I just watched the lion king. And I wonder what would be the best animals for kings, villains etc in a european animal setting?
I just watched the lion king. And I wonder what would be the best animals for kings...
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A european lion
Bears, wolves, stags.
Badger kings leading an army of hares, roving nomad shrews, etc. etc.
Snek for best villain
Also fuck adherence to European fauna, put some lions in there. They made into Arthurian Britain, so they can make it into your setting too.
I'd say look at Disney's Robin Hood for examples. The animal chosen for each of the characters almost perfectly fit their personality and role
See Redwall.
Watch "Watership Down".
Badger is underrated Villain.
Rats are underrated protagonists
This, desu.
I also came to say stag.
This, Stags literally have crowns already, and people forget that Bambi was PRINCE of the Forest
Bears as aloof, isolated philosopher kings who only sally from the heart of the forest and into the affairs of the common beasts to administer inevitable and ultimate justice with the crushing swipe of a hoary and weighty paw, followed by a terse but pithy proclamation on the way of things.
The Stag needs to be a sacrificial king. Yes, they're regal and have cultural significance as such in many cultures, but their status as a prey animal is interesting when you think of human sacrifice of celtic nobles and tribal leaders. It'd be a good angle to explore.
Secrets of Nymh style!
Vultures for aristocrats/kings/lords
came here to post this
Weren't those cougars though?
If I remember right the pelican was actually a traditional European symbol for self-sacrifice, following a myth that in times of famine the pellican would peck open its own chest to feed its children on its blood. Was a metaphor for Christ, naturally.
A Wolf, Ram, or Hart.
Those are only in the America's. There use to be European lions.
Rats are assholes.
>Badger is underrated Villain
Badgers are bros. I read somewhere they sometimes would live along foxes or rabbits in their lair. Must make the rabbits kinda nervous.
And apparently foxes often are asshole housemates and end trashing the place then leaving.
Stag symbolism is older.
a wolf probably.
Yes! listen to this user, rats are the good guys.
No, fuck you. Rats are the anti jew. Rats are clean, empathetic, familial animals.
I can't speak for Europe but here in Norway
Bears just loiter around and don't give a fuck. They make good wardens and protectors if forced into service, but mostly they are just the big bad bully, anti-hero full of himself
Wolves are dying out, but are still pack animals. The only prey on the weak, like sheep and rabbits, so they would make good Bandits roaming the country side, but very disillusioned ones, knowing they have to do it to survive.
Moose's are majestic animals, but god damn to they hide. I'm thinking distant royalty which you never knew you had, only showing up to remind everyone else how much more powerful and richer they are.
I would say postmen/couriers
Lesser royalty and important people.
Now these guys you don't fucking mess with. They will fuck your shit up, you have to carry a god damn stick on that trail to not get clawed in your eyes. These guys are pure villains
Henchmen of villains, low-rank criminal scum and dishonest folk.
I don't have time to talk about all the fish here, but the cod, salmon, pollock, trout and mackerel I feel make good workers and craftsmen, and obviously seafarers. The shithead Pike is your standard dishonest merchant looking to fuck everyone in the ass
I present the largest and strongest European animal.
There is also their distant relative that was artificially introduced for fun
Their just some fags holed up in a mountain pass, that keep killing tourists because they keep walking towards them with flashing cameras.
And they are only dangerous because they instantly accelerate to 40-50km/h and then hit stuff
A nice big red cock for the loud and boisterous king.
>shithead Pike
Jesus user, what did the pike ever do to you?
This. Cock Emperor of Animalkind.
Pikes are shit, ask any Norwegian. Only edgy angst teens like Pikes
Not even him. We have pike out here in Canada, and they are huge assholes. A pike will eat fucking anything. Previously lakes teeming with different species of fish will freeze over and in the spring there will be nothing but pike left, because the assholes don't hibernate or anything, they stay awake all winter to fucking eat everything else. Then when there are no other kinds of fish they eat each other.
A pike will literally eat the fish you caught on your line, and be pulled up with it because it won't let go.
And they aren't even introduced species. They're indigenous. God help us if someone introduces them somewhere else.
I feel bad for you anons because you never got to experience the joys of having a rat as a pet. They are truly the most bro-tier pet a human can hope for.
>Weren't those cougars though?
Nah, Europe used to have honest-to-God actual lions. That's why they're on so many coats of heraldry. According to wiki, cave lions used to live in Europe, but they died out a long time ago, and then later lions from Africa moved up north.
