Yeah, I'm asking just how to write it up to make it clear that your TFing doesn't affect your current hitpoints. Does this look clear enough?
Hengeyokai: You belong to a race of magical beasts that can assume partially or wholly humanoid form, as well as revert to your true bestial shape when it suits you. As an action, you can shift into any one of your three forms.
* Hybrid Form is your default form. It functions as normal for a character.
* In your Human Form, you gain Advantage on all Charisma (Deception) checks made to pass yourself off as human. It otherwise functions as Hybrid Form.
* In your Beast Form, which is determined by your race, your game statistics are replaced by the statistics of the beast, but retaining your alignment, personality, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores. You also retain all of your skill and saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining those of the beast; if you and the beast have the same proficiency and the beast’s bonus is higher than yours, you use the beast’s bonus.
* Changing shapes does not alter your current hit points, maximum hit points, or hit dice.
* You can change shapes once at 1st level, twice at 5th level, and thrice at 11th level. You regain all expended uses of this trait when you complete a long rest.
* If you have exhausted your uses of shapeshifting, you can revert back to hybrid form, but you cannot then change again into beast or human form.
* Kitsune turn into foxes, tanuki turn into tanuki (use the stats for raccoons), mujinas turn into badgers, bakeneko turn into cats, itachi turn into weasels, kawauso turn into otters, jorogumo turn into spiders.
No, because that's a tanuki thing; mujina are the more obscure badger-shifters.
But seriously, no, tanuki don't either, because this is Veeky Forums, not /d/.