Okay Veeky Forums so facts of the matter are: >Veeky Forums is being moderated >mods do not give one single fuck about blatant /pol/ tier shitposting Really makes you think.
What could the reason for this be? How do we stop it? It feels like every day there are more and more blatant bait threads.
Just look at these threads on the board just now and what's in them: Why isn't this being moderated?
Mods use the board too, and it seems they're of the opinion that what's posted matters less than what's discussed. The board has its own flavor of discussion caused by us viewing everything through a lense of Rpg/setting/game mentality.
Also, their mentality is "In five years, will anyone give a shit?" So they let things slide. If any of you actually gave a shit, you'd actually try and contact them like I have on rizon.net, and get the answer to these questions straight from the source.
Logan Hernandez
What answer did you get, then?
Levi White
Stop screeching "Muh /pol/!" every time someone disagrees with you or says something autistic. Sometimes people are just stupid and the big /pol/ boogeyman isn't coming to get you.
John Hill
>OP complains about mods not moderating threads >links to deleted thread
Real justice would have this thread pruned as well. You're using up our one metathread.
Oliver Phillips
They don't give a fuck, none of it matters, and we're all a bunch of bitches that whine about meta-content and community instead of keeping things more upbeat.
In short, we whine too much about what we don't like and we don't talk enough about what we do, and we take everything so seriously instead of just rolling with it. We're on Veeky Forums guys, have a little levity. Roll with the punches. Why do you think I've been namefagging as this gonzo Wayne persona for the last little while? Why do you think I'm running a Fetlife campaign for shits and giggles? Lighten up!
Mason Wright
Except I don't want politics in my Tabletop games. I come here for crunch and fluff discussion, not LGBT or American foreign policy discussion. Fuck off back to /pol/ with the "Can't handle different opinions" shit, /pol/ talk is for /pol/. Veeky Forums talk is for Veeky Forums.
So ignore it Or go to a website were there is a rule to not talk politics. Or make one.
Julian Kelly
If only there was an echo-chamber board where everyone had the same ideas regurgitated over and over, and nobody could tell me I'm wrong or annoying
Brody Torres
I do agree with you, Veeky Forums needs to have more creativity and fun in it, my theory is those people who were bringing it left once /pol/ started coming in droves. Maybe I'm wrong though, might be correlation not causation.
Eli Gonzalez
You think mods care? Mods don't give a fuck if the food on the plates touch as long as it's "Relevant" to the board. Every post is phrased as something Veeky Forums, even if it is blatant shitposting, so they allow it. They have this attitude across the site.
Chase Watson
The threads are full of nonsensical racist and political bullshit. It's no different from if you click over to /pol/. People can post that shit if they like, but please keep it on the board it belongs to.
Jeremiah Martin
Veeky Forums settled on what's the new cancer it seems
Juan Ramirez
You can't really expect or reasonably anticipate that the people on Veeky Forums are going to have vaguely similar opinions on things directly related to Veeky Forums...
Why then would you expect people to have similar opinions on things indirectly related to Veeky Forums
The mods have a shit job, the current moderation is doing a much better job than previous generations of mods.
Honestly, I feel like Veeky Forums is in a really great place right now...
>the only thing I am confused about is why jumpchain isn't on /qst/ >seriously, if you can explain this to me in a logical manner, I would really appreciate it
Adam Barnes
Veeky Forums cycles through so many people anyway that it really comes down to us.
Each and everyone here has to post content they like and want to see propagated.
Remember, Veeky Forums is a massive website with a very mixed user group (Department of Homeland Security and the FBI follow Zootopia threads) across all groups. People come and go, but we need to post things we like now.
Justin Lopez
Today has felt especially bad for walls of clearly-polbait threads.
Oliver Thomas
But it's every fucking day so fucking often. I mean look at the shithole /tv/ has become, that's exactly what happened there: meme and bait threads became the dominant threads.
