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HAHAHAHAH for real?
not just high pressure then?
holy shit lol he's taking out all the eth now
Wasn't there just a thread here on Veeky Forums?
You are fucking retarded. Are you incapable of reading a blog post or are you just fudding because you're poor and can't buy any?
how much
hahahahahahah inhale hahahahahahahahahahaha
inhale hbagasijfiasjiajiasfhaihahoakhahahaha
Crypto is a scam, you can't cash ou-
where my ether bros at?
>my ethermons
*breathes in*
I have plenty user, thanks.
>MFW there are people who thought this was going to be a real opportunity
The Veeky Forums hivemind is real
Wait did they really goxed?
Can I get a quick rundown?
you all deserved it.
Holy shit ahahahahaaha so many Veeky Forumstards invested in this, is this for real? Has he actually moved the money out of his wallet?
>These faggots actually fell for it
>he bought into the pyramid scheme
Dude makes a pokemon battle thing that uses ETH are where you can bet ETH. Doesn't deliver and runs with everyone's shit.
I hope this is for real
OP is trolling. That's really it. The owner of the contract hasn't made a transaction for over an hour. Maintenance was schedules for an hour ago but the site didn't go into maintenance mode until just now.
The contract is still fully functional (you can still catch mons and cash out). No money has been withdrawn besides whatever users are withdrawing.
The money is still there you dinguses
fucking knew it -.-
How much did he get? How many ETH he steal?
Software engineer here
I was in a previous thread seriously considering making my own version
Honestly, if I took 50% profits, I wouldn't need to exit scam at all
Plus I know I could make a better game than some guy with a shitty reactjs website
Let's make this thread a bit more entertaining
>What kind of battle system are you looking for
>>If pokemon, any changes from the standard system?
>What other game features are you looking for?
That's the owner's address. When he makes a transaction to set the data contract to 0x00000... you will know the contract is paused. If this maintenance even has anything to do with the contract, that is. It's possible they're just adding some star to the original mons on the UI side to make early adopters feel special.
Literally nothing.
I hope the battle/evolution update is coming soon.
This shit will be big.
Dont listen to these larpers. They are just trying to make you lose money too.
fuck u OP
This fucker sold ALL his LTC two days before everything crashes... I smell insider
this thread is a coordinated r/ ethereum shill, either that or Veeky Forums is just a lot more autistic and spergy than i originally thought before
Procedural generated mecha bots would be cool.
Veeky Forums confirmed for literal 16 year olds who'll believe anything on a headline
Small correction: The transaction an hour ago was another address SENDING him money. The last transaction he actually made was over 12 hours ago, and it was to add the level-up growth stats to the three newest mons.
>submitted etheremon design
>no reply at all
Fuck you devs
GOD I PUT 26 ETH INTO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, for anyone who actually has mons: YOU CAN STILL CASH OUT.
Even though the site is in maintenance mode, the inventory page is still up. Just click your "My Etheremons" tab and cash out like normal.
Nice try Dev, we know its you.
This actually withdraws the eth from your wallet if you try to cash out
before crypto, the pokemon and "monster" type catching/battling fad started, then came yu-gi-oh and the card trading fad. that will probably be the next fad to come out in crypto too i think. so just make up some trading card shit on the blockchain.
If I was the dev I'd have cashed out yesterday when the ponzimons were in full force and took my 1500 ETH. The current dev is a fucking retard.
i put 100% trust in the devs. half of the posts in these threads are no-moner pajeets hoping for this to fail. id like to see the same pajeets in our threads a year from now
Try a week from now. This shit is going to blow up and be very lucrative for early adopters.
>nosmorples seething
Cryptokitties were pets.com
Everyfucking time
When cats get in they fuck up everything
>i put 100% trust in the devs
Why though? They have shown to be incompetent and can barely speak English.
I'm just dispelling the disinfo about this being a literal scam. It's still very likely they'll fuck up the battle update and this thing stays a ponzi forever, with anyone who didn't profit yet turning into eternal bagholders.
Keep in mind we're talking about devs who launched their game on the MAIN NET before it was even ready to play. There was no reason to launch this thing when literally all you can do is buy mons and wait for greater fools to buy the same mons, thus paying you. It's less functional than even fucking CryptoKitties right now.
