Can someone explain this to me?
Can someone explain this to me?
Nice girl and nice dice
That is a female human, she is gesturing towards a container shaped like a 20 sided die.
I hope this clears everything up for you
You ask a girl with nice boobs if she can touch her elbows behind her back and insist that it's a commonly-held skill.
What actually happens is she spends a lot of time sticking her chest out, much to the amusement of those around her.
You have my thanks.
Alternatively, ask her if she can make both her elbows touch. kinda the same effect.
>That is a female human
Looks more like a drama student. Note the posture and facial expression.
>unzips dice
Ugly whore, cool dice/ miniatures container.
Seriously, is that the kind of bitch that tg brags about scoring? Pathetic.
>is that the kind of bitch that tg brags about scoring?
Games are scored
Humans are captured
quite frankly at this point I'd settle for anyone
There are people who brag about scoring on Veeky Forums? Never seen one.
Elbows too pointy for you?
All thr time. Something like half of tg is married with children, it seems. Maybe its just old fucks bragging because they realized getting tied to a fat sow and pumping out two to four shitstains they have to wipe the ass of and never get any sleep because the little fuckers are constantly bawling. Happened to one of my friends. At least he still gets sex, I guess.
What if you filled a d20-shaped bowl with chips and ate them during sessions.
Or ate packed lunches out of a d20-shaped tin lunchbox
*smokes bong*
yeah what if dude lmao
Found the incel nice guy.
well what you said would have happened
Don't trust him OP
She's just going to lure you away with her chestlumps and feminine wiles so she can feast on your essence!
I'm not nice at all though, I don't buy shit for girls nor do I smother them in compliments. A girl should be sucking your dick because she wants to, if you have to do shit to convince her like a beta faggot then you are wasting your time.
>luring you in so she can leech off your essence
So basically, what every woman does as a normal part of life.
Haha yeah bro, tell me more about all the bitches you fuck amirite ;;;)))
Not just essence, mate. Money too.
I don't, though. At least no more than is normal.
I wish that every single thread on Veeky Forums with a female in the OP didn't attract a cluster of incels.
>One pity-fuck every 2 years is normal right?
>I don't, though.
I think we established that with your first post.
Is this the newest version of 'cuck'?
wow she's really cute. I like her lunchbox too.
although it might be one of those "look at me im so nerdy" accessories.
Though I usually give people the benefit of the doubt until I have evidence that they're lame.
Nice projection.
Damn look at those bruises, the person got messed up something fierce!
Your mind must be at least this corrupted to post on Veeky Forums, kid.
my culture is not a costume
she must've been playing paintball without protection.
dem hickeys
Right... and that slight red ring on her wrist must be from the gloves she was wearing.