Parker Thompson
No, no, no. It's not /pol/, it's not Tumblr, it's not Reddit, it's not mods, Janitors, Quests, Generals, Pathfinder, or anything you think it is. It's Veeky Forums. It's your fault, it's my fault, it's everyone's fault. Why do you think I did this whole "Blame Wayne, He's the one that made Veeky Forums terrible." It makes about as much sense as you blaming /pol/ for everything.
Blake James
The thread wasn't deleted when this thread was made.
Isaiah Turner
>Department of Homeland Security and the FBI follow Zootopia threads
Michael Davis
make ideologyposting a bannable offense. how about that?
Asher Hernandez
So? IGNORE IT AND FUCKING POST SOMETHING ELSE! The problem is that you're so focused on getting rid of the problem and paying attention to it that it becomes the problem. If you just spent your time discussing your favorite rpg, favorite card, or DOING FUCKING ANYTHING ELSE, you wouldn't have this problem! It's moronic!
Brayden Rodriguez
Time for you to go home, then.
Colton Long
>ignore it >just like /tv/ did
Lincoln Gutierrez
Make threads about Veeky Forumss you like, have interesting things to say, make content for games you play, ignore shit you think is dumb. Threads don't have to get 300+ posts to be useful, sometimes people ask a question, it gets answered, it dies. This is fine.
If you're overly concerned about board culture you're probably spending too much time here and not playing enough games, which would give you interesting things/details to talk about and give you something to do instead of hyperventilate about shit that doesn't matter to you.
Isaac Hughes
The issue of an increase in bait threads is site wide, and the solution is to ignore them. The posters who start these threads just want a fight, not discussion , but that can only happen if you engage with them.
There is now way for you to change their minds. They either don't actually believe it and just want to shitpost, or believe it so strongly they wont be shaken from their position.
So dont enable them. Report and ignore.
Ian Cook
I tried making content, and I will again in the future, but it was fucking exhausting and I have a life. It's way easier just to come and lurk and throw my two cents in when a topic interests me. I end up ignoring 80 percent of the threads anyway.
Michael Stewart
Don't just ignore it! Drown it out! Post something, anything, that isn't a Shitpost! Ask for advice on a new rpg, bring up something obscure that a few people remember, like Xevoz. Ask if Marbles can be Veeky Forums, or how to fix Bakugan! It doesn't matter if there's any substance behind it, as long as it's not directly trying to enrage or be bad it'll be better than half of what's posted on here! You guys seem to think you need to post "quality" content. You don't. Just post "Mediocre" or "Not-shit" content!
Ryan Martinez
I firmly believe in the right to post anything you want, as long as it's tangentially related to the board and the discussion at hand, no matter if you are a rightist or leftist shitlord. In any case, the tide will either turn again, or it won't. /pol/ is the biggest traffic bringer now and chinese bootleg moot doesn't care about the website, only about the mad autism dosh, so all this shitflinging is just in his interest.
Luis Stewart
Also, the NYPD's Anti-Terrorism Team
Yes, go ask in the Zootopia thread. They have proof that Furries ARE the government
Owen Morgan
>If I tell someone to go back to /pol/ that means I win the imaginary internet argument. Case and point for the "Not everything you don't like is /pol/"
Matthew Wright
If your posters approach you with plans to improve the board and reduce shitposting, with the possibility to upgrade to better content as the game continues, you have NO right to refuse them. Now, I know what you're going to say:
>B-b-b-but muh fun >B-b-b-but mud board culture >B-b-b-but mommy, original content makes me scared
Shut up. You shouldn't be a mod. Your players are trying to make something interesting out of your generic, meme loving website, and you're throwing it back in their faces. You have NO right to be moderating - just give your board to one of your players, they can do a better job than you can.
TL/DR, if you can't handle shitposting in a Chinese basket weaving forum, you shouldn't be a mod.
Parker Rivera
You really do have to go back, though. Literally only /pol/ bitches about this because literally only /pol/ is told to go back to /pol/ because people can smell the /pol/ stink from a mile away.
Your next move will be to tell me to go back to /pol/.