Irish Elk are huge and regal, even if they've been extinct a very long time.
Drunk Irish had sex with them
>Implying you wouldn't want to fuck this majestic beast.
What about wild boars? Powerful, huge, tough.
>an entire paragraph defending the pike without a single source
PIDF vandalising wikipedia. Is there no end to their faggotry?
Like I said, they're indigenous. So its part of the cycle for pike to eat fucking everything and then die off as they eat each other so other shit can move back in. Doesn't make it any less annoying when you're looking for some nice trout only to find your whole lake is filled with these fucking asshole fish with their greasy as fuck meat full of bones
Aurochs have to play some part. Crows and Ravens too.
Is the meat any good? Baked, broiled, or fried? Could it work in a chowder?
>European lions
>Weren't those cougars
Dude what?
Its on the greasy side, and a pain the in the ass to fillet/debone but otherwise its no different than any other white fish.
Not the same guy but no, it's not.
Also what he's talking about with the pike eating everything seems odd to me, but I'm in Canada. There are lakes around here with stable populations of multiple species, including pike. The pike tend to stick to shallows and don't invade the entire lake.
Now watch Kimba the White Lion (1965) and acknowledge how much Disney ripped there.
I just came back from seeing this new fangled play called "Hamlet" and am writing this Will fellow a stern letter.
>I just came back from seeing this new fangled play called "Hamlet" and am writing this Will fellow a stern letter.
Is that the one with the talking pig? Because I didn't think it was anywhere near as deep as my Lit. teacher says it is.
wren/goldcrest is traditionally the king of the birds.
In a typical Aesop animal setting fox is the trickster protagonist or villain that is often bullied by a wolf. But a wolf or a bear is also the archetypal wise leader of the forest animals. A lynx would be another trickster.
Classical villain
Best Villain
A bear of course.
Apparently boars, like many oft-hunted animals, got to be as big as 300kg+ in olden days. Supposedly you'd also get packs od 50-80kg wolves in times of plenty.
Now that's a fucking scary thought.
they still can, pic is from 2011
Proven false as far as I know.
pretty sure its legit
I could see vultures as barons of small parcels of land that are destitute and decaying. Their crumbling castles show only a small part of the faded glory of old. The noble vulture houses are dying out slowly, and those who remain feast on the shells of neighboring baronies to stick around just a little longer.
Bears are terrifying dude.
What the fuck
Bears have been observed to punch the heads of elk's clean off.
Where's the fifth finger?
>it's world
Take your shit away from here, please.
Europe used to have Lions user. They were over hunted like the North african lion or the Asiatic lion and were killed off, but until relatively recently people said they sighted one in Spain for example.
Underscoring this one.
No seriously fuck pikes. Look at their faces, pure evil. You can disregard it as anthro shit to say something like this, but they are predators. My friend's grandma lost a fucking toe to one of them, it mangled the shit out of one of her toes
They also taste awful
Are you deliberately referencing Redwall?
I don't trust infographs with stupid grammar mistakes.
Nah man, rats are one of the few animals who show a high regard for others and natural altruism.
Wild rats are just really hungry from being wild.
Disregard faggots, its alright.
Its no salmon but it tastes good.
No it tastes awful. Where are you from? Unless your country specializes in fish industry I doubt you have the culture for setting fish standards, and people won't understand why Pike is shit because they don't know better
>discussion is now about elitism in food
Kek, next line is: Hitler preferred pike
how sharp are an animal's claws? They always look pretty blunt to me. Nowhere near razor sharp.
They don't have to be sharp. They are hard, and hook shaped, so their leverage rends flesh.
If you wore a chainmail with padding underneat, you would be safe unless he starts punching you
>european animal setting
We are all human user even animals there is no Europe
Pol coming in here again with its racism
>we are all humans
>even animals
Is that you princess ?
Best book series ever
>Rats are Kosher, religious and self-segregated.
Its like your not even trying.
I have a feeling they wouldn't have had such bony spikes on their face and the face instead would have been wide a flabby, perhaps to provide extra protection when fighting for mates
that's an effective but unhinged head assassin if I've ever seen one
Tie a 15lb bag of dirt to a rope and have a friend swing it into your head. Then attach bent 4 nails to it, even if they are dull. Repeat.
Source? Looks like a cool read desu
my co worker's mom makes 60 per hour on the laptop. she's been unemployed for 6 months but last month her payoff was 21201 working on the internet two hours each day. look at this
Brah, Direwolves. May be extinct, but your setting might not know that.