>girl joins the game group
>immediately makes a pretty boy and starts hitting on each and every male party member
Why is this so common? I bet anime is to blame.
/a/ needs to take back their fujoshi scum
>girl joins the game group
>immediately makes a pretty boy and starts hitting on each and every male party member
Why is this so common? I bet anime is to blame.
/a/ needs to take back their fujoshi scum
Other urls found in this thread:
Never happened to me thanksfully
What did you say to her? How did she respond?
>Why is this so common?
>things that never happened: the thread
>girl joins the game group
>group is ruined forever
Why are women even allowed to join.
>blaming anime
Reddit needs to go and stay go
>I have an insufficient sample size
>thus, I can extrapolate from this the frequency of some event
>anime is at fault
I wish that would happen, as that would give me a socially acceptable outlet to express my bisexuality in at least a tiny way.
Buddy, are you me?
So we started the day with around 5 variations on "if you dont have gunpowder in your setting you're a fucking faggot", and then we get 5 variations of "girls are fucking retards we should ban them from tabletop"
All within 2 or so hours of eachother, in a great wave.
Is this one shitposter with too much spare time?
Are you fat, myopic, and more constrained by personal anxiety than social convention (that is: people close to you aren't religious in any particular way, you just are terrified of being poked fun of) ?
OP is a faggot indeed but really?
>implying it isn't
> why is this so common
It's never happened to me, or any person I've ever played with as far as I know.
Maybe you should set up a group with your strawmen; actually play a game for once.
Hey, every Patroclus needs his Achilles
>girl joins group
>suddenly every guy wants to be a chad and get their dick wet
>group is trying to one-up and show off in game
It's not the girls user, it's the retarded beta males competing for her attention that is cancerous.
And anyone who doesn't want to bone IRL girlplayer might want to bone IC girplayer, thus making even the non-Chads in-game Chads.
If she's going to play a fag then I'm going to play a lesbian. We can both fulfill our fetishes.
oh you sweet summer child
If a female player approachs you with plans to make a pretty boy and hit on the other characters, with the possibility to upgrade to taking them to bed as the game continues, you have NO right to refuse them. Now, I know what you're going to say:
>B-b-b-but muh anime
>B-b-b-but mud gritty medieval setting
>B-b-b-but mommy, gay men make me scared
Shut up. You shouldn't be DMing. Your players are trying to make something interesting out of your generic, hetero normative fantasy, and you're throwing it back in their faces. You have NO right to be DMing - just give your notes to one of your players, they can do a better job than you can.
TL/DR, if you can't handle male homosexuality in fantasy settings, you shouldn't be a DM.
This is my favorite new pasta.
What makes you think this would be more socially acceptable?
I can bet good money no one in your group gives a single fuck about your sexuality. Making a character gay so you can say "WOW, LOOK HOW GAY THIS CHARACTER IS" is a shitty reasoning behind making your character.
>girl joins the group
>is nice, but doesn't seem all that invested
>eventually quits
>spend the rest of the game wondering if I had spaghettied or some shit and made her uncomfortable instead of helping make the game fun
>play cute innocent not character
>all the girls in the group have their characters tease him
>share brief /ss/ magical realm with the DM even
In my experience it's usually more like this:
>Girl join group
>Play a grizly demi-orc barbarian guy because fuck yeah
>Make all the elf faggot in your party squirm
>Seduce the other player character so that they can stop hitting on every fucking female NPC in sight
>Everybody is much happier and a little bit more of a fag
gub b8
I think you're bullshiting, I've played with several women and that's never happened.
If it's a proper medieval setting, you can always just execute the gays like the scum they are.
Oh it has nothing to do about the group.
Roleplaying is a chance to escape one's own life.
I wish you'd escape life with a noose instead.
>Native girl in the group
>She plays the most slutty characters against my NPCs
Bitch, your man is on the table stop asking for my dick.
Gee, I wonder why people would want to ban women from their tables... Hmmmm.........
Man, its shameful how a WOMAN would feel like real life is hard to deal with a create an environment where she could go where she feels insulted from those things. Its so... escapist!
