Now that the dust has finally settled, can we all agree that Takeda was best clan?
Now that the dust has finally settled, can we all agree that Takeda was best clan?
If this nigga don't shut the fuck up...
>Has blood of peasants
>Claims divine authority
>My hairless face when
Nice vassal you have there. I'm sure you'll keep them under control.
>Attend the funerals of enemies
>Patron of the arts
>Choose honor over political expediency
>Keep enough Christians around for future unification with outside world
>Turn slums into high class neighborhoods
>Renowned lover
>Buy men their own armot
Is there any more classy a man?
>Everyone and everything uses a damn spear.
>Buy men their own armot
I mean, that was part of a publicity stunt.
The same stunt where he stuck giant golden phalluses on their heads.
>having a smaller charge bonus than i have on foot
heh. nothin personnel kid
nice horses u have there but it would be a SHAME if something happened to them...
I prefer Mori but only because they're the best in Sengoku Rance. Takeda is cool too. I like red.
They don't look very happy
Resting Bitch Face, don't bully.
>mfw cavalryfags try to charge my wall of arquebuses
Otomo or bust faggot
Ikko ikki or you're a filthy slave to earthly pleasures and will never break free from the pattern of death and rebirth.
A challenger appears
Nice try, but we all know who the true master of the clans is
I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my superior trained archers
*burns to death in castle*
>disdain for heimin.jpg
>Far away from the Emperor and Shogun
>Doin' what they want
>Comfy warmer climate
>Trading with foreign powers
>Get bombed a bit
>Lead revolution
Takeda was literally just an annoying nation stuck in the middle of the map and recruiting its generals afterwards was a real pain. Literally all the surrounding nations had better characters once you finished conquering them.
Charge bonus you say?
>Lead revolution
>Don't like results of revolution, lead another revolution
Technically those happened to be disaffected Satsuma samurai, many of whom certainly were former Shimazu retainers, but the Shimazu themselves got a dukedom and other kazoku noble titles out of the deal.
Have fun getting stabbed in the back by your own dudes.
>Comfy warmer climate
you've never experienced summer in southern Japan, have you?
>Got an anime 'bout
>Therefore best