Praise Allah Tyranids are awesome again
Warhammer 40k Tyranids
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Cool thanks. Any rules?
>Stranglethorn Cannon does d6 shots. for every 10 models in a unit, the wielder gets +1 to hit. range 36"; S 7; AP -1; D 2
>Heavy Venom Cannon: range 36"; D3 shots *if i remember right* S 9; AP -2; D d3
>Adrenal glands add 1 to advance and charge range. Toxin sacs: rolls of 6 make 2d
>Rupture Cannon: S 10; AP -1; D d3; heavy 2. If it hits with both shots, they get AP -4; D d6. And if Tyrannofex stands still, all his weapons can fire twice
>Tyrannofex has T 8; 14 or 16 W
>Tyrannocyte can transport 20 infantry models or 1 monstrous Creature with max 14 wounds
>Zoanthropes: Warp Blast has become a special rule that makes smite spell do d3 additional mortal wounds *looks like all psykers have smite* Neurothrope makes zoanthropes regain d3 wounds when they kill with smite. Zoanthropes also cost 40 points now. if the unit is 4+ models, they can cast 2 psychic powers
>Maleceptor has T8; 14 wounds; armor save 3+. You can chose to use its own psychic power and it targets a number of enemy units depending on how many wounds it still has. Roll 1 dice for the enemy units: on a 1 nothing happens. on a roll of 2+ the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound
>Trygon: T 6; 14 W; movement 8
>Toxicrene: T 8; 14 W; 3+ armor save. One ability it has makes you roll a d6 for every enemy model within 1 inch. on a roll of 6, the enemy suffers a mortal wound
>Zoanthropes can all warp blast for 2d3 mortal wounds
That seems terrifying
>Maleceptor deals 1 mortal wound to each nearby unit on a 2+
Meanwhile that seems pretty underwhelming. At least it seems more durable now
The Maleceptor now has some utility. This is good.
>67 points
>M7" WS4+ S6 T7 W8 A4 3+
>It doesn't degrade
>if charge does mortal wound on a 4+
>Crushing claws are Sx2 AP-3 damage 3
>Monstrous Scything Talons S: User AP-3 damage 3
>Bonemace S8 Ap-1 d3 damage.
>If with 2 weapons +1 attacks
>2 Scything talons reroll 1 to hit.
>old one eye: 10w r7
>ws3+, gives +1 to hit on carnifices within 6
>his charge does d3 mortal wounds on a 4+ instead of 1
>each attack that hits generate another attack to resolve with the same weapon against the same target
Keep in mind if the Zoans get a 10+ on the warp charge roll, they deal 3d3 mortal wound.
or d6+d3 actually
anyone have grey knight rule??
I haven't played since 4th but dusting off my nids in anticipation. Is this the cheapest genestealers have ever been??
>mfw I sold off my nids earlier this year but i'm tempted to pick more up for 8th edition
What made the Maleceptor so bad in the last edition and how has it improved?
>43 point difference between tyrant and prime
it's bad in every single possible way.
>Praise Allah
No thanks, I don't want anything to do with a paedophile's death cult.
Tyrants have more expensive options than Primes, there's a "Monstrous Bonesword" in the wargear list etc.
It's more expensive than a Riptide while having a 4+ armor save and pretty useless psychic powers
>>Rupture Cannon: S 10; AP -1; D d3; heavy 2. If it hits with both shots, they get AP -4; D d6. And if Tyrannofex stands still, all his weapons can fire twice
>1/2 chance of getting 2 hits at s10 -4 d6
sounds good, where's the catch?
The catch is that it's only AP -1 baseline, so if you target something big and miss one of the shots it'll be really mediocre
236 Point Haruspex? What have they done to this sexy beast?
Simply put, it was an overcosted MC with infantry speed and mediocre combat ability that paid a premium for a really underwhelming psychic power that drained Warp Charge faster than GW through your (parent's if underage b&) bank account.
Consider that to get a 2 WC power off, you must spend 3 WC for 50% odds. Attempting to use the power 3 times=9 WC. To get 50% odds of sniping a key model, you spent 5 WC per casting, for up to 15(!) WC.
For 30 points less, you could run a Zoanthroape unit with Neurothrope, which got a better Invulnerable save, and a better cover-busting power that also generated extra Warp Charge to still use your Warp Blast to blow holes in another unit.
>W13 T8 S7(less if damaged)
>if it kills gains an extra attack and wound
>its claws are Sx2 ap-3 dd6
>upon death with a 6 it "explodes", inflicting 3 mortal wounds to an unit within 3"
>acid blood: each time it's wounded on a 6 it inflicts a mortal wound
>3 attacks hit on 2+, s6, 4 wounds, 5+, gains +2 armour when in cover instead of 1, is hit with a -1 penalty, can reroll charge when deep striking
-1 to be hit for infantry.
haruspex looks like a beast
I..I don't know what to say.
I'm so happy.
So, so happy.
Allah forbids the construction of statuary.
