Socialists at your local game store form a 'game player's union'

>Socialists at your local game store form a 'game player's union'.
>Once mobilized, the players will be able to impose their will on the store owner under threat of boycott.
>The leaders of this budding movement have intimated that your legs might become broken if you don't join.
>Union fees: 20$ a week

What would you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Laugh at their poor understanding of socialism and ethics, leave.

Call the police and have them arrested.

In Uni, I developed the rather chadlike skill of vomiting on command. So probably splatter Cueball with leftover enchilada before declaring Nurgle Ackbar and foetid Jihad.

obtain recording of said threat - call police

laugh at them

>your legs might become broken if you don't join

Hah, GW WILL break my legs if i don't apply, I'll risk it on the might part.

I gather thug in my local hood to form a "nerd rapist's union"

Call them faggots, laugh, and ask how trans-African queer folk dance studies class is going.

>Laugh at their poor understanding of socialism and ethics, leave.
there is so much irony here. this post and ops post make no sense at all.

players already boycott shops that they don't like. store owners already accommodate the wishes of their patrons in order to get business. you can't threaten people with violence without risking serious charges. all of this is free market capitalism and old fashioned thuggery.

Inform them that if they don't like how I run my store, they're welcome to game some place else.

If their agitation persists, inform them that they're no longer welcome in my store and ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave.

If they do not vacate the premises at this point, I call the police and report them for criminal trespassing.

>The leaders of this budding movement have intimated that your legs might become broken if you don't join.
>What would you do?
Thank god this is America where guns and freedom are still things and laugh in their stupid commie faces. Probably get a burger afterwards.

>Thank god this is America where guns and freedom are still things

but foreskins, kinder eggs and white majorities are not.

> >The leaders of this budding movement have intimated that your legs might become broken if you don't join.
Do they realize that I will wear their filthy faces like fucking party masks, right?

But this is america so they will also have guns and probably know how too shoot their ruskie guns.

>Gets stabbed by immigrant
>Pull out kinder egg
>"haha Americans don't have foreskin or kinder eggs"
>Look up racial stats in America
>"Hah...blacks are only 13% of the population in America. How racist!"
>"Not like me!"

Too soon, who gives a shit, and factually incorrect

Didn't I see you in a counter signal meme? With pink hair and a scarf?

>Once mobilized, the players will be able to impose their will on the store owner under threat of boycott.

People already do this

>People already do this

Leftists do maybe.


>American daytime hour thread
>Opens with "socialists"

Okay buddy.

Free market. People have a choice of where they shop. Generally they don't get organized about it but they can. Special Interest groups are huge in American business and politics. You can see this at the most basic level at business review sites like Yelp or the BBB

As a rule, I generally don't like Jewish people because the surgeon that nonconsensually mutilated my penis shortly after birth was Jewish. I don't care about the globalist conspiracy theory, I just want my foreskin back.

>Be american
>Sneeze in direction of a paranoid old coots house
>Get shot in the ensuring gunfight between you, the old man, a passing rabble of foreigners and soccer moms
>Clap vigerously for the blacks using their " we can kill whitey cause history" card AND shooting you in the ameristomach
>Lie dying on the floor, decide to rub one out for good times sake
>Oh wait
>Jews took my foreskin
>corpse later gets sued by israel and the nsa for wrongthinking antisemetic toughts.

Truly the greatest nation on earth.

I am American so I would not join and if threatened, I would shoot my attackers.

Yes, because cartels, trusts and monopolists don't do that. And that goes without mentioning lobbying, the single most powerful force out there.
Hey, "free" market, right?

Outside of the US of A that's called "first degree murder", not "self-defense"

Okay but here in the US, if threatened with physical violence, using firearms for self-defense is considered acceptable, so I'm not sure where you're going with this.

>Generally they don't get organized about it but they can

This is the key indicator.
Organized imposition of will.

>cartels, trusts and monopolists

These things are often made possible by big government rackets and schemes. Take the old railroad monopolies as a paradigm case.

There's no such thing as unionized shoppers

If someone tries to threaten or coerce you, just call the police

>more /pol/shit with thin veneer of Veeky Forums
Why the fuck do you animals keep coming here? We don't go to /pol/ and post thinly-veiled Martials vs Casters threads.

>If someone tries to threaten or coerce you, just call the police

What if the coercion is subtle?

What if the coercion is so subtle, the coercers don't even realize they are coercing?

That'd be an improvement.

tell them to read marx

Maybe we should

Of to lefty/pol/ with you.

Threats of physical violence and physical obstruction of buisnesses are banned by law which means they get to roll their dice in jail for a week or two.

A restrainment order will keep these idiots away after that.

>anti-union bullshit
Do you even keep your own stereotypes straight anymore?

>Leftists do maybe.
Unless you're saying that you are forced to go to Planned Parenthood to get your dick siphoned on the off-chance you get pregnant, everyone does it.

You choose where you shop, and other business will adapt their strategems to steal you as a customer. Welcome to all economics since the 4th millennium, BC.

>non-Hispanic whites
>80% of Hispanics classify themselves as white
>Just like Spaniards and Italians
>which you conveniently left out of the European numbers

Saved for future /pol/ crossposting

>You choose where you shop

Mostly true, and a good start, but shop-keepers should also be given this sort of freedom. Let them pick and choose when it comes to patrons.