Andrew Flores
Dude. This isn't even pasta at this point. It's a pile of flour someone threw an egg and a bowl of water at.
Evan Watson
Does it matter? Let's say you're right, and /pol/ is taking over? What happens? The board becomes shit, sure, but do you leave? Probably not. We'd still keep coming here, or We'd find somewhere else. It doesn't matter. It really doesn't. The board changes with the tides, it's never been any one specific way, and it never will be. Do you honestly still want to be posting on here five, ten years from now? Do you care?
Gavin Taylor
I think if /pol/ actually took over, or was in the process of doing so...we would see a hell of a lot more flames of war threads.
Christopher Phillips
Go choke on a dick, honestly. Why does anything matter. You'll be dead in a hundred years.
Alexander Cox
Justin Rodriguez
Only way you get rid of /pol/ shitposting is by eliminating political discussion from the entire board, which won't happen because politics are a part of worldbuilding which this board regularly does in one way or another. Just hide their posts if you don't like it, same goes for /pol/tards who see a "SJW."
Anthony Baker
Not me, I'm in my early twenties and immortal. I can do all the drugs and anime I want with no consequences!
Jose Sanchez
What a response.
Life is going to be much harder for you after high school. Good luck.
Michael Morgan
There's a difference between politics which are a part of worldbuilding and thinly veiled excuses to dump a bunch of spurious statistics from the Daily Stormer or Breitbart about black on white crime. Veeky Forums used to know the difference.
Kayden Miller
The problem boils down to NARPfags.
Dnd-drones and 40kids pollute the board, of course, but ultimately it's the people the 'ideas guys' who have no experience or interest in playing traditional games, that came over when Veeky Forums was made the sole quests board, who ruin the board.
Because they've never played an RPG, they take seriously all the worst aspects of whiteroom bullshit and 'le storytiem', such that they constantly rehash the same tired "alignment/excuse me commissar/anti-[weeb, /pol/, white, male, European, or whatever other boogeyman they want complain is infringing on their safe space]/what if [fetish]/[vidya/movie of the month] Lore (aka excuse to talk about non-Veeky Forums shit on Veeky Forums)/meta-/trash threads.
Veeky Forums definitely has one of the worst board cultures, because even its genuine members will often go to extreme lengths to suck off their NARPfag bulls and signal against the broader chan culture.
Angel Gutierrez
I think it flew over your head friend.
Mason Kelly
Oh shit, i never noticed the sweetheartvideo watermark
Jason Carter
As someone who has been accused countless times of being an SJW lefty-cuck, I've got to say that Veeky Forums doesn't really have much of a /pol/io problem. Like, it's not half as bad as Veeky Forums.
Justin Kelly
Let's not pretend you couldn't moderate shitposters, /pol/tards or anything else into oblivion. But that's not how we do things around these parts. And I'd rather have it that way. Just post shit you want to see, bump threads you want to see and get out if it turns too shit for your tastes.
>NARPfags what the fuck are you even on about? And anyway, we aren't downright hostile towards content creators like /v/, so it's not the worst board culture by a long shot.
Josiah Martinez
NARP = Never Actually RolePlayed
Brody Robinson
Every board and site needs to do this.
Gabriel Lopez
>what the fuck are you even on about?
No Actual Real Play? That'd be my guess. Like nogunz on /k/.
Gabriel Reyes
>tfw to intelligence
Julian Allen
fuck you i'm on nofap because I might actually get laid tomorrow and now I have to deal with a red head with cock sucking lips and milky , white, right wing duds.
Carter Wright
The NYPD say blacks commit 70% of crimes in New York. What would you say to that?
Henry Hernandez
>get out if it turns too shit for your tastes There comes a point where that is no longer tenable. Some boards on Veeky Forums have already passed it. The shit piles so high that there's no escaping it unless you abandon the board altogether. Veeky Forums has fortunately been spared, so far.
Easton Scott
I'd say fuck off /pol/ this is Veeky Forums
Parker Gutierrez
It's funny, I don't think you've ever been to /pol/, now stop acting like you belong here and leave.