Men would never indulge in escapism, right fellows? Now, back to my Tabletop Game where I play a ripped 7-foot Barbarian Warlord whom every woman from Queens to Bar Maidens wants to fuck and is rich with giant piles of gold from all the dragons he's killed. We can talk about the filthy escapism of women some other time.
>girl joins the group
>is a merciless munchkin murderhobo
send help
we're actually terrified
itt:a very salty user
In every game I played nobody played a buffed barbarian for escapism. They just picked whatever race and class that was more fun for dungeon cracking. Stay mad.
>girl joins the game group
This is where you went wrong.
>tfw no DOOOOON!
So it is unfair but ultimately easier just to remove the Harridan from sight. Let them make their own groups- male gamers cannot be trusted to be neutral toward a female so don't make them try. The alternative is everybody suffers and nothing gets done, and let's not pretend the situation would ever improve
You're a twit. You just said you're playing whatever you want FOR FUN. Recreation is by definition escapism. You are escaping from the parts of life that aren't fun by having fun. That's all a safe space is, and nozzles like yourself who pretend they're some boo hoo MELTING SNOWFLAKE affront to decency are amazingly thick-headed to not recognize that.
>all that projection
There are free mental health clinics, y'know. Get help.
>a safe space in an university to avoid muh feels
>is the same as playing a tabletop for fun
>playing videogames is a safe space too
>watching TV is a safe space
Off yourself you fucking retard.
It seems like what they're getting at is that all of these things serve as a relief from the daily stresses that life brings. There's nothing wrong with unwinding in a comfy place. The misunderstanding seems to be that anons are provoked by the term safe space because of its association with toxic shit like Tumblr and radical belief sets. This is all just conjecture though.
Just flirt back fag
Yeah, good thing we're taking over all these disgusting, toxic misogynistic male spaces through the power of social justice and feminism!
Kek have you ever been directly affected by their bs or do you just read about it and get mad? Do you feel they are legitimately a threat to your lifestyle?
Considering you manage to be this annoying IRL I really feel like you are confirming everyone's no Woman rules as completely justified
Maybe you should play with girls some day, user. There not all sweet princesses just as most of them aren't bad, they're just people
>two girls join the group
>they both do this
>to eachother
Someone's on the rag.
Has happened in my group on three separate occasions.
I prefer "fallen to the communists"
>women play male character
this makes sense if your group is more suited for adventure gameplay, playing a women charecter only holds you back as a weaker version of yourself with social stigmas playing against you that might hinder the story.
>He thinks communism is to blame for how women are
As soon as women are allowed to vote, society steers left. Compare every major election to the West for total results, women-only results and men-only results. If only women were allowed, Clinton would be president right now. If only men were allowed to vote, Austria would have a "far right" mayor right now.
The appeal of the left is that it redivides the wealth of the strong* among the weak. Women are always among the weak, so they will naturally favor redivision of wealth(I mean 'strong' and 'weak' in the broadest possible societal sense. A pointdexter nerd lanklet with a multi-billion dollar corporation to his name would be 'strong' in this context). Even when we merely look at strength and weakness in the physical sense, this principle holds true (telegraph.co.uk
The explanation is very simple: the right means freedom from the state and equality of opportunity. The left means equality enforced by the state and equality of outcome. The strong thrive in a "state of nature" (a hypothetical state in which no government exists), so they wish to have a state that most resembles the natural state save for baseline protection of property, body and life. This is the situation the weak fear the most, as they will naturally become bottomfeeders. And if you look at the way marriage has been aranged for centuries in most cultures, it makes women the birds who pick the leftovers from between a crocodile's teeth. For gender equal societies to work as intended, women must become the impossible: black panthers.
I actually laughed out loud. Nice b8 m8 here is your (you).
>Austria would have a "far right" mayor right now.
I was making a period joke lad. Communists = Reds
Unless you're operating on another level of irony entirely
How pretty?
This has to be some sort of satire, right? The title is literally 'Hiding from Scary Ideas.' It's got to be some joke on how some people can't take criticism or take it too close to heart.
I get there must be extremes out there that I'm not aware of, but holy fuck, no one I know acts like this - and it's not like I'm in some conservative backwater, I rub shoulders with leftists and SJWs most days.
kek why are anons to quick to anger now? Reminds me of tumblr/Facebook/youtube/reddit
>girl joins the group
>gets drunk with group
>someone ends up having sex with her (which may or may not have been consensual due to the alcohol)
>group falls apart
I don't even know how to handle that one.
