Tuesday Edition
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Forum here. s4.zetaboards.com
Work on revising core exalts here. s4.zetaboards.com
Question of the day: Describe your version of the Great Wheel. How have you taken the setting beyond the book?
Tuesday Edition
Books here. drive.google.com
Forum here. s4.zetaboards.com
Work on revising core exalts here. s4.zetaboards.com
Question of the day: Describe your version of the Great Wheel. How have you taken the setting beyond the book?
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Alright, I'll start. In my games, I have the Gnomes, Halflings, and Squats all in one intergalactic alliance for shorties. They pretend that it is just an alliance of convenience and they all just happened to be small, but in reality they're just holding a grudge against taller races and trying to protect their shortstacks from predation by humans.
Just a bump
Can someone explain me what is this about?
It's about everything. 40k, D&D, Exalted, World of Darkness, and more get mashed up into a frothing blob of a game that's actually quite fun to play.
It is a system? woow
Bro, check that shit out. It'll blow your mind.
How do they feel about Kobolds?
>Not even using the more complete OP
Darn it.
Alright, first things first: Book 3 (the Big Book of Brew) is largely outdated and hasn't been touched for more than a year. Go here for the latest homebrew:
They had to be excluded because they didn't get along with the Squats, who had the most military power.
Word of advice: please do not use the book 3 document. The authors have revised basically everything in it and thus made it outdated.
Clearly Squats are just jealous of the Kobold's superior mining talents.
In my game Races aren't really hugely important political entities compared to the Factions that run the Council, but races do have their stereotypes and whatnot.
Squats are respected as one of the founding members of the Council and their role in the galaxy. Gnomes aren't terribly important one way or another, being midcarders really. Halflings are a solid underclass though, looked down upon and lightly discriminated against even subconsciously by most folks.
At least, it used to be that way. The terrorist actions of the Party members have seen to it that things aren't so pleasant for Halflings anymore.
Alright, I uploaded my core book exaltation revisions to the zetaboards. Let me at that feedback, fampais
>The terrorist actions of the Party
Why do all DtD party's end up as terrorists?
>Question of the day
I use megacorporations as the big 'movers and shakers' for games taking place outside of Sigil. The Corporate Court is an eclectic mix of Traveler, Cyberpunk 2020, and Shadowrun corps, with some wild cards thrown in.
I also took a few cues from the fluff threads, like throwing in a few homebrew gods and adding the backstory for BattleTech to the history of DtD's humans.
Oh you're that one hour autist.
1. Squishing two completely different powers into one slot does not work that way
3. The others have done a better job of revising the exaltations
4. Base upgrades aren't as fun as more mechanics and tools
Never planned on using it in the first place. Much more interested in people's fixes for the first two books.
RIP Weapon Creation rules.
You gonna have to be more clear, man. Those are unqualified statements that I can't do much with since they're so general. I gotta have that specificity if I'm gonna incorporate any feedback or suggestions, otherwise you're just basically tellin' me you don't like it. That's your opinion and that's cool and you're entitled, but I can't do shit with it.
I can't pass up a meme.
I don't really care for your chosen, it seems almost entirely different from what it was before. I admit the chosen was bad before due to the experience sink but I don't think the upgrade is very beneficial in this case. It would work better I think as an entirely new Exaltation rather than a redo of an old one since it is so different.
Also, remember that unless you say otherwise you always round down in DtD. The chosen ability you gave them at Faith 4 that is "Half faith +1" Is always going to be 3, since half of 4 is 2 and half of 5 rounded down is also 2.
Half rounded up for Power stat things is a nice smooth curve of 1 to 3, but if you don't specify to round it it up goes from 1 to 2.
>Also, remember that unless you say otherwise you always round down in DtD. The chosen ability you gave them at Faith 4 that is "Half faith +1" Is always going to be 3, since half of 4 is 2 and half of 5 rounded down is also 2.
You right. I blame doing everything in the wee hours of the morning. I'll just make it 3.
>I don't really care for your chosen, it seems almost entirely different from what it was before. I admit the chosen was bad before due to the experience sink but I don't think the upgrade is very beneficial in this case. It would work better I think as an entirely new Exaltation rather than a redo of an old one since it is so different.
Really? Most of the abilities were just given synergy with each other, and the others just got slight tweaks. Prayer Strip's a base ability instead of Redeemed, but I explained why that is.
That works out.
Though please keep in mind the revisions for book 1 and 2 are recent developments. Until a week or so ago they were very much "do not touch."
I don't know about you guys, but I always include a lot of Deadlands themes into my DtD games. Sigil is Back East, and everywhere else is the Weird West.
So what factions have you stolen from other games to populate you Frankenstein of a setting?
What Anime should I steal from, that fits the setting?
How do I make an anime protagonist who is simply a Paragon?
>What Anime should I steal from, that fits the setting?
Cowboy Bebop and Outlaw Star come to mind.
Could you rephrase that?
>Outlaw star
there's crunch for that. check 1d4chan
I took the Old Kingdom's River of Death and incorporated it into the setting.
So while what happens IN death is known to the setting, the details of the afterlife itself once you've passed through the last gate is unknown.
What series is that from?
The Old Kingdom series. It's know as the Abhorson series in the US.
It links up very well with the Raven Queen and gives a fair bit more reason to why she hates undeath.
Because that's what dangerous armed people with no sense of "that's quite enough" come off as?
We weren't terrorists though, we were freedom fighters, employed by the rightful rulers of the Sphere to fight the usurper who was using local royalty as figureheads.
And I'll fix the face of anyone who says otherwise with a crowbar.
>freedom fighters
You know how the saying goes, right?
Yeah that's the joke.
Okay then, Mr. IRA
I said that from an in-character perspective, dumbass, do I need to put quotation marks or meme arrows on everything?
Thread question: I have an overall heavy sci-fi theme, but with a bit of variance in the worlds. Boondocks planets tend to end up looking like westerns of medieval fantasy depending on conditions, but the local spaceport is treated like the shining city of the gods/pit of devils depending on the circumstances. A few treaties have a few spheres as neutral territory so the local governments are allowed to stay in place and the various factions can't just swoop in, take everything, and start strip mining the planet.
And for some of my threats for the players, these are some of the big ones.
-A smash up of the Unity from Sins of a Solar Empire, the Convenet from Halo, the Zuul from Sword of the Stars, with the brotherhood of Nod topped on the top with Kane. They utilize a magical material called Phozon, which is totally phazon and tiberium put together, and they spread/utilize it/harvest it on the planets they take over. Armor/Weapons equipped with Phozon Enhancement Devices that lets them mimic spending resource points for a supercharged turn.
-A C'tan that's a smash up of Smithy from Mario RPG, who goes full fleshwarper on mechanical beings. In theory tied to/made the modrons as a failed experiment. Has the core of a star embedded in his chest to keep his shapeshifting form stable, and has the Star Forge from Knights of the Old Republic as his base and chief manufacturer. Fucked with synthetic races like the Geth and Cylon knockoffs. Had the T(erminator) virus that was a software/nanobot plague that infected synthetics and made them go homicidal. When they reached 100% infection they tended to lose any non-metal coverings and had the 'metal red-eyed skeleton' look going on. Stole the Mass Effect 2 husk forms for further infections, with them combining together for misshapen, and when they got the mass of about 10 of them together, they refine down to a shapeshifting liquid metal T-1000. Also smashed together Starscream and Metal Face from Xenoblade as a lieutenant and was planning to have another series of faced Mechons with the serial numbers filed off who would form the full mini-boss squad and combo up like Devestator if I had gotten that far.
That sounds pretty metal. Keep up the good work.