Pathfinder General /pfg/

Pathfinder General /pfg/

Enduring Legacy Edition:
What character had left the greatest legacy in your campaign?

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Fuck DHB is awful. I can't understand anyone who doesn't acknowledge him as being garbage as having more than half a brain. His homebrew his shit, his characters are shit, he's shit. Fucking hell. How do we remove the DHB problem and purge the last shitty homebrewer from our general?

Fuck off m8

Wait so you faggots LIKE playing rocket tag??

I do not understand the point of setting up a battle mat and moving Miniatures around if you're going to kill everything or be killed in one round of combat. You might as well free-form roleplay and save everyone the trouble by flipping a coin.

>all of /pfg/ is one person

nigga we have people who play and they can't even one-round CR-4 monsters, and they ENJOY this.

er NE and LE, my bad

"I have absolutely nothing against the prevalent tone of the characters written thus far, but I am concerned that the applicants are stifling their creativity in an attempt to conform to a restrictive mold that I never meant to exist. Ultimately, I am going to want to recruit a party of players with diverse passions, philosophies, and yes, tones, and so many applicants piling onto the same general areas in each of these regards is making things more difficult for me and making competition harder than it needs to be for you. Take, for example, the character philosophy of "I want to be an inspiration to the common people that they too can be heroic and achieve their dreams", this is a great angle, but it could describe one of a dozen or more applicants at this time, and thus every new applicant which chooses that angle is in direct competition with those apps for a single slot (maybe two or three at most) rather than in competition for one of six slots."

Fuck me.

Only shit GMs design rocket tag combats.

You were one of them, weren't you?


And only shit players design alpha strike builds?


I'm currently evaluating how bad this problem effects Ryoko and how to clarify what she means to represent, aka justice.

Don't knock alpha strikes, user.

>the Princess is willing to acept evil, lewds, tyrants, charming rogues, paladins, and Heroes of the People and stuff them all into one party
This truly is Entertainment of an Autistic Princess isn't it? inb4 the Princess got possessed by some Daemon who just wants to watch the world burn

It was more funny how much DHB got shit on for "YOU'RE NOT A HERO", now this happens.

DHB's still weak. People weren't shitting on him for not being a heroic hero, people were shitting on him for not being a real protagonist.

Either the paladin who discovered a way to locate lich phylacteries using divination without actually knowing the phylactery, only the lich or the necromancer character before him who discovered a way to make fake phylacteries that are beacons for divination.

have you tried not being a weeb

>Ryoko wasn't heroic enough
>Rinta wasn't heroic enough
>Jericho wasn't heroic enough
>CCC wasn't heroic enough
>Rodrick wasn't heroic enough

Fucking hell its hilarious right now

Rodrick and Jericho are still weak
Ryoko isn't affected at all.
CCC and Rinta suddenly go from strong but flawed to top tier.
People like Niccolo and Kino get boosted too.

I tried not being a weeb once, it was awful.

I don't even know why it was so hard for those people crowing about tone to understand, considering that from the outset it talked about "defining" a hero.

Selective memory kicking in there? He has probably the strongest philosophy until he changed it for hero fags.

So who has this character philosophy locked up then? Ceraphine? Derrin?

>the strongest philosophy
"Defend the old king" is a strong philosophy for finding a new culture?

>CCC and Rint are both guaranteed picks now
I didn't want to play in Protag's game anyways.

Ceraphine and Derrin, probably.

>people thought the celeb apps wouldn't get picked
>people thought protag wasn't helping out his discord buddies

One of the two, maybe both.
It's actually hilarious how strong they are now that being vaguely evil is no longer a minus. Fuck they even have the appeal of their ideal being so clean and naive-sounding that the Autism Princess probably gets giddy at it
>everyone should be friends!
>everyone should be a dreamer!

"The will of the royalty needs to be absolute." was more his thing.

Probably both, but I'd give the edge to Ceraphine because she isn't going to end up being a fucking novel.

I can kind of see wist being discord (but everyone loves Wist), but isn't Kawase universally hated on there?

The response I always see to this is 'bb ut it makes the players pick and choose their battles it's supposed to be lethal that's how it was intended (MUH OSR)'

Having played a lot of 3.5e, ST and Exalted in particular, easily spammed nuclear options refuce gameplay to complete shit. Either you throw several of your ' challenging encounter' at the party or you know sell all of their abilities by making up immunities and homebrew encounters, which of course upsets the majority of players who find themselves invalidated and their abilities denied, feeling utterly hopeless.