It's around eleven dudes that ghostpost on archive sites. They've been shitting the board up with piss poor bait ever since quest threads took off. You'll notice the same sort of style of posting, 2 greentext lines, then a general question. Invariably, someone will bring up /pol/, then there's a dude that responds to him. 3 person troll op is very easy to pull off.
Why? Autism.
>ghostpost on archive sites
What does this even entail?
Hang out with people 1on1 and slowly repair the group. I believe in your social engineering user.
>have you ever been directly affected by their bs
MtG went full cuck
DnD turned elves into trannies
Vidya is a mess
Gee Dubs killed Slaanesh
Now THIS is far more common I'm, at least where I live
>Guy makes female character
>Keeps trying to start lewd adventures
>DM makes it crystal clear that none such things will be happening
>Keeps trying anyway and gets upset when he gets shut down every time
>Has now become a nuisance out of spite and DM won't kick him out because we're all old friends, some friend friends
[he hates it]
no joke though that room sounds fun. though yeah the reason it exists is retarded.
I'll die before I see Veeky Forums give in to SJW faggotry.
Let's get this started.
Orcs are niggers, prove me wrong.
They're green.
Niggers make me green (sick)
straight people fetishize homosexuals in fiction and then proceed to hate them in real life. news at 11.
>I'll die before I see Veeky Forums give in to SJW faggotry
Then you must have died a long time ago, because Veeky Forums is all sorts of cucked.
Speak for yourself, Sven.
Veeky Forums hasn't given in to SJW faggotry. neither has it given into stormweenie faggotry. it is a place that remains firmly in the middle of the two, extoling virtues of both left and right at various times, both because political views are usually included in stories and settings, and because Veeky Forums is made up of many different people and is not a hivemind like tumblr or /pol/.
and you're not wrong, orcs are niggers, because "savage tribe that eats people" is an archetype taken directly from that old "indigenous tribe of savages that practice cannibalism"
niggers are cannibals in America, too
google Big Lurch if you dont believe me
Both sides are memes on Veeky Forums. They are not ideals to aspire to, but ways to provoke reactions and get laughs. They have been taken, scrutinized, and turned into jokes by anons who don't really care about either of them. They're fucking trends, man. Skin deep.
yeah, but he was high on pcp. though I suppose that does sort of reinforce the whole "ritual drug taking and cannibalism" aspect of it.
just a nigger returning to its roots
>tfw you realize niggers in america take drugs and kill each other because it's their nature and they cannot help it
I'm a guy and I play an undead woman who hung herself after a miscarriage, so fuck you.
I've played with almost a dozen grills and this has never happened. In my experience grills want "special" girl characters more than anything. I did play with a guy once that kept making his (drunken) character grope all the female characters and ended up making everyone (even the guys) so uncomfortable we asked him not to come back.
After trying for years to get guys together for DnD my wife and little sister have convinced me to run a campaign for their friends. 7 women, 2 of which are on and off, but more are interested.
>nothing magical realm
>very interested in the story
>roleplay instead of rollplay
>draw art of party members
>no pvp conflict
>sometimes I have to rein in side conversations
I dunno if Im just having a lucky break but it sounds like the girl you are playing with is just odd
OP is probably just baiting, but some yeah some people just use tabletop games to perv
>things that never happened: the post
>player decides to be a CG sorc who is very promiscuous and very bi
>give him a qt beta nerd wizard bf
>mfw this is his first relationship that has lasted a week without any sex at all
>playing a woman who got so hysterical from a miscarriage that she killed herself
>now her crotch rots ironically
These people need to be euthanized
It's about that time of year, isn't it.
Wow friendo, I'm at a real loss on how to respond to that
double wat
You're both degenerates and will be purified in fire.
Oh no. Anonymous and Veeky Forums are going to hack my car and make it explode!
If I could feel confident it wouldn't be used as fap material I'd post a pic.
She's doing it to make you uncomfortable.
If you didn't squirm so much she'd not bother.
this thread is blessed
Oh, don't worry user. We'd never fap to it.