Nathaniel Ross
m8 most of the problem is not just /pol/fags triggfering you 666 times to your safe space, the worst ones is also the fucking furries, the off-topicfags, the stupid fucks who actively shit up every single god damn thread with stupid shit like this instead of being on topic or having fun. seriously Veeky Forums needs to cool its damn mantits over all the stupid shit.
Dominic Perry
I only mentioned shitposting, user. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
Christian Hernandez
That unless somebody is asking for advice on running a super realistic modern campaign about crime in New York, randomly posting crime statistics isn't constructive to most discussions.
William White
LOL you sure would
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Isaac Davis
Oh no, you caught me in my /pol/ scam my fellow /pol/ man. I need to go back to inter-/pol/ and get a better fake Veeky Forums ID so they don't catch me again. It's not like a Veeky Forums user can be sick of all this bitching shitting up every thread. My /pol/ intell was so very wrong.
Gabriel Turner
>super realistic >blacks commit more crimes >super realistic
you said it better than i ever could
Noah Price
no i'm just annoyed over the whole thread basically being a shitposting cesspit where people use it to generally be crying over spilt milk, in all honesty i just glanced at your post and posted that, but it applies to the whole thread.
Hunter Ward
You realise this is exactly the problem?
Samuel Wood
>It's not like a Veeky Forums user can be sick of all this bitching shitting up every thread. Every time that happens it's because /pol/ is shitting up the thread and genuine Veeky Forums users are sick of it.
Xavier Evans
Yes, the mental illness of liberalism is the problem.
I know of a few solutions, including a final one.
Wyatt Roberts
Dude, seriously, how are those not in /qst/? It confuses the shit out of me.
Evan Lewis
Seriously, someone points out that your shit is a complete non-sequitur, doesn't contribute to the discussion, doesn't belong on the board, and generally appears to serve no purpose other than baiting more people into joining you in a shitshow that doesn't contribute anything and doesn't belong here at all, and your response is to think that this means you're right and that you should therefore definitely continue doing what you do. After all, if you piss someone off, you're doing the right thing, right? And it's not as if anyone could genuinely want the board to stay on topic - who doesn't want to discuss crime statistics 24/7? No, it's just a cheap tactic because they can't argue with you.
Now, I have absolutely no hope of making you see the error of your shitposting ways, but it should be obvious to everyone else that there is no good reason to tolerate you people. You don't fit in. You don't want to fit in. You don't want to talk about traditional games. You want to talk about politics. And there's a board for that. Use it.
Alexander Baker
Because they made a Quest board on our orders, not a /frg/ - Forum Games board. They followed the whiners who got /qst/ banned to the letter, why are they mad now?
Landon Edwards
This. This is why /pol/fags are cancer.
Tyler Price
No friendo, it's Veeky Forums users sick of you whiny faggots going "/POL/! REEEEEEEEE!" at fucking everything. >Person points out a problem in a game? /pol/ >Person tells a joke I don't like? /pol/ >Person doesn't agree with my political views? Of course he's /pol/ >Person points out how autistic calling everything /pol/ is. Well only a filthy /pol/ack would defend them!
Aiden Flores
To be fair, Veeky Forums was much worse when it was /qst/.
Jacob Howard
Seriously /pol/ if you find people people keep calling you out maybe the problem is with you.
Leo Morris
>taking the bait this fucking hard
Maybe you should stay on Tumblr where your fee-fees won't get hurt all the time.
Jayden Smith
Debatable. Back then all we had were anti-questfags whining. Now we have them AND pro-Questfags, and not much else to show for it. I'd rather have half the people unhappy than all of them, as seems to be the case.
Jackson Brown
“If your only tool is a hammer then every problem looks like a nail.”
― Abraham Maslow
Ian Lopez
Are you pretending to be retarded or am I actually harassing a kid with autism? I can't tell anymore.