An ideal combat is one that actually has a purpose and as some back and forth between the players and the dungeon master, one that isn't too short but doesn't overstay its welcome.

>Isn't Kawase universally hated
Not really, and even if he was, Protag seems to pretty universally like everyone so it probably wouldn't matter.

This General has become so incestuous and off-topic I really think it should be pruned or banned. Do you guys even listen to yourselves? You talking about some stupid unrelated bullshit from a Discord server that has nothing to do with the general topic discussion. I don't care if there's no new content to gab about take all this discussion elsewhere because it really has absolutely nothing to do with the game itself.


People are hyped about a pathfinder game
Go find something to talk about

>but isn't Kawase universally hated on there?
No, that reputation mostly comes from the shitposting that happened in the general rather than the discord itself. That first impression is likely to follow Kawase for the rest of his days here, though.

My question is how to do that at mid to high levels. PF combat follows a lot of assumptions and eventually every mook and minion needs to be invisible, flying, have blindsight, four actions a round, 50% miss chance, SR fuck you and a spammable SoL to even be worth rolling init for.

>People talking about Pathfinder games isn't Pathfinder
>user REEEEEEEEEES like the autist he is.
Here's a (You) for the road, don't spend it all in one place.

How autistic do you even have to be to have this opinion?

Do you think socialization has no merit if it isn't for the purpose of sharing technical information?

This is a group of people sharing common interests and having fun together, the common interest is pathfinder games, what on earth is there to complain about?

I'm strictly non-Discord and the only reason I'd have to dislike Kawase is because you fuckers keep spilling your drama into the thread.

Kawase seems to actively avoid posting about Discord, a few threads ago he basically told someone defending him to fuck off and leave it in Discord

Some of the most fun combat I've had in the system is against a ton of mooks that can go down in 1-2 hits, with one "beefy guy" that requires focus fire. "One big baddie" is a fucking meme. Granted, this is also assuming PoW, which gives a few easier ways

>mfw he fucking explodes after two shots
>mfw I forgot all about this fag and his stolen builds
>mfw 4+ years of memories of that shit game

truly, shit games are the best way to have fun

Irrelevant. You've turn this into a thread for discussing someone else's game that you're not even a part of and has no presence here and very little related to the actual game or discussion of the game this General was created for. Doesn't this strike you as a little pathetic? You are one step away from being the same as a Veeky Forums general. All that is missing is posting screenshot reaction faces and saying stupid shit about who is and is not lewd. Isn't it also embarrassing that you're talking about someone else's game instead of pursuing your own? If this game in question had players or the dungeon master coming here and asking about advice or talking about stats or anything actually relevant to Pathfinder that would be one thing but that is not the case. I pray for this generation who lives vicariously through others, be at streamers or people simply posting about their games on an anonymous image board, because it's really fucking sad.

Everyone that disliked him, disliked him enough to leave. Note that the active people on Discord these days are totally different from even just a month ago. They've all moved on. Kawase's nonstop blabbering about dumb shit nobody could ever care about was a big part of that schism.

You don't need to stay.

Go back to /reddit/

I mean to say, I don't dislike Kawase, if I did it's because you fuckers keep posting about Discord shit that needs to stay there.

I have zero problem with talking about /pfg/ games or /pfg/ characters, I can even get behind discussing certain "thread" personalities. Just keep the Discord specific stuff off, it's another chat venue, the assumption I have at least is that the discussion there is internal, and it muddles up the thread where-as most character discussion can be caught up on by other posters.

Discord makes things personal instead of professional and that is the fucking worst.

Minions are great, its more gameplay and builds that one shot anything regardless of aeverity and players who are so paranoid that they demand this is how it has to be because they don't want to feel threatened. Dungeons & Dragons in Pathfinder exhibit this quite a bit although Exalted exemplifies it .

Broodie isn't even in the Discord anymore.

Reminder that using Discord, or any other off-site chatroom, was a mistake.

That I upset you so much is all the more reason for me to stay and try and drag you Poor Unfortunate Souls back into the light of actual social interaction and actually engaging the hobby.

>Jericho's app updated

I'm convinced Jericho and CCC are lengthining their apps just to be the longest or some shit it's ridiculous.


Oh hell naw.

DHB won't beat me for the title of maximum-over-autist.

Derrin's backstory just got 3 pages longer!

It's almost as if Protag gave him a little more rope and DHB decided to use it to hang himself.

