Arms and Armor Thread
what styles of armor do you guys prefer? Something about brigandines with a sallet forms the perfect combo for me
Arms and Armor Thread
what styles of armor do you guys prefer? Something about brigandines with a sallet forms the perfect combo for me
I just love sallet helms.
Coat of plates is so aesthetic
I like the idea of an armored poncho. Not for fighting, just to put on an escort with a helmet and call that "protected".
Monster Hunter has really sold carapaces to me. Even if the flexibility wouldn't help, I like the look of connected carapace segments on the forearm.
Are tassets ever weighted to shift your center of gravity?
not intentionally, armor was always made to be as light as possible while maintaining strength. You wouldn't be doing nearly as much acrobatics as a monster hunter as a knight.
Dendra all day
Unless, y'know, the chariot breaks down.
What's a good book to start learning about this stuff?
You gotta be WAY more specific.
>Skipping Leg Day: The Armor
His leg armour is a whole chariot.
What you want is a "Bishop's Mantle", which was essentially a maille poncho. Popular in the 15/16thC, especially in Germany and Ireland if memory serves me.
I'd post a pic, but the only ones I can find are for ants so I won't waste the slot and will instead provide a link.
Note the double band of latten links around the edge for decoration and that the collar uses a much finer/denser set of links than the rest of the garment.
closeup on the neck part to show the finer weave
and the full size pic
Tonlets are pure sex.
Not posting dick plate.
>I'll do it with my spear and magic helmet!
Anyone know the name of that style of plate armor where the top of breast plate juts out sort of triangularly? The one that gets posted from time to time when someone complains about boobplate?
How about getting a blacksmith to break apart weapons you find such as daggers, swords and axes, and use the shards to make your armor the spikiest thing ever? Blade shard armor. Become the weapon.
Have fun trying to put it on without hurting yourself.
I've heard they were actually pretty easy to move in and that the whole "can only be used in chariots" thing is a myth.
"I don't know enough about this to know what was vague about that question," and that's as specific as I can get.
kiw the wabbit!
Works alright as a quick armor primer.
no idea user, but I do have some pics
That's actually really close to what I'm looking for, if not it.
But there's a specific name to it. Something German, iirc.
10/10 would kill da wabbit with again
>he didn't know about cosplay girls
Ming mountain pattern
Chinese armor is so rad.
I shall save this thread
Not getting a closer look.
but she has purity seals user
Also available in somewhat less angular.
Given the context though I wonder if it it might not be this one you're thinking of. Early 16th century, no real name for the style.
I'm starting ACL/IMFC and those helmets weigh up to 15 lbs.
Beautiful body armor but that helmet would provide practically nothing, especially without any facegaurd. Get a cage and a chainmail coif infront of that and hope you dont get smashed in the 5mm temple
For the PK GF
Its like youd even need to shoot them after getting speared... On the other hand I'm thinking of lawbringer taking mixed with heavy weapons guy finger kills
I always like the idea of non-metal armors despite knowing how impracticably they really are
Thick Linens and Cloths, harden woods and leathers just always seem like an interesting idea.
Is there a recommended beginners guide or wiki for obtaining a set of armor?
Nah, kastenburst was it.
Thanks for the help. Here, have a breastplate in return.
"Arms and Armor of the Medieval Knight" by Edge&Paddock, and "European Weapons and Armour" by Oakeshott might be decent places to start for European stuff. Just keep in mind that Oakeshott has a few oddish ideas (sword vs rapier, flamberge, less fond of later armour), but then again, study things enough and you'll probably find a few things to disagree with in any book, including the one you just wrote.
Layered fabric has seen extensive historical use, so it's probably quite far from impractical, though it probably tended to be the armour you had rather than the armour you wished you had. Unless I'm mistaken it's also exactly what a soft bulletproof vest is.
Leather's seen some use, though not as extensive as much fiction would have us believe of course. A buff coat seems like it'd be a very light and mobile armour that still manages to stop a lot of those minor, more or less accidental hits that'd cut to the bone without it.
Wood, well, that does seem damn rare. Might be for a good reason.
Maximilian armour has space for DDs without any modifications. Why'd you need boob armour?
>real boobplate
>worn by a man ( male )
but impure thoughts
How effective were two handed axes against plate armor compared to polearms, great swords, flails, and hammers. Would the weight behind the blows be enough to cause significant damage while still maintaining effectiveness.
I've always wondered if someone could tell me more about pic related.
what style of armor would you be interested in? If you want chainmail, custom chainmail is a good source. If you want good armor, I like the appearance of armor from
Kastenbrust is the word you're looking for.
Three questions:
>1: What is the purpose?
Living history? Historic combat? Costume/decoration?
>2: What period/culture?
This narrows things down a lot
>3: What is your budget?
You are looking at several thousand years of technological development, over the entirety of human kind.
Medieval Europe? Bronze age Japan? A time period and culture makes life easier, elsewise, you can literally spend your whole life researching armour made of dead seals and carribou by inuit.
>another ''''''''''''arms'''''''''''' and armor thread with no arms
Post weaponfus.
Ren faire
15-16 century landsknecht.
500-1000$ depending on if I buy it at once or over several seasons
Considering buying a breastplate and then sewing the rest of the outfit, ignoring the rest of the armor if it's too pricy
I'll fix that in a minute.
>Ren faire
The various armours are easily acquired for a reasonable price, but the clothing is the price breaker and sticking point. Armour can be piecemeal: A simple skull cap and a breastplate is common. You can add a maille mantle and gauntlets, tassets, etc.
Serious question: Do you want living-history level, 16thC German slash-and-puff, or do you want high-end Renfest costume that looks right to the untrained eye, and is easier to modernly wear and care for? There is no shame in it for your use.
Post your sexiest weapon. Weapons you would make love to.
Honestly your picture is almost ideal. Thanks for the inspiration
I'm not looking for historical perfection, a step above average ren faire level.
I'm guessing the cloth parts are recommended to do your self?
And I not too familiar with terminology to answer your question completely, apologies
>I'm not looking for historical perfection, a step above average ren faire level.
Well, don't use that pic in your post as a standard.
How good is your sewing?
Somewhat related: Make a hat. Put it over this
I have an absolute boner for straight swords. Like to the point where in games, tabletop and Vidya alike, if I find a weapon that's better than my current weapon, I will not use it if it isn't a straight sword.
I'll use shortswords, longswords, broadswords, bastard swords, greatswords. If it is a sword with an edge on both sides and is straight, I love it. Post straight swords that I can jerk it to
I knew I saved this for a reason
Heavy plate armor was usually used on horseback. In that case, a polearm would be the most effective, of course.
If the heavy plated warrior is fighting you on equal footing, I think a heavy blunt weapon would be better. Slicing or piercing weapons would have a hard time passing through the metal.
>Krishna, where is your weapon?
>I am the weapon