Did you forget when conservatives en masse boycotted Target because they allowed trannies into the bathroom of the sex they identify as?

The time has come, I come across from the smaller store two block downs with my Moroccan workers and proceed to do a hostile take over.

It always pains me to see self-proclaimed conservatives employing leftist tactics.


it's called voting with your dollars

it's free market capitalism plain and simple

>free market capitalism is leftist
What in the fuck happened to the American right?

Outside of the USA, it's also much more difficult to have a gun and generaly can't carry it in a fucking store, or in the street.

What is this image supposed to convey?

>boycotts are left-wing tactics

Liberalism really is a mental disorder.

They can always refuse service, and ask people to leave

they are staying in their countries for the most part. but the latinos are making america more southamerican.

The amount of white people as a percentage of the population as per the image is as follows:
French: 85%
British: 87%
Germany: 78%
Italy: 91%
USA: 63%

The image is putting across the point that contrary to many /pol/ posters points that Europe is getting their white people wiped out by darkies, by the numbers given American whites are far more at risk.

>free market capitalism is leftist
>What in the fuck happened to the American right?
When liberals (re: the majority) boycott a company for being homophobic, conservatives whine that it's not fair to persecute a good Christian megacorp, as though people should be required to purchase goods or services from others.

Going your own way is Right.

Going your own way while trying to shut down those who go another way is Left.

So your argument is that a business should have a right to my patronage?

>going your own way while trying to shut down those who go another is something people of all political temperaments do

Trump shut down Clinton & liberals, is he left now?

>When liberals boycott a company for being homophobic, conservatives whine that it's not fair to persecute a good Christian megacorp, as though people should be required to purchase goods or services from others.

literal strawman

try a better argument


>liberals (the majority)

L O fucking L

>America, an aborted European colony, has had a sizable black population for hundreds of years and has been facing immigration from Mexico for half a century is 63% white
>Germany, the heartland of Europe has been importing non-white immigrants for like a year and is already below 80% white

Yeah, European countries like Germany and France are fucked.

I go down to the games workshop and recruit a bunch of fascist space Catholics and have ourselves a rumble.

>What in the fuck happened to the American
American politics is closer to a zoo than a slider.

You must understand. We live in a world where everything is tainted by the left.

Everything is left, but some groups/people are more left than others.

> Germany and France are fucked

Raped, actually.

If everyone is left, nobody is.

I can't believe you're actually arguing this.

Nigga do you even know who Theodore Roosevelt is?

> boycott
Since when do they boycott as opposed to running aggressive smear campaigns and social pressure?

If a right-winging time-traveler from the year 1800 traveled to our time, would he find any kindred spirits? Very few I should think.

The march of history is a leftward one--our betters call it progress.

>by the numbers given American whites are far more at risk
At risk of what? We're not going to do anything to you guys.

>Brown people
>Government officials actual doing their jobs
Am I missing anyone on the list of people the Right has shut down?

He may have waged war against the property holders, but his successes were limited--in part because of how intertwined business and political interests were (and are).

Each other.

>shut down

as a professor of TransAf queer folk dance, It pisses me off greatly how many faggots keep ruining the field

>>The leaders of this budding movement have intimated that your legs might become broken if you don't join.

I "intimate" that I might fire 7 rounds of hollow point .45 ACP into the first of those commie fucks to try.

we are going to start getting kinder eggs soon.

>Implying alt-rightlets don't try to shut down people who disagree with them

Those are clearly majors in transsexual basket-weaving with minors in rolling in feces

>.45 acp
What are you, a girl?

Leftists never have guns, and the ones that do don't know how to use them.

This is America.

Right wingers in the 1800 were either racist isolationists or racist expansionists. They certainly would find "kindred spirits"

I don't disagree. All popular movements are Left.
"The People" is a leftist construct.


That would greatly improve that shitpile, for sure.

Name literally one example.

I've got dozens of examples of the loony left trying to shut down free speech.

Isn't it sad that the side that yells so hard about "muh free speech" is the same side that's so unironically fascist?

>be European
>local "Asian" gang abducts my child every day after school and widens her asshole, beats her teeth out
>complain to the police
>the police fine me for racism against Muslims and threaten further criminal charges
>later, the "asian" neighbors come over and threaten to cut my throat, as the police courteously informed them I was a racist

Such a forward-thinking land

"try it faggot"

Congratulations you've made left a meaninglessness word.

Even worse, a fudd

That's only in bongland.

Yes, in Germany they just seize your house to give it to rapefugees and engage in mass conspiracies to cover up spree raping and sexual assaults on public holidays.

Faggot bible babbys crying about muh jeezus get their fee fees hurt when someone says something that they don't qgree with and often try to censor them

Shia LaBeouf & Milo.

Alt right abandoned & jettisoned Milo at the drop of a hat, pretty pathetic.

Is it really meaningless if it admits to degrees?

>All popular movements are Left.

>the fact that the numbers don't support my claims only proves they're true!!!!

how is not just a banned and removed thread

why does this really blatant /pol/ bait not get deleted?

>this corporate policy goes against my religious values, let's protest target