IF they do battling competently and IF they implement trading then this will be pretty fucking great, but those are two major ifs for completely anonymous devs that have yet to demonstrate their capability.
Mate the devs stole the fucking artwork and you think they won't steal your money?
Either pajeet shill or dumb as fuck.
ITT: Veeky Forums believes literally anything you type in a post
Just cashed out, if you earn balance there's no reason to not send it to your metamask wallet.
worked fast, $3 fee
I honestly think the devs had no fucking clue how copyright law worked. As soon as people told them "you can't just use someone else's artwork even if you give them credit" they took it all down (less than a couple hours after it launched) and contacted the artist. Now the artist has been compensated and will be working with them on future mons. Obviously he has also given permission to use the existing art.
I wouldn't be surprised if the devs are very young. At the very least they're inexperienced with running a business, making smart contracts, and game development in general. But they do react quick at least.
that is precisely what I want u to think
the website can't be accessed right now. was this a scam all along?
Scheduled maintenance. They announced it yesterday. The smart contract is still fully functional but I'm expecting them to pause it soon like they did last time they updated.
For anyone who wants to cash out while the site is down:
That's the address of the smart contract. If you know how to use MEW to interact with them, all you need to do is call the cashOut function.
Set Amount to 0 to cash out your full balance, and don't send any ETH in the transaction obviously.
I'm probably fucking things up for the devs by doing this since they really don't want any transactions pending in the smart contract right now (possibly migrating to a new address?) but I am also worried that they could exit scam at any moment so there you go.
It's working for me, and just cashed out 0.2 ETH
Somebody who knows a bit about Solidity and Ethereum:
The only way to update a contract is to create a new one. He withdrew all the funds to deposit them into a new contract - for the update. This is why kitties is stuck at the level of functionality they had since the start - they never thought of migration. Calm down
Senpai its name is cuckmon
You'll be right the day he does decide to upgrade the contract, but that hasn't happened yet. The owner hasn't had any ETH transaction at all. All the funds are still there and the contract has never even been paused yet (done by clearing the reference to the data contract in Etheremon's case).
If it was a scam they would have cashed out when there was $1.5 million in the contract
He has never withdrawn any funds from the contract
You guys are morons. If you are son absolutely sure that its a scam then why the fuck did you invest? If you didnt invest and are just shit posting then anons your doing gods work. Me.. Im gonna sit on my 10 MONS wait the 7 days for the test net update and sit back and soak up my cash. I think only a retard could fuck up the concept and earn potential of this game.
OP here.
Shitposts are the best posts.
This is a FUD thread. Notification of the update is here: medium.com
The site is down for maintenance, they said this two days ago.
FUD away.
Aw, it got cuter. Good job autistic biznessman
>This is why kitties is stuck at the level of functionality they had since the start - they never thought of migration
That's not entirely true. They decided to futureproof their kitties as much as possible because they knew that an upgradeable contract was centralized. Kitties have complex genetic data and even you or me could make a kitty battling game right now where every kitty has unique stats based on their genes and the competitors and spectators bet their ETH, and the losing kitty is "burned" (by being held in the contract forever). It's totally modular because each kitties' token ID has all the information you could need.
The reason they went this route is precisely to avoid the kind of "holy shit fuck you scammers" witch hunt that Etheremon is experiencing. The blockchain world is one where if your game is centralized, then is considered a scam. Now literally every time the devs sneeze everyone panics and says they're exit scamming. It's going to take a long time to build the trust back even once this game is finally finished and even after they decentralize the contract in a week.
If the Devs do no updates it's an exit scam!
If the Devs so updates it's an exit scam!
OP is a troll this is not genuine FUD, he is being a faggot but I don't care I am in the green and still getting divs from my 60 Mon slaves.
Lads relax and know you finally got into something either on day one or day two. We are generation zero. The Devs are working their asses off, let them do their work.
Not some 14 year old malaysian kid.
Update: The contract HAS BEEN PAUSED.
It is no longer possible to cash out.
If you think it's a scam then it's too late for you. Personally I think they're just performing the upgrade they said they would perform now.