I believe a muslim wargamer would be obliged to behead himself.
they seemed to have really put a lot of buff on genestealers
not sure why, they were fine
>they were fine
leaving the bait aside and biting around it, probably because they have a whole rather popular sub-army that should stand on thanks to them
Now I just want a pyrovore/biovore kit, a shrikes kit and a lictor kit...k thanx
wasn't bait, i never played 7th edition
they always had higher stat than most characters of other armies, and being cheap for it
Remember the weapons cost need to be added to the model. those base costs are without weapons or any "stuff"
>pyrovore/biovore kit with new weapon types: acid cutter for pyros and cluster mortar for biovores
>shrike kit gets you skyswarm rippers and the not!parasite of mortrex
>lictor has deathleaper bits and alternate unit of psychic manipulators
for fuck sake GW they sculpt themselves
Regaining wounds and getting attacks should be on a 6 or something like Khorne Daemon Princes in WHFB otherwise it will literally never die in a fight against squishier units.
Sure, but there's some solid improvements visible already. Warrior base 20 and Shrikes base 26 is excellent when BS+LS are this cheap
and thats like the point of it
Giant maw, devours soldiers.
I love it.
>maleceptor doesn't get an invulnerability save
oh well mortal wounds are all over the place anyway.
but jesus christ tyranids are looking so freaking good in general, I cant decide which big bugs to bring!
I bought 300 bucks of nyds because of this edition. I basically stopped playing at 6th.
It feels just so good.
>Implying warriors with bonesword + lashwhip and scything talons at 22 points is bad
I really want to kit out a bunch of cheap close combat warrior broods now. 20-24 points for 3 wounds just rushing people down is going to be scary to deal with in large numbers
good old CC warriors coming back !
to bad they probably won't have jumping and flesh hooks biomorphs
happy chirp noise
>adrenal glands increase charge range
>charge out of deep striking is even more probable
41.66% of success isn't bad
I wonder if we have fleet-like rules allowing reroll.
who needs flesh hooks when you always strike first on charge and lash whip is dirt cheap and makes them always strike first anyway?
also now that they dont get insta-popped by missile launchers, and tyranid prime being the cheapest HQ choice (likely making them hit on 2+ if he kept his old buff) I foresee warrior spam making up the core of a lot of nid armies
The thought of the dice being on your side and your tidal wave a good 60% of your army into close combat in one turn.
Flesh hooks are on the ranged weapons list, and for only 2 points they might do something pretty good, especially since they don't take up arm slots.
Also, we saw the rules for the Magna Grapple for Blood Angels, which was +2 to charge rolls against vehicles, and that's the same sort of deal where you fire a harpoon to reel something in. Flesh hooks might have a similar benefit against infantry.
So, Carnifexes are viable now? What a time to be alive
Brb buying a squad of carnifexes and a trygon
Haruspex seems way too good, it's gonna overshadow every other MC, especially in a drop-pod. bother with a Carnifex or Venomfex, etc
This is exactly why all the stupid bloated monster shit should have never existed, we have way too many and it's impossible to balance everything with the others.
Freaky femanons the world over rejoice
Carnifexes are dirt cheap at 87 a pop with dual scything talon and shit out mortal wounds on charge.
I think both will have their place
Scything Talons seem shit on the carnifex now that it got nerfed to S6. Crushing Claws is best friend now.
Its still extra attacks at AP -3, 3 damage
Nid Monster list should have been:
>The HQ's
>Crone for anti-air
>Fex for smashing shit
>Tyrannofex for shooting. (and it's kit makes the Tervigon )
>Trygon Prime for tunnels and Synapse (fuck the basic Trygon no one cares)
>Mawloc for it's special attack
>Miotic Drop-pod for obvious reasons
All the rest are not only garbage-tier models (Haruspex, Maleceptor) they have no reason to exist and just bloat the codex. if they hadn't released all that rubbish we would have plastic biovores, lictors, etc by now.
WTF? Why point values like 31 or 24? Gonna be hell trying to come up with lists that even out.
if he were white you'd be totally okay with his pedophilia
Actually, the Toxicrene isn't a bad model, i could accept him as the 'poison cover save' type guy.
But the rest can fuck off
No I wouldn't, you Mudslime apologist.
Child-fuckers will get the rope. Brown, white, yellow or red - if you fuck kids, you're dead.
Guys can we keep the /pol/ shit out of the nids thread.
No one was seriously praising Allah it's a goddamn meme.
>garbage-tier models (Haruspex, Maleceptor)
>hating on the maleceptor
the only thing that sucks about the brainbug is its rules
So, who are the big winners in the nid department this edition?
I feel like carnifexes are really solid and spammable now. Trygon seems also nice
The Haruspex and Maleceptor are fucking gorgeous models bruv. If anythings bloating the Codex it's shit like Hive Crones and Harpies being two different flying creatures for no reason, or the Trygon vs Trygon Prime thing which I agree with you on, or needing to make a separate profile entry for Shrikes and "sky-slashers" even though they don't have fucking models yet and not just making Wings a simple biomorph upgrade.
Warriors are dirt cheap and without ID they're pretty tanky, give them boneswords + lashwhip and scything talons and run those fuckers into melee.
