Explain to me in five words or more how exactly a single Eldar was able to defeat an entire Tyranid Hive Fleet.
Explain to me in five words or more how exactly a single Eldar was able to defeat an entire Tyranid Hive Fleet
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He's mother fucking maugan ra
The setting has shitty writers.
He's a Phoenix Warrior, duh
He's a big guy
Tyranid player?
Well, you are right
Tau player.
Kind of looking forward to stomping numarines and mining salt since the nerf didn't hurt my army all that much.
40k isn't well thought out.
It was a single Hiveship, you idiot.
And he did it by killing all the synapse creatures which scattered the Tyranid swarm.
Fucking moron.
Pew pew
Stab stab
So he played smart? Good man.
Shoot them till they die
Not that user, but a Tyranid player. Not happy what they've done with my faction, but I wish I could see all the salt you're going to mine with the numarines. Have fun.
That's too many.
OP here, I hope you get the codex you want. Everyone should be able to have fun with this hobby
He's Maugan Ra you faggot. This nigga pulled a craftworld out of the Eye of Terra. He has skulls for shoulders, a skull for a helmet, and since his body is long dead under that armour, he has a skull under his skullmet. His gun is a guitar and he's the most 40K nigga in 40K.
He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
>It was a single Hiveship, you idiot.
That doesn't look like a single hiveship.
But yeah, he killed all the synapse entities.
tyranids are literally the weakest and most cucked faction in the fluff.
Wasn't a tyranid fleet just deleted by Khorne in an instant?
Tyranids are jobbers now.
>the Eye of Terra
It was in the script.
It just works
>tyranids are literally the weakest and most cucked faction in the fluff.
Considering the Swarmlord might've just died a "death of a million choppas" to nameless Orks on Octaria in the first nid wave in the battle of the planet in the Octarius War (or the writers just plain forgot he was there after the 5th edition), cucked and jobbing are definitely good words to describe what's happening to that faction.
>he has a skull under his skullmet
According to Thorpe PL's are hollow husks like rubrics or wraithguard.
>Not happy what they've done with my faction
Try being a Sister and wondering if you're about to be squatted
>Tyranids are jobbers now.
>destroy multiple planets carving a path of destruction wherever they go
>whatever "victory" you get against them is short term
>Imperium needs 400% manpower increase to meet the threat
>either you kill what they want to eat before they get to it or you try and deflect them, making them worse
>more and more arriving from outside, many more that have been seeded rising up
>destroyed multiple SM chapters and brought a major craftworld on its knees forever
>talk about the times when some tendril finally get stopped after brutal losses and sacrifices
You nid fans are the worst.
give me moment
That doesn't make sense.
There have canonically been multiple bodies in those suits, much like Exarchs with their multiple spirit stones. The original soul is just so strong that it subsumes the rest and takes over. Unless the current host is burned away in this process, there should be a body under there, albeit a different one each time the PL 'dies'.
Baller. As. Fuck.
There you go nigga. Got it in 3
Tyranyds suck
Thorpe thinks that PL's absorb exarchs trough magic mumbo-jumbo instead of exarch putting on PL's armor.
I mean Karandras was shown simply repairing his armor by killing exarch.
>everyone should be able to have fun with this hobby
Literally nothing is stopping you but yourself. Even if GW squats your army permanently, the only thing preventing you from having fun is your own decisions to feel victimized.
By teleporting behind them
and GW's hard on for gay space elves beeing overpowered
>That doesn't look like a single hiveship.
Thw olore says it's just a damn ship. It's in the bloody nid dex fffs. READ IT.
>get stopped after brutal losses and sacrifices
But Chaos suffered nothing and sacrificed nothing in the destruction or abduction of that tendril.
My guitar is a gun.
Your argument is invalid.
Shhhhh. You're gonna make him cry.
That's dumb, the codices have always said that a new Exarch dons the armour.
Why is Thorpe so shit?
GW wants Eldar players' money.
That was before the arrival of the chadmarines and rawbooty.
Yes it's true we fucking suck and get shat all the time. But wins for nids equates to the fucking off of chapters, worlds, clans craft worlds etc. Tyranids shouldn't be allowed to win for this reason. However, we exist to make others look fucking awesome when they kick our asses, showing off the best of factions in the worst of times, fighting tooth and nail against an implacable entity that only wishes to destroy and then that faction pulling through the impossible odds in style. This is the fate of the tyranids in the fluff, we will never win but we make everyone look awesome when they beat us. I can deal with this
>might have
Swarmlord Literally never mentioned being there during the latest codex, it was most likely retconned. Just like they retconned having the entire fleet getting wiped out to only having a few ships go searching for more feeding grounds and getting ambushed. And, IIRC, how they retconned Maugan-ra from killing an entire tendril to killing a single hiveship.
But what did happen in that war was the Orks getting wiped out to a boy on Orrok in a day and then the Orks getting BTFO after initially outnumbering the tyranids millions to one on ghorhala.
Then again, literally everyone in the setting except the Tau Jobs hard when the plot demands it, and nobody jobs harder than chaos.
DE are litteraly the most gay space elfs out there, and how good would you say they are ? hmm ?
Maugan is one of the two lords that is still the original one
>forgetting about Bangels and all of their successor chapters
their entire system is wrecked and they where down to their last men before plot armor saved their marketability.
>one instance
Ironically I would have accepted the tau incident first. That's still two cases out of every campaign.
Eldar fagotry poisons biomass
Say that in front the mountain of Khaine corpses off to the corner.
no woman to tie him down, helps ya do shit
>His gun is a guitar and
a guitar AND a scythe
He doesn't have to reload, he has a magic cannon.
Gav also said when they looked into the armour through the holes/puncture it was kinda like looking at galaxies/stars and swirly shit.
When they take on a new "host" the physical part gets absorbed and the soul is just added to the collection.
They have no physical state so to speak, their armour keeps there essence in one piece.
As a side note Gav also had Karandras get dunked by a slow ass dread, you'd think a phoenix lord + Scorpions would know how to fight dreads instead they just let themselves get hit by it's arms rather than jumping on top of it and going to town. Gav can only write Harlequins being badass.
but eldar biomass made zoanthropes
Tyranids are a NPC faction.
He may not be a dakkaface, but he is dead 'ard.
op actually said 5 words or more, not less
>He has a skull under his skullmet
This is why 40k is awesome
A:Because Papa surf said so
B: Ork Snipers
Nidfags deserve to suffer desu, your faction has less place in 40k than the Tau
And nobody would be complaining if it were the Blood Angels that took the Nids down, through suitable heroics.
It's the fact that they were defeated by lolwarpstorm that's the problem.
Did you switch your trolling target halfway though? You spend seven lines building up Tyranids, two lines disparaging people that look down on Tyranids, and cap it off with a non-sequitur bitching about how much you hate fans of Tyranids.
He bent over, flashed his ass and screamed that he'd gladly give said ass to Slaanesh if he survives this encounter.
Because Games Workshop decreed it be so.
And in this picture it says it's a swarm and not "a single hive ship" and the image looks like a tendril..
But noooooo, you are of course more right because of reasons
Because the codex says so, you cuntbag.
The Swarm can be a group of Tyranids of any size.