If they wanted to exit scam why not release a bunch of new moms with withdrawal turned off. Seems like the worst time to exit scam right now.
I completely agree. Just stalking etherscan and keeping Veeky Forums updated as much as possible so people like OP can't cause more panics for their entertainment, as funny as that is.
Kek forbes clearly doesnt understand that this game is the first of its kind.
Its a game build to run on the ethereum virtual machine. I may have fudded, but i've been developing with solidity and working in this space for a while, we truly are in a very good position for getting into this.
The boomers are just mad we are destroying their shit level economy.
So mainstream media is catching on, starting with forbes. Which one is it:
1. We are in on day one of a huge money spinner and now own valuable ETHEREMON slaves.
2. It's an exit scam and / or the Devs don't have the capability to take this further.
I am all cashed out and freerolling but I bet on 1.
It's an exit scam like OP said.
>Stay poor.
Well I can say with 99% certainty that it's not a scam now. The dev is updating the mons.
^ that is the origianl MissingNo. mon that made some anons very rich with its abnormally high return. He just updated it somehow. Haven't read the full transaction; just recognized the ID. It is unclear what this means as he mentioned that they would "fix" that mon eventually.
He's doing something with the BP, my mons all have 0 now.
That's because the reference to the data contract was cleared from the main smart contract. The dev is calling the data contract directly to make these changes. The website reads the main contract which reads the data contract to get info like BP, but since it can't read the data contract we get nothing.
The dev updated MissingNo. 3 times already. This third time it looks like he FINALLY did what he was trying to do the first two times: He has made it uncatchable.
That's right. It is no longer possible to catch MissingNo. #20 unless he updates it again later.
if i want to throw my chips in with etheremon, isn't the best way to wait for a new etheremon release then buyin 100% on the new guy?
also is it possible to figure out how to buy the new mons straight from the smart contract, looked like his web ui was slow at showing them last release
What crypto are you invested in?
Buy LINK my guy.
No new activity yet.
All you fags who bought multiple MissingNo.s might be sitting on a small fortune if these things stay unobtainable when the devs finally get around to adding training. It's going to be the CryptoKitty bugcat all over again. Or maybe they will be untradeable too and totally useless. Who knows?
Yes, if you want the highest returns you want to wait for a new mon and get in early. Only buy an old mon if you think it will be valuable once battling/trading come around.
He's fucking with you and you fell for it, user. He is the OP.
they paid the artist 4 ETH, he's happy as can be now
Interestingly he has not edited #21, the other MissingNo, yet. That's the new one which is completely free and has 100+ BP on average. Maybe that one will stay catchable.
They need to get trading up asap, there is demand for this.
The risk here isn't an exit scam, it's execution by the Devs and the founders. I can see this could be fucking huge but at this stage it is unclear if they can do it. It looks like they are going to try their asses off so let's see what happens. Best thing that could happen from our perspective is a hands on experienced product manager / VC gets involved.
Yep, that's where I stand as well on this game. I made some ETH profit already on the ponzi that it is now, but I want to see it evolve (heh) into more than that, into the game it was supposed to be from the beginning. I'm unsure if the devs are fully capable of pulling it off, but I'm very confidant that they *want* to pull it off, and don't want to scam anyone.
The dev just made mon #1, Dilloom, uncatchable too. Is he going to do this to all of the gen 0 mons now? This is unexpected and I think this might just be a temporary measure as part of the update.
As I write this post a transaction is pending to make #2 uncatchable. Very likely this is going to be all gen 0 mons.
#3 now (Nagee). He's just going down the list it seems.
Uncatchable means we don't get more divs from these Mons BUT we will be able to trade them at crazy values. I can see headlines in faggot mainstream media about 5 figure sale prices of prize mons
Also I hope they don't make them uncatchable. I love having g my slave Mons earningme money while I sleep.
Yeah, I hope so too. Or if they do keep them uncatchable they still have some returns generated through other mons, even if its less.
I'd be more OK with this change if battling and trading was already a thing, but... Well let's just wait and see, I'm still skeptical that they're all going to stay uncatchable by the time the update is complete.
I suspect the purpose of the lockdown is for an update.