Genestealers are ded killy if you can get them into melee, although 5++ is still squishy as hell
Biovore is a monstrous cheap anti tank artillery gun
Zoanthropes are cheap mind bullets turned up to 11
Carnifexes are cheap and spammable MC that will wreck shit
Hauruspex is rediculous because it basically cant die once it gets into melee
Swarmy is ded killy and makes your army even faster with hive commander.
Even more evidence that 8th will Save 40k
12ppm Genestealers with 4 different buffs (more base speed, more attacks, Run-charge, and an invuln save for less points than before, holy fucking SHIT nigger)
23ppm BS/LW Warriors with adrenal glands
101ppm Adrenal screamer-killers
The brain / faceplate is okay.
But everything below that is awful, look at the ball joints on it's rending claws, that shit is Rat Ogre levels of bad, and the talons look so awkward. Terrible model
Oh they should have axed Sky-slashers and Shrikes all together. some of the most redundant entries ever
I also want to throw the Pyrovore into the same list, but i could accept him if we got a decent plastic doublekit
>calling a paedophile a criminal is /pol/
we are truely doomed
>3 zoanthropes are mandatory now
>I only have 2 (one from 2nd edition and one from 5th)
>cant decide if I'm gonna buy a zoanthrope pack of 3 or a maleceptor on friday
That's not what the post was about and you know it. It's the autistic REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE MUDSLIMES DEUS VULT because someone jokingly said "Allah"
>Talking about stupid irrelevant shit in a thread you don't belong in
Yeah that's /pol/ alright. Now fuck off.
But those aren't BIG MONSTERS, silly!
Muhammad was literally a paedophile, though.
Where are you getting "autistic screeching" from? All he did was call a spade a spade.
I bet you haven't even read the Kuraan.
>>lictor has deathleaper bits and alternate unit of psychic manipulators
And maybe they can sculpt one that's actually scary again like the 2e version that still had fucking teeth
Strength 12 friend
Carnifex base strength was nerfed to 6
>implying bringing up some shit about islam in a completely unrelated thread isn't autistic screeching
>That seems terrifying
Keep in mind that smite is pretty easy for your opponent to manipulate. It must always target the nearest visible unit within 18". So they'll absolutely rip apart armies composed entirely of elite stuff but anyone with access to fodder and/or the range to keep their expensive stuff back has much less to fear. Plague Zombies will be particularly good against Zoanthropes.
How about pyrovores? I'm curious to see what's happened to them,
>You can chose to use its own psychic power and it targets a number of enemy units depending on how many wounds it still has. Roll 1 dice for the enemy units: on a 1 nothing happens. on a roll of 2+ the enemy unit suffers a mortal wound
what range? They described this as a psychic sniper, so it's probably 12" or some shit right?
Fuck, and I gave my warriors deathspitters because 7th was the shooting edition..
True, though I'd imagine you'd want your thropes babysitting something else anyway, so a squad of termagaunts nearby to help clear out any chaff would be enough to help them out.
Still great for focusing fire on hard targets, and even against those plague zombies you're still looking at a nice handful dying each turn.
>not magnetizing Warriors
What are you some kinda scrub
Same, but i do have 2 with swords. No whips though
What do Tyrant Guard do? got a resin one in the box, thinking of making it now
Also Hive guard. any idea how they are? they were my favorite shooting unit
>What do Tyrant Guard do?
.........They Guard Tyrants, user.
>Nid fans are happy
I feel like I'm in a crazy parallel universe.
hmm, str 6 carnifex doesnt sound very fexy.
i guess its fine, fexes in their old role have been replaced by the giatn tunnel worm thing
Safe to say Tyrant guard have a special rule that makes enemy shooting priorize them over Tyrants if they're closer.
Funny how fans of a faction can be pleased when someone bothers to put in the small modicum of effort to actually write rules that make sense and aren't designed specifically to shit on them to satisfy some manchild's grudge.
The crushing claws make up for it, though.
S6 fex is a little weak but low strength isn't as bad anymore as it used to be with the new Wound chart and it's closer to how the original version of the screamer-killer fex was at S7.
and the pose
and the textures
and the back plating that irks my autism
>tau toned down slightly
>nids fucking buffed
>Demon bullshit addressed
>formations gone
>system bloat being addressed
The only thing that will make this god tier is eldar nerfbat
I believe in you geedubs
>tentacles aren't scary
not that I disagree with you, but I don't agree with you
Yay tyranids.
Where are the ork leaks?
I magnetized my MCs as I thought Qarriors are shit rither way.
Well, seems like I have to cut off the arms and magnetize them then
>even the shills forget about the npc faction
Just use deathspitters i guess
What do they do? anyone seen Raveners rules?
>and the pose
all the monstrous creatures aside from hive tyrant and carnifex have shit poses if you dont mod them a little.
>and the textures
same texture as every other tyranid MC model? It's just a matter of painting it properly.
>and the back plating that irks my autism
whats wrong with its back plating?
Whoever is doing the leaks please take a picture of the Emperor's Champion, I need to see it!.
>nid fans happy
>tau fags BTFO
What a time to be alive