about fucking monsters before.
I have a male player thatdoes that and badly. Racial traits are the personality.
I have a gm that enforces racial personality and says that seeing my dwarf inquisitor being tolerant(but not liking, just not whining about it on a nobles dinner) of human alcohol is breaking his immersion.
And i have a female player that sits down with me for a campaign and.we spend an afternoon constructing her characters racial background, making sure it fits the narrative and playing the character accordingly,demonstrating unusual traits in the process.
i can't believe i made that mistake
i blame you guys talking about traps
Girls aren't that bad desu. My group is 2 guys and 4 grills and it's pretty lit.
>If the only thing that will satisfy her is the warm, hard, muscular arms and hairy chest of a man with a massive throbbing cock gently rubbing against her small puffy slit as she whimpers, pinned beneath his bulk, feeling the heat of his breath on *her neck as this gentleman she's grown so close to slowly transforms into a sexually frustrated beast ready to ravish her
Sounds comfy.
That's a very clear image you have over there user
But desu the problem there is more that girl on girl is my fetish her boyfriend is a fellow player, but all flirting is done with me.
Opinion discarded.
If she has a boyfriend, that means her flirting is probably just IC only. Or maybe girl-on-girl os her boyfriend's fetish.
>the heat of his breath on his neck
>It doesn't help that, according to the occasional confession/girl talk discussion when I'm the only guy in the group that day, most women between werewolves, Adam from Beauty and the Beast and similar stuff have at least occasionally thought about fucking monsters before.
Let's be fair, so have we.
Possibilities that immediately come to mind:
1. Testing the water, making sure you're not gonna be a creep who transfers IC to OOC in a situation where she can fall back on her boyfriend.
2. Just acting IC, made a lesbian/bisexual because she thought it would be fun and/or because she didn't want to be "Player 3: Player 2's girlfriend, playing Player 2's girlfriend" and being a lesbian is an easy excuse for why their characters aren't dating. Your character provided the opportunity to show it off.
You're not wrong, it's just that a lot of dudes I know don't seem to realize that while most women would never fuck an actual dog, a startlingly large number would consider it if it walked on two legs, spoke coherently and had a nice personality.
Woah I didn't even consider the two possibilities Satan listed, but you may be right on both!
And yep, it seems she just went for a lesbian character. It was mostly that first contact that got me completely by surprise. Thankfully I'm not someone who drops his spaghetti or I'd look like a creep, but my first reaction was "wait, shit, won't he get mad at me?!"
Nonetheless, this has since then led to fun RP.
Just remember who's got your back when the pussy in the clouds tells you not to have fun.
>Implying women won't jump ship to another cock in a heartbeat.
Have you considered that maybe they jump off yours because there's not a whole lot else to keep them there?
That's not true. Girls are pretty much the same as guys; there's some good ones and some bad ones.
Adam, don't you have some Sword World translations to work on, or a job to go to?
Ignore your thirst for a moment and maybe you'd realize that females are objectively terrible.
>players playing snowflake races like tengu
game ruined right there
can't be saved
You clearly haven't met a good trap.
Know a guy who is missing his Adam's apple. If he tried (and he very often did) he could easily pass of as a chick, and nobody could tell it was him. Kind of impressive, but apparently he wasn't actually gay, so eh.
Genderbender is my fetish, and this is extremely hot the longer I think about it, thanks user
Nah, man. Girls are sweet and cute and feminine and fun to be around. I hope someday I can get one of my own.
>modern women
>literally any of those things
He means girls(male).
True, I often meet girls like that.
Then I wake up.
Just because vapid American culture has twisted everyone into unlikeable cunts doesn't mean it's an universal truth elsewhere in the world
t. european
>girl joins the group
>you and her hit it off and start dating
>turns out shes actually a wyvern
Most of the chicks I've played with was perfectly fine. I had a larger percentage of guys be utterly terrible to deal with.
Yeah we had the occassional attention whore, but they are rare and easy to spot before they join.
The only thing about girls here seems to be their fondness of magical realm. But as long as everybody keeps it in their pants during the game, everything tends to go smoothly.
Isn't a tengu one of those fap cups?
This, women are absolute cancer in any rpg or anything Veeky Forums related in general
I have. But there's still all the subtle little bitty tells that your eye can't catch but your mind does. They always tell me "no thanks," and if they're telling you "I want this" then maybe it's time to start questioning your sexuality.
Don't be too hard on them. They can't help the way they were made.
>They always tell me "no thanks," and if they're telling you "I want this" then maybe it's time to start questioning your sexuality.
>Hot looking chick makes you think "no thanks"
>tells others to question their sexuality
In all honesty, you need to grow up. If you have even the slightest doubts about your sexuality, then you can't call yourself a proper adult.
Nobody is truly straight or Gay. It is all about the nuances and what you want. I want a cute submissive and coy little fuckbuddy, I dont give a fuck if it is a girl or guy, as long as the hair is at least shoulder length and the ass is nice.
>/r9k/ virtue signaling
You need to go to some rural areas m8, instead of the fucking city, where everyone sucks.
>vice signalling
That slut isn't getting her hands on my hoard
Pretty much this minus the condescension. It sounds like you've got some insecurities, that's fine, gotta relax and learn where the boundaries actually lie.