Anyone who hasn't gotten a PM
>Also, I am aware that I am falling behind on a lot of PMed requests for reviews or setting information. If you are one of the applicants waiting on a response to such a thing, rest assured that you are not forgotten. I've been extremely busy the past few days but will have tomorrow off and plan on getting on top of my backlog then.

What would you say are the odds on Jericho getting in? Part of the reason I haven't applied is specifically because my character would be in direct competition.

So how many "new threads" need to be plastered on this board for all them, including this one, to get nuked faster than the circle jerking "muh /pfg/ gaymes" can cum to a new bamboozle?

Has anyone here applied to Ironfang and Essentia? I like the look of both of them
This is you right now user. You can do better then this.

>TFW you let DHB cuck you out of finishing your application by getting into a length war


Are you complaining about general threads or./pfg/?

Depends if the mod is awake, sometimes a completely fine thread with actual discussion anyway gets nuked for no reason even when it's the only thread around.

Not interested in Ironfang, Essentia is getting shit on for being low magic.

Nigga there's no fucking content to talk about because the leaks for new books haven't come in yet and trying to talk about Avowed devolves into people screeching autistically the moment someone makes a joke about paws. People are instead talking about the game they WANT TO JOIN because that's the only "new" thing there. The thread is full of faggots, but Veeky Forums is ALWAYS full of faggots.

>back into the light of actual social interaction and actually engaging in the hobby
It's literally what these retards are doing RIGHT NOW. Games get set up all the fucking time. People are getting together to talk about the games they're hoping to play or are playing right now.

>They've all moved on
Did they really start a new discord over whatever happened in there?

Pretty low. People complained about Jericho not because the tone was wrong, but because it was just a shit app. DHB doubling down on the shit doesn't make his odds any better.

I am complaining about his particular thread having become a spitting contest and people who care for neither side or want to at least see a cohesive discussion about things being caught in the middle, catching the drops.

Everyone calm down he added like 2 sentences and the picture an user drew for him.

Then 3 extra pages will ensure I win the title!

the picture looks really bad

I'm waiting for doubters to get BTFO.

>JohnnyJohnJohnnyJohnson applied with THICC

Did you actually expect anybody with talent to be one of DHB's clingers?

I encouraged them to make their own games and then recruit people and not gab about it here for days on end. Be the change they want to see. This is all one pathetic circle-jerk at this point and there's no reason for this General to exist until you move on elsewhete or do something that is relevant to the topic.

>Rory applies with a Titty Witch
>Agathion-blooded Assimar


Watch as Rodrick gets in but CCC, Ceraphin, Derrin, and Rinta get shoved

>thicc titty witch
fuck yes.

The picture is shit. Fuck DHB. God he is shit.

The odds of this being a bamboozle just doubled.

>be the change they want to see
There's almost 40 applications for Flower Court, at least 30 are from /pfg/ goers. It can easily be that almost the entire thread is applying to that game, they don't need change they're just hoping to get in.

The art is shitty for an Agathion-Blooded Aasimar anyway.

So! I've gotten it into my head to give kineticist a try. I've heard that it's one of those classes where a lot of the options are underwhelming, but are there any fun choices or builds you'd recommend?

Hey Vult.

>bully DHB time
Can a man be bullied to death because shit I'm gonna try.

Just watch Protag's going to troll everyone, including Vult himself.

Yes but they're THICC

Option A: Don't play a fucking kineticist they're awful
Option B: Pray to god your GM lets you use 3pp
then the hidden option, Option C: have a GM who misinterprets the rules and lets you get away with dumb bullshit that isn't RAI, only for the GM to come here and bitch about how OP Kineticists are

Kineticist is fucking terrible it's like Truenamer from 3.5e, a great idea but HORRIBLE execution

Any suggestions for ?

But thin, flat scientist is good too, right?

Rolled 6, 3 + 1 = 10 (2d6 + 1)

Rolling for Mari'Anya

I thought it was going to be high magic item, like in Eberron, to make up for it.

Talk about Starfinder. There's always eager /m/en and wo/m/en who want to chat about it.

That's like three apps
CCC who has a higher engineering score than Kino

Cut down on minions maybe and have two or three big guys. Instead of Standard encounters make it mainly Challenging or Difficult ones but fewer a day.

She's good and she's cute, but she ain't what gets me going.


E-cups... wait where did you get the Con mod?

>the post was just updated
>Con/Cha of 18

This is definitely a bamboozle.