Alexander Gomez
Why would you care about /pol/-posters and /sjw/ posters when there's such a blatant reason Veeky Forums literally sucks ass up and down these chans day after day? The fucking General threads. Just a bunch of inbred, namefag creating shitholes filled with constant drama and repetition just to keep the threads up. A mini-forum within a forum, the kind of place you go to Veeky Forums to avoid. Why are you people FOR general threads?
Angel Wilson
I'm fully aware that it's bait. I already said it was. Everything I said applies whether you're a true believer or an ironic shitposter. It ultimately doesn't matter because it all has the same effects. We need less of it.
Elijah Bennett
Because I don't want to sift through 50 Pathfinder / 5e / 40k threads to find the stuff I care about. I get enough of that on Roll20
Adrian Williams
Also a good point, I suppose. There's really no reason for them to be up all the damn time.
Daniel Baker
What really happened: >Person points out a problem in a game? Person claimed that women not having -4 strength shattered immersion irreparably. They really mean it, but only care because they browse /pol/. >Person tells a joke I don't like? Person told a joke about how Games Workshop is jewing it's customers, real /pol/ack latches on and derails thread. Person is actually innocent. >Person doesn't agree with my political views? You brought up your political views on Veeky Forums and he responded with anything other than "Fuck off back to /pol/." You are both /pol/, and should fuck off back there. >Person points out how autistic calling everything /pol/ is. Well only a filthy /pol/ack would defend them! Depends. If they're in a Veeky Forums thread, then fine. Person is right. If they're in this thread about getting /pol/ out of Veeky Forums and telling everyone how much it isn't really a problem you guys, then they probably are /pol/.
Adrian Allen
How about the autists who shit up and derail threads about more obscure games? You can't mention some titles without that game's dedicated autist posting a bullet point list of why the game sucks and that you should kill yourself for playing it, then proceeding to stay in the thread and poorly argue with people while no legitimate discussion gets done. Fuck those people.
Kevin Hughes
>Having this little self awareness. Jesus...
Jackson Jackson
>make ideologyposting a bannable offense
I'm okay with this. We need someone to clean it off the board.
Tyler Mitchell
>lol yeah i took the bait but there's a good reason why
Better luck next time, kid. Move along now, other people get their turn.
Aaron Sanchez
cool, let's start with :^)
Luis Torres
Off-topic posts, bait posts, and intentional shitposting in general violate global rule 3, it's just not very actively enforced. I mean, if my experience is anything to go by at one point least one of the mods thought rolling dice counts as "# gets" like pic related, so it's all a bit fucky.
But, still: report them, hide them, and move on without engaging with them. The people making the posts will get banned or won't, not a lot we can do about that either way.
Jack Collins
top kek
Logan Ward
Dude, you are still the problem. You're not going to stop me from pointing that out by saying that's taking the bait. Your bait is the issue I'm addressing.
Andrew Richardson
The one thing I like about pol is that it has post id. It might help cut down on people samefagging in political arguments and cluttering the thread (even though there are ways to get around it, a lot of people don't know it)
Daniel Ramirez
Theres another almost identical one
Landon Reed
>What could the reason for this be? Because you keep shitposting.
>How do we stop it? Report shitposts. Report /pol/ derailments. Report /v/ spillover. Stop shitposting, stop making bait threads, stop taking the bait.
>It feels like every day there are more and more blatant bait threads. SO STOP MAKING THEM STOP RESPONDING TO THEM
Ayden Ward
You can't stop everyone from responding to them. Unless you're a mod and you do your job.
Leo Gutierrez
The issue of bait posts is that even if you don't reply to them, someone else probably will, and in earnest.
The only recourse is to reply with "You are fucking retarded".
Bentley Hill
Stop while you're behind.
Logan Sullivan
>Haha I'm being retarded and making a bloody nuisance of myself You see, gentlemen, how people acting retarded is detrimental to our society? >lol you fell for my clever ruse I win
Please continue being an excellent demonstration of my point.
Daniel Stewart
>people are now getting triggered over shit-talking women
it's a time-honored tradition free of politics, why are you guys so mad?