>Hot looking "chick" makes him think "no thanks"
>lel obviously he's the one who's really in the closet
I'm comfortable with my sexuality, user. But if you consider yourself straight, but are also attracted to men who are dressed as women, then you're not really comfortable with yours, because you're lying to yourself.
>if you consider yourself straight
Earlier in the thread:
>Nobody is truly straight or gay
I think you rolled badly on your reading check.
Being scared of cooties seems to be a virtue for them
Or I'm just not buying what you're selling.
Imagine being so fragile that you refuse to envision.
Your sexuality must be 24/7 eggshells my friend.
>Roll a d20
>Natural 1 on your reading attempt
If you somehow read "I am straight!" In my post, I dont know what to tell you. Maybe you are projecting a bit too hard there?
I made it abundantly clear that I don't care if it is a chick or a guy. You are the one who sounds like he has some insecurities to deal with.
I fail to see the problem.
I have been playing various Pen&Paper RPGs for 14 years now with different groups both on- and offline and all but one experiences with letting females join the game either obliterated the group or the game.
The people who bitch that it its not true and that you JUST HAVE TO FIND THE RIGHT ONE in a sea of shit either never played Tabletop or not very long.
Schopenhauer warned us already a century ago about letting women join male hobbies.
Pic unrelated
>In all honesty, you need to grow up. If you have even the slightest doubts about your sexuality, then you can't call yourself a proper adult.
Different dude here, I'm actually curious what your comment about me would be then.
I'm male, I'm quite certainly attracted to women, but I'm also capable of noticing when a guy looks attractive. And it feels like it's a bit more than an intellectual acknowledgement. I'm guessing the tumblrites would call me straight/bi-curious but since you seem to be setting yourself up as the local expert I thought it'd be fun to ask.
I'm surprised that the cryogenics technology to preserve this post existed back in 2007 desu.
>bothering with terms
You are whatever you want to be mate. If you don't want male attention, say you are straight, if you want to hook up with a guy, call yourself gay.
Why bother trying to find that 1 term that labels you perfectly?
You are Anthony Burch.
I'm the same way, I can notice when a dude is handsome, even though I don't wanna suck his dick
How sex-obsessed and self-obsessed do you have to be to convince yourself the only reason would disagree with you is because they want to get laid?
>game where every character is a female
>every player is a neckbeard pretending to be a little girl on the internet
>one of the players is actual girl with talent but undisputable acknowledgement issues that could get out of hand in theory
>nobody gives her any attention because nobody knows, even though being the GM I know her a bit, also enough not to hit it
>she also thinks it's half the party of girls when it's in fact all guys and her
>she's a completely fine roleplayer when that is the merit she is judged by
>one year later she realizes, but is invested enough in the game at that point that she is willing to listen when talked to about it
Weird how that turned out.
>How sex-obsessed and self-obsessed
Neither of those. Its because I am very empathic that I understand why beta males would join the whole Male Feminist shitshow.
Its because they are aware that they can never compete with other men for the affection of females so they chose to sidestep the competition and degrade themselves in a bid for female attention.
I'm new to actually playing the game, but my experience has been fairly good with the women we've played with.
First one was biologically female but said they were non-binary, used the pronoun "they" and such, but I'll count them for the sake of it. They were a new player as well, made an attempt to roleplay based on their character's backstory even if it meant slowing the game down a little or picking up a sidequest. All in all they were amiable and were decent company(with the exception of the one time they got a bit sensitive about a joke they thought was offensive, but they got over it fast and seemed to understand that they were reading into it too much), I'd definitely play with them again.
Other one I haven't been playing with long, (only two sessions and they were a bit quiet) but she seems to be cool. You could argue that I just haven't seen the bat wings yet, but I prefer to expect the best of people, not the worst.
I'm clearly taking the bait here, but what the hell, I don't have anything better to do today.
She wants to fuck you for your seed so she can get ready to lay a clutch of eggs, and after this she will eat you for the nutrients needed for said eggs. In your keep that she will claim as her own
>a person you are attracted to participates in an activity with you
>lose your spaghetti, fall in love
>being autistic and gay for life
You should be praying to Jesus for salvation from yourself, you lonely degenerate.
Jizzus is cumming.
Thanks man, that's a good way to look at something like that. But on the other hand, labels (and I'll sound like an sjw saying this) can be extremely validating, both in showing someone that they're not alone in the world and in providing a sort of limit to say, "this is where this part of you starts and ends".
I'm not familiar with the guy, let me google him...
>finds pic related
Pfft- I can't say I've ever worn a bra, user.
Yeah, it's probably just being just this side of completely straight. Now that I think of it, isn't there some kind of numerical scale? Whatever, I'm rambling.
The hilarious thing is that there's nothing feminists hate more than the supplicating manginas that are male feminists.
So you are tell us that you are projecting hard enough to show power point presentations?
Literally nobody is "defending girls" here, all people are doing is pointing out why you shouldn't assume an entire gender is objectively terrible, when they clearly and evidently aren't.
No one gives a shit about what a theoretical girl would think about that. That's not the point.
People are posting to prove someone else wrong, chomping down hard on obvious bait, because it is fun, and we enjoy it as a way to kill time.