I'm currently running a campaign where my players are kobolds, serving under a dragon that has recently died. The dragon left them a single order, as the only survivors of the adventurers that attacked the lair, it is their job to take the dragon egg she hid and find a new lair for it. The players are aloud to solve this problem however they like, but I was currious if you guys had any scenarios that might be interesting for them to encounter.
I'm currently running a campaign where my players are kobolds, serving under a dragon that has recently died...
Find a human village someplace rural, go the fuck away from it until you find a cave.
A tamed dragon that lives in the nearby castle offers to adopt the egg. The resident noble would not approve.
>A former rival of the dragon offers to adopt the egg and raise it well. Can it be trusted? It WOULD be a better life if it's honest.
>A wealthy Dragon Slayer wannabe catches wind of the party's egg and wants it to raise for "practice".
>They find a cave that would make a great lair for the dragon. The only problem is, it's currently occupied... by a warren of kobolds of a different tribe.
>The party occasionally runs into adventuring parties that want the egg for [insert motive]. The adventuring parties all have fun themes and compositions.
I'm the GM, and I'd be really bored if they did this, although having the townsfolk be part of a dragon worshiping cult would be fun to play with.
Thanks for the ideas guys, these are good.
Bumping, I think this thread has potential
Best thread on Veeky Forums right now.
>Let the players discuss in character what are the traits of a good dragon's lair. Don't tell them if they're right or not. Maybe let them go to a famous library to get that information.
>kobolds themselves aren't expected to raise the dragon until maturity due to their short lifespan. They must find new recruits who are ready to serve and die for the dragon lord.
>Basically any plot about a de-throned human king can apply. You can also steal the Lion King's plot: a Dragon's brother wants to claim the throne now vacant. He might even possibly be the cause of the lord's death. He won't be happy to know that there is a more rightful heir awaiting to be born.
>The dragon is born, but he doesn't know how to hunt, defend himself or reign. Kobolds must use kobold intelligence to teach him.
I've always fancied the idea of running a kobold campaign where the players discover the ancient ruins of Darastrixhurthi, the fortress Glittergold collapsed on Kurtlmak. But that might be more of a larger overarching plot.
Have what ever lair your group finds be only good enough, then have a focus on upgrading and planning expansion of the lair. I don't know if your group would like it, but I love upgrading stuff.
Make sure they remember that no lair is complete without a fuckhuge pile of gold and trinkets for the owner to plant his scaly ass on.
Here's something you can work with: walrock-homebrew.blogspot.com
When the egg hatches, have a scaly head pop out of it and demand that the kobolds help it grow.
Then have another scaly head pop out and demand that they ignore that one and help IT grow.
Forgot the core rules: walrock-homebrew.blogspot.com
GNOMES! You neeed some gnome antagonist!
Kobolds have a life spawn around 150 years of age (expectancy is shorter due to natural dangers and adventurers) but its enough time to raise a dragon to adulthood. Dragons reach young adult at 51 years of age and adulthood at 101 years of age.
My nigga I have been thinking of the exact same idea without the dragon egg. I don't know how long eggs take to hatch or how long kobolds live but my idea essentially had the reforming their clan and taking it to the next level to where they became their own civilization.
I don't know how you plan to run your campaign but I think the progression is relatively easy. First they need to simply travel and survive, then they gain some noterity simply because they're a group of traveling kobolds. As a result they gain bounties on their head sending adventures after them. Next all the good lairs are taken up so they need to fight monsters to get their own. Once they get their lair, allow them sometime to make traps and search for artifacts to make them strong and more able to defend. Finally word of the dragon egg has spread. Big league player start knocking at their door and they're answer with traps and kobold draco-champions.
Egg hatching times vary between colors but its range is from 420-720 days.
Kobold life spans are between 135-150 years of age (Sorcerers and dragonwrought kobolds living longer)
Take all the ideas from this thread and throw them together.
>The cultist townsfolk and adventurer parties that want the egg for "good" reasons, as well as other potential friends and allies of the party all swell together as a sort of entourage and following. No matter how the egg problem is resolved the players have found themselves a large castle and accidentally a fiefdom. The next campaign is court intrigue and castle/city state building.
/thread. Fantastic
And some of the allies could be:
local dragonborn witch, few feral lizardfolk or bunch of fiery dragons.
Nice trips, nice comment.
Maybe at some point the kobolds need to find allies in followers in bahamut, tiamat, null or some other draconic institutions.
yeah motherfucking kobolds!
And if your players like to have "epic" scenic events you could have the same for antagonists and have all of them join together as a legion of doom and have the two sides clash.
If your players hate court intrigue and "base building" have them try and fuck off and slip away from the limelight
A noble who wants to make the egg into an omelette for bragging rights, leads a hunting party to capture the players and their egg fox-hunt style. Could be a recurring NPC who comes back with new tactics each time, like Wily Coyote.
I don't KOBOLD understand what you are KOBOLD saying.
After the egg hatches the wyrmling proves to be a haughty brat, assured of draconic superiority to kobolds, and barely listens to advice from the party. This often leads to more trouble for kobolds trying to contain and clean up the resulting chaos. In order to give any sort of rules or advice they must construct a very convincing disguise as some sort of dragon that their charge will actually listen to.
Also, all dragons require a hoard and a princess to grow up healthy. It falls to the kobolds to acquire these things.
The reverse dungeon has always been one of my favorite concepts.
>The dragon left them a single order, as the only survivors of the adventurers that attacked the lair, it is their job to take the dragon egg she hid and find a new lair for it.
Depends on the type of dragon, and the region the kobolds live in.
>local reluctant dragon slayer takes the egg and raises the dragon hatchling as his daughteru
Ravioli Ravioli
This went far better than I expected, thanks for all of the help
You're welcome, OP!
So what will you do?
Hopefully he will do all of them
Using all of them would be really hard, but while I'm planning sessions these will be good for coming up with ideas.